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Ditemukan 1286 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Jackson, David
London: LLoyd's of London Press, 1987
343.4 JAC c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
John Redmon
Australia: Blackwell Science, 1999
346.02 Pow c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simanjuntak, David Monang Kamba
"Trust merupakan hubungan dwi kepemilikan antara sejumlah benda dengan pemilik secara hukum dan dengan pemilik manfaat. Jenis hubungan hukum ini lahir dari sistem peradilan common law yang bernama, court of equity. Akibat semangat revolusi Prancis abad ke-18 yang ingin menghapuskan seluruh pranata feodal, maka Code Civil tidak mengakui kepemilikan di luar pemilik secara hukum. Ini penyebab instrumen trust tidak berkembang di yurisdiksi dengan tradisi civil law. Namun, pergerakan modal, barang dan orang yang semakin meningkat di seluruh dunia bukan hanya menimbulkan globalisasi ekonomi, tetapi juga globalisasi hukum. Karena itu, yurisdiksi civil law juga mengakui atau bahkan mengembangkan instrumen serupa trust. Prancis dan Quebec memberlakukan undang-undang fiducie. Swis mengamandemen hukum perdata insternasionalnya. Indonesia memperkenalkan konsep dana perwalian untuk mengakomodasi penyediaan dana dari negera common law.
Cara yurisdiksi civil law mengembangkan pranata serupa trust merupakan ide pokok dari tesis ini. Pendekatan micro comparison digunakan untuk perbandingan pranata serupa trust. Prancis dan Quebec mengadopsi teori patrimoine d'affectation, tetapi dengan pendekatan berbeda satu sama lain. Swis tidak mengembangkan hukum material tentang trust, melainkan meratifikasi The Hague Convention on the Law Applicable to Trusts and on their Recognition - 1985. Indonesia tidak memiliki undang-undang yang komprehensif tentang pranata serupa trust. Notaris harus memiliki pemahaman yang mendalam tentang pranata serupa trust, karena pemerintah Indonesia sedang merancang kebijakan yang akan mewajibkan notaris menatausahakan dokumen terkait pemilik manfaat dari korporasi.

