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"Telah dilakukan penelitian isolasi dan karakterisasi molekuler Plasmodium berghei yang resistan terhadap artemisinin in vivo. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui keterkaitan polimorfisme gen pbatp6 dengan resistensi P. berghei terhadap artemisinin. Penelitian dilakukan di Lembaga Biologi Molekul Eijkman (LBME), Jakarta, selama 12 bulan (April 2006—Maret 2007). Empat isolat P. berghei yang resistan terhadap artemisinin pada dosis 15 dan 250 mg/kg berat badan berhasil diisolasi melalui pengobatan dosis subletal bertingkat selama tiga hari berturut-turut pada mencit galur BALB/c yang diinfeksi P. berghei. Uji resistensi obat yang dilakukan untuk membandingkan pola pertumbuhan parasit galur parental dan salah satu isolat yang resistan menunjukkan adanya peningkatan ED50 sebesar 2,8 kali lipat. Analisis molekuler dengan teknik polymerase chain reaction (PCR) menggunakan primer forward PbATP6-F1 dan reverse PbATP6-R1 dan DNA sequencing menunjukkan adanya perubahan basa guanin menjadi adenin pada nukleotida ke-355 gen pbatp6. Perubahan tersebut mengakibatkan perubahan asam amino dari asam glutamat (E) menjadi lisin (K) pada residu ke-119 yang terletak pada domain transmembran M2 dari protein putatif PbATP6. Perubahan asam amino tersebut belum pernah dilaporkan sebelumnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya kemungkinan polimorfisme gen pbatp6 yang diduga berperan pada resistensi P. berghei terhadap artemisinin."
Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nababan, Rodiah
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amanda Amalia
"Kasus resistensi terhadap pengobatan malaria membutuhkan penemuan obat baru, salah satunya menggunakan ekstrak daun papaya (Carica papaya L.). Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui dosis paling efektif serta korelasi antara dosis dengan perubahan densitas parasit. Penelitian menggunakan desain eksprimental dengan pemberian tiga dosis ekstrak 9,75 mg; 15,50 mg; dan 21,25mg/20gBB kepada 25 mencit Swiss-webster. Data diolah menggunakan SPSS versi 16,00 dan dianalisis dengan uji Kruskall-Wallis yang dilanjutkan uji Post Hoc serta uji korelasi Spearman.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan dosis kecil dan sedang berbeda bermakna (p<0,05) dengan kontrol negatif. Persentase penghambatan dosis kecil mencapai 99% dan ditemukan korelasi lemah antara dosis dengan densitas parasit. Dapat disimpulkan dosis 9,75 mg adalah yang paling efektif dengan terdapat korelasi antara peningkatan dosis dengan densitas parasit.

Increasing resistance against malaria treatment requires the discovery of new drugs, one of which uses papaya leaf extracts (Carica papaya L.). This study aims to determine the most effective dose and dose correlation between drug concentration and parasite density. This research is using eksperimental design by administering three doses of 9.75 mg extract; 15.50 mg; and 21.25mg/20gBW to 25 Swiss-Webster mice which were divided into three groups. Data was processed using SPSS version 16.00 and analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis test followed by Post Hoc test and Spearman correlation test.
