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Kroeger, Paul R.
"A comprehensive and accessible 2004 textbook on syntactic analysis, working within the 'Lexical Functional Grammar' framework."
New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006
415 KRO a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Analyzing syntax: a lexical-functional approach is a comprehensive and accessible textbook on syntactic analysis, designed for students of linguistics at advanced undergraduate or graduate level.Working within the ‘Lexical Functional Grammar’(LFG) approach, it provides students with a framework for analyzing and describing grammatical structure, using extensive examples from both European and non- European languages. As well as building on what linguists have learned about language in general, particular attention is paid to the unique features of individual languages. While its primary focus is on syntactic structure, the book also deals with aspects of meaning, function, and word structure that are directly relevant to syntax. Clearly organized into topics, this textbook is ideal for one-semester courses in syntax and grammatical analysis."
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2004
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell, 2016
415 LEX
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arawinda Dinakaramani
"Skripsi ini berisi penjelasan tentang pengembangan aturan-aturan sintaksis bahasa Indonesia menggunakan teori Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG) untuk kalimat deklaratif sederhana berpredikat verba aktif transitif, aktif intransitif, dan pasif. Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG) adalah sebuah teori linguistik yang mempelajari berbagai aspek dari struktur linguistik dan hubungan antara berbagai aspek tersebut. LFG mengasumsikan bahwa ada dua level sintaksis yang penting di dalam melakukan analisa struktur linguistik. Analisa yang dilakukan pada traditional LFG fokus pada dua struktur sintaksis, yaitu constituent structure (c-structure) dan functional structure (f-structure).
Pada penelitian ini, perancangan aturan-aturan sintaksis dan entri-entri leksikal dilakukan berdasarkan buku Tata Bahasa Baku Bahasa Indonesia [ALWI03], penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya [SULA01] [JOIC02], dan buku teori LFG [DALR01]. Implementasi dilakukan di Grammar Writer?s Workbench (GWB). Setelah menyelesaikan implementasi dan dilakukan pengujian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa aturan-aturan sintaksis dan entri-entri leksikal yang telah dikembangkan sudah dapat menangani kalimat-kalimat pengujian yang diujikan.

This undergraduate thesis contains explanation about Indonesian syntactic rules development using Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG) theory for simple declarative sentence with active transitive verb, active intransitive verb, and passive verb predicate. Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG) is a linguistic theory which studies the various aspects of linguistic structure and the relations between them. LFG assumes that two syntactic levels are important in the analysis of linguistic structure. Traditional LFG analyses focus on two syntactic structures, constituent structure (c-structure) and functional structure (f-structure).
In this research, the design of syntactic rules and lexical entries are based on Tata Bahasa Baku Bahasa Indonesia [ALWI03], previous research [SULA01] [JOIC02], and LFG theory book [DALR01]. The implementation was carried out on Grammar Writer?s Workbench (GWB). Syntactic rules and lexical entries developed in this research successfully parsed a small collection of test sentences."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arief Admaja
"Teknologi komputer yang belakangan berkembang dengan pesat adalah hadirnya virtualisasi komputer yang mampu menciptakan banyak virtual machine dalam satu komputer, sehingga membuat kinerja komputer semakin efisien karena pemakaian sumber daya dapat dimaksimalkan. Potensi tindak kejahatan yang dapat terjadi adalah dilakukannya tindakan penetrasi dan intrusi sistem dari dalam virtual machine.
Tulisan ini akan menganalisis dampak dari cara shutdown yang menjadi prosedur dasar digital forensic pada keberadaan artifak digital dalam komputer yang memiliki virtual machine. Adapun jenis virtual machine yang dibandingkan adalah Oracle VM VirtualBox dan VMware Player.
Dari hasil percobaan didapati bahwa forced shutdown pada virtual machine mengakibatkan lebih banyak kerusakan data (9%-25%) dibandingkan dengan normal shutdown. Apabila dilihat dari tampilan visual isi file pada saat virtual machine mendapat forced shutdown, VirtualBox kehilangan kualitas tampilan sebesar 17%, sedangkan VMware mencapai 25%. Adapun bila dilihat dari kesamaan hash dengan file asli pada saat virtual machine mendapat forced shutdown, 50% file uji pada VirtualBox tidak identik sedangkan pada VMware kualitasnya lebih baik dengan hanya 25% file uji yang tidak identik.

The latest trends in computer technology is the prevalence of computer virtualization that is capable of creating many virtual machine in one computer, thus making the performance of the computer more efficient due to the use of resources can be maximized. Potential crimes that can happen is the act of penetration and intrusion systems from within the virtual machine.
This paper will analyze the impact of shutdown process which is a basic digital forensic procedures on the presence of digital artifacts in a computer that has the virtual machine. As for the type of virtual machine that used is Oracle VM VirtualBox and VMware Player.
