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Ditemukan 6931 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
O`Tuathail, Gearoid
London: Routledge, 1996
320.1 Tua c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Snow, Donald M.
New York: Pearson Longman, 2007
355.033 SNO n
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1994
320.958 NEW
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sydney: Longman Chesire, 1984
320.809 94 AUS
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Melbourne: Edward Arnold, 1978
320.994 CRI
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irene Erlyska Octaviany
"Meningkatkan jumlah perempuan di panggung politik merupakan isu yang banyak diperdebatkan sepanjang masa Pemilu tahun 2004 ini terutama menjelang Pemilu 5 April 2004 yang lalu untuk memilih calon legislatif. Inti perdebatan terfokus pada masalah kemampuan perempuan dalam berpolitik dan tidak terpenuhinya kuota 30 %.
Partisipasi perempuan dalam dunia politik masih kurang terwakili. Hal ini disebabkan bukan karena kecilnya represcntasi kaum wanita tetapi karena lambatnya proses perubahan. Hal ini dikarenakan adanya pendapat bahwa keikutsertakan kaum perempuan di kancah dunia politik akan membahwa dampak buruk yaitu ketidakstabilan dalam keluarga sehingga kaum pria enggan untuk memberikan tempat bagi wanita di dunia politik
Sebagai penelitian kualitatif dengan perspektif kritis, dalam tesis ini digunakan metode analisis wacana dengan paradigma kritis. Yaitu, model wacana critical discourse analysis (CDA) dari Norman Fairclough. Teori ini menggabungkan tiga dimensi dalam communicative events, yaitu teks, praktik wacana (discourse practice) dan praktik sosial budaya (sociocultural practise). Selanjutnya analisis teks yang digunakan berdasar teori Pan dan Konsicki.
Hasilnya dari frame yang ditemukan bahwa Metro TV, stasiun televisi yang mengukuhkan diri sebagai Election Channel menonjolkan bahwa keterwakilan perempuan dalam politik perlu mendapatkan perhatian lebih. Sanyak caleg perempuan yang berkualitas dengan visi dan misi yang jelas harus terhadang dengan kendala-kendala yang disebabkan oleh budaya patriaki.
Penelitian ini juga memakai paradigma kritis. Dalam ilmu komunikasi dan kajian media, paradigma kritis sering dipakai dalam penelitian terutama dalam mengungkapkan bagaimana suatu teks muncul di masyarakat. Di dalam paradigma kritis terdapat cultural study, the critical theory. feminism, reception theory dan semiotic. Data ideologi sendiri merupakan kata yang penting dalam teori kritis. Definisi ideologi adalah sekelompok ide yang menjadi struktur dasar sebuah grup, sebuah sistim representasi bagaiman suatu grup atau individual melihat keadaan di sekelilingnya. Produksi teks yang diteliti mencerminkan bagaimana ideologi pengelola Metro TV yang berfungsi sebagai perpanjagnan tangan dari sekelompok pemegang kckuasaan. Maka isi media itu tentu tidak bertentangan dengan kepentingan mereka.

The main issue in 2004 election, especially in the upcoming of the last . July 5th, 2004 legislative candidate election was how to increase the number of women in politics. The debates were focused on the women's performance in politics and unfulfilled quota of 30%.
Women's participation in political world is still not well represented, not because of the small number of representation, but merely in view of the fact that changing the opinion that women's participation in politics will bring instability in their family's life. That is the reason why men are not eager to give place to women in political world.
As a qualitative research with crisis perspective, this thesis will use critical discourse analysis (CDA) from Norman Fairclough. This theory combines three dimensions in communicative events which are text, discourse practice and sociocultural practice. Next, the text analysis that will be use is based on Pan and Konsicki theory.
The result from the frame the has been discovered by Metro TV, TV station that proclaimed as the Election Channel, was women's representation in politics needs more attention, since many women candidates the have a quality vision and a clear mission stumbled by patriarchal culture.
