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Ditemukan 42 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Harris, Lilian Craig
Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1986
961.204 HAR l
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lili Muhammad Romli
"Gerakan Sanusiyah merupakan gerakan tarekat yang didirikan oleh Muhammad ibn Ali al-Sanusi. Gerakan ini lahir pada akhir paruh pertama abad ke-19 dan mulai terkenal pada awal abad ke-20 karena perjuangannya dalam melawan kolonialisme Eropa di Libya. Gerakan ini berjasa dalam mendirikan negara Libya modern. Dalam hal pemikiran, gerakan ini bersifat puritan dan revivalis. Al-Sanusi sebagai pendirinya berpandangan bahwa interpretasi syari'ah haruslah bebas. Ia juga menekankan bahwa umat Islam harus menghidupkan kembali akidah dan praktik Islam yang murni sebagaimana diajarkan oleh Nabi Muhammad, serta membebaskan diri dari dogmadogma yang telah melemahkannya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode studi pustaka. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan bahwa Gerakan Sanusiyah merupakan gerakan revivalis yang sangat gigih memperjuangkan kemerdekaan negara Libya dari kolonialisme, baik melalui jalan koperatif maupun non-koperatif.

Sanusiyah Movement is thariqa movement which was established by Muhammad ibn Ali al-Sanusi. The movement appeared at the end of first half 19th century and became popular at the beginning of 20th century because of its struggle to resist European colonialism in Libya. The movement was meritorious in instituting the modern country of Libya. The characteristic of Sanusiyah movement are puritan and revivalist thought. Al-Sanusi as the founder thought that the interpretation of Shari'a must be free. He also emphasized that muslim must revive akidah and Islamic practice which is pure, in the same manner as taught by Mohammad, and liberate themselves from dogmas which was debilitate them. This research is qualitative research with literatural studies. The purpose of this research is to clarify that the Sanusiyah Movement is revivalist movement which was very persistent in fighting for Libya's independence from colonialism by cooperative or non-cooperative way.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vandewalle, Dirk
London: I.B. Tauris, 1998
961.204 1 VAN l
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Al-Zawi, Al-Tahir Ahmad
"Buku ini menjelaskan tentang sejarah LIbya pada abad 8-9 Masehi.
Libya pada saat itu menjadi jalur perdagangan antara benua Asia-Afrika-Eropa.
Buku ini menjelaskan keadaan suku badui yang terdapat di Libya."
Kairo: Dar al-Ma'arif, [date of publication not identified]
ARA 961.202 ZAW t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aboubaker. Y.Y. Alfakhri
"Construction delays have become endemic in Libya. It is imperative to create awareness of the extent to which such delays can adversely affect project delivery, especially with regard to road construction projects. It is clear that the Libyan road construction industry also faces the issue of not being able to complete projects within the allocated time. This paper identifies the effects of road construction delays, evaluates these through a questionnaire, and assesses them using an empirical method. A detailed review of related literature produced the secondary data, while the primary data was obtained via a structured questionnaire which targeted the road construction projects owners, consultants and contractors. A 71% response rate was achieved; 256 out of the 360 questionnaires sent out were returned. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data received from the questionnaires. The findings of the study reveal that the major outcomes of road construction project schedule overruns in Tripoli, Libya include cost overruns, time extensions, disputes, loss of profit, breaches of contract, poor quality of work and company’s bad reputation. The study makes a contribution to the knowledge of the subject of the outcomes of road construction project schedule overruns in Tripoli. Computation of the means and standard deviations, together with a structural equation model, have been used for the data analysis and inference. It is found that delays in road construction projects widely lead to cost overrun, time overrun, litigation and disputes. The findings of the study also provide significant insights into the construction industry, which will help it formulate strategies in order to avoid delays and their consequences. The most important effects identified were time overrun, cost overrun and obstruction of economic and country development. The recommendations and limitations are discussed in the concluding part of the study."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI-IJTECH 9:4 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tesis ini berkaitan dengan failed state Libya pasca rezim Gaddafi. Adapun permasalahan yang diteliti dalam tesis ini, yaitu mengenai kedudukan negara Libya apakah dapat dikategorikan sebagai negara gagal atau tidak, faktor penyebab kegagalan negara Libya dan dampak yang ditimbulkannya sebagai negara gagal pasca rezim Gaddafi. Terdapat tiga konsep teori yang digunakan dalam tesis ini, yaitu konsep state, konsep failed state, dan konsep political order.
Tesis ini memakai metode analisis deskriptif dengan memperoleh data melalui kajian studi pustaka (library research). Tesis ini menemukan bahwa Libya dapat dikategorikan sebagai negara gagal pasca rezim Gaddafi dengan melihat berbagai indikasi yang dimilikinya, yaitu jaminan akan perlindungan keamanan terhadap masyarakat Libya tidak efektif lagi, kebutuhan akan kesejahteraan dan kemakmuran masyarakat Libya tidak dapat lagi terpenuhi, dan ketertiban serta legitimasi hukum tidak dapat lagi dijalankan oleh pemerintah sementara Libya.
Terdapat dua faktor yang menjadi penyebab kegagalan negara Libya pasca rezim Gaddafi, yaitu faktor internal dan faktor eksternal. Faktor internal terdiri dari ketidakmapuan pemerintahan sementara dalam menjalankan roda pemerintahan di Libya dan terpecahnya negara Libya menjadi dua pemerintahan. Adapun faktor eksternal terdiri dari adanya intervensi yang dilakukan oleh NATO di Libya, lajunya ekspansi ISIS di Libya, dan munculnya kelompok-kelompok bersenjata. Kegagalan negara Libya sebagai sebuah negara memberikan dampak yang buruk terhadap lingkungan domestik, regional, dan internasional.

