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Carlson, Sevinc
Colorado: Westview Press, 1977
338.2 CAR i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Djakarta: Amerasian, 1972
665.5 PER
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Adanya sumber minyak di suatu negara manapun tentu akan menciptakan pertumbuhan ekonomi, namun pada saat yang sama merupakan awal suatu konflik bila minyak ditemukan di suatu negara berkembang yang tidak stabil sistem politiknya, karena adanya ketidakadilan dalam pembagian hasil antara pemerintah pusat dan penduduk lokal. Berdasarkan observasi beberapa tahun, kompetisi untuk alokasi expor minyak telah menimbulkan suatu pameo para oiltraders dari negara-negara Asia Timur yang bermarkas di Arab Saudi. ...."
IKI 2:10 (2006)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indonesia has been developing its economy for 30 years. In line with this effort, the Government of Indonesia has also been inviting private companies to participate for developing the economy.
It is noted that most private companies got their fund from overseas finance institution either through course or non-recourse project financing. This fund usually had a short-term payment period but was used for long term investment projects. This practice, among other things, creates the need for huge amount of dollars to pay the short-term debt while in other side the revenue(s) is still not cultivated. Bad business practices has added on to put Indonesia in the currency crisis leading into situation in which the local companies loose their capabilities to pay back their debt to creditors on time. This inability to pay the debt has caused Indonesia loosing Investor& confidence on its economy.
In facing the above situations Indonesian companies have looked for ways to pay back their debt and overcome the economy crisis. One of these ways is acquisition of the company assets. Through the acquisition the local shareholders will receive fresh funds and have their infrastructure project be completed on time.
As a trend in Indonesia currently, the oil pipeline infrastructure projects are designed with B&R (build and rent) contract schemes and requires a separate entity to handle this project.
The pipeline is required by government to provide cheaper transportation alternative for distributing refined product to the people in Indonesia. Technology required is not complicated. Financing of the project has been done by using owners equity and complemented by loan from both local and overseas financial institution. However their equity apparently was obtained by borrowing from other lending company.
Over debt has led local company to financial crisis. This, of course, reduces the value of Company. Reassessment of company is required to know the current value of their company. The economy crisis also affects refined oil supply and demand structure leading to project economic.
A comprehensive analysis on the local company shows its strength, weakness,
opportunity, threatens of the company, what aspect will be affected by acquisition process and what gain local shareholder will achieve. Then Local Company is expected to be able to negotiate intelligently with the potential investor from overseas by using the paper recommendation.
The country risk of Indonesia is so high that investment require higher rate of return on their investment. Fortunately, East Kalimantan has abundant natura1 resources so that its economy growth and refined product consumption rates are original design of pipeline facility, is excessive and requires some modification to reduce its cost and optimise its design.
By using the same rate for both debt interest rate and discounted cash flow rate, then higher rates will reduce company value. Due to current economic situation Investor will face some risk such as political risk, financial risk, contract risk which will raise the investor rate hurdle rate. This also gives an opportunity to Investor to negotiate with Pertamina to optimise its design so that there might be any cost saving for both parties
The project characteristic is fixed revenues so that Investor should reduce its project expenses to achieve higher rate of return. Reducing construction completion time, Capital Expenditure (CAPEX), design change, and higher percentage ofdebt at operating life, etc. could do this.
During negotiation with potential investor it may be difficult to sell company with the same price as company value since this will lower.the investor?s estimated rate of return. The risks such as political, financial, contract risks should be discussed with Pertamina in the presence of local owner to smooth the negotiation and proper risk management strategies should be applied.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Afan Farizki
"The endogeneity of Oil Price Shocks and Their Effect of Indonesia : A structural Vector Autoregression Model. In the paper the endogeneity of oil price shocks as well as the effects of different type of the shocks on the Indonesian economy represented by its gross domestic product (GDP), consumer price index (CPI) and real effective exchage rate (REER) were investigated. A structural Vector Autoregression (SVAR) model was constructed extending Killian (2009) model by employing several lags constrains in the model as Indonesia is a small open economy. There was evidence that oil proce shocks were endogenously formed by oil-spesific-demand itself, aggregate global demand and fraction of oil stock. The exports' effect convincingly existed in the oil price shocks influencing the economy of Indonesia. In addition, there was no evidence that Indonesia enjoyed benefits from being an OPEC member.
