Ditemukan 3213 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Jakarta: Ghalia Indonesia, 1986
349.52 KON
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
"Since the amendment of patent law (Law No. 47 Year 2003), there have been cases of employees' claim towards their companies regarding the intellectual property rights produced in the relationship. The occurrence of this case is because according to the constitution individual rights iss admitted. This is regulated in the article 32 of Nihon-Koku Kempoo (1947) that stipulated "No person shall be denied the right of access to the courts". Based on this constitution (kempoo), there is new rights to go to the court for each person-to have access in the court. Shuji Nakamura sued Nichia Corporation to the Tokyo District Court to claim the right of "reasonable remunerations" as a reward for his invention based on article 35 (3) (4) the Patent Law (Law No. 47 Year 2003). This prosecution as caused controversy in the public. The company has the opinion thaht the employees are their members and therefore the invention that they produced in the work relationship is the property of the company. On the contrary, the employees have the opinionthat even though the create the invention in the work relation, however, because their invention has provided great profit to the company, it is fair if the company share a reasonable remuncration part of the profit. In the past, the Japanese employees tend to have high work moral. They have the shido ethics (unlimited loyalty) towards the company. However, with the occurrence of the case of Nakamura we can say that there is a shifting of legal culture from unlimited loyalty in to "give and take" one or limited loyalty. SImilarly, with the sifting of shundonshugi or collectivism into kojinshugi namely individualism. Nakamura demanded the justice in terms of economy and ignored the company reward, ignored the Japanese cultural values. The Japanese employees lost their work moral because it is shaken by economic view. The case of Nakamura indicates that these is a change of culture which cause a controversy between law and work morale (culture)."
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Disertasi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
London: University Of Washington Press, 1978
342.52 CON
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Ghalia Indonesia, 1987
345.025 52 KUH
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Wheare, K. C.
Jakarta: Pustaka Eureka, 1996
342.02 WHE k
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Melissa Grace Juliyanti
ABSTRAKDalam Konstitusi Jepang 1947 terdapat pasal 9 yang isinya berkaitan dengan kebijakan luar negeri Jepang dan masalah demiliterisasi. Perdana Menteri Abe berencana untuk melakukan amandemen terhadap pasal 9 karena pasal tersebut membatasi Jepang dalam penggunaan kekuatan militer dalam menyelesaikan pertikaian atau konflik internasional sehingga pergerakan Jepang menjadi terbatas khususnya dalam bidang keamanan. Rencana tersebut menimbulkan pro dan kontra di tengah masyarakat Jepang. Tulisan ini mencoba menjelaskan bagaimana pandangan masyarakat Jepang mengenai rencana amandemen pasal 9 dalam Konstitusi Jepang 1947 yang ingin dilakukan oleh Perdana Menteri Abe. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa mayoritas masyarakat Jepang menolak rencana tersebut. Sampai saat ini Jepang menolak untuk ikut serta dalam segala bentuk peperangan maupun memperkuat kekuatan militernya, dengan alasan rakyat Jepang takut akan terulang kekelaman masa lalu di PD II jika Jepang memperkuat pasukan militernya. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode penelitian sejarah dan studi pustaka. Analisis dalam penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif dengan teknik deskriptif analisis.
ABSTRACTIn Japan rsquo;s 1947 constitution article 9, Japan rsquo;s foreign policy and demilitarization is discussed. Prime Minister Abe planned to make an amendment on article 9 because it limits the military power usage in order to resolve the dispute or international conflict with the result that restrain Japan especially in the national security field. The plan raises pros and cons in Japanese society. This paper will try to explain the Japanese society rsquo;s view on the article 9 amendment plan by Prime Minister Abe. The result shows that the majority of the society objects the plan proposed. To date, Japan has refused to participate in all forms of war as well as strengthening its military strength arguing that the society is afraid of recurring the past World War II if Japan strengthens its military forces. This research was conducted with history research methods and literature studies. This is a qualitative research with descriptive analysis. "
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja Universitas Indonesia Library
JK 10:3 (2013)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Ghalia Indonesia, 1987
342.025 98 KON
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Wheare, K. C.
Surabaya: Pustaka Eureka, 2005
342.02 WHE mt (1)
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Aulia Adila
"Amandemen kebijakan imigrasi tahun 1990 berdampak pada peningkatan warga negara asing di Jepang, terutama yang merupakan keturunan darah Jepang. Warga negara asing yang memiliki keturunan darah Jepang, atau disebut nikkeijin, memiliki kesulitan untuk berasimilasi dan membaur ke dalam masyarakat Jepang. Resesi ekonomi yang melanda Jepang pada tahun 2008-2009 memicu pelaksanaan program pay-to-go yang bertujuan mengirim kembali para nikkeijin ke negara asal mereka. Penelitian ini akan melihat nikkeijin dalam posisi sebagai homo-sacer yang menjadi target praktik biopower oleh pemerintah Jepang.
The Ammandement of Immigration and Refugee Recognition Act in 1990 impacts the raise in foreign population in Japan, especially those with Japanese descendant. Foreigners who is a Japanese descendant, called nikkeijin, have difficulty to assimiliate as well as intergrate into the Japanese society.Economical recess that hits Japan in 2008-2009 triggers the implementation of the pay-to-go programme whose goal is to send back the nikkeijin to their original country. This research will be focusing on how nikkeijin seen as a homo-sacer and how Japanese government implement their biopower through pay-to-go programme."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library