This thesis aims to discuss the failed state (Libya) in the post-regime of Gaddafi. The investigated issues in this thesis are the controversial status of Libya (whether it can be categorized as failed state or not), the factors attributed to Libya's failure and the impacts resulted as failed state after the post-regime of Gaddafi. This thesis employs three theoretical concepts namely state concept, failed state concept, and political order concept.
The descriptive analytical method is used to obtain the data through the library research. This thesis found out that Libya can be categorized as a failed state after Gaddafi's regime by looking at many indications: the ineffective provision of the security protection to the Libyan's society, the Libyan people's unfulfilled needs on the welfare and prosperity, and the order and law legitimacy cannot be conducted by the Libyan's temporary government.
Additionally, there are two factors contributing to Libyan's failure in Gaddafi's post-regime namely internal and external factor. The internal factors may include the interim government's inability to conduct the Libyan's governance and the disintegration of Libya into two governmental system. For external factors, the Libyan's failure is mainly associated to the intervention conducted by NATO in Libya as well as the rapid expansion of ISIS in Libya, and the existence of armed groups. The Libyan's failure as a state contributes to the bad impacts towards its domestic, regional, dan international environment."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Den Subhan Imaduddin
"Selama beberapa dekade terakhir negara negara di berbagai belahan dunia memulai proses reformasi menuju pemerintahan yang demokratis Negara negara di Amerika Latin Eropa Tengah Eropa Timur dan Asia yang masih mempraktikan kediktatoran sikap otoriter dominasi militer termasuk juga rezim komunis satu persatu berjatuhan Kecenderungan tersebut dianggap sebagai imbas dari demokratisasi global yang dikenal sebagai third wave of democracy Tetapi proses demokratisasi tersebut seolah tidak berlaku pada proses politik beberapa negara di Afnka Utara dan Timur Tengah termasuk Libya Selama empat dekade lebth rezim otoriter Muammar Qadhafi dengan 'tangan besinya berkuasa di Libya Melihat realitas tersebut muncul pertanyaan bagaimana pemerintahan otoriter Muammar Qadhafi bisa melewati fase demokratisasi sehingga mampu bertahan hingga empat dekade lebih9 Dan faktor apa saja yang sangat berpengaruh terhadap Ketahanan rezimnya tersebut?
Untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut penulis akan menganahsa dengan menggunakan teori institusionalisme dan teori rezim otoriter Kemudian juga Metode penelitian yang diterapkan dalam penulisan tesis mi adalah metode studi kasus dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif Melalum berbagai pisau analisa di atas tesis mi akan menjelaskan faktor faktor yang mempengaruhi Ketahanan rezim otoriter Qadhafi di Libya yang bisa bertahan lebih dari empat dekade.
Bertahannya rezim otoriter Qadhafi selama 42 tahun didorong oleh faktor yang beragam Faktor paling dominan yang memiliki andil signifikan dalam Ketahanan rezim Qadhafi tersebut diantaranya Pertama dominasi Qadhafi terhadap struktur polmtik di Libya pasca revolusi 1969 melalui RCC ASU dan GPC Qadhafi menjadikan lembaga tersebut sebagai alat legitimasi kekuasaannya Kedua rezim membatasi kebebasan berpolitik melalui supremasi Buku Hijau yang menjadi sumber acuan konstitusi Libya Ketiga strategi Qadhafi meredam
berbagai kelompok oposisi melalui pembentukan institusi yang loyal dan represif Ke empat peran Qadhafi dalam pemanfaatan kebijakan dan hubungan luar negeri Libya Terakhir Qadhafi mampu membangun lmngkaran kekuasaan yang solid melalui koalisi antar suku yang loyal terhadapnya