Kementerian Keuangan Republik Indonesia, 2015
336 JBPPK 8:2 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
R. Fadhil Danahiswara Prasidya
Skripsi ini membahas tentang seleksi vendor di Exxon Mobil, awalnya kriteria seleksi hanya berdasar pada harga penawaran, dan peneliti merasa bahwa ini kurang objektif dalam memilih vendor. Peneliti melakukan diskusi terarah dengan pihak ExxonMobil untuk menentukan kriteria apa saja yang dapat dijadikan acuan untuk memilih vendor dan dihasilkan lima kriteria dan sepuluh sub-kriteria lalu ditentukanlah bobotnya dengan pendekatan AHP. Penilaian vendor dilakukan dengan skoring berdasarkan data performansi historis. Vendor yang mendapatkan nilai paling besar adalah yang menjadi pemenang, dalam penelitian ini dikhususkan pada pengadaan barang kimia. Diharapkan supplier yang terpilih merupakan supplier yang paling berkompeten dan mampu mendukung kelancaran kegiatan operasional perusahaan. Pada penelitian ini juga terdapat implikasi manajerial serta saran untuk penelitian selanjutnya.
Skripsi ini membahas tentang seleksi vendor di Exxon Mobil, awalnya kriteria seleksi hanya berdasar pada harga penawaran, dan peneliti merasa bahwa ini kurang objektif dalam memilih vendor. Peneliti melakukan diskusi terarah dengan pihak ExxonMobil untuk menentukan kriteria apa saja yang dapat dijadikan acuan untuk memilih vendor dan dihasilkan lima kriteria dan sepuluh sub-kriteria lalu ditentukanlah bobotnya dengan pendekatan AHP. Penilaian vendor dilakukan dengan skoring berdasarkan data performansi historis. Vendor yang mendapatkan nilai paling besar adalah yang menjadi pemenang, dalam penelitian ini dikhususkan pada pengadaan barang kimia. Diharapkan supplier yang terpilih merupakan supplier yang paling berkompeten dan mampu mendukung kelancaran kegiatan operasional perusahaan. Pada penelitian ini juga terdapat implikasi manajerial serta saran untuk penelitian selanjutnya.

;This paper discusses the selection of vendors in Exxon Mobil, the selection criteria initially just based on the offer price, and researchers feel that this is less objective in selecting a vendor. Researchers focused discussions with Exxon Mobil to determine what criteria can be used as a reference for selecting vendors and produced five criteria and sub-criteria last ten weight was determined with AHP approach. Vendor assessment is done by scoring based on data from historical performance. Vendors who receive the greatest value is that the winner, in this study is devoted to the procurement of chemical goods. It is hoped that the selected supplier is a supplier of the most competent and capable of supporting the smooth operations of the company . In this study, there is also a managerial implications and suggestions for further
, This paper discusses the selection of vendors in Exxon Mobil, the selection criteria initially just based on the offer price, and researchers feel that this is less objective in selecting a vendor. Researchers focused discussions with Exxon Mobil to determine what criteria can be used as a reference for selecting vendors and produced five criteria and sub-criteria last ten weight was determined with AHP approach. Vendor assessment is done by scoring based on data from historical performance. Vendors who receive the greatest value is that the winner, in this study is devoted to the procurement of chemical goods. It is hoped that the selected supplier is a supplier of the most competent and capable of supporting the smooth operations of the company . In this study, there is also a managerial implications and suggestions for further
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Febrian Perdana Putra
"Indonesia adalah produsen dan eksportir minyak sawit mentah (CPO) terbesar di dunia, menguasai hampir setengah dari pasokan global pada tahun 2022. Pertumbuhan industri CPO sebagian didorong oleh kenaikan harga. Namun, harga CPO yang tinggi juga berdampak pada kenaikan harga dalam negeri, termasuk minyak goreng. Hal ini menekan pemerintah Indonesia untuk mengatur harga melalu berbagaii kebijakan, salah satunya pembatasan ekspor. Tulisan ini mengkaji efektivitas kebijakan pembatasan ekspor dan kejutan harga domestik lainnya yang dapat diintervensi pemerintah. Dengan menggunakan model Structural Vector Autoregression (SVAR), makalah ini menemukan bahwa kebijakan pembatasan ekspor tidak efektif dalam menurunkan harga CPO dan minyak goreng domestik. Hal ini disebabkan oleh keterkaitan harga yang kuat antara harga CPO internasional dan harga CPO domestik. Selain itu, shocks di tingkat rumah tangga dan industri domestik yang diamati juga tidak signifikan dalam mempengaruhi harga, sehingga ruang lingkup intervensi pemerintah terbatas. Akhirnya, makalah ini menyarankan agar pemerintah berhati-hati dalam mengintervensi harga pasar dan sebaliknya berfokus pada peningkatan akses terhadap produk makanan yang terjangkau. 

