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Iwan Jaya Azis, 1953-
Ahmedabad, India: International Union for Scientific Study of Population, 1989
304.8 AZI m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tokyo : National Institute for Research Advancement, 1985
304.8259 URB
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Iwan Jaya Azis, 1953-
"Studies on total productivity in developing countries are scarce, primarily due to the absence of capital stock data, forcing them to use some assumptions to proxy capital stock. These studies are basically static in nature, using the residual to measure productivity, ignoring feedback interactions likely to occur when there is an increase in productivity, i.e., capital formation augments when productivity increases, or "inspiration gives rise to more perspiration" (Hulten and Srinivasan, 1999). But more seriously, studies on TFP tend to be distant from actual policy environments because they fail to embrace the economy-wide impacts of the changes in productivity. Many policy trade-offs are excluded and hence overlooked. Studies on total productivity in developing countries are scarce, primarily due to the absence of capital stock data, forcing them to use some assumptions to proxy capital stock. These studies are basically static in nature, using the residual to measure productivity, ignoring feedback interactions likely to occur when there is an increase in productivity, i.e., capital formation augments when productivity increases, or "inspiration gives rise to more perspiration" (Hulten and Srinivasan, 1999). But more seriously, studies on TFP tend to be distant from actual policy environments because they fail to embrace the economy-wide impacts of the changes in productivity. Many policy trade-offs are excluded and hence overlooked. "
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dluhosch, Barbara
Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar , 2000
338.604 2 DLU i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The 'migration-development' nexus has emerged as an important area of both research and policy over the last ten years. However, most of the interest has focused on the potential that migration holds for poverty alleviation. Relatively little attention has been paid to the relationship between migration and inequality, particularly on inequality as a consequence of migration. This is unfortunate, given that inequality is emerging as an important area of inquiry within development studies. This edited collection explores the relationship between migration and inequality in Africa, Asia and Latin America by taking into account economic and social inequalities.While the focus on inequality as opposed to poverty is in itself original, the book offers additional points of interest. First, it combines chapters on internal and international migration, thereby challenging the current focus in the migration literature that focuses almost exclusively on cross-border migration. Internal migration greatly outnumbers cross-border moves. Yet policy-makers as well as most studies focus on cross-border international migration. We are only just beginning to unravel the relationship between internal and cross-border migration. Second, the theme of inequality complements the existing focus in the migration-development nexus on issues of poverty. Third, the chapters focus on both economic and social inequalities, often combining an analysis of different types of inequalities. The book also covers governance and migrants' rights; gender and intersectionality; and health. The contributions in this edited volume make an original contribution to debates on the migration-development nexus as well as the literature on inequality, which often tends to focus on economic measurements of inequality at the expense of including a thorough analysis of social inequality"
New York: Routledge, 2013
305.091 MIG
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siregar, Yuanita Aprilandini
"Penelitian bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana proses reproduksi patriarki berjalan melalui penguatan identitas perempuan peranakan Arab, interseksi identitas, gender dan etnik pada perempuan peranakan Arab menghasilkan keragaman derajat oppresi, serta strategi perempuan peranakan Arab untuk melawan derajat keragaman oppresi terhadap dirinya dengan beragam latar. Penelitian ini akan menggunakan 2 kerangka teori utama, yakni teori interseksi dan identitas. Serta, menggunakan 2 konsep tambahan yakni gender interseksi dan patriarki.
Penelitian desertasi ini menggunakan metodologi kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data wawancara mendalam, observasi terlibat dan data sekunder. Informan di dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 26 orang dengan beragam karaktersitik dan kategori, yakni 17 perempuan peranakan Arab dan 9 orang laki-laki Arab. Pemilihan perempuan Arab berdasarkan keragaman umur (lintas generasi), orientasi pernikahan (endogami/eksogami), keragaman profesi, lokasi tempat tinggal (kampung Arab Condet dan Empang Bogor), serta faktor ketokohan. Kesembilan laki-laki Arab yang dijadikan informan merupakan data pelengkap sekaligus sebagai triangulasi data.
