"[Penelitian ini membahas tentang implementasi kebijakan atas kenaikan tarif retribusi parkir di Kota Batam. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis implemetasi kebijakan atas kenaikan tarif retribusi parkir di Kota
Batam, menganalisis kendala yang timbul dari kebijakan atas kenaikan tarif retribusi parkir di Kota Batam dan untuk menganalisis upaya apa saja yang dapat dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Kota Batam dalam mengatasi kendala- kendala yang timbul atas kebijakan kenaikan tarif retribusi di Kota Batam. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode
pengumpulan data secara pustaka dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa kebijakan kenaikan tarif retribusi parkir dilatarbelakangi oleh dorongan untuk menaikkan Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) Kota Batam dan meminimalisir kebocoran pererimaan dari pendapatan retribusi parkir. Permasalahan yang timbul dari kebijakan atas kenaikan tarif retribusi di Kota Batam ini adalah adanya adanya tanggapan negatif dari masyarakat tentang kenaikan tarif karena kurangnya sosialisasi, adanya parkir ilegal, juru parkir yang tidak jujur, adanya hambatan dari preman dan penguasa lahan parkir dan parkir berlangganan yang tidak berjalan optimal. Hasil dari penelitian ini implementasi kebijakan belum berjalan dengan optimal sesuai yang diharapkan dikarenakan banyak kendala yang
timbul di lapangan. Upaya untuk mengatasi kendala adalah dengan melakukan sosialisasi, peningkatan pengawasan, penertiban parkir liar, penataan sistem parkir dan mengoptimalkan parkir berlangganan.
This study discusses the implementation of the policy in increasing of parking rates in Batam. The purpose of this study was to analyze the implementation of the policy on the rate increase parking fees in Batam, analyze the issues that came from rate increase policy of parking fees in Batam and to analyze what efforts can be made by Batam’s Government in overcoming the problems that have occurred from rate increase policy of parking fees in Batam. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach to data collection methods in literature and unstructured interviews with qualitative data analysistechniques. The results of this study stated that the rate increase policy of parking fees motivated by the urge to raise Pendapatan Asli daerah (PAD) of Batam and minimize revenues leakage of parking fees. The issues that came from rate increase policy of parking fees in Batam is the existence of negative feedback from the community about the rate increase because the lack of socialization, theexistence of illegal parking, corrupt parking attendants, the civillians, irresponsible landowners and nonoptimal parking subscribe. The results of this study of policy implementation has not run optimally as expected due to many issues that arise in the field. Efforts to overcome the issues is the socialization, increased supervision, control of illegal parking, arrangement of the parkingsystem and optimization of parking subscribe.;This study discusses the implementation of the policy in increasing ofparking rates in Batam. The purpose of this study was to analyze theimplementation of the policy on the rate increase parking fees in Batam, analyzethe issues that came from rate increase policy of parking fees in Batam and toanalyze what efforts can be made by Batam’s Government in overcoming theproblems that have occurred from rate increase policy of parking fees in Batam.The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach to data collectionmethods in literature and unstructured interviews with qualitative data analysistechniques. The results of this study stated that the rate increase policy of parkingfees motivated by the urge to raise Pendapatan Asli daerah (PAD) of Batam andminimize revenues leakage of parking fees. The issues that came from rateincrease policy of parking fees in Batam is the existence of negative feedbackfrom the community about the rate increase because the lack of socialization, theexistence of illegal parking, corrupt parking attendants, the civillians,irresponsible landowners and nonoptimal parking subscribe. The results of thisstudy of policy implementation has not run optimally as expected due to manyissues that arise in the field. Efforts to overcome the issues is the socialization,increased supervision, control of illegal parking, arrangement of the parkingsystem and optimization of parking subscribe.;This study discusses the implementation of the policy in increasing ofparking rates in Batam. The purpose of this study was to analyze theimplementation of the policy on the rate increase parking fees in Batam, analyzethe issues that came from rate increase policy of parking fees in Batam and toanalyze what efforts can be made by Batam’s Government in overcoming theproblems that have occurred from rate increase policy of parking fees in Batam.The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach to data collectionmethods in literature and unstructured interviews with qualitative data analysistechniques. The results of this study stated that the rate increase policy of parkingfees motivated by the urge to raise Pendapatan Asli daerah (PAD) of Batam andminimize revenues leakage of parking fees. The issues that came from rateincrease policy of parking fees in Batam is the existence of negative feedbackfrom the community about the rate increase because the lack of socialization, theexistence of illegal parking, corrupt parking attendants, the civillians,irresponsible landowners and nonoptimal parking subscribe. The results of thisstudy of policy implementation has not run optimally as expected due to manyissues that arise in the field. Efforts to overcome the issues is the socialization,increased supervision, control of illegal parking, arrangement of the parkingsystem and optimization of parking subscribe., This study discusses the implementation of the policy in increasing ofparking rates in Batam. The purpose of this study was to analyze theimplementation of the policy on the rate increase parking fees in Batam, analyzethe issues that came from rate increase policy of parking fees in Batam and toanalyze what efforts can be made by Batam’s Government in overcoming theproblems that have occurred from rate increase policy of parking fees in Batam.The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach to data collectionmethods in literature and unstructured interviews with qualitative data analysistechniques. The results of this study stated that the rate increase policy of parkingfees motivated by the urge to raise Pendapatan Asli daerah (PAD) of Batam andminimize revenues leakage of parking fees. The issues that came from rateincrease policy of parking fees in Batam is the existence of negative feedbackfrom the community about the rate increase because the lack of socialization, theexistence of illegal parking, corrupt parking attendants, the civillians,irresponsible landowners and nonoptimal parking subscribe. The results of thisstudy of policy implementation has not run optimally as expected due to manyissues that arise in the field. Efforts to overcome the issues is the socialization,increased supervision, control of illegal parking, arrangement of the parkingsystem and optimization of parking subscribe.]"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014