"Tesis ini meneliti tentang pengaruh dari brand innovativeness dan brand leadership terhadap keberhasilan luxury brands di Indonesia, dan bagaimana brand luxury, brand user-imagery fit dan brand value mempengaruhi willingness to pay a premium pada luxury fashion brands. Setelah dilakukan tinjauan pustaka dan penyusunan hipotesis, diperoleh data dari penyebaran kuesioner terhadap 157 responden yang pernah membeli dan menggunakan tas bermerek (Hermes, Chanel, dan Louis Vouitton) di wilayah Jakarta, dengan melakukan pendekatan snowball sampling dan convenience sampling, dan kemudian dilakukan analisis terhadap data dengan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa brand innovativeness tidak memiliki pengaruh secara langsung terhadap brand luxury, sedangkan brand leadership mempunyai pengaruh positif terhadap brand luxury. Lebih lanjut variabel Brand luxury, brand value, dan brand user-imagery fit memiliki pengaruh yang positif terhadap willingness to pay a premium dan yang pengaruhnya paling besar terhadap willingness to pay a premium adalah brand value. Oleh karena itu, untuk menciptakan brand luxury harus diawali dengan upaya membangun brand leadership, apakah sudah menjadi merek yang terdepan, beradaptasi dengan perkembangan jaman dan memiliki visi jangka panjang. Kemudian dengan menjadi brand luxury tidak serta merta konsumen akan bersedia membayar premium, harus ada brand value yang kuat yang didasari bahwa dirinya adalah bagian dari orang-orang pengguna luxury fashion brand tersebut. Dalam membentuk brand luxury dan willingness to pay a premium, perusahaan sebaiknya memperhatikan "the Brand Luxury Model" pada penelitan ini.
This thesis examines the effect of brand innovativeness and brand leadership with respect to the success of luxury brands in Indonesia; as well as how brand luxury, brand user-imagery fit and brand value have an effect on the willingness to pay a premium on the luxury-fashion brands. After conducting a comprehensive literature study and crafting hypothesis, some useful data were obtained from the questioners distributed to 157 respondents who had purchased or are using a number of branded or designer bags (including Hermes, Chanel, and Louis Vouitton) in Jakarta, with a snowball sampling and convenience sampling approaches. This followed by an analysis of the data with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM).The research has provided us with an interesting observation whereby brand innovativeness does not have a direct influence on the brand luxury, and on the other hand brand leadership offers positive influence on the brand luxury. Furthermore, brand luxury, brand value, and brand user-imagery fit, all have positive influence on the willingness to pay a premium. And brand value is perceived as the one that has the biggest influence on the willingness to pay a premium. Therefore, to create a brand luxury, one must start by putting a lot of efforts in developing a brand leadership, whether one particular brand has already become a leading brand; an adaptive brand with the ever-changing era; or having a forward long-term vision. By being a brand luxury does not necessary mean that consumers will be willing to pay for a premium. There must be a strong brand value on the basis that they are part of those users of the luxury fashion brand. In shaping the luxury brand and the willingness to pay a premium, companies should pay attention to "the Brand Luxury Model" in this research."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013