The results of the experiment is forced shutdown procedure on virtual machine resulting in more damage data (9%-25%) compared to normal shutdown. When viewed from the visual appearance of the contents of file in virtual machine which gets a forced shutdown, VirtualBox have quality loss by 17%, while VMware reaches 25%. When seen from the hash similarity factor with the original file when virtual machine gets a forced shutdown, 50% test file on VirtualBox not identical while the quality is better on VMware with only 25% of the test files are not identical.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Afif Saipudin
Tesis ini membahas tentang aplikasi pendekatan structure-conduct performance untuk menganalisis kinerja industri AB. Tahapan-tahapan penelitian dilakukan dengan melakukan pengolahan dan analisa data sekunder yakni Laporan
Keuangan dan data Transaksi Efek. Pengukuran structure (struktur pasar)
dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode rasio konsentrasi (CRn) dan Herfindahl Hirschman Index (HHI), dan Panzar & Rosse. Perilaku (conduct) dilakukan
pengukuran melalui analisa penetapan harga produk,analisa kegiatan di luar
bidang usaha, dan kasus. Sedangkan performance (kinerja) diukur menggunakan
profit marjin, BOPO, asset turnover, ROA, dan ROE. Selanjutnya hasil analisa
data sekunder, dijadikan bahan utama untuk melaksanakan interview (Bursa Efek
Indonesia) dan survey (Anggota Bursa), yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui
persepsi dari masing-masing pihak terkait fenomena keuangan yang terjadi di
industri dan usulan regulasi yang disimpulkan. Berdasarkan hasil analisa diketahui
bahwa struktur pasar industri AB adalah Pasar Persaiangan Sempurna (CRn dan
HHI) atau Persaingan Monopolistik (Panzar-rosse), untuk tingkat kompetisi
industri sangat ketat (overcompetition), excessive dan mengarah ke cut throat
competition yang ditandai dengan kompetisi penetapan harga produk (fee
Transaksi), adanya pelaku industri yang mengandalkan pendapatan di luar bidang
usaha, dan terjadinya kasus pelanggaran ketentuan. Analisis kinerja industri juga
menunjukan tren yang cenderung menurun dan lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan
industri keuangan lainnya (asuransi). Berkenaan dengan hal tersebut diusulkan
untuk dikeluarkan pengaturan terkait besaran minimum tarif fee Transaksi Efek
sebagai solusi jangka pendek untuk membuat iklim kompetisi yang sehat dan
kesempatan bagi AB untuk memperkuat diri, dan penerbitan produk-produk yang
menarik bagi investor sehingga dapat meningkatkan nilai Transaksi Efek yang
berujung pada kenaikan nilai pendapatan dari AB.

This thesis discusses about application Structure-Conduct-Performance approach in analyzing the performance Exchange Member's industry. The stages of
research is done by the processing and analysis of secondary data that Financial
Statements and Transaction Data. Measurements structure (structure of the
market) were calculated using the concentration ratio (CRn) and the Herfindahl -
Hirschman Index (HHI), and using Panzar-rosse. Understanding the conduct by
analysis of product pricing, analysis activities outside the core business, and the
case, while the performance using the profit marjin, BOPO, assets turnover, ROA,
and ROE. Furthermore, secondary data analysis, become the main topic to carry
out the interview (with Indonesia Stock Exchange) and the survey (with Exchange
Member), which aims to determine the perception of each party related financial
phenomena that occur in the industry and the proposed regulations are concluded.
Based on the analysis known that the industry market structure AB is a market of
Perfect competition (CRN and HHI) or Monopolistic Competition (Panzar-rosse),
and the level of industry competition is very tight (overcompetition), excessive
and leads to cut-throat competition which is characterized by competition product
pricing (transaction fee), industry players rely on their income outside the field of
business, and the occurrence of cases of violation. Analysis of industry
performance also shows that trends tend to decline and was lower as compared to
other financial industries (insurance). In this regard proposed to be issued the
regulations related to the amount of minimum fees Transaction as a short-term
solution to create a climate of healthy competition and opportunities for AB to
strengthen themselves, and publishing products that are attractive to investors so
as to increase the value of the transaction was led to increase in revenue from AB"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harahap, Puspa Dwi Marlita
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan solusi dalam penyelesaian masalah kualitas (defect) pada produksi ayam broiler dalam optimalisasi efisensi produksi agar dapat mencapai profit yang optimal. Penelitian ini bersifat kuantitatif dan kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus yang dilakukan pada Plasma XYZ, dengan menggunakan metode Lean Six Sigma, kombinasi dari tahapan DMAI (Define, Measure, Analyze, dan Improve). Pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah kuesioner dan wawancara kepada staf di Plasma XYZ. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa nilai sigma produksi ayam broiler di Plasma XYZ adalah 2,82 dari nilai 6 sigma (zero defect) yang diharapkan atau berada dibawah rata-rata nilai sebesar 3 sigma. Nilai sigma mempengaruhi pendapatan total akibat biaya defect yang disebut COPQ (cost of poor quality) sebesar > 40%. Penyebab waste ini dianalisis dengan diagram fishbone, dimana akar penyebab dikelompokkan menjadi 6 kategori berdasarkan man (petugas kandang), machines (alat/kandang), materials (sapronak), environment (cuaca dan kelembaban suhu), working method (pemahaman SOP), communication (kerjasama tim). Usulan perbaikan didapatkan melalui analisis FMEA (Failure Mode Effect Analysis) dan 5W+1H yang diharapkan akan mencapai penghematan biaya produksi bagi Plasma XYZ dan menambah kapasitas hasil produksi ayam yang dibutuhkan oleh Perusahaan Inti.

