"Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menjawab sejauh mana pelanggan internal, yakni staf BPHN merasa puas dengan pelayanan situs ini. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode survei yang melibatkan 48 responden, dengan mendapatkan persepsi mereka terkait tujuh dimensi eservice sebagaimana diutarakan Parasuman.
Guna memperdalam temuan, penelitian ini juga diperluas dengan melihat persepsi para pengelola sendiri terkait proses kerja di lingkungan PDE dengan menggunakan kerangka Malcolm Baldrige. Metode Penelitian menggunakan tehnik analisis deskriptif, dan pengambilan sampel secara random. Dari penelitian ini dihasilkan suatu wacana
Agency for National Legal Development (BPHN) is an agency under the Justice and Human Rights Ministry which one of its main duties is to inform public on the law and other government's regulations using some channels or medium, among them is through a website named www.bphn.go.id, which is managed by Pengelola Data Elektronik (PDE) unit. Beside used by the public, the information provided in the website is also used by the internal staff of BPHN to support their jobs. As a service, the management of the website should consider the satisfaction of its customers.
This research aims is to find out the customer?s perception of internal staff of BPHN toward the service along with seven dimension of electronic service quality (E-Servqual) as proposed by Parasuman, et al. Respondent, which total are 48, is asked to rate any items related to the seven E-Servqual dimension using a five-point Likert scale ranging from (1) strongly disagree to (5) strongly agree.
The result of the research finds that customer is satisfied with the service. When the result is converted to four quality category of public service as stated in the State Minister for Administrative Reforms Minister?s Instruction number 25/2004 (complete name please provided), in general the quality of the service is good."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2009