ABSTRAKPenelitian dilakukan mengenai Perilaku Pencarian Pengobatan IMS Pada WUS di Wilayah Perkotaan Indonesia berdasarkan Analisis Data SDKI 2012. Responden merupakan WUS menikah maupun pernah menikah yang memiliki gejala terkait IMS. Sumber data yang digunakan ialah data sekunder kuesioner Survei Demografi Kesehatan Indonesia (SDKI) 2012. Desain Studi Cross-Sectional. Analisis dilakukan secra univariat dan bivariat dengan jumlah sampel 1594 responden. Dari hasil analisis didapatkan : 68,6% responden tidak mencari pengobatan atau melakukan pengobatan non medis, dan pengobatan medis 31,4%. Karakteristik berdasarkan faktor predisposisi: responden berusia 25-49 tahun (83,2%), dengan rata-rata umur 32,48 tahun, berpendidikan menengah (60,9%), memiliki pengetahuan rendah mengenai gejala IMS (96,4%), bekerja (53,5%), status ekonomi berada pada level atas (50,6%), melakukan hubungan seksual pertama kali pada usia kurang 21 tahun (54%), dan tidak
menggunakan kondom saat terakhir kali berhubungan seksual (94,7%). Berdasarkan faktor pemungkin menunjukan 57,5% responden tidak memiliki asuransi kesehatan. Berdasarkan faktor pendukung: responden mengambil keputusan mengenai pemeriksaan kesehatan bersama dengan pasangan 48,3%. Tidak pernah terpapar sumber informasi IMS (69,7%) sumber informasi mengenai IMS terbanyak didapatkan dari teman (30,94%). Analisis hubungan faktor predisposisi menunjukan faktor pendidikan (p-value = 0,006), status ekonomi (p-value = 0,000), penggunaan kondom (p-value = 0,000) terbukti secara statistik memiliki hubungan signifikan dengan perilaku pencarian pengobatan IMS. pada faktor pemungkin terlihat bahwa
kepemilikan asuransi kesehatan terbukti memiliki hubungan dengan perilaku pencarian pengobatan IMS (p-value = 0,013). Sedangkan pada faktor pendukung menunjukan variabel keterpaparan sumber informasi terbukti secara statistik memiliki hubungan signifikan dengan perilaku pencarian pengobatan IMS (p-value = 0,001). Peningkatan pendidikan, ekonomi, kepemilikan asuransi sangat penting untuk meningkatkan akses pengobatan IMS ke pelayanan kesehatan medis oleh WUS, Selain itu pemberian pengetahuan mengenai gejala IMS dan penggunaan kondom pada WUS dirasa penting untuk meningkatkan kewaspadaan WUS mengenai IMS.
ABSTRACTResearch conducted on STI treatment seeking behavior on Women in reproductive age at Indonesian Urban Areas. As per the analysis of SDKI 2012 Data, this research was conducted on Female in reproductive Age who is or was married have symptoms related to STIs. Data source used is from questionnaires in Indonesia Health Demographic Survey (SDKI) 2012, with Cross-Sectional Design Study,
with univariate and bivariat analycist used. The sample used is 1594 Female in reproductive Age that meets sample criteria. From the analysis result, it is found that the proportions of treatment seeking behavior of Women during reproductive age in Indonesian urban area are as: 68.6% did not seek treatment or non medical treatment and 31.4% was seeking medical treatment. Characteristics based on
predisposing Factor indicated that the respondents were mostly aged 25 -49 years 83,2% with an average age of 32,48 years, 60,9% respondents were mediumeducated, 99.9% respondent had low knowledge of STI symptoms, 53.5% respondent were working or had a job and 50,6% of the respondent were on the top status of economic level. 54% of the respondent had their first sexual intercourse at age less than 21 years and 94,7% did not use condom during last sexual intercourse with partner. Characteristics based on enabling Factor shows that 57,5% respondents did not have health insurance. Characteristics based on the reinforcing Factor shows that 48.3% respondents make decision about health examination with husband or partner and most of the respondents were never exposed to any source of information on STIs, whereas 30.94% of the respondent obtained the information on STIs from their friends. Analysis of the relationship between predisposing Factor and treatment seeking behavior, the relationships proved statistically are: educational Factor (p-value = 0,006), economic status (p-value = 0,000) and the use of condoms (p-value = 0,000). The result of the relationship analysis between enabling Factor shows that the ownership of health insurance has been proven statistically related to STI treatment seeking behavior (p-value = 0,013). Also based on analysis result of correlation between reinforcing factor with STI treatment seeking behavior, it is seen as the only variable of exposure to the information
source of STI. Statistically it is proven that the exposure source have significant relation with treatment seeking behavior of STI (p-value = 0,001). Increased education, economics, insurance ownership is essential to improve access to STI treatment to medical services. In addition, the provision of knowledge about STI symptoms and condom use in is also important to increase awareness of STIs."