Trust is a dual relationship between a sum of asset and its legal owner, as well as its beneficiary owner. This kind of legal arrangement arose from the ancient of common law tradition judicial system, court of equity. Due to the spirit of french revolution in 18th centuries, who attempted to abolish all kind of feudalistic institution, the napoleonic code did not recognized other than legal ownership. That is why the trust instrument does not exist in the civil law tradition jurisdictions. The increase movement of capital, goods and people across the world, however, develop globalisation economically, but also juridical. So, the civil law countries acknowledge or even establish trust like instrument. France and Quebec enacted fiducie law. Swiss modified its international privat law. Indonesia introduce dana perwalian.
How the civilist jurisdictions develop the legal framework of trust like instrument is the main idea of this thesis. The micro comparison approach is used to compare the trust like legal institution. France and Quebec adopted theory of patrimoine d rsquo affectation, but with differents approach each others. Swiss ratified The Hague Convention on the Law Applicable to Trusts and on their Recognition 1985, instead of created a subtantial law of trust like institution. Indonesia does not have a comprenhensive law about trust like legal institution. Notary should have understanding about trust like instrument, since the Government of Indonesia will enforce a new regulation which oblige notary to administrate documents relates to beneficial owner of a corporation.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kadek Denny Baskara Adiputra
"Skripsi ini membahas tentang yurisdiksi ICSID terhadap sengketa kewajiban kontraktual dan sengketa kewajiban traktat. Sengketa kewajiban kontraktual tunduk pada hukum nasional negara penerima investasi sehingga diselesaikan melalui pengadilan nasional negara penerima investasi. Sedangkan, sengketa kewajiban traktat tunduk pada hukum internasional, yang di antara lain meliputi prinsip hukum umum maupun hukum kebiasaan internasional sehingga diselesaikan melalui mekanisme penyelesaian sengketa seperti ICSID. Dalam praktik, seringkali terdapat tumpang tindih antara kedua jenis sengketa tersebut karena investor asing dapat mengajukan sengketanya ke ICSID secara langsung meskipun lahir dari pelanggaran kontrak investasi dan bukan perjanjian investasi bilateral (PIB). Hal ini disebabkan karena yurisdiksi ICSID berdasarkan Pasal 25 ayat (1) Konvensi ICSID didasarkan pada kesepakatan para pihak yang dituangkan dalam masing-masing kontrak investasi maupun PIB. Selain itu, majelis arbitrase ICSID memiliki pendekatan yang berbeda-beda untuk menentukan lingkup yurisdiksi ICSID.
Skripsi ini menggunakan pendekatan yuridis-normatif untuk meninjau penerapan ketentuan yurisdiksi ICSID terhadap sengketa kewajiban kontraktual dan sengketa kewajiban traktat dalam kasus Churchill Mining v. Indonesia, Vivendi Annulment, SGS v. Pakistan, dan SGS v. Philippines. Berdasarkan keempat kasus tersebut, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa ICSID memiliki yurisdiksi terhadap sengketa kewajiban traktat selama persyaratan dalam yurisdiksi ICSID terpenuhi. Akan tetapi, yurisdiksi ICSID terhadap sengketa kewajiban kontraktual bergantung pada konstruksi masing-masing kontrak investasi dan PIB. Skripsi ini menyarankan agar para pihak penyusun kontrak investasi dan PIB memperjelas sengketa yang masuk dalam lingkup kesepakatannya. Selain itu, negara penerima investasi dapat menyisipkan kewajiban untuk menempuh seluruh upaya dalam hukum nasional negara penerima investasi (exhaustion of local remedies) sebelum para pihak dapat bersengketa di ICSID.

This thesis provides an overview of ICSID jurisdiction over contract and treaty claims. Contract claims are claims based on contract which fall within the purview of the domestic law of the host state, hence subject to the courts of the host state. On the other hand, treaty claims are based on violations of a treaty (in this case a Bilateral Investment Treaty or BIT) and is subject to international law with its own dispute settlement mechanism, such as ICSID. Contract and treaty claims are often conflated in practice because of the direct access that investors have to ICSID. This situation is perpetuated by the fact that ICSID jurisdiction under Article 25(1) of the ICSID Convention is based on the consent of both parties, which differs in each investment contract or BIT. Furthermore, tribunals employ different approaches to determine the scope of ICSID jurisdiction.
This thesis uses a juridical-normative approach to determine how tribunals apply ICSID jurisdiction over contract and treaty claims based on four cases, namely Churchill Mining v. Indonesia, Vivendi Annulment, SGS v. Pakistan, and SGS v. Philippines. Based on these four cases, ICSID has jurisdiction over treaty claims, so long as its jurisdictional requirements are met. However, ICSIDs jurisdiction over contract claims is highly contingent on the construction of each specific investment contract or BIT. In conlusion, this thesis suggests that drafters of investment contracts and BITs should explicitly provide the disputes that fall within each agreement. Moreover, BIT drafters could include an exhaustion of local remedies requirement.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cazadira Fediva Tamzil
The global civil society is often regarded as a progressive moral force that provides advocacy and
protection of marginalized groups in the global political arena. Nevertheless, departing from the belief that civil society has great power and influence over global dynamics, it sees that the legitimacy claims they articulate and articulated by academics are essential to be evaluated, especially with regard to their representation and accountability groups and individual beneficiaries. This paper concludes that the claims of legitimacy of civil society are less justifiable, both normatively and empirically. From the normative point of view, claims for civil society representation are problematic because they are often less ethical and thus have a counterproductive effect on the benefit of beneficiaries. In addition, they are more accountable to donors and the sustainability of related institutions than the interests of beneficiaries. From the empirical point of view, the legitimacy of civil society is also questionable because it is now emerging discourses from their own beneficiaries who oppose the actions of representatives and the lack of accountability demonstrated by International Non-Governmental Organizations over Beneficiaries. This paper concludes with a recommendation to the International NGOs to put the Beneficiaries interests as top priority and stop projecting beneficiaries as passive, mute, and without political agency."
Depok: Departemen Ilmu Hubungan Internasional Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
320 UI-GLOBAL 18:2 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kasthya Rizqita Siburian

