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Ditemukan 3942 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Agrawal, O. P.
New Delhi: National Research Laboratory for Conservation of Cultural Property, 1979
069.4 AGR c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lunden, Staffan
Sweden: Goteborg Universitet, 2016
069.094 21 LUN d
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Poppy Defianti
Stasiun adalah tempat untuk menunggu kereta yang ramai digunakan oleh orang-orang sejak zaman kolonial Belanda. Pada tanggal 21 Mei 1873 Belanda membangun sebuah stasiun yang bernama stasiun Willem I di wilayah Selatan Semarang, yaitu Ambarawa. Di dalam stasiun ini terdapat beberapa fasilitas seperti ruang tunggu penumpang, loket tiket, toilet, gerbong kereta, bentuk lantai dan letak fasilitas yang terbagi menjadi dua yaitu untuk golongan Eropa dan pribumi. Hal tersebut membuktikan adanya jejak stratifikasi sosial sebagai jurang pemisah kelas sosial masyarakat pada masa itu. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori poskolonialisme milik Bhaba dan teori relasi kekuasaan milik Max Weber, dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode deskriptif. Keberadaan stasiun yang berubah menjadi museum ini merupakan bukti kekuasaan dan kemampuan Belanda membangun jalur kereta dan stasiun di jalur pegunungan yang sulit untuk dilewati oleh kereta biasa. Benda cagar budaya ini dirawat dan dilestarikan agar langgeng dan abadi.

Train station is a place for passangers to wait for the train which have been used by people since the Dutch colonial era. On May 21, 1873 the Dutch built a train station called Willem I station in south Semarang area which is Ambarawa. In this station there are several facilities such as passenger waiting rooms, ticket counters, toilets, floor tiles, the wagon from train and the location of facilities which are divided into two, namely for European and East Indies groups. This proved that there was a trace of social stratification as a gap between the social class of the community at that time. This was related to the power relations carried out by the Dutch government towards the Dutch East Indies people.This research use Bhabas postcolonialism theory and Max Webers theory of power relations, by using a qualitative approach and descriptive method.The existence of the station that turned into a museum is a testament to the power and ability of the Dutch to build railroad lines and stations on mountainous trails that were difficult for ordinary train to pass. These cultural heritage objects are preserved to stand for the time being."
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aninda Renata Tiurma
"Preservasi merupakan salah satu bentuk pelestarian benda-benda bersejarah yang mempunyai nilai kebudayaan yang sebagian menjadi koleksi Museum. Koleksi Museum ini sebagai benda untuk mengkomunikasikan informasi yang terkandung dalam benda tersebut. Keaslian benda tidak dapat tergantikan dengan foto ataupun dokumentasi film. Oleh karena itu, preservasi yang merupakan salah satu cara untuk merawat benda tersebut untuk mengurangi pelapukan yang memang sudah dialami oleh benda tersebut. Koleksi yang berada di Museum tidak hanya berada di ruang koleksi, tetapi juga berada di ruanga penyimpanan. Ruang penyimpanan tersebut merupakan salah satu lingkungan koleksi yang harus dijaga pelestariannya melalui standart preservasi yang juga menjadi kewajiban Museum.

