"The objective of this research is to describe (1) the concept of nation's character education; 2) resources and scope of nation's character education; 3) efforts for nation's character building at school; and 4) method of nation's character building at school and family. The method of this study used library research. Based on the result of the study, it may be concluded that: 1) nation's character education is a system to build character values at school community involving components of knowledge, awereness or willingness, and action to perform those values, either to the Almaighty God, self, other human beigs, environment, or country so that the students will be a holistic human beings. 2) resources for nation's character education include values contained in Pancasila and norms of Indonesian Constitution from 1945; While scope of nation's character education involves: objectives that describe the equality of intended character, the most effective material to acheve the objectives, effective instructional goals; 3) Nation's character education at the school can be performed through the habituation of good attitude and behaviour from early childhood and to be continued persistenty and sustainably pursuant to the level of development of learners and their environment condition. Nation character education should be performed continously and involve student's parents and community; and 4) the method to build nation's character use behavior control. Lower grade students need more time to behavior control than higher grade students. "
Jakarta: The officer of Education Research and Development Ministry of National Education,
370 JERP
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin Universitas Indonesia Library