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Makmun Muzakki R.
Penelitian mengenai Tarekat dan Debus Rifa_iyah telah dilakukan di dua tempat yakni, desa Kadudodol, Pandeglang dan Pesantren Cibaregbeg, Cianjur, sekitar bulan-bulan September 1989 sampai dengan Februari 1990. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keberadaan dari perkembangan serta pengaruh Tarekat R ifaiyah dan debusnya tersebut.
Karena literatur yang membahas tarekat ini tidak banyak, maka penelitian lapangan berupa observasi langsung dan wawancara dengan para tokohnya lebih ditekankan.
Hasil observasi dan wawancara serta studi kepustakaan menunjukkan bahwa tarekat Rifa_iyah dan debusnya itu ti_dak begitu banyak berkembang dibanding dengan aliran tare_kat yang lain seperti misalnya, Qadiriyah. Penelitian ini juga menyimpulkan bahwa tarekat Rifa_iyah telah berkembang menjadi tiga versi. Yang pertama tetap sebagai Tarekat dan yang kedua menjadi seni debus dan yang terakhir wirid-wirid dan amalan yang sedianya dipakai untuk Tarekat, dikembangkan menjadi trades ikekebalan (kesaktian). Kalau dika_takan memiliki pengaruh, maka pengaruh terbesar Rifa_iyah, berada pada versi kesaktian.

UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhamad Shoheh
Penelitian ini membahas teks al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah karya Shaykh Muh}ammad al-Ghawth al-Hindi>. Teks ini merupakan buku manual bagi para pengikut tarekat Shat}t}a>riyah dalam menempuh jalan tasawuf. Penelitian ini bertujuan menjawab tiga pertanyaan: di antara naskah-naskah al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah yang ditemukan, naskah al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah yang manakah yang dapat dijadikan landasan untuk edisi teks, apa saja isi kandungan teks al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah, bagaimana konteks yang melatarbelakangi proses penyalinan naskah al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah dari Banten. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyajikan suntingan teks, terjemah, dan tinjauan isi teks al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah serta mengungkap kontek penyalinan naskah al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah dari Banten. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan dengan menggunakan beberapa metode dan pendekatan, seperti: filologi, kodikologi dan analisis tema. Riset ini berhasil membuat suntingan teks dan terjemahannya, mengungkap isi teks al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah salinan dari Banten yang berisi ?tiga permata? yakni tatacara beribadah, tatacara berzuhud, dan tatacara berdo‟a dengan menggunakan al-Ism al-A?z}am, serta menjelaskan konteks penyalinan naskah al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah Banten.;

