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Bandung: Mizan, 2004
323.4 MUN
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andi Hamzah
Bandung: Binacipta, 1986
323.42 AND p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jones, Sydney R.
Jakarta: Lembaga Studi dan Advokasi Masyarakat, 1999
323 JON m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Niockel, James W.
Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 1996
323 Nic h
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agung Budi Maryoto
"Permasalahan dalam tesis ini adalah proses belajar-mengajar HAM di secapa Polri Sukabumi yang meliputi metode mengajarnya, fasilitas belajarnya, materi pelajaranya dan fokusnya adalah pada interaksi antara Gadik sebagai pihak yang memberikan pelajaran dan siswa sebagai pihak yang menerima pelajaran. Para siswa Secapa Polri khusus gelombang II tahun ajaran 1999/2000 adalah para anggota Polri yang berpangkat Bintara ( Pembantu Letnan Dua dan Pembantu Letnan Satu) yang melaksanakan pendidikan selama 5 bulan lamanya dan menerima pelajaran HAM sebanyak 14 Jam pelajaran (14x45 menit). Pelaksanaan belajar para siswa di Gedung R.Soesilo dengan jumlah siswa dalam satu kelas sebanyak 132 orang. Gadik yang mendapat Surat Perintah mengajar HAM sebanyak 4 (empat) orang, namun dalam pelaksanaannya yang mengajar hanya 1 (satu) orang, sehingga dalam mengajar Gadik tersebut lebih banyak menggunakan metode narasi jika dibandingkan dengan metode diskusi. Latar belakang pengalaman tugas para siswa yang beragam baik yaitu yang bertugas di fungsi Operasional Kepolisian, fungsi pendukung Kepolisian dan fungsi Staf Kepolisian mempengaruhi interaksi dalam proses belajar mengajar HAM. Dalam penulisan Tesis ini saya menggunakan penelitian kuaiitatif. Sedangkan pengumpulan data dan informasi, saya menggunakan tehnik pengamatan terlibat untuk memahami pandangan hidup dan sudut pandang mereka sendiri, dan wawancara secara mendalam dengan menggunakan pedoman yang telah dipersiapkan kemudian menganalisisnya dengan kacamata ilmu pengetahuan."
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Ridha Intifadha
"[Pelaksanaan otonomi perguruan tinggi di Indonesia membuka ruang bagi terjadinya komersialisasi pendidikan yang berujung pada pelanggaran etika nirlaba sebagai salah satu prinsip dalam otonomi perguruan tinggi. Skripsi ini membahas komersialisasi pendidikan sebagai bentuk kejahatan korporasi dalam pelaksanaan otonomi perguruan tinggi di Indonesia melalui studi kasus penyelenggaraan program pascasarjana Universitas X. Skripsi ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan studi deskriptif menggunakan konsep-konsep yang berkaitan antara otonomi perguruan tinggi, pelanggaran etika dan kejahatan korporasi di sektor pendidikan. Skripsi ini melihat bagaimana implementasi otonomi perguruan tinggi tidak hanya terjadi secara akademik, namun juga secara tata kelola khususnya keuangan melalui perguruan tinggi berstatus badan hukum, salah satunya Universitas X. Pemerintah tidak mampu menjamin anggaran yang cukup untuk memenuhi hak atas pendidikan bagi warga negaranya, sehingga Universitas X dapat mencari dana yang berasal dari mahasiswa secara berlebihan melalui biaya kuliah maupun penyelenggaraan program tertentu, salah satunya program pascasarjana. Meskipun hasil penelitian ini masih bersifat tentatif, namun telah memiliki kesimpulan tertentu bahwa program pascasarjana Universitas X lebih memandang dirinya sebagai suatu korporasi dibandingkan sebagai institusi pendidikan, sehingga akhrinya melakukan komersialisasi pendidikan di dalam penyelenggaraannya.
;Commercialization of Education as a Form of Corporate Crime within the Implementation of Higher Education Autonomy in Indonesia (Case Study: Implementation of Graduate Program of X University)? is a minithesis which talks about the autonomy system of higher education in Indonesia which may form the commercialization of education and culminates with a white collar criminal phenomenon using the case study of the implementation of graduate programs of X University. This minithesis employs qualitative research methods in a descriptive study, involving related concepts to the autonomy of higher education and corporate crime in the education sector. This minithesis also analyzes how the implementation of higher education autonomy in X University was not only applied academically but also for the financial management of the university itself, which adopts the form of legal entity. The government was unable to vouch enough budgets in order to fulfil education rights for the citizens, giving authority for X University to gain excessivelly from its students as another fund resource by the mechanism of expense or implementation some study programs such as graduate programs. Even though this minithesis?s conclusion is still tentative, it has a conclusion that the graduate program of X University views itself more as a corporation than an institute of education, resulting in commercialization in its implementation.
;Commercialization of Education as a Form of Corporate Crime within the Implementation of Higher Education Autonomy in Indonesia (Case Study: Implementation of Graduate Program of X University)? is a minithesis which talks about the autonomy system of higher education in Indonesia which may form the commercialization of education and culminates with a white collar criminal phenomenon using the case study of the implementation of graduate programs of X University. This minithesis employs qualitative research methods in a descriptive study, involving related concepts to the autonomy of higher education and corporate crime in the education sector. This minithesis also analyzes how the implementation of higher education autonomy in X University was not only applied academically but also for the financial management of the university itself, which adopts the form of legal entity. The government was unable to vouch enough budgets in order to fulfil education rights for the citizens, giving authority for X University to gain excessivelly from its students as another fund resource by the mechanism of expense or implementation some study programs such as graduate programs. Even though this minithesis?s conclusion is still tentative, it has a conclusion that the graduate program of X University views itself more as a corporation than an institute of education, resulting in commercialization in its implementation.