Preservation is a form of preservation of historical objects that have cultural values that most them is a collection of the Museum. The museum collection as an object to communicate the information contained in the object. Authenticity of the object can not be replaced with a photo or documentary. Therefore, the preservation of which is one way to treat these objects to reduce weathering that had been experienced by the object. Museum collections are not only located in the collection, but also in the storage room views. The storage space is one of a collection of environmental preservation must be maintained through preservation standards also become a liability Museum."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Neufeld, Michael J., 1951-
"A beautifully illustrated history of the exploration of space through the most iconic objects from the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. Throughout the whole of human history, across all of Earth's cultures and landscapes, countless individuals have gazed with wonder in the same direction: upwards. Getting to space was no easy task, and our curiosity with the surrounding universe has long been a source of earthly pride and competition. At the bottom of this international technological rivalry, though, lies one unifying purpose, which is to understand the impossibly vast heavens. In Milestones of Space, Michael Neufeld and select curators of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum present a gorgeous photographic celebration of some of the most groundbreaking artifacts that played key parts in giving humanity its first steps into the cosmos. Focusing on the most iconic objects and technology--such as Friendship 7,the Lunar Module 2, Neil Armstrong's Lunar Suit, the Hubble Space Telescope, and Space Shuttle Discovery--this book extensively profiles eleven of the NASM's most important breakthroughs in space technology. The NASM curators feature each object in incredible detail with compelling timelines, sidebars and captions, and over 150 archival images that provide new and little-known insights into their development and historical context. We are still a long way from grasping our universe. but for now, Milestones of Space magnificently commemorates the individuals and inventions that have taken us this fa"
Washington, D.C: Zenith Press, 2014
R 629.407 NEU m
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kamilah Aisyi
"Museum hadir di Eropa berawal dari aktivitas mengoleksi individu dalam sebuah ruang yang disebut dengan cabinet of curiosities. Sesuai dengan artinya, cabinet of curiosities menggambarkan ruang dengan rasa ingin tahu yang berkembang menjadi suatu bentuk penyampaian dan penghargaan terhadap seni serta ilmu pengetahuan. Menempatkan, mengatur, dan mengkomposisikan objek dalam ruang menjadi hal penting yang dilakukan untuk menyampaikan objek yang dipamerkan pada cabinet of curiosities. Komposisi objek koleksi pada cabinet of curiosities dan museum terbentuk atas objek-objek yang diatur secara seimbang, menghadirkan kesatuan, dan menarik perhatian mata manusia untuk melihat dan memahami cerita yang ingin disampaikan. Karakteristik ruang yang berbeda antara cabinet of curiosities dan museum memberikan persepsi yang berbeda dalam memahami cerita yang ingin disampaikan lewat komposisi tersebut sehingga kemungkinan komposisi objek koleksi pada museum telah berkembang seiring dengan berkembangnya ilmu pengetahuan. Komposisi objek koleksi dan ruang lebih terarah dan menekankan objek sebagai suatu hal yang utama dalam sebuah ruang museum sehingga pengunjung museum saat ini memahami cerita yang disampaikan dengan mudah.

A museum, viewed as a technology of behavior management, serves to educate people and the need to collect important objects by an organization of space and objects arrangement. Museums in Europe was established from collecting activities in a space is called ?cabinet of curiosities? where objects arranged in and filled up all parts in space. The meaning is about wondering was developed to communicate value or knowledge from objects. The placement, arrangement, and composition of objects in space become important communicating the story behind and the aim of collecting the objects. Both composition of object in cabinet of curiosities and museum are similar through the principle of balance, unity, contrast, that seduced our eyes to see and understand the story behind the objects, are also some difference between cabinet of curiosities and museum, in relation to the composition of objects in space and the perception of the viewers. This paper discusses how the development of objects composition in cabinet of curiosities and museum in relation to composition principle and knowledges supporting. Objects dealed with space elements become the composition that is experienced visually, where is gave choices what objects will be saw first and next to understand the story. In contrast to museum, the composition is more directional and offers objects as a highlight to be understood easily by viewers."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Izzatul Fitriyah
"Manuskrip lontar merupakan salah satu arsip yang sangat penting dalam sejarah perkembangan Indonesia. Salah satu museum yang bergerak dalam pelestarian manuskrip lontar adalah Museum Gedong Kirtya yang terletak di Kabupaten Buleleng, Provinsi Bali. Preservasi manuskrip menjadi upaya penting dalam langkah pelestarian kandungan serta fisik aset bangsa, salah satunya melalui impelementasi preservasi berbasis kearifan lokal. Meskipun demikian, terdapat beberapa kendala yang muncul dalam pelaksanaannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis upaya dan kendala dalam preservasi manuskrip lontar berbasis kearifan lokal di Museum Gedong Kirtya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode observasi dan wawancara. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, terdapat upaya preservasi preventif melalui pembersihan rutin, pengendalian hama dengan kapur barus, penggunaan kropak dalam menjaga kelembapan manuskrip. Selain itu, terdapat upaya preservasi kuratif melalui penghitaman kembali dengan pasta kemiri, melemaskan manuskrip dengan alat pres, dan penyalinan kembali. Namun, terdapat beberapa kendala seperti belum adanya pedoman tertulis mengenai preservasi, minimnya tenaga kerja untuk melakukan preservasi, dan sirkulasi udara yang tertutup. 