Temuan penting penelitian ini adalah semakin menguatnya identitas perempuan peranakan Arab mengakibatkan reproduksi patriarki. Peran perempuan (Ummi) menjadi sentral karena fungsi perempuan tidak hanya sebatas reproduksi biologis tetapi juga reproduksi sosio-kultural. Hal tersebut berkaitan dengan pemurnian darah leluhur (purityness) dari garis keturunan Alawiyyin. Kedua, Perbedaan narasi sejarah dan narasi keagamaan kelompok Alawiyyin dan Al-Irsyad disebabkan oleh faktor ideologi organisasi. Pergerakan dan ketokohan kaum perempuan Al-Irsyad yang beraliran Islam pembaharuan (modernis) lebih terlihat dibandingkan Rabithah.
Berdasarkan temuan ini maka penulis menggunakan teori interseksi untuk melihat irisan antara identitas, etnisitas dan gender. Penguatan identitas kaum perempuan Arab Alawiyyin dengan penikahan sekufu (endogami) melanggengkan budaya patriarki. Bentuk reproduksi patriarki tradisional masih tetap dipertahankan dan betransformasi menjadi neopatriarki berbasis media sosial digital. Interseksi etnik dan agama menjadi double oppression bagi kaum perempuan Alawiyyin namun menjadi social prestige bagi kaum laki-laki Arab Alawiyyin. Strategi yang dilakukan oleh kaum perempuan Arab di dalam mengubah kultur patriarki adalah melakukan protes secara frontal, semi frontal, dan moderat (negosiasi). Perempuan yang dapat melakukan ketiga bentuk strategi tersebut memiliki karakteristik perempuan Arab terdidik, menikah eksogami, serta berafiliasi dengan organisasi yang beraliran pembaharuan.

The purpose of this study described the process of patriarchal reproduction through peranakan Arab women, how the intersection of identity, sex and ethnicity in peranakan Arab women produced on diversified level of oppression, and how they defined strategies for negotiating their culture in different fields. This study using 2 major theoretical backgorund , the theory of intersection and identity theories, and 2 additional concepts namely gender intersection and patriarchy.
This research used qualitative research by collecting in-depth interview data, involved observation and secondary data. The informant in this study consists of 26 people with various characteristics : 17 person peranakan Arab women and 9 person Arab men. The selection of Arab women based on age diversity (across generations), marriage typology (endogamy / exogamy), professional backgorud, and residencial areas (Arabian Condet and Empang Bogor). Finally, The nine Arab men who were being interviewed also in order to get validity and triangulation datas.
The main findings of this research that strengthening identity on peranakan Arab women produced patriarchal cultures. The role of women (ummi) is central because women's functions are not only limited to biological reproduction but also socio-cultural reproduction. This is connected to the purityness issues from the Alawiyyin family. Second, the differences in historical narratives of the Alawiyyin and Al-Irshad religious groups are influenced by organizational ideology. The women movement from Al-Irsyad women are more visible than Rabithah.
Based on these findings, the authors used intersection theory to see the fields between identity, ethnicity and gender. Strengthening the identity of Alawiyyin Arab women by sekufu married (endogamy) produced patriarchal culture. Traditional patriarchy still consist but also transform into neopatriarchy on digital social media. Ethnic and religious intersection became a double oppression for Alawiyyin women but produce social prestige for Alawiyyin men. The strategy of Arab women to contesting patriarchal culture through frontal, semi-frontal protest and moderate negotiation. The Arab women who use these strategies characterized by higher educated women, married to non Arab men, and affiliated in modernist organizations.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dimas Ario Nugroho
Perkembangan pesat DKI Jakarta menyebabkan menurunnya fungsi hidrologis kota akibat meningkatnya lahan terbangun dan berkurangnya area resapan air. Diperlukan upaya konservasi air dengan meningkatkan infiltrasi air ke tanah dan menurunkan limpasan air permukaan dengan pendekatan pembangunan berbasis Low Impact Development LID dengan penerapan infrastruktur hijau. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penempatan infrastruktur hijau yang sesuai dengan kriteria kesesuaian lahan dan menganalisa efektifitasnya serta optimasi penerapannya pada daerah tangkapan air DTA kawasan perkotaan Jakarta, dengan mengambil studi kasus di Kelurahan Tanjung Barat, Jakarta Selatan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pemodelan penempatan infrastruktur hijau dengan menggunakan BMP Siting Tools BST dan ArcGIS, analisa efektifitas dengan perhitungan koefisien aliran dan aliran limpasan. Kemudian untuk optimasi pengembangan infrastruktur hijau dilakukan wawancara dengan pemangku kepentingan terkait potensi dan kendala penerapan infrastruktur hijau di lokasi penelitian. Dari hasil pemodelan diketahui bahwa infrastuktur hijau yang dapat diterapkan adalah bioretensi dan rain barrels. Penggunaan infrastruktur hijau tersebut efektif dalam menurunkan nilai koefisien aliran dan menurunkan debit limpasan sebesar 83 . Sementara itu, dari hasil optimasi diketahui bahwa untuk meningkatkan fisibility dari penerapan infrastruktur hijau dapat dilakukan upaya sebagai berikut, yaitu penyesuaian terhadap rencana tata ruang kota , meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat, menjaga laju perubahan lahan terbangun, memaksimalkan lahan ruang publik, dan membangun integrasi infrastruktur hijau dengan sistem drainase dalam pengelolaan limpasan air hujan.