Indonesia is the world's largest producer and exporter of crude palm oil (CPO), accounting for nearly half of global supply in 2022. The CPO industry's growth has been driven in part by rising prices. However, high CPO prices have also led to higher domestic prices, including for cooking oil. This has put pressure on the Indonesian government to regulate prices through policies, such as export restrictions. This paper examines the effectiveness of export-restricting policies and other domestic price shocks that the government could intervene in. Using Structural Vector Autoregression (SVAR) models, the paper finds that export-restricting policies are not effective in reducing domestic CPO and cooking oil prices. This is due to the strong price linkages between international CPO prices and domestic CPO prices. Additionally, the observed domestic household- and firm-level shocks are also insignificant in affecting prices, limiting the scope for government intervention. Finally, the paper suggests that the government should be cautious about interfering with market prices and should instead focus on improving access to affordable food products."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sibarani, Elizabeth Anggraini F.
"Pengembangan produk baru merupakan pertanda adanya kesehatan dalam unit bisnis suatu perusahaan. 3M merupakan salah satu perusahaan multinasional yang bergerak di berbagai bidang industri dan consumer market. Salah satu cabang perwakilan 3M yang berada di Indonesia, mempunyai ide untuk memasarkan produk penetrant oil di pasar Indonesia. Produk yang akan dipasarkan sudah ada di portofolio produk global yang dimiliki oleh salah satu unit bisnis 3M yaitu Electrical Market Division (EMD).
Produk penetrant oil merupakan produk pencegah karat yang banyak dijumpai di pasar baik itu industri manufaktur maupun di pasar rite. Banyak pemain yang sudah lama mendominasi pasar salah satu contoh merek yang terkenal adalah WD-40. WD-40 menawarkan berbagai macam fungsi (multipurpose) di mana produk berfungsi untuk merontokkan karat, melumasi dan membersihkan kotoran/debu. Dari ketiga fungsi tersebut banyak produk-produk yang memposisikan diri untuk Iiingsi yang spesilik baik itu hanya sebagai pelumas (lubricant), pembersih (cleaner), pencegah karat (rust preventive) atau bahkan menawarkan ketiga solusi di atas sebagai suatu produk multiguna (multipurpose)
Produk 3M memiliki berbagai macam ini produk di kategori penetrant oil namun kemampuan marketing dan sales serta pengetahlian pasar produk sangat minim. Dengan melihat potensi dan peluang pasar yang ada serta lini produk yang sudah dimiliki di portofolio global, maka perlu dilakukan analisis proses-proses produk baru dengan mengikuti tahapan-tahapan analisis 3M NPI (New Product Introduction) yang tidak dilakukan sepenuhnya mengingat produk ini hanya mengadopsi produk baru yang sudah ada dan nengimplementasikannya melalui pengembangan produk di pasar Indonesia.
Produk baru tidak akan sukses dalam pemasarannya apabila ide dan konsep yang ada tidak dipersiapkan secara matang. Oleh sebab itu analisis pasar dan kondisi internal diperlukan untuk memantapkan EMD memasuki pasar produk. Gambaran umum kondisi pasar produk didapat dari analisis terdekat yang dipilih berupa pertumbuhan pasar, segmentasi pasar dan persaingan. Ketiga analisis di atas menunjukkan pasar produk cukup menarik untuk dimasuki, hal ini didapat dari pertumbuhan industri yang mengakibatkan peningkatan mesin-¬mesin secara tidak langsung akan mengakibatkan pertumbuhan produk-produk perawatan dan pemeliharaan; segmentasi pasar produk yang tersebar mencakup segmen pasar industri manufaktur, pasar produk otomotif dan rumah tangga; persaingan cukup ketat dengan pemimpin pasar mendominasi pangsa pasar yang besar numun porsi pasar pemain-pemain kecil masih optimis untuk dimasuki.
