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Ditemukan 3643 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"The appearance of Revenge Tragedy in Elizabethan Drama - Looking at the historical development of English Drama, we see that the tragic plays of the Elizabethan and Jacobean period are fre_quently concerned with revenge. Plays of this genre reflect man's tendency to defy God's beneficent will. It can be said that the revenge plays have in common a criticism of life, and are in a way a warning to men to choose good rather than evil. The dramatic theme of revenge proved to be popular in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, because it appeal_ed to the Elizabethan and Jacobean taste for Grand Guignol 1/ - a taste shared by some cinema and theatrical audiences today. Apart from this, Elizabethan and Jacobean playgoers were very eager to witness the revelation of peculiar states of mind and these could nowhere be seen except in plays of this kind.Foreign elements - The Elizabethan and Jacobean plays of revenge are not however entirely original in conception. Their authors_"
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 1962
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"When we review the theatre in its development from the Elizabethan age to the Restoration period, we find that the playhouse changes from one exposed to the open air, dependent for its illumination on the capricious daylight and not altogether protected from the noise from outside, to one covered by a roof. In this covered playhouse, intimacy is secured. Acting took place within an enclosed space. The light of the candles used in the Restoration theatre would have provided an atmosphere of enchantment for an Elizabethan audience used to daylight performances. Whilst the attention of an Elizabethan audience might wander away from the stage-because in the bright light the spectators could see many other things besides the stage, including one another--the attention of the Restoration audience could remain focussed on the stage. We have seen that the scenery was being used on the Elizabethan masque atages and this was also adopted in the Restoration public theatre. It had not. however, yet come to represent an imitation of real life. Scenery was still only used as colourful decoration of the acting area. According to Richard Southern, this refusal to make of the stage a reproduction of reality, should not be interpreted as 'crudeness', a failure on the part of the Restoration stage managers to exploit the potentialities of the scenic stage. They deliberately kept it 'crude', because they realised the difficulties involved in giving a realistic presentation. The Restoration stage, though it included scenery, was fundamentally the same platform stage of the Elizabethan period. It was still a long way from the modern 'picture frame' stage, which often strives to give the stage an illusion of reality. It was only in the nineteenth century that in most productions the apron finally disappeared. The acting was essentially the same in both periods. We noted that the actors of both periods used the 'acted speech' technique, where the speech was also enacted physically, i.e. by gestures and facial expression. Consequently the texts written by the dramatists_"
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 1963
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Chaucer, Marlowe and Shakespeare all three wrote about the Jews in their respective times. Chaucer wrote about the Jews as they appreared to him and his contemporaries in the fourteenth century, Marlowe presented the Jews to us they were regarded by his contemporaries in the sixteenth century and Shakespeare too considered the position of the Jews in the same century as Marlowe, since the two later play wrights were contemporaries, Much, however, had happened in the period separating Chaucer from Shakespeare. Chaucer lived in an exclusively Roman Catholic age. The Pope still had power over both the English monarch as well as the English subject. An Englishman, therefore, owed allegiance to both the king and the Pope; one ruled over the temporal state, the other over the spiritual state. This was the state of affairs when Chaucer wrote his Prioress's Tale. Here he clearly showed his (and also his contemporaries') dislike of the Jews. The Jew was the enemy of the Church; he was an outlaw because he violated the law of the Church wich prolibited the lending out of money on interest..."
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 1964
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erna R. Abdurrivai
"Dunia O'Neill jang kita batja hampir selalu merupakan suatu lukisan jang tidak gembira dari dunia sekelilingnja. Dunia O'Neill ini adalah tempat bagi mereka jang kesepian, penuh frustrasi dan tanpa pegangan - dimana manusia menemui kegagalan untuk mengerti satu sama lain - dimana manusia mendambakan tjinta, pengertian dan simpati dimana manusia adalah korban dari kelemahan2-nja sendiri.Suasana konflik jang tak berkeputusan antara manusia dan alam sekelilingnja, antara sesama manusia dan konflik didalam diri manusia sendiri meliputi drama2-nja. Lianusia didalam karja O'Neill digambarkan sebagai machluk jang tidak berbahagia, selamanja berdjuang untuk mendapatkan suatu tempat jang pasti dan lajak didunia dan berusaha untuk memperoleh ketenteraman batin. Tetapi manusia lemah dalam menghadapi daja2 diluar dirinja dan banjak sedikitnja mereka adalah korban dari konflik2 di_dalam dirinja sendiri.Apakah sebenarnja maksud O'Neill dengan membawakan pada pembatjanja suatu dunia jang suram sebagaimana jang dilukiskan oleh drama2-nja? Apakah O'Neill bermaksud supaja kita menjadari bahwa dunia tiada lain hanja suatu perdjuangan jang sia2 untuk wentjapai kebahagiaan-konflik jang tak henti2-nja dan frustrasi - perdjuangan.

