ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas laporan keuangan, kualitas
laporan akuntabilitas kinerja dan kualitas pelayanan publik dalam menunjang
keberhasilan reformasi birokrasi pada Kementerian Hukum dan HAM Tahun
2013. Metode penelitian deskriptif digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan desain
penelitian studi kasus. Hasilnya, laporan keuangan Kementerian Hukum dan
HAM telah memenuhi karakteristik kualitatif laporan keuangan berdasarkan PP
Nomor 71 Tahun 2010; LAKIP disajikan sesuai SK LAN Nomor
239/IX/6/8/2003, kualitas pelayanan publik baik (survei IKM skor 73,57),
perolehan opini WTP dari BPK, kualitas laporan akuntabilitas kinerja (nilai
LAKIP “B”), dan kualitas pelayanan publik yang baik (survei IKM) telah
mendukung keberhasilan reformasi birokrasi di Kementerian Hukum dan HAM
Tahun 2013. Saran penelitian dalam mempertahankan opini WTP yang sudah
diperoleh harus terus melakukan pemantauan kinerja secara rutin, kendala harus
dijelaskan dan dicantumkan dalam laporan akuntabilitas kinerja, meningkatkan
kualitas SDM untuk mempercepat pelayanan dan membentuk tim pengawas
ABSTRACTThis study aims to determine the quality of financial reporting, quality of
performance accountability reports and quality of public services in supporting the
success of the bureaucracy reforms at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights
2013. The methods used in this study are descriptive method and case study
analysis. The results are Ministry of Law and Human Rights financial report has
fulfilled the qualitative characteristics of financial statements under PP No. 71
2010, performance accountability report has been presented accordance with SK
LAN LAKIP No.239/IX/6/8/2003, quality of public services has been good with
Public Satisfaction Index 73.57, WTP opinion for financial report, value “B” for
LAKIP (presented good performance accountability), and Public Satisfaction
Index survey has supported the success of bureaucratic reform in the Ministry of
Law and Human Rights in 2013. Several recommendations resulted from this
research are to monitoring performance on regular basis to maintain WTP opinion
that already obtained, constraints should be described and included in the
performance accountability report, improve the quality of human resources by
speed up service and formed a team of supervisors gratification;This study aims to determine the quality of financial reporting, quality of
performance accountability reports and quality of public services in supporting the
success of the bureaucracy reforms at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights
2013. The methods used in this study are descriptive method and case study
analysis. The results are Ministry of Law and Human Rights financial report has
fulfilled the qualitative characteristics of financial statements under PP No. 71
2010, performance accountability report has been presented accordance with SK
LAN LAKIP No.239/IX/6/8/2003, quality of public services has been good with
Public Satisfaction Index 73.57, WTP opinion for financial report, value “B” for
LAKIP (presented good performance accountability), and Public Satisfaction
Index survey has supported the success of bureaucratic reform in the Ministry of
Law and Human Rights in 2013. Several recommendations resulted from this
research are to monitoring performance on regular basis to maintain WTP opinion
that already obtained, constraints should be described and included in the
performance accountability report, improve the quality of human resources by
speed up service and formed a team of supervisors gratification;This study aims to determine the quality of financial reporting, quality of
performance accountability reports and quality of public services in supporting the
success of the bureaucracy reforms at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights
2013. The methods used in this study are descriptive method and case study
analysis. The results are Ministry of Law and Human Rights financial report has
fulfilled the qualitative characteristics of financial statements under PP No. 71
2010, performance accountability report has been presented accordance with SK
LAN LAKIP No.239/IX/6/8/2003, quality of public services has been good with
Public Satisfaction Index 73.57, WTP opinion for financial report, value “B” for
LAKIP (presented good performance accountability), and Public Satisfaction
Index survey has supported the success of bureaucratic reform in the Ministry of
Law and Human Rights in 2013. Several recommendations resulted from this
research are to monitoring performance on regular basis to maintain WTP opinion
that already obtained, constraints should be described and included in the
performance accountability report, improve the quality of human resources by
speed up service and formed a team of supervisors gratification;This study aims to determine the quality of financial reporting, quality of
performance accountability reports and quality of public services in supporting the
success of the bureaucracy reforms at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights
2013. The methods used in this study are descriptive method and case study
analysis. The results are Ministry of Law and Human Rights financial report has
fulfilled the qualitative characteristics of financial statements under PP No. 71
2010, performance accountability report has been presented accordance with SK
LAN LAKIP No.239/IX/6/8/2003, quality of public services has been good with
Public Satisfaction Index 73.57, WTP opinion for financial report, value “B” for
LAKIP (presented good performance accountability), and Public Satisfaction
Index survey has supported the success of bureaucratic reform in the Ministry of
Law and Human Rights in 2013. Several recommendations resulted from this
research are to monitoring performance on regular basis to maintain WTP opinion
that already obtained, constraints should be described and included in the
performance accountability report, improve the quality of human resources by
speed up service and formed a team of supervisors gratification, This study aims to determine the quality of financial reporting, quality of
performance accountability reports and quality of public services in supporting the
success of the bureaucracy reforms at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights
2013. The methods used in this study are descriptive method and case study
analysis. The results are Ministry of Law and Human Rights financial report has
fulfilled the qualitative characteristics of financial statements under PP No. 71
2010, performance accountability report has been presented accordance with SK
LAN LAKIP No.239/IX/6/8/2003, quality of public services has been good with
Public Satisfaction Index 73.57, WTP opinion for financial report, value “B” for
LAKIP (presented good performance accountability), and Public Satisfaction
Index survey has supported the success of bureaucratic reform in the Ministry of
Law and Human Rights in 2013. Several recommendations resulted from this
research are to monitoring performance on regular basis to maintain WTP opinion
that already obtained, constraints should be described and included in the
performance accountability report, improve the quality of human resources by
speed up service and formed a team of supervisors gratification]"