Dari ide tersebut di atas dan dengan kondisi pasar yang cukup menarik maka dibutuhkan Voice of Customer (VOC) dari konsumen pengguna produk dari berbagai segmen. VOC dilakukan secara kualitatif berupa Focus Group Discussion (FGD) untuk pengetahuan mendalam mengenai produk, keinginan dan ketidakpuasan konsunien produk. Hasil FGD mengeksplorasi keinginan dan keluhan-keluhan pada atribut produk pesaing yang sudah ada di pasar, sehingga penyesuaian perlu dilakukan sesuai dengan analisis kemampuan marketing dan teknikal. Penyesuaian dilakukan pada bentuk produk, manfaat dan teknologi yang dibutuhkan pasar di Indonesia. Penyesuaian pada bentuk dilakukan pada desain kemasan, ukuran dan accessories. Sementara penyesuaian pada manfaat ditekankan pada produk perontok karat dan penyesuaian teknologi dilakukan melalui peningkatan performansi cairan perontok karat.
Untuk menyaring kembali konsep yang ada dengan melakukan upaya meningkatkan peluang sukses di pasar, maka perlu dilakukan analisis segmen pasar yang dituju, serta strategi yang akan diimplementasikan di target pasar tersebut. Melalui analisis yang dilakukan sesuai kemampuan internal EMD, target pasar produk adalah .di segmen pasar industri manufaktur. Meskipun ukuran pasar dan pertumbuhan pasar ri(el lcbih besar, narnun keputusan target pasar pada industri manufaktur tersebut didasarkan kembali pada kemampuan internal perusahaan di mana kemampuan marketing dan sales yang berpengalaman dan ticlak memerlukan biaya yang besar di industri manufaktur ini
Positioning produk sama dengan pesaing utama dengan penekanan pada perontok karat dan diferensiasi dilakukan melalui penambahan fitur-fitur produk seperti accessories berupa tempat sedotan, petunjuk penggunaan dalam dua bahasa dilengkapi gambar petunjuk dan pelayanan keluhan konsumen (customer care) yang diperlukan konsumen. Sementara positioning harga dilakukan melalui low active strategy dengan memposisikan harga di bawah harga pemain utama. Posisi 3M di pasar sebagai penantang pasar dengan tujuan untuk share-growth dilakukan melalui flank attack dengan membangun demand secara selektif dan mengambil pangsa pasar pelanggan pesaing rnelalui inisiatif-inisiatif marketing yang dicapai dengan head-to-head positioning dengan pemain utama pasar dan diferensiasi positioning dengan pemain lain (niche) fokus pada segmen yang belum dilayani.
Oleh sebab itu diperlukan bauran pemasaran untuk mengimplementasikan strategi tersebut dengan inisiatif-inisiatif marketing melalui peningkatan performansi atribut produk, penetapan harga di bawah harga pemain utama, pemanfaatan saluran distribusi. Selain itu push strategy dilakukan melalui program-program marketing, promosi dalam bentuk sales promotion berupa cash discount, sales incentive, bundling program, advertising di majalah-¬majalah "Industri" dan "Elektrikal" serta mengadakan event-event melalui seminar dan product training untuk mengedukasi pasar.
New product development demonstrates the healthiness of company's business units. 3M is one of the multinational companies in the world that serves various industrial and consumer market. 3M Indonesia, as one of the subsidiaries, has idea to market the penetrant oil product in Indonesian market. This product is available in global portfolio product that owned by one of the business unit; Electrical Market Division (EMD).
Penetrant oil is the rust preventive product and mostly found in manufacturing industry and retail market. Many players are entering this product-market; one of the famous and well known product brands is WD-40. WD-40 offers multipurpose functions for rust remover, lubricant and cleaner. From all functions, many products positioned for the specific function such as only as lubricant, cleaner, rust preventive or even offering the three functions as well as a multipurpose product.
3M products have many product lines in penetrant oil category but lack of marketing and sales competence and product market knowledge. Seeing the potential market, opportunities and product line availability in global portfolio, new product process analysis should be assessed by the following 3M NPI stages analysis (New Product Introduction), The process is not fully completed because it only adopts the portfolio's product global and implemented through the product development phases in Indonesia market.
The new product will be not successfully implemented in the market if the idea and concept of the product did not prepare well. Therefore, market analysis is required in order to support EMD entering the product-market. General condition of product market defined from the choices of important analysis which consist of market growth, market segmentation and competition. Three points analysis showed that product market is interested. It comes from the growing industries in Indonesia that will impact the increased of machine maintenance demand; market segmentation embraced the overall industries from manufacturing industries. product market automotives, and household industries and last is the tight competition among main players with dominant market share but the small portion of few player can be grabbed optimisticly.
