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Ditemukan 114122 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Jakarta: Departemen Kesehatan, 1996
363.738 IND p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Silitonga, Amiati
"Particulate Matter2.5 merupakan polutan yang menjadi perhatian karena sifatnya yang unik. Dengan ukuran kurang dari 25 mikron, polutan ini dapat masuk hingga alveoli. Terdiri dari berbagai bahan dan mampu ditempeli oleh polutan kimia toksik, toksisitas PM2.5 belum dapat ditentukan secara pasti, sumber PM2.5 yang penting yaitu jalan raya. Sekolah yang dekat dengan jalan raya dapat menjadi tempat terpajannya siswa dengan PM2.5. Siswa merupakan kelompok rentan yang menghirup lebih banyak konsentrasi polutan dibandingkan dengan orang dewasa, diperlukan suatu analisis risiko kesehatan pajanan PM2.5 pada siswa sekolah. Asupan harian PM2.5 siswa berada pada rentang 7.30×10-5-14.4×10-4 mg/kg/hari, perhitungan risiko non karsinogenik bernilai dari 0.02-0.36 rentang ini berada dibawah nilai 1 sehingga dapat dikatakan aman

Particulate Matter2.5 is becoming international concern due to its unique nature. With a size less than 25 microns, these pollutants can penetrate deep to the alveoli. Consisting of a variety of materials and capable of plastering by toxic chemical pollutants, the toxicity of PM2.5 can not yet be determined with certainty. One of the important sources of PM2.5 is the road traffic. Populations close to the source of exposure will have potential hazards, one place with a densely populated such as school. Schools close to the highway may be the site of exposure to students with PM2.5. Students are a vulnerable group that inhale more concentrations of pollutants than adults, a risk analysis of PM2 exposure to school students is required. The daily intake of PM2.5 students is in the range of 7.30 × 10-5-14.4 × 10-4 mg / kg / day, the calculation of non carcinogenic risk is 0.02-0.36, this range is below the value of 1 so it can be that the hazards are not considered a threat to public health."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indah Safitri
"Risiko kesehatan akibat pajanan polutan indoor bisa jadi lebih tinggi daripada outdoor karena durasi kontak yang lebih lama dan konsentrasi polutan indoor pada beberapa kasus lebih tinggi dibandingkan polutan luar ruangan. Sekolah dasar seringkali luput dari pandangan padahal anak usia sekolah dasar (SD) lebih rentan terhadap paparan polutan kimia. Hal ini disebabkan karena anak-anak pada usia 7 sampai 14 tahun menghirup 50% lebih banyak udara dibanding orang dewasa, serta sedang mengalami pertumbuhan dan perkembangan jaringan dan organ dengan pesat. Penelitian ini merupakan tinjauan literatur sistematis yang bertujuan untuk melihat gambaran jenis, konsentrasi, dan faktor risiko yang menyebabkan terjadinya pajanan polutan kimia pada ruang kelas sekolah dasar. Inklusi dari penelitian ini adalah literatur yang menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia, dipublikasikan pada rentang waktu tahun 2017 sampai 2020, dapat diakses secara full text, dan dapat menjawab pertanyaan penelitian. Dari 3.652 literatur yang teridentifikasi, 18 literatur terpilih dalam studi ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis polutan kimia yang paling banyak dibahas dalam tinjauan literatur sistematis di ruang kelas sekolah dasar adalah VOC, CO2, dan NO2 dengan konsentrasi antara 0,0001-1,265 ppm (VOC), 411-2009 ppm (CO2), dan 4.89-126 mg/m3 (NO2) yang dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor, seperti emisi kendaraan (15,79%), aktivitas penghuni (9,21%), sistem ventilasi (9,21%), aktivitas pembersihan ruangan (9,21%), dan pemanfaatan bahan artistik (6,58%).