The results showed that small and medium dose group were significantly different (p <0.05) compared to negative control group. Percentage inhibition small doses reached 99% and found a very weak correlation between the dose and the parasite density. It can be concluded that dose of 9.75 mg /20gBW is most effective with a weak positive correlation between the increase in dose to the density of parasites.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wahyu Permatasari
"Malaria masih merupakan masalah kesehatan di dunia, termasuk Indonesia dengan angka kejadian setiap tahun mencapai 500 juta jiwa dan lebih dari satu juta diantaranya meninggal dunia. Munculya, strain Plasmodium yang resisten menjadikan pengobatan kurang efektif sehingga dibutuhkan bahan alami sebagai alternatif antiplasmodium. Flamboyan diketahui telah digunakan untuk pengobatan malaria, namun masih sedikit penelitian mengenai aktivitas antiplasmodium tanaman ini. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental dengan menggunakan ekstrak kulit batang dan ekstrak bunga Delonix regia yang dilakukan uji penapisan fitokimia dan uji aktivitas antiplasmodium secara in vivo pada mencit Swiss-webster yang diinfeksi Plasmodium berghei. Dari 24 sampel dibagi menjadi 8 kelompok perlakuan yang terdiri atas 3 kelompok ekstrak kulit batang dan bunga masing-masing dengan dosis 2,8 mg, 8,4 mg, dan 14 mg, serta 1 kelompok kontrol positif dan 1 kelompok kontrol negatif. Setiap kelompok perlakuan diamati densitas parasit dan dihitung persentase pertumbuhan dan persentase penghambatan yang terjadi. Data kemudian dilakukan uji normalitas dengan Shapiro-wilk dan uji hipotesis menggunakan One Way Anova dilanjutkan dengan uji Post Hoc. Hasil penelitian menunjukan kulit batang dosis 2,8 mg dan 8,4 mg menunjukan aktivitas antiplasmodium. Aktivitas antiplasmodium terbesar terjadi pada kulit batang dosis 8,4 mg sebesar 66,25% (p=0,314) diikuti kulit batang dosis 2,8 mg sebesar 38,88% (p=0,550).

Malaria is still a worldwide health problem, including Indonesia. Each year there are 500 million cases and more than one million people died. Resistant Plasmodium's strains makes the treatment less effective, therefore, discovery of natural substance as an alternative antiplasmodium treatment is necessary. Flamboyan is used to treat malaria, but only few research were done about it. This study is an experimental research using extract from Delonix regia's flower and bark. This study conducted phytochemical and antiplasmodium activity test using Swiss-Webster mice infected with Plasmodium berghei in vivo. From 24 samples, they were divided into 8 groups that consists of 3 groups of bark extracts and flowers, each with a dose of 2.8 mg, 8.4 mg, and 14 mg, 1 positive control and 1 negative control group. Each group were counted the percentage of growth and inhibition parasite density. The normality data is tested with Shapiro-Wilk and the hypothesis test using One Way ANOVA followed by Post Hoc test. The results showed extract of bark dose 2.8 mg and 8.4 mg have antiplasmodium activity. The greatest effect occured at dose of 8,4 mg with 66.25% (p=0,314) growth inhibition percentage, followed by bark dose's extract of 2,8 mg with 38,88% (p=0,550)."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yusia Mega Relita
"Malaria masih menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat dan merupakan penyakit endemis di daerah tropis termasuk Indonesia. Semakin banyaknya strain Plasmodium yang resisten terhadap obat antimalaria membutuhkan penemuan obat baru yang lebih poten untuk mengatasi permasalahan ini. Delonix regia mengandung zat kimia alkaloid dan terpenoid yang memiliki potensi sebagai antiplasmodium. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membuktikan bahwa ekstrak kulit buah dan daun Delonix regia mampu menurunkan densitas Plasmodium berghei. Kelompok perlakuan mendapatkan ekstrak kulit buah dan daun yang diberikan dengan tiga dosis, yaitu 2,8 mg/20g mencit, 8,4 mg/20g mencit, dan 14 mg/20g mencit selama tiga hari berturut-turut dimulai tujuh hari setelah inokulasi parasit pada Mencit Swiss-webster. Pemeriksaan parasitemia dilakukan pada hari ke-0 sebelum perlakuan dan hari ke-3 setelah perlakuan dengan cara dibuat sediaan apusan darah tipis yang diwarnai dengan Giemsa.
Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan pada dosis ekstrak kulit buah Delonix regia dosis 2,8 mg/20g mencit dan dosis 8,4 mg/20g mencit menunjukkan perbedaan jumlah parasit yang signifikan terhadap jumlah parasit kelompok kontrol negatif, sedangkan pada ekstrak kulit buah Delonix regia dosis 14 mg/20g mencit menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan terhadap kelompok kontrol negatif. Hasil analisis statistik pada ekstrak daun Delonix regia dosis 2,8 mg/20g mencit, 8,4 mg/20g mencit dan 14 mg/20g mencit menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan terhadap kelompok kontrol negatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian ekstrak kulit buah Delonix regia dosis 2,8 mg/20g mencit paling baik dalam menurunkan densitas Plasmodium berghei.

Malaria remains a public health problem and endemic in tropical country, including Indonesia. Increasing number of strains of drug-resistant Plasmodium malaria needs to find a new, more potent drugs to overcome this problem. Delonix regia contains alkaloid and terpenoid chemicals that have potential as antiplasmodium. The purpose of this study is to prove that the rind and leaf extracts of Delonix regia can reduce the density of Plasmodium berghei in Swiss-webster mice. The treatment group get rind and leaf extracts given in three doses, ie 2,8 mg/20g mice, 8,4 mg/20g mice, and 14 mg/20g mice for three consecutive days starting seven days after inoculation of parasites. Parasitemia examination performed on H0 before and day 3 after treatment made by blood smear preparations stained with Giemsa thin.
The results of the statistical analysis showed a dose Delonix regia rind extract dose 2,8 mg/20g mice and 8,4 mg/20g mice showed a significant difference in the number of parasites on the number of parasites negative control group, while in the rind extracts Delonix regia dose 14 mg/20g mice showed no significant difference to the negative control group. The results of statistical analysis on Delonix regia leaf extracts dose 2,8 mg/20g mice, 8,4 mg/20g mice and 14 mg/20g mice no significant difference to the negative control group. Based on these results it can be concluded that administration of Delonix regia rind extract at a dose of 2,8 mg/20g mice body weight is the best dose which can reduce the density of Plasmodium.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"[Munculnya fenomena resistensi dari berbagai obat malaria yang telah digunakan untuk melawan penyakit malaria merupakan suatu ancaman bagi dunia kesehatan untuk mencari terobosan baru dalam melawan penyakit malaria. Salah satunya dengan strategi pengobatan secara kombinasi. ACT (Artemisinin Combination Therapy) obat standar sebagai antimalaria. Ekstrak tanaman Akar Pasak Bumi (Eurycoma longifolia) diketahui memiliki potensi antimalaria. Dalam penelitian ini bertujuan menguji kombinasi ekstrak Akar Pasak Bumi (PB) dan ACT. Dengan menguji 2 dosis terdiri dari PB 60mg/kgBB tambah ACT 1.7 mg/kgBB; PB 75 mg/kgBB tambah ACT 1.7 mg/kgBB. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan eksperimental in vivo pada mencit (Mus musculus) yang terinfeksi Plasmodium berghei. Berdasarkan hasil analisa peningkatan parasitemia hari ke-4 menggunakan SPSS menunjukkan hasil tidak bermakna (p>0.05) pada kedua kelompok uji ketika dibandingkan dengan kontrol positif (ACT). Hal ini ditunjang dengan presentase inhibisi kedua kelompok (68.4%;54.46%) lebih kecil daripada kontrol positif (70%). