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New York: Professors World Peas Academy, 1988
330.959 ECO
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nash, Manning
Pennsylvania: Chandler Publishing Company, 1966
330.901 NAS p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hayashida, Akiko
"The Asian currency and financial crisis since the middle of 1997 was a big historic happening for the world economy, as well as for the Asian economy. The economic difficulties in East Asia began when the Thai government was forced to abandon the currency peg and allow the Baht to float on July 2, 1997. The devaluation raised concerns about the economic outlook and exchange rate arrangements in the neighboring countries. Subsequently, capital outflows triggered the depreciation of their currencies and propelled several East Asian economies into crisis. In this thesis, I have considered why the crisis caused and why contagion effect happened, in other words, why the crisis in Thailand triggered the crisis in neighboring countries.
In chapter 2 and chapter 3, I explain 2 crisis models, i.e. 1S4 generation model (the crisis model based on the fundamentals), and 2'd generation model (the crisis model with self-fulfilling features).
In the chapter 4, I considered some supplementary issues, especially the contagion effect which is characteristic of the East Asian crisis, and the relation between currency crisis and financial crisis. In the 2nd generation model, investor's behavior is an important channel for the contagion. Investors can cause contagion in the event of, for instance, liquidity problems and information asymmetries. In addition, changes in the rules of the game on international financial markets can result in contagion by making investors change their behavior.
In the chapter 5, I overviewed and examined the macroeconomic fundamentals of the East Asian economy. I can say that the East Asian economies enjoyed the highest economic growth, low inflation, a relatively modest current account deficit, rapid export growth and growing international currency reserves, before the crisis, except Thailand, which had relatively large amount of current account deficit. When seeing the economic situations in the East Asian countries before the crisis, I can say that the causality between the macroeconomic fundamentals and the crisis was not strong. Judging from such East Asian macroeconomic fundamentals data , the 1" generation model of the crisis ( the crisis model based on the fundamentals) introduced in the chapter 2 is only appropriate for explaining the beginning of the crisis in Thailand. This raises the question of why the crisis in the East Asia was so severe and the crisis contagion happened all over this region, despite of the sound economic fundamentals of moat of those countries. Then, I consider that the 2" generation model (the model of the crisis with self-fulfilling features) introduced in the chapter 3 is more appropriate for the contagion and `panic' of the East Asian crisis. In conclusion, I can say that the 1" generation model and the 2m generation model complement each other; the relatively bad fundamentals of Thailand triggered the crisis in Thailand, and after that, the change of investors' expectation worsened the crisis and spread the crisis from Thailand to all over East Asia.
Lastly, I point put that strengthening the financial system is important. Because the rapid capital outflow and the contagion would not have happened, if there was not the vulnerability of fmancial sectors and the corporation finances in those countries. There was the vulnerability which the financial sectors and the corporation finances in those countries originally had, in the background of the capital inflow before the crisis, and a great deal of capital outflow at the time of the crisis. Therefore, when seeing the economic structure of a country, we need have wide viewpoints and pay attention to the financial system and the corporation finance, in addition to the typical macro economic index."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fellner, William, 1905-
Washington: American Enterprise Institute, 1981
330.9 FEL e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amira Husna Natanegara
"Penelitian ini menyajikan hubungan kredit UMKM dan pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia periode 2010-2013. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi hasil dari penyaluran kredit UMKM demi mencapai pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia seperti yang tertera pada New Economic Policy Package 2007 dan financial inclusion Indonesia 2012. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode data panel dengan 33 provinsi di Indonesia dan rentang waktu 4 tahun, hasil menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kredit UMKM, kredit non UMKM, suku bunga riil, dan infrastruktur dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Namun tidak ada hubungan signifikan antara tenaga kerja dan pertumuhan ekonomi regional. Hasil menunjukkan terdapat signifikansi positif yang kuat antara kredit UMKM dan pertumbuhan ekonomi regional. Hal tersebut mengindikasikan rencana Pemerintah RI sudah menuju ke arah yang benar, tetapi masih dibutuhkan pembenahan upaya-upaya penyaluran kredit UMKM agar dampaknya ke perekonomian dapat ditingkatkan.