The world that Eugene O'Neill has always tried to bring forth to us through his plays is mostly a sad one, a dark and brooding interpretation of the world. It is the world where men suffer from loneliness, frustration and a sense of insecurity - where men often fail to under-stand or communicate with each other - where men are craving for love, sympathy and understanding - where men are victims to their own weakness or flaw of character. The atmosphere of never ending conflicts between Man and Nature, between Man and Man, between Man and himself - the ever present struggle of man to escape the unpleasant realities of his life overwhelms his plays. Man in O'Neill's plays is depicted as an unhappy creature, constantly fighting for a firm stand in the world, striving to gain a feeling of security. But man is weak against the forces working outside him _and he is more or less liable to the forces working in him_his own inner conflicts. What is actually O'Neill's purpose in presenting us such a gloomy world? Does he want to make us see that this world is nothing but futile fighting for happiness - constant conflicts leading to frustration -- desperate struggle to free oneself from the clutch of Fate - that men going through the storm of life are provided with_"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 1971
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"George Orwell 1903-1933-1950 Tulent is judged in different ways in different times. Hisconteporaries did not think much of George Orwell, because he was , they said fish nor meat. His writings were, not of any value for the right neither for the, Left. Re-evaluaions of his works in magazines like the Illustrated London News','The Listener','Guardian Weekly', 'Sunday Time'.,'Time','Newsweek' have brought him in the limelight recently.The following data are collected from clippings from magazines found at, random, besides fro the only biography available in Djakarta, 'Tom Hopkinson's pamflet on Orwell written for the British Council. The Man Eric Blair,born at Motihari Bengal, in 1903, was the son of a miner official in the Indian Customs who retired on a small pension when his son was a few years old.(1912) Where were also two daughters, one older and one younger than the boy. Richard Blair,who died at the age of 82 at Southwold,Suffolk,was remombered by his son, who disliked him, as a gruff-voiced elderly man forever saying''don't.Ida Blair, his wife,was the only person Eric loved, yet he was too shy to trust her hisreal feelings.This may accout for the loneliness,the cut-off-fro others' feeling that has haunted him his wole life.Eric Blair becameGeorge Orwell in 1933 on publication of his book'Down and out in Paris and London'. He was very classcoscious and with typical precision he classified his family as lower-upper-middle-class_."
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 1970
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"It is sometimes thought that a comedy is a play which makes us shake with laughter and that a tragedy is a play at the end of which we will have swollen eyes and lots of wet handkerchiefs. This superficial idea of comedy and tragedy is only partly true, for a comedy is not only meant to excite laughter, nor is a tragedy merely performed to make us cry. Both comedy and tragedy, especially Shakespearian comedy and tragedy are written with a purpose other than that of making us laugh or weep. T he term Shakespearian indicates a play written by William Shakespeare of Stratford-on- Avon, and since drama is in Hamlet's words to hold the mirror up to Nature, to show virtue her own feature... it should help people to see them-selves as they really are. Drama should also reveal to them their virtues and vices.Comedy has been said to be beneficial because it:1.cures us of our follies by exposing them on the stage, 2. affords us a chance to laugh at our neighbours. Heywood, cited by Northrop Frye, defines the dual function of comedy as being to reform and to refresh, by which it is clear that, aside from evoking laughter, comedy also reforms. Comedy imi_tates the joys of social life and the follies of those who stubbornly try to maintain their own ridiculous ways against society. The joy of social life is usually manifested in a wedding or a happy reunion at the end of the play. The ten_dency of comedy is to include as many people as possible in its final society, the blocking characters are more often reconciled or converted than simply repudiated."
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 1964
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"We have now seen something of the state of religion in the time of Chaucer. All England was ostensibly Roman Catholic, but in the period under discussion many people had wandered away from the faith and strayed far from the Church and its rules. That Geoffrey Chaucer was aware of this can be guessed from the ironic way in which he delineates many of the religious figures in his Canterbury Tales..."