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa kedua dosis kombinasi tidak bersifat sebagai antimalaria. Kombinasi dosis ekstrak akar pasak bumi 60 mg/kgBB dan ACT 1.7 mg/kgBB merupakan kelompok yang memiliki presentase daya hambat yang paling baik berdasarkan presentase daya hambat pada hari ke-4.;The emergence of the phenomenon of resistance from the malaria drug that has been used to combat malaria is a threat to the health of the world to search for new breakthroughs in the fight against malaria. One way by using combination treatment strategies. ACT (Artemisinin Combination Therapy) is a standard drug as anti-malaria. The extract of Pasak Bumi root (Eurycoma longifolia) had been known to have anti-malaria potency. This study aimed to test a combination of the extract of Pasak bumi root and ACT. By testing two doses consisting of PB 60 mg/kgBB and ACT 1.7 mg/kgBB; PB 75 mg/kgBB and ACT 1.7 mg/kgBB. Design of this study using an experimental in vivo in a mice (Mus musculus) infected by Plasmodium berghei. Based on the analysis of the increase in parasitemia day 4 using SPSS shows the results are not significant in both groups combination compared with positive control (ACT). It is supported with a percentage of inhibition of the two groups (68.4%;54.46%) is smaller than the positive control(70%). It can be concluded that both of doses combination is not as anti-malaria. Doses combination of PB 60 mg/kgBB and ACT 1.7 mg/kgBB has the best percentage of inhibition parasitemia, The emergence of the phenomenon of resistance from the malaria drug that has been used to combat malaria is a threat to the health of the world to search for new breakthroughs in the fight against malaria. One way by using combination treatment strategies. ACT (Artemisinin Combination Therapy) is a standard drug as anti-malaria. The extract of Pasak Bumi root (Eurycoma longifolia) had been known to have anti-malaria potency. This study aimed to test a combination of the extract of Pasak bumi root and ACT. By testing two doses consisting of PB 60 mg/kgBB and ACT 1.7 mg/kgBB; PB 75 mg/kgBB and ACT 1.7 mg/kgBB. Design of this study using an experimental in vivo in a mice (Mus musculus) infected by Plasmodium berghei. Based on the analysis of the increase in parasitemia day 4 using SPSS shows the results are not significant in both groups combination compared with positive control (ACT). It is supported with a percentage of inhibition of the two groups (68.4%;54.46%) is smaller than the positive control(70%). It can be concluded that both of doses combination is not as anti-malaria. Doses combination of PB 60 mg/kgBB and ACT 1.7 mg/kgBB has the best percentage of inhibition parasitemia]"
[;Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia], 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"[Malaria masih menjadi beban kesehatan bagi Indonesia, terlebih lagi dengan perkembangan resistensi parasit terhadap pengobatan saat ini. Untuk itu, diperlukan penemuan terapi baru dengan segera. Pasak Bumi (Eurycoma longifolia) adalah tanaman asli Kalimantan yang terbukti secara in vitro dan in vivo memiliki aktivitas antiplasmodium. Penelitian ini ingin menguji efektivitas kombinasi ekstrak akar Pasak Bumi dosis 10 mg/kgBB (PB10) dan 20 mg/kgBB (PB20) dengan Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy (ACT) dosis 1,7 mg/kgBB pada mencit Swiss yang terinfeksi Plasmodium berghei. Pemberian obat dilakukan secara subkutan untuk meningkatkan bioavailabilitasnya, sehingga didapatkan hasil yang maksimal. Dengan menggunakan metode 4-day suppressive test, didapatkan pertumbuhan densitas parasitemia dan persentase inhibisi pertumbuhan secara berturut-turut: kontrol positif 22,08% dan 50,92%, PB10+ACT 5,22% dan 88,4%, PB20+ACT 3,5% dan 92,22%. Pemberian kombinasi meningkatkan efektivitas secara signifikan terhadap PB tunggal, tetapi tidak signifikan terhadap ACT tunggal. Meskipun demikian, peningkatan tersebut mengindikasikan adanya efek sinergis dari kedua zat dan membutuhkan penelitian lebih lanjut. Dari semua perlakuan, PB20+ACT memiliki efek antimalaria yang paling baik.;Malaria is still considered as a burden disease for Indonesia, especially with the fast developing resistance of parasite against current medication. Hence, the invention of novel therapy is needed immediately. Pasak Bumi (Eurycoma longifolia), a native plant in Kalimantan, has been proven to have in vivo and in vitro antiplasmodial activity. This study aims to test the effect of combination of E.longifolia and Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy (ACT) both given subcutaneously on parasitemia in mice infected with Plasmodium berghei. The doses of the extract tested in this