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Niven, Paul R.
New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2003
352.357 NIV b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Niven, Paul R.
New York : John Wiley & Sons, 2002
658.4 NIV b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Niven, Paul R.
New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2008
352.357 NIV b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Niven, Paul R.
"The Balanced Scorecard has risen to the performance measurement challenge of the private sector and is equally well-equipped to facilitate a rapid and dramatic transition of twenty-first-century nonprofit and public organizations. The emphasis today on demonstrated organizational performance is not limited to private-sector corporations. Public and nonprofit agencies are also finding that, as financial resources decrease and demand for results increases, they too must institute performance goals along with programs and processes that consistently progress toward those goals. Balanced Scorecard Step-by-Step for Government and Nonprofit Agencies, Second Edition empowers your organization to turn strategy into performance at every organizational level and translate your intangible resources such as innovation, customer relationships, and intellectual capital into real value."
Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley &​ Sons, 2008
352.357 NIV b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Suwardi Luis
Jakarta : Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2010
658.401 3 SUW s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aryo Budiwidarto
"Kantor Pelayanan Perbendaharaan Negara Jakarta II adalah organisasi publik, yang menjalankan dan mendukung visi misi Direktorat Jenderal Perbendaharaan yaitu terselenggaranya program pemerintah dan pelayanan umum kepada masyarakat. Balanced Scorecard yang diperkenalkan oleh Kaplan dan Norton : 1996 adalah merupakan konsep untuk penilaian kinerja, dengan memasukkan non perspektif keuangan, yaitu pembelajaran dan pertumbuhan, proses operasi intenal, pelanggan, disamping perpektif keuangan itu sendiri.
Dalam Penilaian kinerja organisasi publik, penilaian kinerja non perspektif keuangan merupakan tujuan pokok dari organisasi, terutama perspektif pelanggan/mitra kerja. Tujuan utama organisasi publik bukan untuk memaksimalkan keuntungan secara finansial (laba) akan tetapi keseimbangan antara pertanggungjawaban finansial (anggaran yang disediakan) dengan yang digunakan, yang mengambarkan target program yang terlaksana dengan jumlah anggaran yang tersedia selama proses operasi internal, dan pelayanan yang berlangsung.
Penelitian terhadap Kantor Pelayanan Perbendaharaan Negara Jakarta II mengunakan metode analisis deskriptif dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui gambaran setiap variabel yang dinyatakan dalam kuesioner terhadap pelayanan, proses operasi internal, pertumbuhan dan pembelajaran. Adapun hasil analisis terhadap penilaian kinerja secara keseluruhan dalam adalah baik dengan total skor 57 dengan rincian sebagai berikut :
1). Kinerja pertumbuhan dan pembelajaran organisasi berada dalam kondisi cukup baik dengan total skor 9
2). Kinerja proses operasi internal organisasi berada dalam kondisi yang baik dengan total skor 11
3). Kinerja pelanggan yang dilayani organisasi berada dalam kondisi yang sangat baik dengan total skor 25
4). Kinerja keuangan organisasi berada dalam keadaan yang effisien dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan, dalam kondisi yang cukup baik dengan skor 10 Dimasa mendatang Kantor Pelayanan Perbendaharaan Negara Jakarta II sebagai organisasi publik harus terus menerus meningkatkan kinerja khususnya kinerja pelanggan dengan terus meningkatkan pelayanan kepada mitra kerja dan kinerja operasi internal organisasi dengan didukung sumber daya manusia yang memiliki kemampuan dan pengetahuan serta bermoral tinggi tanpa mengesampingkan tugas pokok dan fungsi

Kantor Pelayanan Perbendaharaan Negara Jakarta II is a public organization who runs and supports the vision and mission of The Directorate General of Treasury that is the implementation of government?s programs and services for the public. Balanced Scorecard which is introduced by Kaplan and Norton: 1996 is a method of evaluating performances that includes non-financial perspective, such as learning and growth, customers, internal operating process, along with financial perspective.
In appraising public organization?s performance, assessment on nonfinancial perspective is the major approach, particularly customer?s or client`s perspectives. The ultimate goal of a public organization is not maximizing financial profit but balancing financial responsibility between provided funds and spent funds that points up the accomplishment of the target programs compared with the available funds throughout the internal operating process and the delivering of the service.