This study presents relations between SME loans and economic growth in Indonesia period 2010-2013. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the results of MSME loan portfolio in order to achieve economic growth as stated in the New Economic Policy of 2007 and financial inclusion Package Indonesia 2012. This study uses panel data of 33 provinces in Indonesia and a time span of 4 years, the results indicate that there is a significant correlation between SME loans, non MSME credit, real interest rates, and infrastructure to economic growth. However, there is no significant relation between labor and regional economic growth. Results showed that there was a strong positive significance between MSMEs and regional economic growth. This indicates that the strategy developed by Indonesian government is heading to the right direction, but still need much effort MSME loan program in order to achieve greater impact on the economy.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hidayat Amir
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengetahui perubahan struktur perekonomian Jawa Timur pada periode tahun 1994 dan 2000 sebagai sumber pijakan bagi penentuan kebijakan pembangunan selanjutnya, (2) mengetahui berbagai sektor unggulan (key sector) dalam pembangunan perekonomian di Jawa Timur periode tahun 1994 dan 2000 dan keterkaitan antarsektor yang terjadi dalam perekonomian.
Penelitian ini merupakan salah satu dari sekian banyak analisis perekonomian dengan metode Input-Output. Hal baru yang dianalisis dalam penelitian ini adalah selain mengetahui tingkat keterkaitan antar sektor perekonomian, sektor unggulan, dan angka pengganda sektor ekonomi juga mencoba menggambarkan perubahan struktur perekonomian Jawa Timur tahun 1994 dan 2000 dengan grafik economic landscape. Hasil penelitian ini kemudian digunakan untuk analisis strategi pembangunan yang sebaiknya dilaksanakan untuk mencapai dampak pertumbuhan dan kemajuan ekonomi lain yang diharapkan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa struktur ekonomi Jawa Timur selama periode 1994 sampai 2000 telah terjadi perubahan struktur ekonomi walaupun tidak drastis. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh visualisasi economic landscape dari nilai Multiplier Product Matrix (MPM) tahun 1994 dan 2000. Selain itu juga telah terjadi pergeseran dalam beberapa sektor unggulan dan angka pengganda sektoral. Peranan sektor industri lainnya dan sektor industri makanan, minuman dan tembakau sangat dominan dari sisi besaran outputnya, juga memiliki angka pengganda yang cukup tinggi.
Secara umum dapat dijelaskan bahwa sebaiknya pembangunan Jawa Timur diarahkan untuk menjadi: (1) Pusat Industri, yaitu industri lainnya dan indutri makanan, minuman dan tembakau, karena kedua sektor ini sangat menonjol peranannya dalam output maupun angka pengganda pendapatan dan tenaga kerja, (2) Pusat Perdagangan dan Distribusi, hal ini didukung oleh sektor perdagangan yang bergeser menjadi sektor unggulan pada tahun 2000 dengan peningkatan dan kontribusi output yang besar. Juga didukung oleh kondisi geografis yang strategis sebagai pintu timur dan barat serta penghubung Jawa Tengah dan Bali, dan (3) Pusat Pertanian, mengingat kondisi alami Jawa Timur sebagai daerah agraris yang menonjol. Juga penyerapan tenaga kerja di sektor ini sangat besar. Sehingga peningkatan pembangunan diharapkan mampu meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat dan penciptaan lapangan pekerjaan.

This research objectives are (1) identifying the changing of East Java's economic structures from 1994 -- 2000 as one of the policies considerations, (2) identifying the various development's key sectors in East Java and their linkage into the dynamics of development process from 1994 - 2000.
Those objectives made this research as one of the Input-Output Method's Research with the new focus on description of the structural changing in East Java's economic development in 1994 and 2000 by using Economic Landscape Graphic. This pattern will be useful for the policies recommendations.
This research shows that the East Java's economic structures from 1994 to 2000 has been change although not significant. This dynamics can be seen from the economic landscape graphic as visualization of Multiplier Product Matrix (MPM) values 1999 and 2000. Besides, there has been a regression at the various key sectors and multiplier sector index. At the output and the multiplier sector index, the significance of the other industrial sector and the foods and beverages and tobaccos sector are very dominant.