experimental study were 10 (PB10) and 20 mg/kg BW (PB20). Using the 4-day suppressive test, the growth of parasite and growth inhibition percetage of each groups are as following: positive control 22,08% and 50,92%, PB10+ACT 5,22% and 88,4%, PB20+ACT 3,5% and 92,22%. The combination therapy showed significant increase in effectiveness compared to PB monotherapy but insignificant increase compared to ACT monotherapy. Despite the insignificance, this indicates synergistic effect of the two substances that needs further investigation. Among all groups, PB20+ACT showed the best antimalarial activity, Malaria is still considered as a burden disease for Indonesia, especially with the fast developing resistance of parasite against current medication. Hence, the invention of novel therapy is needed immediately. Pasak Bumi (Eurycoma longifolia), a native plant in Kalimantan, has been proven to have in vivo and in vitro antiplasmodial activity. This study aims to test the effect of combination of E.longifolia and Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy (ACT) both given subcutaneously on parasitemia in mice infected with Plasmodium berghei. The doses of the extract tested in this experimental study were 10 (PB10) and 20 mg/kg BW (PB20). Using the 4-day suppressive test, the growth of parasite and growth inhibition percetage of each groups are as following: positive control 22,08% and 50,92%, PB10+ACT 5,22% and 88,4%, PB20+ACT 3,5% and 92,22%. The combination therapy showed significant increase in effectiveness compared to PB monotherapy but insignificant increase compared to ACT monotherapy. Despite the insignificance, this indicates synergistic effect of the two substances that needs further investigation. Among all groups, PB20+ACT showed the best antimalarial activity]"
[;Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia], 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sarah Shafa Marwadhani
"[Malaria masih menjadi beban kesehatan bagi Indonesia, terlebih lagi dengan perkembangan resistensi parasit terhadap pengobatan saat ini. Untuk itu, diperlukan penemuan terapi baru dengan segera. Pasak Bumi (Eurycoma longifolia) adalah tanaman asli Kalimantan yang terbukti secara in vitro dan in vivo memiliki aktivitas antiplasmodium. Penelitian ini ingin menguji efektivitas kombinasi ekstrak akar Pasak Bumi dosis 10 mg/kgBB (PB10) dan 20 mg/kgBB (PB20) dengan Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy (ACT) dosis 1,7 mg/kgBB pada mencit Swiss yang terinfeksi Plasmodium berghei. Pemberian obat dilakukan secara subkutan untuk meningkatkan bioavailabilitasnya, sehingga didapatkan hasil yang maksimal. Dengan menggunakan metode 4-day suppressive test, didapatkan pertumbuhan densitas parasitemia dan persentase inhibisi pertumbuhan secara berturut-turut: kontrol positif 22,08% dan 50,92%, PB10+ACT 5,22% dan 88,4%, PB20+ACT 3,5% dan 92,22%. Pemberian kombinasi meningkatkan efektivitas secara signifikan terhadap PB tunggal, tetapi tidak signifikan terhadap ACT tunggal. Meskipun demikian, peningkatan tersebut mengindikasikan adanya efek sinergis dari kedua zat dan membutuhkan penelitian lebih lanjut. Dari semua perlakuan, PB20+ACT memiliki efek antimalaria yang paling baik.;Malaria is still considered as a burden disease for Indonesia, especially with the fast developing resistance of parasite against current medication. Hence, the invention of novel therapy is needed immediately. Pasak Bumi (Eurycoma longifolia), a native plant in Kalimantan, has been proven to have in vivo and in vitro antiplasmodial activity. This study aims to test the effect of combination of E.longifolia and Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy (ACT) both given subcutaneously on parasitemia in mice infected with Plasmodium berghei. The doses of the extract tested in this experimental study were 10 (PB10) and 20 mg/kg BW (PB20). Using the 4-day suppressive test, the growth of parasite and growth inhibition percetage of each groups are as following: positive control 22,08% and 50,92%, PB10+ACT 5,22% and 88,4%, PB20+ACT 3,5% and 92,22%. The