This research was also using a critical paradigm, in communication science and media presenting is use to discover how a text emerge in society. Inside critical' paradigm there are cultural study, the critical theory, feminism, reception theory and semiotic. The word ideology it self is an important word in critical theory. Definition of ideology is a group of ideas that become a base of a group, a representing system or how a group or individual see their surrounding. The researched on the text production reflects on how Metro TV ideology functions as the helping hand from the people in power, so they would not go against their interest."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
T 13909
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farida Dewi Maharani
"Penyelenggaraan pemilihan legislative 2014 di ramaikan oleh pengusaha multimedia yang terjun ke politik praktis. Salah satunya adalah Hary Tanoe selaku pemilik MNC Group. Hal ini sangat menarik untuk diamati ketika media cetak SINDO di bawah kepemilikan Hary Tanoe menjalankan peran politiknya sebagai corong pencitraan tokoh Hary Tanoe, Wiranto dan Partai Hanura. Dengan menggunakan paradigma kritis, penelitian ini bermaksud untuk mengetahui sejauh mana Hary Tanoe memanfaatkan media cetak SINDO untuk kepentingan politik praktisnya. Fokus penelitian ini mencoba untuk mengetahui komunikasi politik pencitraan apa yang ada dalam teks dan konteks media cetak SINDO, terutama dalam pemberitaan teks politik selama masa kampanye pileg terbuka 2014. Analisis wacana kritis, literasi dokumen dan juga in-depth interview digunakan sebagai metode untuk memperoleh data tentang dominasi kekuasaan di dalam struktur media cetak SINDO dan tentang citra apa yang sedang dibangun oleh Hary Tanoe, Wiranto dan Hanura.
Secara metodologis, penelitian ini melakukan multilevel analysis untuk mendapatkan analisi yang komprehensif dan kontekstual. Dalam hal ini peneliti menempatkan diri sebagai partisipan yang dijembatani nilai-nilai tertentu sehingga proses transformasi sosial tercapai. Secara epistemologi, peneliti masih merasa banyak kekurangan, di antaranya tidak mencakup sisi konsumsi teks. Sejatinya konsumsi teks diperoleh melalui in-depth interview dengan khalayak pembaca Koran SINDO terkait berita politik selama periode masa kampanye terbuka pemilihan legislative 2014. Melalui teori critical discourse analysis milik Fairclough, peneliti menemukan bahwa terdapat sejumlah realitas yang tersembunyi atau realitas maya dibalik sebuah teks pemberitaan politik media cetak SINDO selama kampanye terbuka pileg 2014. Tesis ini juga menunjukkan bahwa kepemilikan media akan sangat mempengaruhi produksi teks media tersebut untuk kepentingan politik praktis.
Penelitian ini menyimpulkan eksistensi pemberitaan politik media SINDO selama masa kampanye terbuka pileg 2014 sangat dipengaruhi oleh menghegemoninya kapitalis monolitik Hary Tanoe melalui berbagai penguasaan struktur dan modal dalam industri media. Akibatnya, seluruh ekspresi kebebasan jurnalis media cetak SINDO tidak lagi dapat dilihat sebagai peristiwa yang mengacu atau merepresentasikan realitas sosial.

Legislative Elections 2014 is filled with multimedia entrepreneurs who jumped into practical politics. One of them is Hary Tanoe, the owner of MNC Group. It is an interesting thing to see when SINDO print media, under the ownership of Hary Tanoe, run its political role as the "image cover" of Hary Tanoe himself, Wiranto and Hanura Party. By using the critical paradigm, this study intends to determine how far Hary Tanoe used SINDO print media for his own practical political purpose. The focus of this research is trying to figure out what kind of Political Imagery Communication that is used within the text and the context of SINDO, especially in political news during the campaign of Legislative Elections 2014. Critical discourse analysis, document literacy and also in-depth interviews are used as a method to obtain data about the power dominance in the structure of SINDO and what image is being built by Hary Tanoe, Wiranto and Hanura Party.