Research on Kantor Pelayanan Perbendaharaan Negara Jakarta II utilizes the descriptive analytic method which is used to study the research variables which are applied in the questionnaire. Those research variables are service, internal operating process, and learning and growth. Moreover, the finding of the analysis of the overall performance assessment is good with total score 55 which is dispersed as follows:
1. Performance of the organization`s learning and growth is in enough condition with total score 9
2. Performance of the organization`s internal operating process is in good condition with total score 11
3. Performance of the organization`s service is in exelent condition with total score 25
4. Performance of the organization`s finances is efficient and accountable is in enough condition with total score 10
In the future, Kantor Pelayanan Perbendaharaan Negara Jakarta II as a public organization should continuously increase its performance especially service?s performance by consistently increasing service to the clients and performance of internal operating process which are supported by human resources that have knowledge, skill and high morale without disregarding main duty and function."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Pengukuran kinerja organisasi merupakan pondasi dalam mewujudkan pemerintahan berbasis kinerja sebagaimana tertuang dalam Peraturan Presiden Nomor 81 Tahun 2010 tentang Grand Design Reformasi Birokrasi 2010- 2025. Sasaran Strategis Reformasi Birokrasi di fase akhir ini (2020-2024) adalah terwujudnya pemerintahan berbasis kinerja, dimana basisnya adalah pengukuran kinerja. Oleh karena itu setiap organisasi pemerintah pusat dan daerah, harus mampu mewujudkan organisasinya agar berkinerja secara terukur. Penelitian menggunakan metode campuran untuk tujuan penelitian yaitu: 1)Menjelaskan 12 tahapan penerapan balanced scorecard dalam perbaikan akuntabilitas kinerja termasuk perbaikan perencanaan dan penganggaran serta pengelolan kinerja pemerintah; 2)Menjelaskan perkembangan kinerja KKP melalui peningkatan capaian empat perspektif BSC; dan 3)Menjelaskan peningkatan kinerja organisasi KKP sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan balanced scorecard. Penilaian kinerja organisasi dilakukan dengan kategori capaian NKO (Nilai kinerja organisasi): rendah/merah dimana X < 80%; sedang/kuning 80% ≤ X < 100%; tinggi/hijau 100% ≤ X ≤ 120%. Adapun NKP (Nilai kinerja perspektif): rendah/merah X<75%; sedang/kuning 75%≤X<90%; tinggi/hijau 90% ≤ X ≤ 120%; dengan bobot perspektif BSC 1) learn and growth (bobot 30%) ; 2) internal process (bobot 30%); 3) customer (bobot 15%) dan 4) perspektif stakeholder (bobot 25%). Pendekatan kuantitatif melalui penjelasan statistik deskriptif untuk mendeskripsikan keempat perspektif tersebut dalam perbaikan akuntabilitas kinerja KKP. Sementara pendekatan kualitatif untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih dalam mengenai penerapan BSC secara komprehensif. Dari empat perspektif dalam BSC menggambarkan tingkat capaian kinerja organisasi berjenjang dari level Menteri, Level Eselon I, Eselon II, Eselon III, hingga level eselon IV berdasarkan output-outcome pada sistem aplikasi pengukuran kinerja, yaitu sebanyak 1.122 IKU pada tahun 2015; 11.653 IKU pada tahun 2016; dan 13.050 IKU di tahun 2017. Hasil uji signifikansi sakip KKP berdasarkan standar nilai maksimal Kementerian PAN & RB, yaitu rata-rata di atas 0,5 (95%), sedangkan pencapaian kinerja organisasi pada BSC perspektif stakeholder KKP sebesar 96% (2015); 90% (2016); dan 95% (2017); dengan Nilai Kinerja Organisasi (NKO) yaitu 112% (2015); 104% (2016) dan 98% (2017). Berdasarkan hasil uji hubungan antar persepektif BSC, ditemukan hubungan langsung dan tidak langsung dimana perspektif Pertumbuhan dan Pembelajaran (Learn & Growth) memiliki hubungan langsung positif terhadap Internal proses IP (proses bisnis) sebesar 0.329; hubungan langsung positif terhadap CP (Customer perspective)sebesar 0.006; hubungan langsung negatif terhadap SH (stakeholder) sebesar -0.047. Perspektif IP memiliki hubungan positif terhadap CP sebesar 0.123 dan hubungan langsung ke SH positif 0.108. Dari hasil ini memperlihatkan bahwa antar perspektif memiliki hubungan meskipun nilai hubungan ini kecil namun tidak bisa diabaikan karena berlakunya prinsif kausalitas dari output hingga menghasilkan outcome/impact. Hal ini dapat dipahami bahwa perubahan indikator kinerja yang sifatnya outcome untuk pencapaian arah strategi (Strategic objective) organisasi, dibutuhkan jangka waktu yang lama. Hubungan tidak langsung yang rendah yaitu antara LG terhadap CP sebesar 0.038; IP terhadap SH sebesar 0.078, LG terhadap SH sebesar 0.066. Adapun sebaran intervensi sosial KKP ditemukan level macro pada perspektif. Pada level mezzo ditemukan pada perspektif costumer, sedangkan level micro lebih banyak ditemukan pada perspektif proses bisnis. Hasil capaian outcome pada stakeholder perspektif tertinggi dicapai pada tahun 2015 yaitu 96%; 2016 (90%) dan tahun 2017 (95%).