This study discusses the text al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah, a work of al-Shaykh} Muhammad Ghawth al-Hindi>. This text is a manual for the followers of the shat}t}a>riyah congregation in the path of Sufism. This study aims to answer three questions: among of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah manuscripts that was found, which one of them can be used as the basis for edition, what are the contents of the text of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah, how is the context underlying the process of copying manuscripts of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten. This study aims to present the text editing, translations, and reviews the contents of the text of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah and copying manuscripts reveal the context of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten. This study is the research literature by using several methods and approaches, such as philology, codicology and tematic analysis. This research managed to make text editing and translation, revealing the contents of the text of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten which contains a copy of the "three gems" that is the procedure of worship, zuhud procedures, and method and procedures of praying by using al-Ism al-A'z}am, as well as explaining the context of the manuscript copy of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten.;This study discusses the text al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah, a work of al-Shaykh} Muhammad Ghawth al-Hindi>. This text is a manual for the followers of the shat}t}a>riyah congregation in the path of Sufism. This study aims to answer three questions: among of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah manuscripts that was found, which one of them can be used as the basis for edition, what are the contents of the text of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah, how is the context underlying the process of copying manuscripts of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten. This study aims to present the text editing, translations, and reviews the contents of the text of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah and copying manuscripts reveal the context of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten. This study is the research literature by using several methods and approaches, such as philology, codicology and tematic analysis. This research managed to make text editing and translation, revealing the contents of the text of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten which contains a copy of the "three gems" that is the procedure of worship, zuhud procedures, and method and procedures of praying by using al-Ism al-A'z}am, as well as explaining the context of the manuscript copy of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten.;This study discusses the text al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah, a work of al-Shaykh} Muhammad Ghawth al-Hindi>. This text is a manual for the followers of the shat}t}a>riyah congregation in the path of Sufism. This study aims to answer three questions: among of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah manuscripts that was found, which one of them can be used as the basis for edition, what are the contents of the text of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah, how is the context underlying the process of copying manuscripts of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten. This study aims to present the text editing, translations, and reviews the contents of the text of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah and copying manuscripts reveal the context of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten. This study is the research literature by using several methods and approaches, such as philology, codicology and tematic analysis. This research managed to make text editing and translation, revealing the contents of the text of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten which contains a copy of the "three gems" that is the procedure of worship, zuhud procedures, and method and procedures of praying by using al-Ism al-A'z}am, as well as explaining the context of the manuscript copy of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten., This study discusses the text al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah, a work of al-Shaykh} Muhammad Ghawth al-Hindi>. This text is a manual for the followers of the shat}t}a>riyah congregation in the path of Sufism. This study aims to answer three questions: among of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah manuscripts that was found, which one of them can be used as the basis for edition, what are the contents of the text of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah, how is the context underlying the process of copying manuscripts of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten. This study aims to present the text editing, translations, and reviews the contents of the text of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah and copying manuscripts reveal the context of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten. This study is the research literature by using several methods and approaches, such as philology, codicology and tematic analysis. This research managed to make text editing and translation, revealing the contents of the text of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten which contains a copy of the "three gems" that is the procedure of worship, zuhud procedures, and method and procedures of praying by using al-Ism al-A'z}am, as well as explaining the context of the manuscript copy of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten.]"
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Guillot, Claude
Jakarta : Gramedia Book Publising Division, 1990
959.824 GUI s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Banten: Dinas Kebudayaan dan Parawisata, 2008
390 IND m (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hoesein Djajadiningrat
Jakarta: Djambatan, 1983
959.823 HOE c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Salampessy, Ismail Naiyowehaji
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap perspektif masyarakat terhadap satuansatuan lanskap serta pemanfaatannya sebagai sumber perolehan kebutuhan hidup masyarakat adat Baduy-Dalam, Desa Kanekes, Banten. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan etnoekologi. Data penelitian dikumpulkan dari hasil wawancara informan kunci, observasi langsung di lokasi penelitian, serta kegiatan diskusi kelompok viiirnam (Focus Group Discussion-FGD) dengan metode distribusi kerikil (Pebble Distribution Method-PDM).
Berdasarkan persepsi masyarakat adat Baduy-Dalam terhadap nilai penting unit lanskap, terdapat tujuh satuan lanskap, yaitu lembur, huma, cai, jami, reuma, reuma kolot, dan leuweung lembur. Juga berdasarkan persepsi masyarakat adat Baduy-Dalam terhadap tumbuhan sebagai sumber perolehan kebutuhan, terdapat sepuluh sumber perolehan, yaitu sebagai sumber pangan, obat, viiirnament, kayu bakar, ritual, obat padi, alat rumah tangga, bahan pewarna, dan anyaman. Lembur menjadi unit lanskap terpenting dengan skoring PDM tertinggi (28,8), dan sumber perolehan pangan pada satuan lanskap huma menjadi memiliki nilai penting tertinggi sebagai sumber perolehan, dengan skoring PDM tertinggi (33,5).

This research attempted to reveal the relationship of Baduy-Dalam people to their landscape, as well as their utilization of plants in Kanekes Village, Banten. The methodfor this research were ethnoecological approach. Data were collected by interview with the local key informant, direct observation in the site of the research, focus group discussion (FGD) and pebble distribution method (PDM) with respondent Baduy-Dalam people utilize and manage each of them differently.
According to the Baduy-Dalam people's perspective for important landscape, there are seven landscape units, namely lembur, huma, cai, jami, reuma, reuma kolot, and leuweung lembur. Also from to the Baduy-Dalam people's perspective for plant utilization on landscape, there are ten utilization, which are for food, medicine, ornament, firewood, ritual, paddy's medicine, household appliance, dye materials, webbing, and building material. Lembur landscape unit gained the highest PDM score (28,8), and for important landscape plant utilization, food on huma landscape unit gained the highest PDM score (33,5).
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lubis, Nina H.
Jakarta: LP3ES, 2004
959.823 LUB b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan , 1993
726.2 SYA e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eka Hesdianti
Luas padang lamun di Pulau Panjang Teluk Banten terus menurun akibat aktivitas industri di sekitar Teluk Banten Hilangnya padang lamun merugikan dikarenakan kapasitas lamun dalam menyerap dan menyimpan karbon dalam jumlah besar dan waktu yang lama Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui struktur komunitas lamun estimasi laju penyerapan karbon pada lamun Enhalus acoroides dan Cymodocea serrulata beserta nutrien di Pulau Panjang Teluk Banten Komunitas lamun diukur menggunakan metode analisis vegetasi di 3 stasiun pengamatan Penyerapan karbon diukur menggunakan metode penandaan daun Zieman pada 30 tegakan lamun selama 21 hari Kandungan karbon pada lamun dan sedimen di analisis menggunakan metode Wakley Black sedangkan nutrien N P menggunakan metode Kjedahl untuk nitrogen dan metode Bray Kurts untuk fosfat Lamun yang ditemukan di Pulau Panjang yaitu Enhalus acoroides Cymodocea serrulata Syringodium isoetifolium Halophila ovalis dan Halodule uninervis Padang lamun didominansi oleh S isoetifolium dengan nilai kepentingan IV 119 90 Estimasi karbon yang diserap E acoroides dan C serrulata adalah 1 58 gC m2 hari dan 0 31 gC m2 hari dan karbon tersimpan yaitu 142 88 gC m2 untuk E acoroides dan 18 91 gC m2 untuk C serrulata Lamun mengandung 42 91 44 08 karbon dan

