ABSTRAKTesis ini merupakan penelitian tentang faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi
kinerja keuangan koperasi simpan pinjam primer nasional selama periode 2010-
2014. Dengan metode purposive sampling, didapatkan sampel dalam penelitian
ini sebesar 36 selama periode 5 (lima) tahun 2010-2014 (n = 180). Instrument
berupa data sekunder dan laporan keuangan yang telah diaudit selama periode
pengamatan. Dengan menggunakan teknik Weighted Generalized Least Square
(GLS), hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa 91,04% (p = 0.000) kinerja keuangan
koperasi simpan pinjam yang diukur menggunakan Return on Asset (ROA) dapat
diprediksi menggunakan faktor-faktor yang menjadi variabel dalam penelitian,
sedangkan untuk kinerja yang dukur menggunakan Return on Equity (ROE) dapat
dijelaskan sebesar 68,32% (p = 0.000). Berdasarkan hasil uji-t, penelitian ini dapat
membuktikan bahwa aspek Permodalan, Kualitas Aktiva Produktif, Kemandirian
dan Pertumbuhan, dan Jatidiri Koperasi, memiliki pengaruh terhadap kinerja
Koperasi Simpan Pinjam. Sedangkan aspek Manajemen Efisiensi dan Likuiditas
tidak ditemukan adanya pengaruh yang signifikan.
ABSTRACTThis thesis is a research about the factors that affect the financial performance of
primary credit unions nationwide during the period 2010-2014. With purposive
sampling method, the sample obtained in this study amounted to 36 over a period
of five (5) years 2010-2014 (n = 180). Instrument in the form of secondary data
and audited financial statements during the period of observation. By using
techniques Weighted Generalized Least Square (GLS), the results of the analysis
showed that 91.04% (p = 0.000) the financial performance of savings and credit
cooperatives are measured using the Return on Assets (ROA) can be predicted
using the factors that become variables in the study, whereas for dukur
performance using Return on Equity (ROE) can be explained by 68.32% (p =
0.000). Based on t-test results, this study can prove that aspects of the Capital,
Assets Quality, Independence and Growth, and the Cooperative Identity, has an
influence on the performance of Credit Unions. While aspects of Efficiency and
Liquidity Management did not reveal any significant effect;This thesis is a research about the factors that affect the financial performance of
primary credit unions nationwide during the period 2010-2014. With purposive
sampling method, the sample obtained in this study amounted to 36 over a period
of five (5) years 2010-2014 (n = 180). Instrument in the form of secondary data
and audited financial statements during the period of observation. By using
techniques Weighted Generalized Least Square (GLS), the results of the analysis
showed that 91.04% (p = 0.000) the financial performance of savings and credit
cooperatives are measured using the Return on Assets (ROA) can be predicted
using the factors that become variables in the study, whereas for dukur
performance using Return on Equity (ROE) can be explained by 68.32% (p =
0.000). Based on t-test results, this study can prove that aspects of the Capital,
Assets Quality, Independence and Growth, and the Cooperative Identity, has an
influence on the performance of Credit Unions. While aspects of Efficiency and
Liquidity Management did not reveal any significant effect, This thesis is a research about the factors that affect the financial performance of
primary credit unions nationwide during the period 2010-2014. With purposive
sampling method, the sample obtained in this study amounted to 36 over a period
of five (5) years 2010-2014 (n = 180). Instrument in the form of secondary data
and audited financial statements during the period of observation. By using
techniques Weighted Generalized Least Square (GLS), the results of the analysis
showed that 91.04% (p = 0.000) the financial performance of savings and credit
cooperatives are measured using the Return on Assets (ROA) can be predicted
using the factors that become variables in the study, whereas for dukur
performance using Return on Equity (ROE) can be explained by 68.32% (p =
0.000). Based on t-test results, this study can prove that aspects of the Capital,
Assets Quality, Independence and Growth, and the Cooperative Identity, has an
influence on the performance of Credit Unions. While aspects of Efficiency and
Liquidity Management did not reveal any significant effect]"