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Ditemukan 11906 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Lee, Khoon Choy
Singapore: World Scientific, 1999
320.959 8 LEE f
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lee, Khoon Choy
Singapore: Federal Publications, 1977
299.9 LEE i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Singapore: University Press, 1979
959.8 POL
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Liddle, R. William
New Heaven: Yale University Press , 1970
301.45 LID e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lane, Max
"This essay points to the end of (direct)crony capitalism at the national level and the shift in the possibility of political initiative to the Kabupaten capitalists, and the initiatives can be different or even contradictory among local capitalists. The essay speculates in the negative. The essays points to the labour movement as having greater potential, although that arena is also full of complications."
Singapore : Institute of Southeast Asian Studies , 2014
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The paper discusses direct elections of local government leaders that have contributed to the corruption in Indonesia and focuses on the quality of electoral process. This study aimed at identifying the contribution of direct elections of local leaders on corrupt practices in Indonesia. It applied a quantitative research method and involved 85 provincial, district and city areas as samples in the Indonesian islands of Java, Sumatra, Sulawesi, Kalimantan, Nusa Tenggara, Maluku and Papua. The study proves that direct local elections have significant effects on corruption committed by the heads of district government. Both process and quality of direct local elections has jointly demonstrated a meaningful and significant effect on the corruption by local leaders. Thus, the better quality and process will immediately lower the corruption rate. In contrast, the lower quality and process will contribute to a higher corruption rate. Partially, the influence of the local election process is more powerful than the quality of direct local elections, since direct local election process requires the government to spend a vast amount of funding on the preparation, implementation, validation an the inauguration of the elect local government leaders. This study only involved 85 areas that have organized direct local elections. A further study should be expanded to more sample areas in order to collect more data that can complete the current research findings."
IJE 7:2 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ayyub Lownardo Austin
Sejauh ini, belum ada penelitian yang secara khusus membahas tentang pemikiran demokrasi Anas Urbaningrum dan aksi politiknya. Padahal Anas Urbaningrum dikenal sebagai salah satu tokoh yang produktif mengeluarkan pemikiran, gagasan, dan pandangannya tentang demokrasi dan demokratisasi di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, meneliti tentang hal tersebut akan bermanfaat untuk memperkaya khasanah wacana demokrasi di Indonesia. Anas Urbaningrum adalah salah satu tokoh publik yang memiliki perhatian terhadap ide atau gagasan demokrasi. Selain itu ia juga dikenal sebagai pemimpin organisasi, Anas Urbaningrum terpilih menjadi Ketua Umum Partai Demokrat periode 2010-2015. Tentu menjadi pertanyaan, sebagai pemimpin, apakah Anas Urbaningrum menunjukkan konsistensi antara pemikiran demokrasi meritokrasi yang di anutnya dengan aksi politik yang dilakukannya.
Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi kasus. Penelitian yang bertujuan menyikap informasi yang terperinci tentang gejala politik tertentu. Dalam penelitian ini gejala politik yang dimaksud adalah konsistensi pemikiran dan aksi yang dilakukan tokoh yang diteliti. Unit analisanya adalah individu, yakni Anas Urbaningrum. Sifat penelitian ini ada deskriptif-analitis. Walau unsur subyektifitas peneliti tak mungkin dihilangkan sepenuhnya, sebuah deskripsi adalah representasi obyektif dari fenomena yang diteliti. Analisa dan interprestasi data menjadi unsur penting dalam penelitian ini, data dikumpulkan melalui tiga cara, yakni pengamatan tak langsung, wawancara, dan studi kepustakaan. Data-data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis dengan metode berpikir induktif, yaitu suatu proses penalaran dari khusus ke umum. Tujuannya untuk memperoleh kesimpulan dari kasus yang diteliti. Generalisasi dilakukan dengan berpedoman pada nilai-nilai demokrasi sebagai instrument pengukurnya.
Pemikiran Anas Urbaningrum tentang Demokrasi Meritokrasi mempunyai konsep cara berdemokrasi yang berbasiskan kapabilitas, kualitas, dan integritas disetiap individu. Untuk membangun budaya demokrasi yang adil dan produktif, Demokrasi harus berdampingan dengan Meritokrasi. Dengan sudut pandang nilai-nilai demokrasi, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Anas Urbaningrum sebagai pemimpin organisasi, ia konsistensi tehadap pemikirannya. Anas Urbaningrum telah mengaplikasikan pemikirannya kedalam organisasi yang ia pimpin, bahkan sebelum ia menjadi Ketua Umum Partai Demokrat, ia sudah menunjukkan konsistensi pemikirannya. Hal ini dilakukan untuk mewujudkan gagasannya yaitu demokrasi meritokrasi