Palm leaf manuscript is one of the most important archives in the history of Indonesia. One of the museums engaged in preserving lontar archives is Gedong Kirtya Museum, located in Buleleng Regency, Bali Province. The efforts to preserve manuscripts are essential in preserving the contents and physical assets of the nation, one of which is through the implementation of preservation based on indigenous knowledge. Even so, some obstacles arise in its implementation. This study aims to analyze the efforts and constraints in the indigenous knowledge￾based preservation of palm leaf manuscripts at the Gedong Kirtya Museum. This study used a qualitative approach with observation and interview methods. Based on the results of this study, there are preventive preservation efforts through routine cleaning, pest control with camphor, and the use of kropak to control the humidity of manuscripts. In addition, there are curative preservation efforts through re-blackening with hazelnut paste, softening the manuscript with a pres machine, and re-copying. However, there are several obstacles such as the non-existence of written guidelines regarding preservation, the lack of manpower to carry out preservation, and closed air circulation."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yazmin Chairunnisa Putri
"Fumigasi merupakan salah satu kegiatan pelestarian koleksi yang berupaya melestarikan koleksi buku yang terserang hama dan jamur. Kegiatan fumigasi umumnya menggunakan fumigan dari bahan kimia, namun terdapat alternatif pelaksanaan fumigasi yang lebih aman yaitu fumigasi anoksia. Museum Nasional adalah lembaga yang menerapkan fumigasi anoksia untuk objek museum dan buku di perpustakaan yang sebagian besar berupa buku kuno. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi pelestarian di Perpustakaan Museum Nasional yang menggunakan fumigasi anoksia. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif melalui observasi, wawancara, dan kajian dokumen. Analisis data dilakukan melalui reduksi, penyajian, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Fokus penelitian meliputi kegiatan pelestarian, identifikasi kriteria seleksi koleksi pelestarian, dan tahapan pelaksanaan fumigasi anoksia. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Perpustakaan Museum Nasional telah melakukan pelestarian melalui kegiatan pemeliharaan dan perawatan. Kemudian, untuk menentukan jenis koleksi yang di fumigasi, Museum Nasional telah memenuhi enam kriteria seleksi koleksi untuk pelestarian menggunakan panduan dari Mirjam Foot (2006). Pelaksanaan fumigasi anoksia di Perpustakaan Museum Nasional telah dilaksanakan namun belum dilaksanaian secara periodik karena terkendala masalah prioritas anggaran dan kurangnya tenaga ahli bidang tersebut di Perpustakaan Museum Nasional.

Fumigation is one of the preservation activities conducted for collections attacked by pests and fungi. In general, fumigation use chemical fumigants, but there is an alternative to a safer fumigation, namely anoxia fumigation. The National Museum is an institution that applies anoxia fumigation for museum objects and book collections in library. This study aims to determine the preservation strategyat National Museum Library using anoxia fumigation. Data collection is carried out using qualitative approach through observation, interviews, and document study. Data analysis was conducted through reduction, presentation, and conclusions to determine the research focusincludes preservation activities, identification of selection criteria for preservation, and stages of implementing anoxia fumigation. The result showed that National Museum Library has carried out preservation through maintenance and care activities. In order to determine the type of collection to be fumigated, National Museum has fulfilled six collection selection criteria for preservation using guidance by Mirjam Foot (2006). The implementation of anoxia fumigation at National Museum Library already been carried out but the implementation has not yet been conductedwell periodically. This is because the implementation of anoxia fumigation is still constrained by budget priority issues and a lack of library staff specializing in this field."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Levin Yohardi
"Sejarah merupakan tolak ukur berkembangnya sebuah bangsa, termasuk Indonesia. Artefak yang dipajang dalam ruang museum harus mempertimbangkan standar yang berlaku untuk kebutuhan preservasi. Sayangnya, untuk kebutuhan preservasi kenyamanan visual pengunjung menjadi kurang diperhatikan. Di satu sisi, artefak membutuhkan pencahayaan yang spesifik sesuai kebutuhan preservasi, dan di sisi lain, manusia membutuhkan penerangan yang cukup untuk dapat melihat dengan jelas. Museum Seni Rupa dan Keramik, dan Museum Wayang menjadi studi kasus pada penelitian ini. dengan menyeimbangkan kenyamanan pengunjung dan kebutuhan preservasi diharapkan akan menambah antusiasme masyarakat sekitar untuk lebih belajar tentang budaya Indonesia.

Histories mark the making of nations and mankind of a country, nevertheless Indonesia. Artefacts displayed in museum has to follows certain guidelines for preservation purposes. Unfortunately, the visual comfort of visitors is often neglected. On one hand, displayed artefacts require minimal exposure from UV light for preservation and on the other hand human eye need a decent amount of brightness to keep their visual comfort. This paper focuses on maintaining overall brightness for artefacts preservation purposes while at the same time keep the acuity of visitors visual comfort. Museum Keramik; and Museum Wayang in Jakarta were taken as case studies. Lighting intensity towards artefacts will me measured and to be compared with questionnaire with visitors and respondents. Comparisons of both data will be used to determine the effect of perceived brightness towards the use of lighting throughout the artefacts in museums. By presenting visual comfort in museum environment and the same time preserving the artifacts, a substantial increase of visitors satisfaction is to be expected.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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