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Ditemukan 13974 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Hirschman, Albert O.
New York: Twentieth Century Fund, 1963
338.98 HIR j
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Athari Wulan Sari
"[Desa Jayanti yang merupakan bagian dari Estuari Ci Mandiri bagian utara
memiliki penggunaan tanah yang produktif. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan wilayah
pertaniannya yang masih mendominasi. Jumlah penduduk yang kian meningkat
tentunya akan meningkatkan pembangunan dan akan mengurangi jumlah
penggunaan tanah yang produktif sehingga perlu diprioritaskan wilayah mana
yang dapat dimanfaatkan terlebih dahulu. Penentuan prioritas ini dilakukan
berdasarkan valuasi ekonomi penggunaan tanah. Penggunaan tanah pertanian
yang produktif dihitung nilai ekonominya dengan valuasi ekonomi dan dikaitkan
dengan potensi banjir sebagai faktor yang juga mempengaruhi nilai ekonomi
penggunaan tanah. Hasilnya, prioritas utama, prioritas kedua, dan prioritas
terakhir untuk dimanfaatkan berada pada seluruh penggunaan tanah pertanian,
seperti penggunaan tanah sawah 1 kali padi setahun, sawah 1 kali padi setahun
dengan sayuran, sawah 1 kali padi setahun dengan palawija, sawah 3 kali padi
setahun, perkebunan jati dan sengon belum produksi, dan kebun campuran namun
berbeda lokasi pada setiap prioritasnya.;Jayanti village, which is located in the northern part of Ci Mandiri Estuary, has
productive agriculture land use. This is proven by its agriculture's area that
dominates the land use. The increasing number of population will certainly
improve development and decrease productive land use, that particular region
should be prioritized. Determining priority is based on economic valuation of land
use. Productive agriculture's land use is measured by economic valuation and
correlated with flood potency as factor affecting economic value of land use.
Results showed that all priorities (first, second, and last priority) to be used are
located in agriculture's land use, such as annual ricefield, annual ricefield with
vegetable, annual ricefield with horticulture plants, three-time-a-year ricefield,
unharvested teak plantation, silk tree plantation, and mix plantation, but has
different location in each priority.;Jayanti village, which is located in the northern part of Ci Mandiri Estuary, has
productive agriculture land use. This is proven by its agriculture's area that
dominates the land use. The increasing number of population will certainly
improve development and decrease productive land use, that particular region
should be prioritized. Determining priority is based on economic valuation of land
use. Productive agriculture's land use is measured by economic valuation and
correlated with flood potency as factor affecting economic value of land use.
Results showed that all priorities (first, second, and last priority) to be used are
located in agriculture's land use, such as annual ricefield, annual ricefield with
vegetable, annual ricefield with horticulture plants, three-time-a-year ricefield,
unharvested teak plantation, silk tree plantation, and mix plantation, but has
different location in each priority.;Jayanti village, which is located in the northern part of Ci Mandiri Estuary, has
productive agriculture land use. This is proven by its agriculture's area that
dominates the land use. The increasing number of population will certainly
improve development and decrease productive land use, that particular region
should be prioritized. Determining priority is based on economic valuation of land
use. Productive agriculture's land use is measured by economic valuation and
correlated with flood potency as factor affecting economic value of land use.
Results showed that all priorities (first, second, and last priority) to be used are
located in agriculture's land use, such as annual ricefield, annual ricefield with
vegetable, annual ricefield with horticulture plants, three-time-a-year ricefield,
unharvested teak plantation, silk tree plantation, and mix plantation, but has
different location in each priority., Jayanti village, which is located in the northern part of Ci Mandiri Estuary, has
productive agriculture land use. This is proven by its agriculture's area that
dominates the land use. The increasing number of population will certainly
improve development and decrease productive land use, that particular region
should be prioritized. Determining priority is based on economic valuation of land
use. Productive agriculture's land use is measured by economic valuation and
correlated with flood potency as factor affecting economic value of land use.
Results showed that all priorities (first, second, and last priority) to be used are
located in agriculture's land use, such as annual ricefield, annual ricefield with
vegetable, annual ricefield with horticulture plants, three-time-a-year ricefield,
unharvested teak plantation, silk tree plantation, and mix plantation, but has
different location in each priority.]"
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Djoko Santoso Hadi
Pertumbuhan penduduk yang tinggi membawa berbagai masalah lingkungan perkotaan. Di kota-kota besar di Indonesia seperti Semarang, pada saat ini dirasakan ada gejala kualitas lingkungan yang menurun. Penanggulangan masalah lingkungan hidup perkotaan tersebut akan banyak memberi manfaat bila dimulai dari lingkungan pemukiman, khususnya pekarangan.