As the conclusions, the East Java's development process can be emphasized into three sectors: (1) as the industrial center, especially at the other industrial sector and the foods, beverages and tobaccos sector. These focuses will be significantly support the process because these two sectors are dominant in the output result, multiplier sector index, and their absorption on the labor force; (2) as the trade and distribution center, this reason is significantly supported with the changing trend of the key sectors into trade sector in 2000. Geographically, it is supported with its presence as the strategic "East and West Gate" and as the intermediary between Central Java and Bali; (3) as the agriculture center, remained by the objective of nature in East Java as the agrarian. These sectors are significantly support the improvement of increasing household income and creating new jobs.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aniek Nurfitriani
"Skripsi ini membahas kebijakan ekonomi Orde Baru mengenai industrialisasi dan pengaruhnya terhadap kehidupan masyarakat petani di Kabupaten Karawang pada tahun 1989-1997. Hasil penelitian mendapati fakta bahwa Pemda Kabupaten Karawang membagi Karawang menjadi dua bagian, yaitu bagian selatan dikhususkan untuk kawasan industri dan bagian utara untuk pertanian. Pembagian ini mempengaruhi pada kehidupan ekonomi dan sosial masyarakat Kabupaten Karawang, khususnya petani. Urbanisasi, terbukanya kesempatan kerja, dan percampuran budaya menjadi faktor pendorong terjadinya perubahan kehidupan sosial dan ekonomi petani ini. Kondisi ini baru terjadi di Karawang bagian selatan pada periode ini. Sedangkan petani di bagian utara Karawang belum terpengaruh industrialisasi hingga tahun 2000-an.
This research discusses Orde Baru economic policy of industrialization and its impact on the lives of peasant society in Karawang Regency at 1989-1997. The Writer found the fact that Karawang Regency Local Government split Karawang into two parts, the southern part for industrial area and the northern part for agricultural area. The division affects the economic and social life of Karawang Regency, especially peasants. Urbanization, opportunity to work, and culture acculturation are causing changes of economic and social life of peasant society. This condition just happen at southern part that period. Whereas northern part peasants no influent yet until 2000s."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andrus, J. Russell
Stanford, California: Stanford University Press , 1947
330.9591 AND b (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Kertas kerja ini menyiasat penyebab Granger jangka panjang di antara perbelanjaan pertahanan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi untuk 20 negara-negara ahli Pertubuhan Kerjasama Islam (OIC) menggunakan rangka kerja Model Pembetulan Ralat untuk data tahunan bagi jangka masa 1960 hingga 2005. Perbelanjaan pertahanan diukur oleh nisbah perbelanjaan pertahanan (milex) dibahagi keluaran dalam negara kasar (KDNK); manakala pertumbuhan ekonomi (rgdpc) diwakili oleh KDNK benar per kapita. Hasil kajian menyarankan bahawa penyebab Granger jangka panjang satu hala iaitu arah penyebab daripada pertumbuhan ekonomi kepada perbelanjaan pertahanan untuk Burkina Faso, Indonesia, Kuwait, Arab Saudi, Sudan, Togo dan Turki. Manakala pneyebab Granger jangka panjang satu hala iaitu daripada perbelanjaan pertahanan kepada pertumbuhan ekonomi didapati untuk Iran, Mautitania, dan Nigeria. Untuk negara-negara OIC lain, hasil kajian mencadangkan bahawa tiada hubungan diantara perbelanjaan pertahanan dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi."
JBSD 1:2 (2013)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Intan Sofia
"Tesis ini membahaspelaksanaan program pemberdayaan ekonomi sebagai strategi reintegrasi pasca konflik dengan mempelajari program pemberdayaan ekonomi BRA (Badan Reintegrasi Aceh) di Kab. Aceh Utara. Program tersebut dilaksanakan sejak tahun 2006 hingga sekarang, dengan kelompok sasaran mantan kombatan, tahanan politik/narapidana politik, dan masyarakat korban konflik. Ditemukan bahwa program pemberdayaan ekonomi berhasil mendukung strategi reintegrasi pasca konflik dalam jangka pendek, namun tidak berhasil mengembangkan tujuan jangka panjang sebagai pemberdayaan masyarakat. Faktor pendukung yang ditemukan adalah: reintegrasi sebagai kesatuan; faktor keamanan; rasa memiliki; penetapan prioritas; dukungan internasional; dan kejujuran. Adapun faktor-faktor penghambat adalah: kurangnya kapasitas; keterbatasan waktu; keterbatasan anggaran; dan kurangnya dukungan pemerintah lokal.

This thesis discusses the implementation of economic empowerment program as a post-conflict reintegration strategy by studying economic empowerment program of BRA (Aceh Reintegration Agency) in North AcehRegency.The program was implemented from 2006 to present, whereas the target group are former combatants, political prisoners, and conflict-affected communities. It was found that the economic empowerment program is successful for supporting postconflict reintegration strategy in the short term, but failed to develop a long-term goal as empowerment. Supporting factors found are: reintegration as a whole concept; security; ownership, the hierarchy of priorities; international support, and accountability. The limiting factors are: capacity building; limitations of time, funding scarcity, and unresponsive local government."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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