combination therapy showed significant increase in effectiveness compared to PB monotherapy but insignificant increase compared to ACT monotherapy. Despite the insignificance, this indicates synergistic effect of the two substances that needs further investigation. Among all groups, PB20+ACT showed the best antimalarial activity, Malaria is still considered as a burden disease for Indonesia, especially with the fast developing resistance of parasite against current medication. Hence, the invention of novel therapy is needed immediately. Pasak Bumi (Eurycoma longifolia), a native plant in Kalimantan, has been proven to have in vivo and in vitro antiplasmodial activity. This study aims to test the effect of combination of E.longifolia and Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy (ACT) both given subcutaneously on parasitemia in mice infected with Plasmodium berghei. The doses of the extract tested in this experimental study were 10 (PB10) and 20 mg/kg BW (PB20). Using the 4-day suppressive test, the growth of parasite and growth inhibition percetage of each groups are as following: positive control 22,08% and 50,92%, PB10+ACT 5,22% and 88,4%, PB20+ACT 3,5% and 92,22%. The combination therapy showed significant increase in effectiveness compared to PB monotherapy but insignificant increase compared to ACT monotherapy. Despite the insignificance, this indicates synergistic effect of the two substances that needs further investigation. Among all groups, PB20+ACT showed the best antimalarial activity]"
[, ], 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Artemisinin Combination Therapy ACT merupakan pengobatan lini pertama rekomendasi WHO untuk pengobatan malaria yang disebabkan oleh Plasmodium falciparum, namun resistensi pengobatan tersebut telah ditemukan di beberapa negara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan terapi alternatif menggunakan tanaman herbal yaitu Spirulina dalam bentuk crude. Spirulina merupakan tanaman yang berpotensi sebagai antiplasmodium karena kemampuan antioksidan, antiinflamasi, dan imunomodulator yang dimilikinya. Kemampuan tersebut didapatkan terutama dari kandungan Fikosianin dan beta karoten yang dimilikinya. Penelitian ini menguji Spirulina secara tunggal dan kombinasi dengan Dihidroartemisinin Piperakuin DHP yang merupakan salah satu jenis Terapi Kombinasi Artemisin per oral pada mecit yang telah terinfeksi Plasmodium berghei. Dosis Spirulina yang digunakan adalah 200 mg/kgBB dan 400 mg/kgBB. Perbandingan densitas parasitemia hari ke-4 dan hari ke-0 pada semua kelompok memilki nilai signifikan p.

Artemisinin Combination Therapy is the first line medication recommended by WHO to cure malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum , but the issue of drug resistance has been discovered in some countries. This research is aimed to find alternative therapy by using the herbal plant, namely Spirulina in crude form. Spirulina is a potential plant to be antiplasmodium since it has antioxidant, anti inflammatory, and immunomodulatory capabilities. The capabilities are obtained from its Phycocyanin and beta carotene. In research single extract of Spirulina and it combination with Dihydroartemisinin Piperaquine DHP as a type of Artemisinin Combination Therapy orally were tested on mice infected by Plasmodium berghei. The doses of Spirulina were 200 mg kgWB and 400 mg kgWB. The comparison of parasitemia on 4th day and 0 day on all groups has a significant value p"
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Theresia Rina Yunita
Pendahuluan: Sambiloto atau Andrographis panniculata merupakan sebuah
tanaman herbal yang memiliki khasiat sebagai antimalaria dengan cara
meningkatkan kerja antioksidan dalam tubuh. Hati merupakan salah satu tempat
terjadinya fase perkembangan Plasmodium pada penyakit malaria. Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk menganalisis aktivitas antimalaria dari Ekstrak Etanol Sambiloto
(EES) pada mencit yang diiinfeksi Plasmodium berghei secara in vivo melalu
pengukuran kadar MDA dan aktivitas spesifik katalase jaringan hati.
