Ditemukan 3475 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Wadud-Muhsin, Amina
Kuala Lumpur: Fajar Bakti SDN BHD, 1992
297.122 WAD q
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Dayyub, Abdul Hamid
Jakarta: Restu Agung, 2006
297.26 DAY f
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Rodwell, J.M.
London: Phoenix, 1994
297.122 ROD k
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Ar-rifa`i, Muhammad Nasib
Jakarta: Gema Insani Press, 1999
297.122 ARR k
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
"Diskursus pemikiran gender, salah satunya berupa konsep penciptaan perempuan memang fenomenal dan kontroversial. Amina Wadud, salah seorang feminis yang menulis buku Qur'an and Woman, berisi tentang kesetaraan gender antara laki-laki dan perempuan dalam tradisi tafsir. Ia mencoba melakukan reinterpretasi dengan menawarkan metode penafsiran modern yang bersifat kontekstual sesuai dengan perubahan sosial masyarakat dan layak diterapkan dalam konteks kekinian. Selanjutnya tulisan ini akan mencoba mengungkap pemikiran Amina Wadud Muhsin tentang konsep penciptaan perempuan, sekaligus metode penafsiran yang dipakainya dalam memahami ayat-ayat al-Qur'an, khususnya ayat-ayat tentang konsep penciptaan perempuan, guna memperoleh paradigma penafsiran dan pemahaman yang egaliter dan tidak bias gender."
KONSTAIN 1:2 (2013)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Wrochno, Krystyna
Warsawa: Interpress Publishers, 1969
305.409438 WRO w
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Wollstonecraft, Mary
London: David Campbell Publishers, 1992
R 305.42 WOL v
Buku Referensi Universitas Indonesia Library
"The understanding of human nature is very important for human resource development, because that understanding will be a starting point in establishing development objectives, development strategies, method selection, and the types of media used. The main problem that has arisen so far is that the understanding of human nature is only based on the results of quantitative research, without considering the information from the Essence of the Supreme Creator of human (revelation), and consequently they are missing elements which limit the development of human resources. These studies only discuss things relating to physical, psychological, and social aspects; while important things such as the human creation process and its purpose, humanity's status before God, its potential and its development have not received enough attention. To find answers to the above shortcomings, qualitative research utilizing document study techniques of Quranic main verses relating to humanity was conducted. It was conducted using maudhu'i interpretation, namely by studying verses which are related to humanity through the understanding of the interpreters of the Quran. It was revealed that humans do not exist by themselves. There is a creator that is God The Almighty. The purpose of human creation is to worship Him till the end of his life. Humans can not determine the result of their own efforts because their lives partly still depend on God's permission. Human life is not only here and now, but there will be a life hereafter, where humans will receive the rewards of what they do during their life in the world. Some characteristics which differentiate humans from other creatures were also found. From the beginning of their creation they are equipped with "faith"; there is the mind which allows man to be able to distinguish between right and wrong, and the conscience that enables humans to know the things beyond the sensory."
IJE 7:2 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"Kekerasan seksual dalam sejarah umat manusia sudah menjadi fenomena umum. Ironisnya, objek kekerasan tersebut acapkali ditujukan kepada perempuan. Kekerasan seksual yang ditujukan kepada anak perempuan, remaja perempuan maupun istri seolah-olah mendapat legitimasi berbasis teologi (agama Islam). Tidak jarang, kasus- kasus pemukulan suami terhadap istri dalam kasus KDRT (nusyuz) dan berbagai kasus kekerasan lainnya membawa dan dihubungkan dengan dalil-dalil teks agama (Alquran dan hadis). Pribadi nabi Muhammad terhadap istri-istrinya dan berbagai hadis nabi yang melegitimasi kekerasan terhadap istri selalu dijadikan dalil argumentasi teologis. Akibatnya, wacana pemikiran keagamaan Islam tentang interpretasi Alquran dan hadis selalu berbau dan mengindikasikan kekerasan seksual terhadap perempuan. Oleh karena itu, tafsir Alquran oleh Amina Wadud terhadap ayat-ayat yang mengindikasikan kekerasan seksual terhadap perempuan penting untuk dikaji."
364 JP 21:2 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library