So far, no studies that specifically discusses Anas Urbaningrum democratic thought and political action. Though Anas Urbaningrum known as one of the productive issued thoughts, ideas and views on democracy and democratization in Indonesia. Therefore, researching on it would be beneficial to enrich the discourse of democracy in Indonesia. Anas Urbaningrum is one of the public figures who have attention to the idea or the idea of ​​democracy. He was also known as the organization's leader, Anas Urbaningrum was elected Chairman of the Democratic Party 2010-2015. Sure to be a question, as a leader, whether Anas Urbaningrum show consistency between democratic thought meritocracy in anutnya with political action does.
This type of research is a case study. Research aimed menyikap detailed information about a specific political phenomenon. In this study the political phenomenon in question is the consistency of thought and action taken by leaders studied. The analysis unit is the individual, namely Anas Urbaningrum. The nature of this research there is descriptive-analytic. Although the element of subjectivity researchers could not be eliminated completely, a description is an objective representation of the phenomenon. Analysis and interpretation of data becomes an important element in this study, data were collected in three ways, namely indirect observation, interview, and literature study. The data were analyzed by the method of inductive thinking, which is a process of reasoning from the particular to the general. The goal for the conclusion of the cases studied. Generalization carried out based on the values ​​of democracy as the measuring instrument.
Thoughts on Democracy Meritocracy Anas Urbaningrum have a concept-based democratic way capability, quality, and integrity of each individual. To build a culture of democracy that is just and productive, democracy must coexist with the Meritocracy. With the viewpoint of democratic values, the results showed that Anas Urbaningrum as the leader of the organization, he thought tehadap consistency. Anas Urbaningrum, has applied his thinking into the organization he led, even before he became Chairman of the Democratic Party, he has shown consistency thoughts. This is done to realize his idea that democracy meritocracy"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ritno Nursakti
"Skripsi ini memberikan gambaran mengenai perwujudan good governance di Indonesia khususnya dalam Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden. Indikator terwujudnya good governance secara umum adalah dipenuhinya asas transparansi, akuntabilitas dan partisipasi masyarakat dalam setiap hal yang berhubungan dengan kepentingan umum. Implementasi ketiga asas ini diwujudkan dengan keterbukaan penerimaan aspirasi publik sebagai bahan pengambilan isi nasihat dan pertimbangan hukum serta publikasi nasihat dan pertimbangan hukum Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden. Di sisi lain tindakan ini berbenturan dengan kerahasiaan isi nasihat dan pertimbangan hukum Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskripsi analitis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan antara implementasi asas transparansi, akuntabilitas dan partisipasi dengan tindakan penyebarluasan isi nasihat dan pertimbangan hukum Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden.

This thesis provides an overview of good governance in Indonesia, especially in President's Advisory Council. Indicator of good governance in general is the fulfillment of the principles of transparency, accountability and public participation in any matters related to the public interest. Those principles are realized by the openness of public acceptance as the material on the taking of the contents and the publication to legal advice and consideration of the President's Advisory Council. On the other hand, these actions conflict with confidentiality in the content of legal advice and consideration of the President's Advisory Council. This study is a qualitative research design with an analytical description. The results showed that there was no correlation between the implementation of the principles of transparency, accountability and participation with the content dissemination actions legal advice and consideration of the President's Advisory Council."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhamad Gilang Sukmahavi
"Isu pemekaran wilayah di Indonesia muncul kepermukaan pada tahun 1999, pasca turunnya Presiden Soeharto dari kursi kepresidenan pada tahun 1998. Banten yang merupakan wilayah Eks-Keresidenan masa Hindia Belanda muncul sebagai salah satu wilayah yang menuntut otonomi daerah dan terlepas dari Jawa Barat. Gagasan ini muncul setelah dua kali mendapatkan halangan menjadi provinsi pada masa Orde Lama dan masa Orde Baru. Ulama menjadi corong pertama dalam hal gagasan pembentukan provinsi Banten. Lobi politik baik formal ataupun informal dilakukan demi mendukung gagasan otonomi Banten. Gerakan sosial-politik ini dilakukan ulama demi mencapai tujuan otonomi yantu kesejahteraan, keadilan, dan pembangunan yang merata. Bersama dengan komponen sosial yang lain, ulama bergerak menjadi penyeimbang kepentingan dalam proses pembentukan provinsi Banten. Di lain pihak, Jawa Barat merasa terancam dengan pemekaran wilayah yang secara langsung akan mengurangi pendapatan asli daerah.

The region autonomy has appeared in Indonesia since 1999, after Soeharto’s retaired from his position as Indonesia President in 1998. Banten, whiches the eks-Residence in Netherland Indische has appeared as region who required of autonomy and separated from West Java. This idea was formed after Banten had threatment twice from Orde Lama and Orde Baru, when Banten formed to be a province. Ulama to be the first in terms of the idea funnel formation of Banten province. Political lobbying either formal or informal do to support the idea of autonomy Banten. This socio-political movements made ulama in order to achieve the goal of autonomy prosperity, justice, and equitable development. Together with the other social components, to balance the interests of ulama engaged in the process of formation of Banten province. On the other side, West Java felt threatened by the autonomy region because that will directly reduce revenue."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"[Dalam kerangka demokrasi perwakilan, partai politik di Indonesia selalu berusaha untuk mendapatkan dan mempertahankan kekuasaan demi memperjuangkan aspirasi masyarakat yang diwakilinya. Pada beberapa kasus, partai politik juga melakukan perbuatan yang bertentangan dengan hukum untuk mencapai tujuannya tersebut, termasuk diantaranya melakukan tindak pidana. Hukum pidana Indonesia telah mengatur pemidanaan partai politik, sebagai subjek hukum korporasi, atas tindak pidana yang dilakukannya. Akan tetapi pemidanaan tersebut perlu dikaji lebih lanjut mengingat pemikiran pemidanaan korporasi lebih didasarkan pada pemidanaan korporasi perdata yang berbeda karakteristik dengan partai politik yang merupakan korporasi publik., Within the framework of representative democracy, political parties in Indonesia are always trying to gain and maintain power on behalf of the aspirations of the people who they represent. In some cases, political parties also commit acts which are in conflict with the law to achieve their goals, including but not limited to commit a criminal offense. Indonesian criminal law has stipulated the punishment for a political party, as a corporation, for a criminal offense comitted by them. However, the punishment needs to be further reviewed since the idea of corporate punishment is solely based on the criminalization of civil corporations that have different characteristics from a political party which constitues a public corporation.]"
Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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