ABSTRAKBeberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi unmet need yaitu umur, pendidikan, jumlah
anak masih hidup, usia kawin, tempat tinggal, pengetahuan tentang KB, dan status
pekerjaan responden, sikap suami terhadap KB, pernah pakai KB, aktivitas
ekonomi dan indeks kesejahteraan hidup. Metode penelitian cross sectional
dengan menggunakan sampel PUS sejumlah 1249 jiwa. Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan status unmet need KB Provinsi Banten 12,00%. Sebagian besar
responden mendapatkan pelayanan yang baik terhadap KB sebesar 66,2%. Ada
hubungan yang signifikan antara pelayanan KB dengan status unmet need pada
kelompok alasan tidak ber-KB karena alasan non kesehatan (CI 95% 2,3-47,6).
Disarankan agar lebih meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas tenaga kesehatan,
petugas lapangan KB, dan kader kesehatan dalam rangka penyebaran informasi
melalui media sosial dan massa, serta diadakan program atau kegiatan yang
sasarannya adalah pria karena memiliki peran penting dalam proses pengambilan
keputusan dalam ber-KB
ABSTRACTSome factors affecting unmet need are age, education, number of children still
alive, age of marriage, residence, knowledge of family planning, and employment
status of respondent, husband's attitude toward family planning, use family
planning ever, economic activity and life welfare index. The cross sectional
research method using EUS sample is 1249 people. The results showed the unmet
need status of KB province of Banten 12.00%. Most of respondents get good
service to KB by 66,2%. There was a significant correlation between family
planning services with unmet need status for non-family planning group for nonhealth
reasons (95% CI 2.3-47.6). It is suggested to increase the quality and
quantity of health workers, field officers, and health cadres in order to disseminate
information through social media and mass, and held programs or activities whose
target is male because it has an important role in the decision-making process in
family planning."