ABSTRACTVillage is relatively small entity occupied by homogeneous people and tied by local norms and
custom as well. In Indonesia, village has autonomus authority to manage and to govern daily
activities since Government of Indonesia issued Indonesian Act Number 6/2014 about Village.
The law mentions that village can get, search, and spend its village budget to accelerate village
development. In practice, use of village budget is questionable due to complex issues in field.
One of important things in allocating village budget is aimed to accelerate village
development. Therefore, innovation is substantial to develop village sustainably, it comprises
a newness of product or process or organization or marketing. Therein, village budget is
important to develop fresh ideas to innovation in one or more of innovation types mentioned
above. Whereas, innovation is an invention and its commersialisation to market, by which it
is promoted by social-economic interest. In Indonesia, local innovation is promoted by Law of
Government Number 38/2017 about Local Innovation where village is part of local
government. This study is a descriptive-qualitative research method using secondary data. The
analysis is content analysis technique with focusing on substance of local innovation and
village budget of both laws. Due to this study is literature and act review only, analysis is
developed through innovation policy framework. And the significant result is that both laws
are appropriate to accelerate village development in Indonesia based on innovation,
eventhough capacity of human resource and administrative management at village
government level are necessarily considered."