Dalam situasi di mana terdapat sebuah badan hukum asing yang menjadi pihak dalam perkara di Pengadilan Indonesia, muncul apa pertanyaan Pengadilan Indonesia tersebut memiliki kewenangan untuk mengadili sengketa tersebut. Permasalahan ini berkaitan dengan hukum acara perdata Indonesia dan hukum acara perdata internasional di Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan metode yurisdis normatif, maka penerapan kewenangan lembaga peradilan Indonesia terhadap badan hukum asing akan dikaji dalam Pengadilan Negeri Malang No.79/Pdt.G/2014/PN.Mlg, Pengadilan Tinggi DKI Jakarta 348/Pdt/2018/PT DKI dan Putusan Mahkamah Agung 1142 K/Pdt/2019.

In cases where a foreign legal entity is a party in a dispute in Indonesian courts, the question arises of whether or not the Indonesian court has jurisdiction over the case. This is an issue related to Indonesian civil procedure and international civil procedure. In this thesis, using a normative legal method, the jurisdiction of the Indonesian courts towards foreign legal entities will be analyzed in the decisions by Pengadilan Negeri Malang No. 79/Pdt.G/2014/PN.Mlg, Pengadilan Tinggi DKI Jakarta No. 348/Pdt/2018/PT DKI dan Putusan Mahkamah Agung 1142 K/Pdt/2019.

Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia , 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shaskia Putri Ramadhani
"Salah satu bentuk penanganan bantuan teknis hukum dalam perkara perdata adalah bantuan penyampaian dokumen pengadilan. bantuan ini dapat berupa surat pemanggilan sidang terhadap pihak tergugat yang bertempat tinggal di luar yurisdiksi suatu negara, yang mana diatur dalam The Hague Service Convention 1965. Indonesia belum menjadi negara peserta konvensi tersebut, sehingga dalam menangani bantuan tersebut pada saat ini mengacu pad aNota Kesepahaman antara Mahkmah Agung Republik Indonesia dan Kementerian Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia tentang Penanganan Permintaan Bantuan Teknis Hukum Dalam Masalah Perdata yang ditandatangani pada tanggal 19 Februari 2013 dan telah dieprbaharui pada tanggal 20 Februari 2018. Berdasarkan ketentuan hukum Indonesia, tata cara pemanggilan dilakukan dengan cara memberikan salinan panggilan kepada pemerintah melalui perwakilan Republik Indonesia setempat dengan menggunakan saluran diplomatik.
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai aspek-aspek hukum acara perdata internasional terkait bantuan penyampaian dokumen pengadilan lintas yurisdiksi negara dalam perkara perdata pada pengadilan di Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif yang menggunakan data sekunder. Berdasarkan kasus yang dibahas dalam skripsi ini, didpatkan ahsil bahwa proses penanganan bantuan penyampaian dokumen pengadilan yang melibatkan negara non peserta The Hague Service Convention 1965 merupakan proses yang panjang dan rumit serta dalam prakteknya di Indonesia masih kurang diterapkan secara tepat.