Metode: Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimental in vivo
menggunakan hewan coba mencit Balb/c. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan
mengelompokkan mencit ke dalam empat kelompok yaitu kelompok kontrol yang
tidak diberi perlakuan, kelompok I yang diinduksi Plasmodium berghei tetapi
tidak diterapi, kelompok II yang diinduksi Plasmodium berghei dan diberi EES 2
mg/kgBB serta kelompok III yang diinduksi Plasmodium berghei dan diberi
klorokuin 10 mg/kgBB selama 3 hari. Analisis kadar MDA dilakukan dengan
metode Wills dan aktivitas spesifik katalase dengan metode Mates et al.
Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadi penurunan kadar MDA yang tidak
signifikan pada mencit yang diinfeksi dengan Plasmodium berghei dan diberi
ekstrak etanol sambiloto (EES) 2 mg/kgBB dibandingkan dengan kontrol negatif
(66.49 ± 22,92 vs 69.40 ± 11,69 nmol/g jaringan hati). Namun pada kelompok
yang diberi perlakuan klorokuin juga terlihat penurunan kadar MDA yang tidak
signifikan dibandingkan dengan kontrol negatif (67.49 ± 7,04 vs 69.40 ± 11,69
nmol/g jaringan hati). Sedangkan aktivitas spesifik katalase kelompok yang diberi
EES menunjukkan peningkatan yang tidak berbeda bermakna dibandingkan
dengan kelompok kontrol (2,73 ± 0,59 vs 3,73 ± 1.56 Unit/mg jaringan hati).
Begitupula dengan klorokuin yang menunjukkan peningkatan aktivitas spesifik
katalase yang tidak berbeda bermakna dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol
(2,97 ± 1,53 vs 3,73 ± 1.56).
Kesimpulan: Pada kelompok dengan pemberian EES 2 mg/kgBB terjadi
penurunan kadar MDA serta peningkatan aktivitas spesifik katalase jaringan hati
mencit dibandingkan dengan kelompok negatif, tetapi secara statistik tidak
bermakna demikian pula dengan kelompok yang diberi klorokuin.

Introduction: Andrographis panniculata or Sambiloto is a herbal plant that has
antimalarial efficacy by increasing antioxidant in body. Liver is one of the places
for Plasmodium to develop themselves in malaria. This research aims to analyze
the activity of antimalarial from Sambiloto Ethanol Extract (SEE) in mice which
infected by Plasmodium berghei in vivo through the measurement of MDA level
and the specific activity of catalase in liver tissue.
Method: We used experimental in vivo as the reserach design, using balb/c. The
research design is done by grouping the mices into four groups which of the
untreated group, group I-induced by Plasmodium berghei but not treated, group
II-induced Plasmodium berghei and treated with SEE 2 mg/kg Body weight,
group III-induced Plasmodium berghei and treated with chloroquine with 10
mg/kg Body weight in three days. The MDA level analyze is done by the Wills
method and the specific activity of catalase with Mates et al method.
Result: The research result showed the decrease of MDA level which not
significant in mice that is infected by Plasmodium berghei and treated by SEE 2
mg/ kg BW compared to negative control (66.49 ± 22,92 vs 69.40 ± 11,69 nmol/g
liver tissue). However, group that is infected by Plasmodium berghei and treated
by chloroquine also showed the decrease of MDA level which not significant
compared the negative control (67.49 ± 7,04 vs 69.40 ± 11,69 nmol/g liver tissue).
Instead, group which treated by SEE showed the increase in specific activity of
catalase compared with control (2,73 ± 0,59 vs 3,73 ± 1.56 Unit/mg liver tissue).
Similarly with chloroquine group which showed an increase in specific activity of
catalase were not significantly different compared with the control group (2.97 ±
1.53 vs 3.73 ± 1.56 Unit/mg liver tissue).