Health risks associated with indoor pollutants exposure may be higher than outdoor due to longer contact duration and in some cases, higher concentrations of indoor than outdoor air contaminants. Indoor air quality of elementary schools need to be assessed since children at elementary school-age children are more susceptible to chemical pollutants exposure. Moreover, children at age 7 to 14 years breathe more air at about fifty percent than adults, and are experiencing rapid growth and development of tissues and organs. This research is a systematic literature review that aims to investigate the types, concentrations, and risk factors of chemical air pollutants in elementary school classrooms. The inclusions criterias of this study are available in English and Bahasa Indonesian, published between 2017 – 2020, free access full text, and relevant to research questions. 3,652 literatures were identified and 18 literatures were selected. It was found that the most studied chemical pollutants were VOC, CO2, and NO2 with the range of concentrations at 0,0001-1,265 ppm (VOC), 411-2009 ppm (CO2), and 4.89-126 mg/m3 (NO2). Concentration of those pollutants is influenced by various factors, such as close to vehicle emissions (15.79%), occupant activity (9.21%), ventilation system (9.21%), room cleaning activity (9.21%), and the use of artistic material (6.58%)."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jackson, Tim
New York: Routledge, 1996
616.9 JAC m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Glass bracelets from Samudera Pasai is made using simple technology with low temperature combustion level. It,s possible that glass bracelets are the goods in a mass production to be accessible by the public. during that period , glassmaking technique with better quality has been known much earlier in other parts of Nusantara. Glass bracelets are also known by the name of chettiar."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Departemen Kesehatan, 2001
368.382 IND j
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Departemen Kesehatan, 1990
613.1 IND p
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Batubara, Torang Panyusunan
Disadari sebagian besar peralatan kesehatan belum dapat diproduksi dalam negeri terutama untuk peralatan yang berteknologi tinggi, hal inilah yang membuat peralatan yang digunakan oleh Rumah Sakit harus dalam keadaan siap pakai dengan dilakukan pemeliharaan pencegahan. Banyaknya peralatan kesehatan yang beredar dipasaran dari berbagai merk dan berbagai tipe perlu dilakukan penyeragaman pemeriksaan dan pemeliharaan agar didapat hasil yang optimal.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan gambaran tentang pemeliharaan pencegahan yang selama ini dilakukan oleh rumah sakit untuk meningkatkan mutu pelayanan. Penelitian dilakukan melalui pengumpulan data sekunder dan pengamatan terhadap aktivitas yang dilakukan dalam hal pemeliharaan peralatan kesehatan. Data diambil periode waktu 1995 - 1996, kemudian dilihat untuk beberapa peralatan yaitu Infusion Pump, ECG, Servo Ventilator, bagaimana peralatan dilakukan pemeliharaan dan bagaimana seharusnya peralatan harus diperlakukan.
Dari Penelitian ini didapat kesimpulan sebagai berikut :
1. Pemeliharaan pencegahan dilakukan oleh pihak ketiga tetapi kreteria pemeriksaan tidak dilakukan menyeluruh dikarenakan formulir yang dibuat hanya menyangkut pemeriksaan mekanik, elektronik, dan elektrik. Dalam kontrak harus dibuat jelas berapa kali kunjungan dalam sebulan dan apa raja yang hams dilakukan untuk setiap alat. Formulir yang digunakan mengacu tabel 7.1, 7.2, dan 7.3.
2. Keterbatasan dana, tenaga, dan sarana perlu diperlukan perhitungan jadwal pemeliharaan atas dasar fungsi, faktor resiko dan kebutuhan akan pemeliharaan, agar alat betul-betul dapat terpelihara dengan baik dan tidak mengganggu pelayanan.
3. Pemeliharaan peralatan teknologi tinggi sebaiknya dilakukan oleh sole agent untuk mempertahankan peralatan dari waktu tidak terpakai cukup lama dan terjaminnya ketersediaan suku cadang.
Disarankan seluruh rekaman pemeliharaan dicatat dalam formulir pemeliharaan dan Log book peralatan, ditempatkan dekat alat serta di Sub. Instalasi Elektromedik agar sejarah alat dapat diketahui dengan jelas.

It is realized the most of medical tools have not been made in the country, especially for the hi-tech medical tools, that is why the tools used in the hospitals must be ready to use by conducting a preventive maintenance.
The high number of medical tools distributed in the markets in different marks and types need to standardize in their examination and maintenance in order to get an optimal result.
The goal of the research is to obtain an illustration of the preventive maintenance implemented at the hospitals in the recent days.
The research is conducted by collecting secondary data and observation in the activities where the tools maintained. The data obtained from 1995-1996, then some tools such as Infusion Pump, EGG, Servo Ventilator, are observed to know how to maintain the tools and how to treat them properly.
From the research may be concluded as follows :
1. The preventive maintenance conducted by the third sided persons while the criterions of maintenance are not integrally conducted due to the constructed forms are only about mechanical, electronical, and electrical maintenance. It must be clearly made in the contract how many visits conducted in a month and what must be treated to the tools. The forms applied refer to the tables : 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3.
2. The limited money, man power, and facilities need to consider , besides maintaining schedule based on the function , factors of risks and the necessities of maintenance, so that the tools are really safe in a good condition and they do not distube service activities.
3. The maintenance of hi-tech tools should be conducted by sole agents to endure them when they will use in a long time , and to ensure their spare-parts are available.
It is suggested that all maintaining activities recorded in a maintaining form and in a Log book. They are placed next to the tools and to the Subdivision of Electromedical installation so that we know the recordings clearly.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mega Rakhmat
"The increasing industry has been followed by the environment crisis which caused by the limited of nature recycle capacity. Considering the problem, our government has changed the way from decreasing environment pollution system to proactive pollutant preventing system. It means every industry has to use the program of filter/clean product to reach the higher efficiency in productive processing. This research takes investigation and data's collection of saving energy program in using of water and electricity, alogh with waste production for zero emission program in the range of 6 months, April untuk September 2001 at PT. Indonesia Epson Industri, Cikarang. The advantages of pollution prevention may perhaps increase the efficiency of the raw material usages and product processing. Through the research's analysis, writer find that the implementation of pollutan preventing program along with increasing the proactive working condition in PT Eposon are right alternative to present a zero emission. So, the will increase the efficiency of saving energy and product processing."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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