Seagrass bed in Panjang Island Banten Bay has been decreased due to industry activities Seagrass loss was demetrial because seagrass has capacity in uptake and store carbon in greater scale The aims of research were to gain the seagrass community structure and to estimate carbon uptake and store by seagrass Enhalus acoroides and Cymodocea serrulata also it rsquo s nutrient content in Panjang Island Banten Bay Seagrass community was measured using vegetation analysis method Carbon uptake using Zieman leaf marking method The method was examined at 30 seagrass shoots for 21 days Carbon storage in seagrass also in sediment was analyzed using Wakley Black method There were 5 species seagrass found in Panjang Island Enhalus acoroides Cymodocea serrulata Syringodium isoetifolium Halophila ovalis and Halodule uninervis Seagrass was dominated by S isoetifolium with Importance Value IV 119 90 Seagrass condition on Panjang Island was medium high desity 235 03 ind m2 and good coverage 60 16 Estimation of carbon uptake by E acoroides and C serrulata in Panjang Island were 1 58 gC m2 d and 0 31 gC m2 d while carbon storage were 142 88 gC m2 and 18 91 gC m2 respectively Nutrient in seagrass contained of 42 91 44 08 carbon less than 0 91 nitrogent and phospate under 0 23 ppm Conversely nutrient on the sediment has much greater phosphate average 104 54 116 76 ppm and less than 1 carbon and nitrogent "
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pengembangan kawasan minapoitan sering terkendala karena jauh grid dari tambak petani, sehingga petani membutuhkan genset untuk menjalankan aerator dan peralatan lainnya. Potensi daerah minapolitan desa Domas adalah angin biomassa sekam padi dan sinar matahari. Pada penelitian ini sumber daya energy baru terbarukan angin dan biomassa akan dijadikan pembangkit energi terbarukan untuk mejalankan kegiatan ekonomi di tambak. Turbin angin vertika hibrida savonius darrieus dirancang, dimanufaktur, dan di uji untuk mendapatkan performa turbin anginnya, dan sistem termal biomassa di uji untuk dijadikan penyangga dalam sistem ini di sesuaikan dengan potensi alam sekitar. Dari optimasi sistem disimpulkan bahwa dibutuhkan 12 unit turbin angin dan sistem termal biomassa sebesar 4,8 kW.  Turbin angin vertikal hibrida savonius darrieus memiliki performa dengan Cp maksimum sebesar 38.9% pada TSR 0.89, dan power rating sistem termal biomassa sebesar 5.247 kW dengan efisiensi.

The development of the Minapoitan area is constrained due to the far grid of farmers' farms, so farmers need generators to run aerators and other equipment. Potential of the Domas village Minapolitan area is wind rice husk biomass and sunlight. In this study new wind and biomass, renewable energy resources will be used as renewable energy plants to carry out economic activities in the ponds. The hybrid wind turbine savonius darrieus was designed, manufactured, and tested to get the performance of its wind turbines, and the biomass thermal system was tested to be used as a buffer in this system according to the potential of the surrounding environment. From the system optimization, it was concluded that 12 wind turbine units and a biomass thermal system were needed at 4.8 kW. Vertical hybrid wind turbine Savonius Darrieus has a maximum Cp performance of 38.9% at TSR 0.89, and a thermal biomass power rating system of 5.247 kW and efficiency 0.553 kW / kg rice husk.

UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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