Conclusion: Group that treated with SEE 2 mg/kg Body weight showed decrease
of MDA level and also the increase of catalase specific activity in mice liver tissue
compared negative control, but statistically not significant as well as the group
given chloroquine;Introduction: Andrographis panniculata or Sambiloto is a herbal plant that has
antimalarial efficacy by increasing antioxidant in body. Liver is one of the places
for Plasmodium to develop themselves in malaria. This research aims to analyze
the activity of antimalarial from Sambiloto Ethanol Extract (SEE) in mice which
infected by Plasmodium berghei in vivo through the measurement of MDA level
and the specific activity of catalase in liver tissue.
Method: We used experimental in vivo as the reserach design, using balb/c. The
research design is done by grouping the mices into four groups which of the
untreated group, group I-induced by Plasmodium berghei but not treated, group
II-induced Plasmodium berghei and treated with SEE 2 mg/kg Body weight,
group III-induced Plasmodium berghei and treated with chloroquine with 10
mg/kg Body weight in three days. The MDA level analyze is done by the Wills
method and the specific activity of catalase with Mates et al method.
Result: The research result showed the decrease of MDA level which not
significant in mice that is infected by Plasmodium berghei and treated by SEE 2
mg/ kg BW compared to negative control (66.49 ± 22,92 vs 69.40 ± 11,69 nmol/g
liver tissue). However, group that is infected by Plasmodium berghei and treated
by chloroquine also showed the decrease of MDA level which not significant
compared the negative control (67.49 ± 7,04 vs 69.40 ± 11,69 nmol/g liver tissue).
Instead, group which treated by SEE showed the increase in specific activity of
catalase compared with control (2,73 ± 0,59 vs 3,73 ± 1.56 Unit/mg liver tissue).
Similarly with chloroquine group which showed an increase in specific activity of
catalase were not significantly different compared with the control group (2.97 ±
1.53 vs 3.73 ± 1.56 Unit/mg liver tissue).
Conclusion: Group that treated with SEE 2 mg/kg Body weight showed decrease
of MDA level and also the increase of catalase specific activity in mice liver tissue
compared negative control, but statistically not significant as well as the group
given chloroquine;Introduction: Andrographis panniculata or Sambiloto is a herbal plant that has
antimalarial efficacy by increasing antioxidant in body. Liver is one of the places
for Plasmodium to develop themselves in malaria. This research aims to analyze
the activity of antimalarial from Sambiloto Ethanol Extract (SEE) in mice which
infected by Plasmodium berghei in vivo through the measurement of MDA level
and the specific activity of catalase in liver tissue.
Method: We used experimental in vivo as the reserach design, using balb/c. The
research design is done by grouping the mices into four groups which of the
untreated group, group I-induced by Plasmodium berghei but not treated, group
II-induced Plasmodium berghei and treated with SEE 2 mg/kg Body weight,
group III-induced Plasmodium berghei and treated with chloroquine with 10
mg/kg Body weight in three days. The MDA level analyze is done by the Wills
method and the specific activity of catalase with Mates et al method.
Result: The research result showed the decrease of MDA level which not
significant in mice that is infected by Plasmodium berghei and treated by SEE 2
mg/ kg BW compared to negative control (66.49 ± 22,92 vs 69.40 ± 11,69 nmol/g
liver tissue). However, group that is infected by Plasmodium berghei and treated
by chloroquine also showed the decrease of MDA level which not significant
compared the negative control (67.49 ± 7,04 vs 69.40 ± 11,69 nmol/g liver tissue).
Instead, group which treated by SEE showed the increase in specific activity of
catalase compared with control (2,73 ± 0,59 vs 3,73 ± 1.56 Unit/mg liver tissue).
Similarly with chloroquine group which showed an increase in specific activity of
catalase were not significantly different compared with the control group (2.97 ±
1.53 vs 3.73 ± 1.56 Unit/mg liver tissue).
Conclusion: Group that treated with SEE 2 mg/kg Body weight showed decrease
of MDA level and also the increase of catalase specific activity in mice liver tissue
compared negative control, but statistically not significant as well as the group
given chloroquine"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteraan Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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