, Commercialization of Education as a Form of Corporate Crime within the Implementation of Higher Education Autonomy in Indonesia (Case Study: Implementation of Graduate Program of X University)’ is a minithesis which talks about the autonomy system of higher education in Indonesia which may form the commercialization of education and culminates with a white collar criminal phenomenon using the case study of the implementation of graduate programs of X University. This minithesis employs qualitative research methods in a descriptive study, involving related concepts to the autonomy of higher education and corporate crime in the education sector. This minithesis also analyzes how the implementation of higher education autonomy in X University was not only applied academically but also for the financial management of the university itself, which adopts the form of legal entity. The government was unable to vouch enough budgets in order to fulfil education rights for the citizens, giving authority for X University to gain excessivelly from its students as another fund resource by the mechanism of expense or implementation some study programs such as graduate programs. Even though this minithesis’s conclusion is still tentative, it has a conclusion that the graduate program of X University views itself more as a corporation than an institute of education, resulting in commercialization in its implementation.
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sitepu, Aldo Ingo
"This research explains the definition of jurisdiction, development of the extraterritorial jurisdiction and its regulation in international law which includes its principle and also boundaries. This research then analyzes cases before Al- Skeini and others v. UK case regarding the application of jurisdiciton mentioned in Article 1 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) by European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR). Furthermore, this research analyzes the applications of Article 1 ECHR in United Kingdom?s House of Lords decision and ECtHR decision in Al-Skeini. In its decision ECtHR stated that the existance of Public Power in Al-Skeini causes an extraterritorial jurisdiction in that case. The judgement cater to the human rights protection but on the other hand it still leaves a confusion in determining the requirement of extraterritorial jurisdiction in the ECHR.

Skripsi ini pertama menjelaskan pengertian yurisdiksi serta penjelasan perkembangan dan pengaturan yurisdiksi ekstrateritorial dalam hukum internasional yang mencakup prinsip-prinsip munculnya yurisdiksi ekstrateritorial juga batasan terhadapnya. Skripsi ini kemudian menganalisa kasus-kasus sebelum kasus Al-Skeini and others v. UK berkaitan dengan penerapan yurisdiksi yang dimaksud di dalam Pasal 1 European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) oleh European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR). Skripsi ini selanjutnya menganilisa penerapan Pasal 1 ECHR dalam putusan House of Lords Inggris serta putusan ECtHR dalam kasus Al-Skeini. Putusan ECtHR menyatakan keberadaan Public Power dalam kasus Al-Sekini menimbulkan yurisdiksi ekstrateritorial atas kasus tersebut. Putusan tersebut berpihak kepada perlindungan Hak Asasi Manusia tetapi di lain sisi tetap meninggalkan kebingungan mengenai syarat jelas timbulnya yurisdiksi ekstrateritorialitas dalam ECHR."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Khafi Ghon
Penelitian ini membahas tentang upaya representasi self appointed yang dilakukan oleh kelompok lesbian, gay, biseksual, transgender/transeksual, dan interseks (LGBTI) sebagai komisioner Komisi Nasional Hak Asasi Manusia (Komnas HAM) Periode 2012-2017. Dengan metode kualitatif dan jenis penelitian eksplanatif, penelitian ini menggambarkan upaya reprentasi self appointed kelompok LGBTI sebagai komisioner Komnas HAM. Mami Yuli dan Dede Oetomo adalah wakil dari kelompok LGBTI yang maju sebagai calon komisioner Komnas HAM. Melalui analisis menggunakan teori representasi self appointed, the politics of presence, subaltern counterpublics, dan gerakan sosial baru, hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa adanya hambatan eksternal dan internal dari perjuangan representasi self appointed Mami Yuli dan Dede Oetomo. Hambatan eksternal dipahami berasal dari masyarakat dan DPR, sedangkan hambatan internal berasal dari gerakan LGBTI. Penelitian ini berkesimpulan bahwa upaya representasi self appointed kelompok LGBTI belum berhasil sebagai komisioner Komnas HAM. Hal ini dapat dipahami bahwa LGBTI belum mendapatkan pengakuan dari masyarakat dan negara.

This thesis describe about lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender/transexual,and intersex (LGBTI) group in their self appointed representation effort as commisioner(s) in The National Commision of Human Rights (Komnas HAM) on 2012-2017 period. Using qualitative method and explanative type of research, this study describe self appointed representation effort of LGBTI group to become commisioner(s) in Komnas HAM. Mami Yuli and Dede Oetomo are the candidates that represent the LGBTI group itself. Through analysis using theories of selfappointed representation,the politics of presence, subaltern counterpublics, and the new social movements, this study findings show several obstacles, both external and internal, on Mami Yuli and Dede Utomo's struggle on doing their self appointed representation effort. The external obstacles have been realized come from the society and the council, while the internal obstacles come from LGBTI movements. In summary, this study shows that self appointed representation effort on LGBTI group has not earned a success as commisioner(s) in Komnas HAM. It could be understood that LGBTI has not gained any recognition from the society and the government."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Depok: Filsafat - UI Press, 2006
323 PRO
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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