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 1962
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Satu hal yang menarik dari drama All My Sons dan Death of a Salesman karya Arthur Miller adalah bahwa kedua drama itu saling melengkapi dalam menyampaikan sebuah kritik so_sial. Kritik sosial terhadap masyarakat Amerika pada masa setelah Perang Dunia kedua tersebut, menyoroti kehidupan dunia usaha. Kritik berupa kesalahan persepsi dari tokoh utama yang menjadikan kesuksesan materi sebagai tolok ukur bagi kesuksesan seseorang. Tujuan penulisan skripsi ini adalah untuk membuktikan bahwa berbagai peristiwa sosial yang terjadi dalam drama tersebut mencerminkan sebagian dari keadaan sosial masyarakat Amerika yang sesungguhnya. Keadaan masyarakat sesudah Perang Dunia kedua yang ditandai dengan dominasi bidang industri dan perdagangan dalam perekonomian negara, membentuk masyarakat yang materialistis dan korisumtif. Mereka memiliki persepsi bahwa kebahagiaan dan kesuksesan dapat diraih dengan kekayaan materi. Kritik Miller disampaikannya dengan menceritakan bahwa semua persepsi yang dimiliki tokah utama dalam drama tersebut pada akhirnya terbukti salah. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan sosiologis yang berdasar pada teori sosiologis karya sastra yang mempermasalahkan karya sastra itu sendiri, seperti klasifikasi yang dibuat oleh We11ek dan Warren, saya berusaha menelaah apa yang tersirat dalam karya sastra tersebut dan apa yang menjadi tujuannya. Dari hasil telaah tersebut, saya sampai pada kesimpulan bahwa peristiwa sosial yang tersirat dalam kedua drama tersebut merupakan cerminan dari sebagian kehidupan masyarakat Amerika."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 1994
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hutapea, Gerda
"Utopia adalah suatu gagasan untuk mengubah keadaan masyarakat yang dipandang oleh penduduknya kurang menye_nangkan. Para sastrawan dalam hal ini berperan sebagai pembuka mata dengan memaparkan kepincangan-kepincang_an dalam masyarakat melalui karya-karyanya. Inilah awal mula lahirnya ide atau gagasan utopia. Para sastrawan dikatakan bersifat progresif dan revolusioner kalau melalui karyanya mereka menyokong hak setiap orang untuk dapat makan sesuap nasi dalam masyarakat di mana setiap gelandangan dipandang sebagai sampah masyarakat; hak persamaan bagi setiap wanita dalam masyarakat di mana mereka, dipandang dari sudut pembantu rumah_tangga, sedikit lebih tinggi kedudukannya daripada budak. Para sastrawan juga dianggap revolusioner jika mereka memperjuangkan hak setiap anak untuk menikmati masa kanak-kanak yang bahagia, dan hak setiap orang untuk mengecap pendidikan yang baik, yang tadinya hanya menjadi hak anak-anak bangsawan atau orang kaya...."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 1986
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Heru Wibowo
"Penelitian ini diberi judul _Eksistensialisme dalam Dua Drama Kontenporer Amerika_ dengan tujuan utama untuk mengupas dan menggali unsur eksistensialisme yang terkandung di dalam lakon Buried Child, buah karya Sam Shepard dan, Night Mother, karya Marsha Norman. Unsur eksistensialisme, terutama elemen-elemen pemikirannya mengenai absurditas, alienasi dan kesia-siaan hidup manusia di dunia ini yang terkandung dalam lakon-lakon tersebut merupakan bahasan utama skripsi ini dan sekaligus merupakan titik tolak penelitian yang penulis lakukan. Pendekatan yang diterapkan dalam penelitian ini pada hematnya adalah berupa pendekatan konvensional, yakni pendekatan kri_tik sastra yang memberi penekanan pada pemahaman teks dan penela_ahannya, namun tidak menyangkal kemungkinan digunakannya disiplin ilmu lain dengan maksud untuk mendapat gambaran yang lebih leng_kap dan menyeluruh sehingga diharapkan dapat tercipta suatu pe_nafsiran yang lebih terpadu dan tepat. Penekanan utama yang mendasari penelitian ini adalah pada usaha pemahaman masing-masing teks dan penelusuran tema-temanya baik dari segi intrinsik maupun ekstrinsiknya. Langkah tambahan berikutnya adalah menuju pada penelaahan mengenai elemen-elemen dasar drama pada umumnya seperti gaya penulisan, penokohan, alur dan latar yang terdapat dalam kedua lakon di atas, termasuk juga penelusuran mengenai metafora, imaji atau simbol yang mungkin muncul pada kedua lakon tadi. Sesuai dengan judul penelitian ini, maka sistematika penyaji_an dan penelaahan teks dalam penelitian ini diklasifikasikan me_nurut terra-terra eksistensialisme yang terkandung dalam kedua lakon. Aspek yang diutamakan dalam penggolongan terra tersebut ada lah relevansi teks dengan konsep-konsep pemikiran eksistensiali. Yang ada serta implikasi kemanusiaan yang disumbangkan karya-karya itu. Skrpsi ini akan terbagi menjadi tiga bagian penelaahan yang diawali dengan eksistesialisme itu sendiri, pandangan-pandangan umumnya, tokoh _peranan dan kaitannya dengan masalah kehidupan manusia pada umumnya. Bagian ini di bahas pada BAB II, setelah BAB pendahuluan eksistensialisme di sini tidak dibahas secara komprehensif dan mendalam karena yang ditekankan di sana bukanlah penelaahan filsafati secara mendetil, namun hanya diarahkan pada sejauh mana ide-ide sentral dalam pemikiran eksistensialis ini masuk ke dalam kedua drama tadi. Bab selanjutnya (Bab III) merupakan bagi_an yang menganalisa teks dari masing-masing lakon, menelaah elemen-elemen dan tema-tema umumnya, terutama yang berkaitan dengan topik bahasan utama dari penelitian ini, serta kaitannya dengan Bab-bab sebelumnya. Bab terakhir (Bab IV) akan menutup penelitian ini dan merupakan bagian kesimpulan yang merangkum keseluruhan intisarinya."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 1987
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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