M. Reiza Syeilendra Permana
"Pengalihan kepemilikan satelit di orbit merupakan fenomena yang
kemudian lahir akibat perkembangan komersialisasi antariksa. Satelit yang
ditempatkan di orbit didaftarkan atas nama negara, sehingga adanya pengalihan
kepemilikan menyebabkan isu yurisdiksi atau pengendalian dan tanggung jawab
negara menjadi krusial untuk dibahas, mengingat intrumen hukum internasional
yang mengatur mengenai kegiatan keantariksaan lahir sebelum fenomena
pengalihan kepemilikan satelit di orbit terjadi.
Permasalahan hukum yang berkaitan dengan tanggung jawab negara
dalam pengalihan kepemilikan satelit di orbit meliputi: bagaimana persoalan
pengalihan kepemilikan satelit di orbit diatur dalam hukum internasional;
bagaimana penerapan prinsip tanggung jawab negara dalam pengalihan
kepemilikan satelit di orbit; dan masalah-masalah hukum yang timbul berkenaan
dengan pengalihan kepemilikan satelit di orbit dan bagaimana cara
Guna mencari jawaban terhadap permasalahan tersebut maka dilakukan
penelitian yuridis normatif dengan menggunakan 3 (tiga) macam pendekatan,
yaitu Pendekatan Perundang-undangan (Statute Approach), Pendekatan
Konseptual (Conseptual Approach), dan Pendekatan Kasus (Case Approach).
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa: Pertama,
pengalihan kepemilikan satelit di orbit dimungkinkan berdasarkan ketentuan
Pasal II Registration Convention 1975; Kedua, penerapan tanggung jawab Negara
dalam pengalihan kepemilikan satelit di orbit didasarkan pada Outer Space Treaty
1967, Liability Convention 1972, dan Registration Convention 1975; dan terakhir,
masalah hukum yang timbul terutama masalah pendaftaran objek antariksa dan
tanggung jawab negara dalam pengalihan kepemilikan khususnya jika terjadi
kerugian yang disebabkan oleh objek antariksa yang dialihkan.
Terhadap permasalahan tersebut disarankan agar Negara yang menerima
pengalihan kepemilikan setidaknya mencatat satelit tersebut dalam sistem
registrasi nasionalnya untuk dapat memperoleh status sebagai Negara
pendaftaran. Khusus untuk pengalihan kepada bukan Negara peluncur yang asli,
maka diperlukan suatu perjanjian khusus yang mengatur tentang pengalihan
yurisdiksi dan hak pengendalian serta kewajiban atas objek antariksa.
ABSTRACTTransfer of ownership of the satellite in orbit is a phenomenon that is born
due to the development of space commercialization. Satellites which placed in
orbit, registered in the name of the State so that the transfer of ownership leading
to issues of jurisdiction, or control and responsibility of the State, becomes crucial
to be discussed, considering the international legal instruments governing outer
space activities published before the phenomenon of transfer of ownership of the
satellite in orbit occur.
Legal issues relating to state responsibility in the transfer of ownership of
the satellite in orbit include: how issues of ownership satellites in orbit governed
by international law, how the application of the principle of state responsibility in
the transfer of ownership of the satellite in orbit, and the legal issues which arise
in regard to transfer of ownership of the satellite in orbit and how to solve it.
In order to find answers to these problems normative research is
conducted using three kinds of approaches, i.e. Statute Approach, Conceptual
Approach, and Case Approach.
Based on the results of this study concluded that: First, the transfer of
ownership of the satellite in orbit is possible under the provisions of Article II of
the Registration Convention 1975; Second, the implementation of State
responsibility in the transfer of ownership of the satellite in orbit based on the
Outer Space Treaty of 1967, the Liability Convention 1972 and the Registration
Convention 1975; and finally, the legal issues which arise mainly space object
registration problem and state responsibility in the transfer of ownership
especially if there is damage caused by space objects which transferred.
Of these issues it is recommended that the State receiving the transfer of
ownership, at least recorded the satellite in the national registration system, in
order to obtain status as a State registration. Specifically for transfer to the State
instead of the original launcher, it would require a special agreement governing
the transfer of jurisdiction and the rights and obligations of control over the object