"Process of democracy consolidation is more complex and longer after transition: study on democracy consolidation is varying compared to transition study. Democracy consolidation should be able to do reinforcement to 3 types of political institutions, they are : 1).State administration apparatus (bureaucracy) 2)Representative Institution and Stakeholder of Democracy System (political parties ,parliament and general election system and 3). The Structure guarantees horizontal accountability, constitutionalism and governance based law (judicial system,check and balances institution). In the context of local democracy, it is explained that the bigger autonomy of local governance, whether it's on the meaning of authority in decision - making or financial authority, the bigger is the degree of local politics. In relation to that proposition, it can be concluded that; firstly, the bigger local autonomy is, the bigger is democratization process and local politic, which is characterized the region uniquely. Secondly the more intensive of elite role is , the more developing is social politic dynamic and more dynamic also the development of regional politic. Third, more dynamic of democratization process is, more dynamic is regional politic development. In state constitution system, the ideal of state law is unseparatable part of the development of the idea of Indonesian state since its Independence Day, although in the articles of Undang-undang Dasar 1945 (Indonesia Constitution) before amanded, the idea of state law is no longer firmly explicitly, but in explanation of Constitution, it is firmed that Indonesia follows the idea of "rechstaat" not "machstaat"."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library