Methodologically, this study uses multilevel analysis to obtain a comprehensive and contextual analysis. In this study, the researcher put herself as a participant that is bridged by certain values so that the process of social transformation is achieved. Epistemologically, the researcher still has some minuses, some of them is the absent of the text consumption side. It should be obtained through in-depth interviews about the political news with the reader of SINDO during the open campaign period of legislative elections 2014. Through Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis theory, researcher found that there are a number of hidden realities or virtual realities behind a SINDO’s text of political news during the open campaign period of legislative elections 2014. The thesis also shows that media ownership would greatly affect the production of media texts for political interests.
This study concluded that the existence of political news of SINDO during the open campaign period of legislative elections 2014 is strongly influenced by the hegemony of Hary Tanoe’s monolithic capitalist through various dominations of structure and capital in the media industry. As the result, the entire freedom express of SINDO’s journalists is no longer be seen as an event that refers to or represents social reality.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anita Fitria Sari
"Skripsi ini mengangkat topik mengenai praktik dari pendekatan political public relations yang dilakukan Jokowi pada masa pra (“to win” phase) dan pasca (“to govern” phase) Pemilihan Gubernur DKI Jakarta tahun 2012 dengan memanfaatkan strategi politik simbol (symbolic politics) berupa simbol politik Baju Kotak-kotak dan blusukan. Melihat dari perspektif kritis, penelitian ini bertujuan menguak proses di balik pendekatan political public relations Jokowi terkait dengan keberhasilannya menggalang dukungan suara dan memenangkan pemilihan yang terbilang mustahil dalam kalkulasi politik karena keterbatasan modal politik, serta terciptanya konsistensi dukungan partisipasi masyarakat Jakarta atas segala kebijakan yang diberlakukan Jokowi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif melalui teknik wawancara mendalam. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa narasi politik menjadi elemen kunci dari simbolisasi politik Jokowi yang berhasil menciptakan kesadaran semu (false consciousness) dengan cara mensistematisir kesadaran dalam rangka melanggengkan dukungan masyarakat.

This thesis is discussing about Jokowi’s political public relations practice on pra (“to win” phase) and pasca (“to givern” phase) Jakarta Local Governor Election 2012 through symbolic politics which is expressed in form of Baju Kotak-kotak and “Blusukan”. Using critical prespective, this research is aimed to croak the real process of the approach which successfully brought Jokowi to gain high total votes dan won the election which is impossible in political calculation since his limited political capital; and also creates the consistency of local society high antusiasm to every single policies that he run. From the findings it is then concluded that political narrative roles as the key element of Jokowi political symbolization which is mindfully creating false consciousness by systemizing human consciousness in order to eternalize public supports.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"It is still a matter of debate whether the patriotic act of An Chunggun, namely, the 1909 shooting of Ito Hirobomi, the ex-Resident-General of Korea, was an independent act by An or accomplished in systematic cooperation with Taedonggongbosa, a newspaper company run by Koreans in the Russians city of Vladivostok. Earlier research supporting the view that the act was plotted and planned at Taedonggongbosa has been refuted, but since material suggesting cooperation with Taedonggongbosa still coexist with material to the contrary, a finite conclusion has not been yet reached. This essay demonstrates the need for a complete reappraisal of the properties of various historical materials, and carries out a reexamination of the characteristics of several types of data. It points out that sources—including An Chunggun’s own writings, his testimonials in examinations and in court, Japanese records of the trial and the reports of Japanese agents, a play by a Japanese playwright in the 1930s, and memoirs by An’s associates from after 1945—are all limited in their ability to record the complete truth, and that future research therefore must incorporate multiple source while taking the characteristics of each into account. The current study does not reach a conclusion between the cooperation hypothesis and independent action hypothesis, and stops at proposing several hypotheses; however, the need outlined here to consider the characteristics of each type of material will lend useful insights to further productive discussion."
HOZ 5:2 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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