Pekarangan merupakan istilah yang belum didefinisikan secara baku dalam lingkup nasional Berbagai instansi pemerintah, masih memberikan penafsiran yang simpang siur. Dalam tesis ini digunakan definisi kerja Karyono (1981) yaitu "Pekarangan adalah sebidang lahan sekitar rumah, dengan batas tertentu, yang ditanami dengan satu atau berbagai jenis tanaman dan masih mempunyai hubungan fungsional dengan rumah yang bersangkutan".
Pekarangan mempunyai fungsi ganda bagi pemiliknya. Pada dasarnya fungsi pekarangan dapat dibedakan dalam fungsi (1) sosial, (2) estetik, (3) produksi subsisten, (4) komersial dan (5) pengawetan tanah dan sumberdaya genetik (Soemarwoto 1979, I979a). Cerminan ini di perkotaan, dapat dilihat dari bentuk dan pola penanaman serta kegiatan pengelolaan yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat terhadap pekarangannya.
Penelitian yang memilih lokasi di Kelurahan Krapyak, Kali Banteng Kulon, Gisikdrono, Salamanmloyo, Cabean, Karangayu, Krobokan, Bulu Lor, Bulu Stalan, dan Pendrikan pada Kecamatan Semarang Barat ini menghasilkan kesimpulan sebagai berikut:
1) Dari jenis fungsi pekarangan yang diteliti, yaitu fungsi ekologik, estetik/ keindahan dan tempat usaba ternyata ketiga jenis fungsi tersebut dapat ditemukan pada pekarangan kota. Dapat dikemukakan, pertimbangan pemanfaatan pekarangan kota sebagai tempat usaha mungkin lebih diprioritaskan dari segi ekologik maupun estetik/ keindahan.
2) Luas pekarangan serta Building Coverage merupakan faktor yang mempengaruhi pola pengelolaan pekarangan kota secara nyata. Ternyata faktor karakteristik penghuni, baik karakteristik pekorangan maupun rumah tangga, tidak memiliki pengaruh hubungan yang nyata .
3) Faktor yang mempengaruhi persepsi terhadap fungsi pekarangan, adalah sebagai berikut :
a. Terhadap Fungsi Ekologik Karakteristik Perorangan tingkat pendapataan kepala keluarga merupakan faktor yang langsung berpengaruh.
* Karakteristik Rumah Tangga
Status pemilikan rumah yang dihuni serta luas
Pekarangan dari rumah tersebut, merupakan faktor yang berpengaruh langsung.
* Pengelolaan Pekarangan
Building Coverage, merupakan faktor yang berpengaruh langsung.
b Terhadap Fungsi Estetik/Keindahan
* Karakteristik Perorangan
Telaah lanjut menunjukkan bahwa Pendidikan, Pendapatan dan Jenis Pekerjaan secara bersama memberikan pengaruh langsung.
* Karakteristik Rumah Tangga
Luas Pekaranganterlihat sangat nyata pengaruhnya.
* Pengelolaan Pekarangan
Hanya Building Coverage yang merupakan faktor berpengaruh.
c Terhadap Fungsi Tempat Usaha
* Karakteristik Perorangan
Pendidikan dan Pendapatan memberi pengaruh langsung.
* Karakteristik Rumah Tangga
Luas pekarangan yang berpengaruh, den inipun terjadi secara kurang nyata.
* Pengelolaan Pekarangan
Building Coverage dan Jenis tanaman tidak memberikan pengaruh sama sekali .
4) Implikasi
Luas pekarangan serta besaran Building Coverage merupakan faktor yang relevan secara langsung dengan kemungkinan kebijaksanaan pemerintah dalam lingkup perbaikan lingkungan kota. Secara tidak 1angsung, factor pendidikan, pendapatan disamping status pemilikan bermanfaat sebagai indikator sosioekonomis, dari kondisi warga masyarakat dimana kebijaksanaan tersebut ingin diterapkan

Rapid population growth in cities often brings about various environmental problems. In many big cities in Indonesia,Semarang for example, the phenomena of declining environment quality can be seen nowadays. It will be very advantageous if the efforts to over come such environmental problems in cities start from the residence area, especially the yard. Actually there is no clear and fixed definition about yard nationally accepted. That's why very often different interpretations on the term appear among government institutions. In this thesis the definition used is that of Karyono (1977) asserting that "A yard is a piece of land around a house which has fixed bounds, is planted with all sorts of planted with all sorts of plants and has a functional relationship with the house".
A yard has a double function for its owner. A yard has fundamentally different functions (1) social, (2) aesthetic, (3) subsistence productions, (4) commercial and (5) soil and genetic resources conservations (Soemarwoto 1979, 1979 a). The different functions of a yard can be seen easily in cities through the planting form and pattern as well as the way the town people manage their yards.