From the above ideas and the interested condition of product market, Voice of Customer (VOC) is needed from customer in every segment of the market. VOC is implemented through Focus Group Discussion (FGD) which is aimed to know more about the product knowledge, needs and customer dissatisfaction matted point. Deliverables of FGD explores need and complaint of competitors' product attributes, so the adjustment is required to implement appropriate with the marketing and technical analysis. The adjustments perform through product form, benefit and technology that are suitable for Indonesian market. Form adjustment is implemented on packaging design, sizes and accessories, hence, the benefit adjustment executes through emphasizes of rust remover product. Technology adjustment is accomplished through the increasing of rust remover liquid performance.
Market segmentation analysis and strategic implementation at target market is obliged to verify the concept through increasing the implementation of successfully opportunity in the market. Target market for the products is manufacturing industries based on EMD internal capability. Even though the retail sizes and its growth are bigger than manufacturing industries, the decision of target market is mainly considering based on the internal capability whereas marketing and sales capability well and less cost to market the product in this segment.
Product positioning as well as the main competitor with the emphasizes fur rust remover and diferentiation is applied through the additional products features such as accessories for straws' place, bilingual product's instruction with' pictures and also supporting from customer care hotline. Indeed, price positioning is implemented with low active strategy that positioned the price under the competitor's price. 3M product position in the market as a challenger with the share-growth goals through flank attack with stimulate selective demand and capture the market share target competitor's through penetrating marketing initiatives with head-to-head positioning with market leader and positioning differentiation with niche player focused on untapped segments.
In summary, the marketing mix strategy required to be implemented by synergizing marketing initiatives through improvement on product's performance, pricing decision under market leader, and good existing channel distribution. Push strategy is implemented through marketing programs such as sales promotion program, cash discount, sales incentive, bundling program, advertisement on the "Industrial" and "Electrical" magazines, and various events like seminar and product trainings to educate market."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Achmad Sigit Santoso
Tingkat pengangguran yang tinggi merupakan masalah yang cukup krusial bagi Indonesia. Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan oleh pemerintah dalam rangka mengurangi tingkat pengangguran di Indonesia. Namun pengangguran tetap merupakan permasalahan yang sulit untuk dipecahkan. Pertumbuhan ekonomi dalam kurun waktu 30 tahun terakhir mencatat angka rata-rata 6.7 persen. Pada periode yang sama, sektor manufaktur Indonesia memberikan kontribusi yang tinggi terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi. Pada saat yang sama, minyak dan gas bumi Indonesia mengalami kecenderungan untuk turun dalam perolehan keuntungan ekspornya. Ekspor Indonesia lebih didominasi oleh ekspor non-migas. Studi ini secara umum bertujuan untuk menganalisa hubungan antara penyerapan tenaga kerja dan ekspor non-migas Indonesia. Studi ini menggunakan metode regresi sederhana.
Hasil dari estimasi data menunjukan bahwa ekspor non migas Indonesia secara positif dan signifikan mempengaruhi tingkat penyerapan tenanga kerja di Indonesia. Sementara itu, PDB dan upah di Indonesia juga secara positif mempengaruhi tingkat penyerapan tenaga kerja. Namun, krisis ekonomi pada tahun 1997-1998 secara signifikan tidak mempengaruhi tingkat penyerapan tenanga kerja di Indonesia.

High unemployment is a crucial problem for Indonesia. Various efforts have been made by the government in order to reduce the unemployment rate in Indonesia. But unemployment remains a difficult problem to solve. Average economic growth within the last 30 years records 6.7 percent. During the period, Indonesia?s manufacturing sector has contributed highly to economic growth. In the same time, the contribution of oil and gas as export earning tends to decline. The export has been dominated by non-oil and gas commodities. This study mainly aims to analyze the relationship between employment and non-oil and gas export. The simple regression method is employed.
The result shows that non-oil and gas export positively and significantly affect the level of employment. While, the GDP and wage positively also affect the level of employment. However, economic crisis in 1997-1998 does not significantly affect the level of employment.
T 8799
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tania Murray Li
[Place of publication not identified]: Duke University Press, 2021
641.33851 TAN p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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