These last few decades nations around the world have been starting reformation process towards democratic governance Nations in Latin America Central Europe Eastern Europe and Asia that are still practicing dictatorship authoritarianism military domination and also nations with ruling communist regimes have been falling one by one This tendency could be considered as the impact of global democratization known as the third wave of democracy' However this democratization phenomenon does not apply in some nations in North Africa and the Middle East including Libya More than four decades
Muammar Qadhafi s 'iron hand' authoritarian regime is in command of Libya Questions arise concerning this reality are How does Muammar Qadhafi s authoritarianism overlook democratization phase until it lasted more than four decades9 What are the influential factors of his regime durability?
To answer these questions the author analyzed the problems using institutionalism and authoritarian regime theories Research method applied in this thesis is case study method using qualitative approach Through various blade analysis this thesis will explain the factors that affect the durability of Qadhafi's authoritarian regime in Libya that lasted more than four decades.
There are some significant factors that contributed in Qadhafi s prolonged regime namely First Qadhafi s dominant influence in Libyan political structure since post revolution 1969 through RCC ASU and GPC These institutions were made to legitimate his power in Libya Second political freedom was restricted by applying the Green Book as the source of reference for Libyan constitution Third Qadhafi made strategic policy to diminish his opposition parties by establishing loyal and repressive institutions Third Qadhafi made good utilization of Libyan international relations and foreign policies And finally Qadhafi was able to build solid circle of power through loyal inter tribal coalitions."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Strategik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Melia Agustina
"Skripsi ini membahas tentang awal kekuasaan, masa kekuasaan, akhir kekuasaan Muammar Qaddafi di Libya, sumbangannya dalam membangun Libya dan faktorfaktor pemicu penggulingan kekuasaannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian sejarah, meliputi proses pemilihan topik, pengumpulan sumber, verifikasi, interpretasi dan penulisan. Hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa Qaddafi memperoleh kekuasaan melalui kudeta militer dan mendapat dukungan karena rakyat rindu sosok pemimpin pro-rakyat, anti imperialisme dan kolonialisme. Massa kekuasaan Qaddafi dijalankan dengan sistem otoriter sehingga dapat melanggengkan kekuasaannya. Adapun faktor-faktor yang memicu jatuhnya kekuasaan Qaddafi adalah faktor sejarah, kekecewaan rakyat, krisis ekonomi, adanya Arab Spring yang menginspirasi rakyat dan peran pihak asing.

This undergraduate thesis talks about Libya before, during and after Muammar Qadafi's regime in Libya, his contributions in developing the country and also factors that caused his fall. This research used historical research method, which includes the selection process of the topic, data research, verification, interpretation and writing. The result shows that Qaddafi obtained his power through a military coup and people's sympathy, since people were looking for a figure who was anti-amperialism and colonialism, and having people's based policies. Qaddafi run with an authoritarian system so as to maintain its power. There are also factors that triggers his regime to fall, like historical reason, people's discontentment, economic crisis, the existence of Arab Spring which influenced the people and the intervention from other countries.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Izhar
"Penelitian ini membahas perkembangan ekonomi di Libya masa pemerintahan Muammar Khadafi. Pada masa Muammar Khadafi keterpurukan ekonomi Libya dapat diubah sehingga Libya dapat menjadi salah satu negara pengekspor minyak tersbesar di dunia dan rakyat menjadi sejahtera. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif karena membutuhkan data deskriptif berupa tulisan dari sumber-sumber yang dapat penulis amati. Metode pengumpulan data peneltian ini diperoleh dari beberapa sumber, di antaranya buku dan jurnal, yang berkaitan dengan perekonomian Libya. Penelitian ini mengangkat dua permasalahan, yaitu  (1) Bagaimana kondisi pemerintahan di Libya pada masa Raja Idris dan masa awal pemerintahan Muammar Khadafi (2) Bagaimana perkembangan ekonomi Libya pada masa pemerintahan Muammar Khadafi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan keadaan Ekonomi Libya pada masa Raja Idris dan masa awal pemerintahan Muammar Khadafi. Penelitian ini juga menjelaskan perkembangan ekonomi Libya masa pemerintahan Muammar Khadafi. Hasil dari penelitian adalah terjadi perkembangan signifikan yang terjadi pada masa Muammar Khadafi, khususnya di bidang ekonomi.

This study discusses the economic reforms in Libya during the reign of Muammar Khadafi. During the time of Muammar Khadafi, the downturn in the Libyan economy could be reversed so that Libya could become one of the largest oil exporting countries in the world and the people would prosper. This study uses qualitative methods and data collection techniques by making scientific observations, such as observing or observing documents. This research data collection method was obtained from several sources, including official books, articles, papers, journals, magazines and newspapers relating to the Libyan economy. This research raises two issues, namely (1) How was the condition of the government in Libya during the reign of King Idris and the early days of Muammar Khadafi's reign (2) How was the development of the Libyan economy during the reign of Muammar Khadafi. This study aims to explain the state of the Libyan economy during the time of King Idris and the early days of Muammar Khadafi's reign. This research also explains the development of the Libyan economy during the reign of Muammar Khadafi. The result of the research is that there were significant developments that occurred during Muammar Khadafi's time, especially in the economic field."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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