"Self regulated learning merupakan aspek yang penting dalam kesuksesan akademik siswa. Pada sisi personal, goal orientation diketahui mempengaruhi komitmen seseorang dalam meregulasi dirinya pada proses belajar. Pada sisi kontekstual, classroom goal structure diketahui juga dapat mempengaruhi tinggi rendahnya self regulated learning siswa. Pada masyarakat Indonesia yang cenderung embedded, classroom goal structure sebagai faktor kontekstual diasumsikan memiliki peran yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan goal orientation. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji kontribusi peran goal orientation dan classroom goal structure sebagai terhadap self regulated learning.
Analisis hasil penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan partial correlation. Sebanyak 301 siswa sekolah menengah atas menjadi partisipan dalam penelitian ini. Goal orientation dan classroom goal structure diukur menggunakan adaptasi dari sub tes personal goal orientarion dan perception about classroom goal structure pada alat ukur Pattern of Adaptive Learning Scale. Self regulated learning diukur dengan alat ukur yang dikonstruksi berdasarkan dimensi self regulated learning yang dikemukakan oleh Lindner dan Harris 2002. Ketiga jenis classroom goal structure ditemukan memiliki kontribusi yang signifikan terhadap self regulated learning. Adapun kontribusi goal orientation terhadap self regulated learning hanya didapatkan dari mastery goal orientation saja. Akan tetapi, secara keseluruhan, kontribusi goal orientation ditemukan lebih besar dibandingkan classroom goal structure terhadap self regulated learning.
Self Regulated Learning SRL is an important aspect in determining students 39 success in academic. At the personal side, goal orientation is known to be able to influence how much one puts a commitment in regulating oneself in studying process. At contextual side, classroom goal structure is also known to be affecting the degree of SRL in students. In Indonesia 39 s context which is prone to be more towards embedded culture, classroom goal structure as a contextual factor is assumed to have a bigger role in influencing SRL compared to goal orientation. This research is intended to test how significant is the role of goal orientation and classroom goal structure to SRL.
Research analysis was conducted using partial correlation. 301 high school students in Depok city became the participants in this research. Classroom goal structure and goal orientation were measured by adaptation from sub test perception on classroom goal structure and personal goal orientation using Pattern of Adaptive Learning Scale instrument. Meanwhile SRL was measured using an instrument that was constructed using a theory by Lindner and Harris 2002 . The 3 types of classroom goal structure was found to have a significant contribution to SRL. While contribution of goal orientation to SRL was only significantly found in mastery goal orientation. Nevertheless, overall, the contribution to SRL by goal orientation was found to be higher compared to classroom goal structure."