One of form judicial assistance in civil cases is service of process of judicial document. This assistance may be a summons to a defendant who resides outside the jurisdiction of a countyr, which regulated in The Hague Service Convention 1965. Indonesia is not yet a party to the convention, therefore in handling such assistance currently referring to Memorandum of Understanding between Supreme Court of Republic of Indonesia and Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Indonesia on the handling requests for judicial assistance in civil cases signed on February, 19th 2013 and has been renewed on February, 20th 2018. Under Indonesian law, the procedure of summoning is done by giving a copy to the government through the representatives of the local Republic of Indonesia using diplomatic channels.
This thesis explains about international civil procedural law aspects regarding assistance for service of process of judicial document cross country jurisdiction in civil cases in Indonesian court. The research method used is juridical normative using secondary data. Based on the analyzed cases, the outcome is the handling process of assistance for service of process of judicial document which involving non contracting states of The Hague Service Convention 1965 are often long and complicated process and in practice in Indoensia is still not applied properly.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
London: Sweet & Maxwell, 2010
347.04 LEN
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hutagaol, Stephan Anggita
"Penelitian Tesis ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya fenomena sengketa perdata yang malah dilaporkan ke polisi, sehingga semula masalah perdata menjadi masuk ranah pidana. Prinsip keadilan restoratif sebagai terobosan dalam sistem hukum pidana berupaya memberikan keadilan kepada para pihak (khususnya korban) dengan mengedepankan pemulihan kembali pada keadaan semula dan mengembalikan hubungan baik dalam masyarakat, justru secara das sein keadilan restoratif dimanfaatkan untuk menyelesaikan masalah tagihan nyangkut atau utang piutang melalui pendekatan pidana, yang secara das sollen seharusnya masalah tagihan nyangkut atau utang piutang diselesaikan melalui mekanisme penyelesaian sengketa keperdataan. Penulis memilih metode penelitian kualitatif jenis studi dokumen (kajian literatur) dengan menggunakan data primer dan data sekunder sebagai sumber data dalam penelitian ini, termasuk menelaah peraturan kepolisian dan buku-buku keadilan restoratif yang ditulis oleh penulis polisi, praktisi reserse yang juga sebagai akademisi, guna memahami rumusan masalah dan menjawab pertanyaan penelitian, serta untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian. Dari penelitian ini penulis menemukan adanya keistimewaan dalam menggunakan pendekatan pidana yang tidak dimiliki dalam pilihan penyelesaian sengketa keperdataan, dan dengan menggunakan prinsip keadilan restoratif semakin memungkinkan bagi para pihak untuk berdamai dalam suatu perkara pidana. Implementasi e-manajemen penyidikan secara menyeluruh di kepolisian akan memudahkan akses pengawasan, pengendalian, dan monitoring kegiatan penyelidikan/penyidikan sehingga dapat digunakan untuk menjaga marwah penerapan prinsip keadilan restoratif dalam sistem hukum pidana di Indonesia.

The research is initiated by the phenomenon of civil disputes that are reported to the police. Ideally, such disputes should not be reported to the police and consequently they become the domain of criminal legal system. The principle of restorative justice as a breakthrough in criminal legal system seeks to provide justice to the parties (especially to the victims) by prioritizing recovery to the original condition (before a crime occurs) and to restore good relationships among the parties in the society. In fact (das sein), the restorative justice approach has often been used to resolve civil cases such as debit and credit claims or bad debt through criminal approach, which theoretically (das sollen) should be resolved through the mechanism of civil law proceedings. The author employs the qualitative approach using literature study method and uses primary and secondary data as data sources of the research, including examining police regulations and restorative justice books written by police writers and police practitioners who are also academicians in order to comprehend the problems and to answer the research questions as well as to achieve the research objectives. The results of the study reveal that there is something special in using criminal approach that can not be found in the civil law proceedings and by using the principle of restorative justice it is more possible for the parties to reconcile in a criminal case. The implementation of e-investigation management comprehensively by the National Police will facilitate access to supervision, control, and monitoring of initial investigation as well as investigation activities so that it can be used to keep up the true spirit of the application of restorative justice principles in criminal legal system in Indonesia."
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cowen, Zelman
Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1959
347.94 COW f
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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