Organizational performance measurement is the foundation in realizing performance-based government as stated in Presidential Regulation Number 81 of 2010 concerning the Grand Design of Bureaucratic Reform 2010-2025. The strategic target of Bureaucratic Reform in this final phase (2020-2024) is the realization of performancebased government, where the basis is performance measurement. The research uses mixed methods for research purposes, namely: 1) Explaining the 12 stages of implementing the balanced scorecard in improving performance accountability including improving planning and budgeting as well as managing government performance; 2) Explaining the development of KKP performance through improving the achievements of the four BSC perspectives; and 3) Explaining the improvement of KKP organizational performance before and after using the balanced scorecard. Organizational performance assessment is carried out in the category of NKO achievement (Organizational Performance Value): low/red where X < 80%; medium/yellow 80% X < 100%; high/green 100% X 120%. The NKP (Perspective performance value): low/red X<75%; medium/yellow 75%≤X<90%; high/green 90% X 120%; with BSC perspective weight 1) learn and growth (weight 30%); 2) internal process (weight 30%); 3) customer (weight 15%) and 4) stakeholder perspective (weight 25%). Quantitative approach through descriptive statistical explanations to describe the four perspectives in improving the accountability of KKP performance. Meanwhile, the qualitative approach is to obtain more in-depth information on the comprehensive implementation of the BSC. The four perspectives in the BSC describe the level of organizational performance achievement in tiers from the Minister level, Echelon I, Echelon II, Echelon III, to echelon IV levels based on the outputs of the performance measurement application system, which were 1,122 KPIs in 2015; 11,653 KPIs in 2016; and 13,050 KKP in 2017. The results of the KKP sakip significance test are based on the maximum standard value of the Ministry of PAN & RB, which is above 0.5 (95%), while the achievement of organizational performance in the BSC of the KKP stakeholder perspective is 96% (2015) ; 90% (2016); and 95% (2017); with Organizational Performance Value (NKO) of 112% (2015); 104% (2016) and 98% (2017). Based on the results of the relationship test between BSC perspectives, a direct and indirect relationship was found where the Growth and Learning perspective has a positive direct relationship to the Internal IP process (business process) of 0.329; positive direct relationship to CP (Customer perspective) of 0.006; negative direct relationship to SH (stakeholder) of -0.047. IP perspective has a positive relationship to CP of 0.123 and a direct relationship to SH is positive of 0.108. These results show that there is a relationship between perspectives, although the value of this relationship is small, it cannot be ignored because the principle of causality applies from the output to the outcome/impact. It can be understood that changes in performance indicators, which are outcome in nature, for achieving the organization's strategic objectives, need a long period of time. The low indirect relationship between LG and CP is 0.038; IP to SH is 0.078, LG to SH is 0.066. Meanwhile, the distribution of social intervention in the KKP was found at the macro level in perspective. At the mezzo level it is found in the customer perspective, while the micro level is found more in the business process perspective. The outcome of the highest stakeholder perspective was achieved in 2015, namely 96%; 2016 (90%) and 2017 (95%)."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Perdana Pramuji Samoen
In this modern age, businesses face a dynamic environment. There are a lot more factors that must be taken into consideration before making moves to achieve certain strategic goals. One very obvious factor that is never stable is the crude oil price. It is not solely in the power of a company to control fuel price for it takes many aspects into consideration such as customer demands, supply and mother nature itself. With this in mind, a company must be able to perform at peak at all times in order to overcome such volatile conditions. The great amount of volatile factors is just a part of the evolution of industries. Methods of keeping track of performance have evolved as well. The balanced scorecard is the perfect tool to illustrate company personnel the steps that need to be taken on a day-by-day basis in order to perform effectively and efficienctly with tha aim of achieving company goals. It gives a clear understanding of the actions needed by members of an organization and how it is measured in order to keep track of company performance."
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahardian Wijayanti
"Tesis ini membahas tentang analisis kinerja RSUD Dr. Iskak Tulungagung sebagai organisasi sector public berstatus BLUD dengan menggunakan metode Balanced Scorecard. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis kinerja RSUD Dr. Iskak Tulungagung secara komprehensif dengan metode Balanced Scorecard, yang meliputi empat perspektif yaitu perspektif pelanggan, perspektif keuangan, perspektif proses internal dan perspektif pertumbuhan dan pembelajaran.
Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis univariat (deskriptif) yang diwakili dengan nilai rata-rata dan distribusi frekuensi tingkat kepuasan setiap variable untuk perspektif pelanggan, proses internal dan pertumbuhan dan pembelajaran. Sedangkan untuk perspektif keuangan digunakan analisis rentabilitas, likuiditas, solvabilitas dan cost recovery rate.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hasil kinerja secara umum untuk perspektif pelanggan, proses internal dan pertumbuhan dan pembelajaran adalah cukup baik dan untuk perspektif keuangan hasil kinerja secara umum sudah baik.

This thesis analyzes the performance of Dr. Iskak Tulungagung Hospital as public sector organizations stated BLUD using the Balanced Scorecard method. The purpose of this study was to analyze the performance of Dr. Iskak Tulungagung hospital comprehensively with the Balanced Scorecard method, which includes four perspectives namely the customer perspective, financial perspective, internal process perspective and learning and growth perspective.
Data analysis methods used were univariate analysis (descriptive) represented by the average value and frequency distribution of each variable levels of satisfaction for the customer perspective, internal processes and learning and growth. As for the financial perspective of the analysis used earnings, liquidity, solvency and cost recovery rate.
The results show the performance results in general for the customer, internal processes and learning and growth perspective is quite good and for the financial perspective performance results in general are good.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Poister, Theodore
San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, 2003
658.401 3 POI m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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