This research done in the village of Krapyak, Kali Banteng Kulon, Gisikdrono, Salamanmloyo, Cabean, Karangayu, Krobokan, Sulu lor, Bulu stalan, and Pendrikan in the district of Semarang Barat brings about conclusions as follows:
(1) The city yards have consecutively ecological function, that is to create micro climate; aesthetic function to embellish the yards; and productive function, as a place used for business purposes. From the point of view of its degree--among other functions of yards-- function for business purpose comes first.
(2) Size of the yard and building coverage were the significant factors that influences the way of the owners in managing their yards. Owner's characteristics such as individual and family characteristics have no significant influences on the yard's management.
(3) Factors that have influences on perception of yard's functions, were as follows :
a Perception on Ecological Function.
* Individual characteristics
The family's head of income has apparent influence on the perception of the yard's ecological function.
* Family characteristics
Status of ownership and the size of yard has significant corellation with perception of ecological function.
* Yard's management
Building Coverage has direct and significant influences on ecological function.
b Perception on Esthetic function
* Individual characteristics
Family's head of level of education, amount of income and kind of job together has direct influences on esthetic function.
*Family characteristics
Size of yard has apparent relationship on esthetic function.
* Yard's management
Building Coverage was the only influencing factor on esthetic function.
c Perception on the prospect of the yard as a business place
* Individual characteristics
Family's head of income and amount of income have direct influences
* Family characteristics
Only size of yard that have influence, without no apparent association.
* Yard's management
Building coverage and kinds of plantings have no influences at all.
(4) Implication
Size of the yard and building coverage were the relevant factors associated with the possibility of government policy concerning in managing the city environment. Family's head of level of education and the amount of income were useful as the indicators of. the citizen socio-economic conditions in the area, where the government policy would be executed.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1989
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Clawson, Marion
Baltimore, Mass.: John Hopkins, 1972
333.973 CLA a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Teichert, Pedro C.M.
Mississippi: Bureau of Business Research Mississippi University , 1959
338.980 TEI e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Echavarria, Jose Medina
New York, N.Y., Unesco
338.918 ECH s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
San Fransisco: W.H. Freeman, 1977
320.973 POL
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tibaijuka, Anna Kajumulo
London: earthscan, 2009
333.338 TIB b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Sultan Nurriza
Dewasa ini, kota sebagai pusat penggerak kegiatan ekonomi mengalami percepatan perubahan aspek fisik dan sosial wilayah. Salah satu wilayah administrasi perkotaan di Indonesia yang mengalami perkembangan pesat tersebut adalah Kota Palembang. Tingginya aktivitas perdagangan, jasa, dan agenda olahraga di Kota Palembang mendorong pemerintah setempat untuk mengembangkan pembangunan pusat kota baru Jakabaring dan Komplek Olahraga Jakabaring untuk mengakomodir kegiatan tersebut. Pembangunan ini kemudian menyebabkan dinamika pemanfaatan tanah di wilayah sekitarnya, salah satunya adalah harga tanah. Penelitian ini mencoba menganalisis pola perubahan harga tanah beserta pengaruh faktor yang mempengaruhinya yaitu aksesibilitas dan pemanfaatan tanah sebagai aspek lokasi serta status hak atas tanah sebagai aspek legal dari tanah. Metode yang digunakan diantaranya melalui pengumpulan data sekunder, wawancara, dan validasi langsung di lapangan. Analisis dilakukan dengan melakukan penampalan overlay peta perubahan harga tanah dengan faktor-faktor penentu harga tanah serta dijelaskan berdasarkan pembagian zona serta menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa keberadaan Komplek Olahraga Jakabaring memicu perubahan harga tanah yang tinggi pada zona-zona di sekitarnya. Selain itu faktor lainnya seperti perubahan konektivitas jaringan jalan, persentase perluasan lahan terbangun, dan cakupan bidang tanah bersertifikat secara keseluruhan juga cenderung memiliki pengaruh terhadap perubahan harga tanah yang terjadi pada wilayah penelitian.

Nowadays, the city as the center of driving economic activity has accelerated changes in physical and social aspects of the region. One of the areas of urban administration in Indonesia that experienced rapid development is Palembang City. The high level of trading activities, services, and sport events in Palembang City pushed the local government to develop the development of the new city center and the Jakabaring Sports Complex to accommodate these activities. This development then causes the dynamics of land use in the surrounding area, one of which is the land price. This study tries to analyze the pattern of land price change and the factors that influence these changes such as accessibility and land use as the location aspect and also the status of land rights as legal aspect of the land. The methods used are through secondary data collection, interviews, and validation directly in the field. The analysis is done by overlaying the map of land price changes with land price determinant factors then explained by zone division and using descriptive statistics. The results show that the existence of the Jakabaring Sports Complex triggers a high change in land prices in the surrounding zones. In addition, other factors such as changes in road network connectivity, the percentage of land expansion built, and the coverage of certified land plots is also have an impact on changes in land prices that occur in the research area."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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