The rapid urbanization of Jakarta city has resulted in the decreasing of the hydrological function of the city due to the increase of impervious land cover and the reduced water catchment area. Water conservation efforts are needed by increasing water infiltration and reducing surface water runoff with the Low Impact Development LID approach with green infrastructure GI implementation in the urban catchment area. This research takes a case study in Tanjung Barat Sub district, South Jakarta, which acts as one of water catchment area of Jakarta. The aims of this study is to determine the placement of GI in accordance with the criteria of land suitability, and analyze the effectiveness and optimation of its application.. The method used in this research is the modeling of GI placement using BMP Siting Tools BST and ArcGIS. The effectiveness analysis with the calculation of flow coefficient and flow of runoff. While for the optimization of GI development, conducted interviews with stakeholders related to the potential and constraints of the implementation of GI in the research location. From the results of modeling known that GI that can be applied is bioretention and rain barrels. The use of GI is effective in lowering the flow coefficient and reducing runoff discharge by 83 .. Meanwhile, from the optimization analysis, it is known that to improve the fisibilities of GI implementation, the following efforts can be made, namely adjustment to urban spatial planning, increasing community participation, keeping pace of land change, public space utilization., and building GI integration with a drainage system in the management of rainwater runoff."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Basu, Saroj Kumar
Calcutta : University of Calcutta India Press , 1953
338.954 BAS i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Griffin, John I.
New York, NY: City College Press, 1956
338.913 7 GRI i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diksi Harmonik Rahman
"Perencanaan kota yang baik diperlukan untuk pembangunan kota yang berkelanjutan dan rendah emisi karbon. Di Indonesia, tingkat urbanisasi yang tinggi menyebabkan urban sprawl. Sementara itu, urban sprawl berdampak negatif terhadap sosial ekonomi, kesehatan, dan lingkungan. Studi ini berfokus pada bagaimana urban sprawl mempengaruhi emisi karbon di Indonesia dari tahun 2010-2018. Dengan menggunakan model two-way fixed effect pada kota-kota di Indonesia, disimpulkan bahwa urban sprawl berkorelasi positif dengan emisi karbon. Studi ini juga menggunakan faktor transmisi yang menghubungkan urban sprawl dengan emisi karbon, yaitu kendaraan pribadi dan perilaku pembakaran sampah. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa urban sprawl dapat memperburuk emisi karbon melalui kepemilikan kendaraan pribadi dan perilaku pembakaran sampah.

Good urban planning is necessary for sustainable and low carbon emissions urban development. In Indonesia, a high level of urbanization causes urban sprawl. Meanwhile, urban sprawl has negatively impacted socioeconomic, health, and the environment. This study focuses on how urban sprawl affected carbon emissions in Indonesia from 2010-2018. Using a two-way fixed effect model on cities in Indonesia, it is concluded that urban sprawl positively correlated with carbon emissions. This study also employs the transmission factors that connect urban sprawl to carbon emissions, i.e. private vehicle and open burning behavior. The results show that urban sprawl can aggravate carbon emissions through private vehicle possession and open burning behavior."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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