This research aims to provide solutions in solving quality problems (defects) in broiler production to optimize efficiency production in order to achieve optimal profit. This research is a quantitative and qualitative with a case study approach conducted on Plasma XYZ, using Lean Six Sigma method, the combination of the DMAI stages (Define, Measure, Analyze, and Improve). Data collection used were a questionnaire and interviews to staff in Plasma XYZ. The result of the analysis indicate that the sigma value of broiler production in Plasma XYZ is 2.82 from the expected of 6 sigma (zero defect) value or below the average of 3 sigma. The sigma value affects total revenue due to defects related costs called COPQ (cost of poor quality) of > 40%. The causes of this waste are analyzed using a fishbone diagram, where the causes are collected into 6 categories based on man (employee), machine (equipment/cage), material (sapronak), environment (weather and humidity temperature), work method (understanding the SOP), communication (teamwork). Improvement proposals obtained through FMEA (Failure Mode Effect Analysis) and 5W+1H analysis are expected to achieve production cost savings for Plasma XYZ and increase the production capacity of chickens needed by the “Inti” Company."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahma Azahra Raditya Putri
"Laporan ini merupakan gabungan dari tiga penelitian yang berkelanjutan mengenai metode peramalan inflasi di Australia, yang dianalisis menggunakan pendekatan ekonometrika runtun waktu. Penelitian pertama menggunakan model ARIMA untuk meramalkan inflasi Indeks Harga Konsumen (CPI) di Australia untuk periode 2023Q1 hingga 2024Q4. Penelitian kedua mengeksplorasi dampak dinamis tingkat pengangguran dan suku bunga terhadap inflasi, menggunakan model ARDL dan fungsi respon impuls (IRF). Penelitian ketiga membandingkan model ARIMA dan V AR untuk peramalan inflasi, menilai keakuratan prediksi melalui data observasi. Hasil dari laporan ini menunjukkan bahwa model ARIMA efektif dalam peramalan jangka pendek, sementara model V AR menunjukkan stabilitas yang lebih baik dalam prediksi jangka panjang. Temuan ini memberikan wawasan penting bagi pembuat kebijakan untuk memahami dinamika variabel-variabel makroekonomi dan dampaknya terhadap tingkat inflasi dan kondisi perekonomian.
This report is a combination of three consecutive research studies on inflation forecasting methods in Australia, analyzed using a time series econometrics approach. The first study utilizes the ARIMA model to forecast Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation in Australia for the period 2023Q1 to 2024Q4. The second study explores the dynamic impacts of unemployment rates and cash rates on inflation, employing ARDL models and impulse response functions (IRFs). The third study compares ARIMA and V AR models for inflation forecasting, evaluating predictive accuracy through observed data. The results indicate that ARIMA models are effective for short-term forecasting, while V AR models exhibit greater stability in long-term predictions. These findings provide valuable insights for policymakers to understand the dynamics of macroeconomic variables and their impacts on inflation and the economy condition.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2025
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Titi Nur Izzati
"Indonesian jewelries export are one of the non-oil and gas commodities from industrial manufacturing sector which has an important role to create an inflow of foreign exchange for Indonesia even though is only still relatively small in its contributions. This paper purposes at examining competitiveness of Indonesia’s Jewellery (HS 71) and selected jewellery products in selected countries. The selected products are: Pearls, natural or cultured, whether or not worked or graded but not strung, mounted or set; pearls, natural or cultured, temporarily strung for convenience of transport (HS 7101), Articles of jewelry and parts thereof, of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal (HS 7113), Articles of goldsmiths' or silversmiths' wares and parts thereof, of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal (HS 7113), and Imitation jewelry (HS 7117). Periods covered in this research are divided into four periods which are 1994-1998, 1998-2001, 2001-2005, and 2005-2008. The destination countries Australia, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, New Caledonia, Switzerland, UAE, UK, USA The Method of competitiveness analysis that it will be used in this research is using Constant Market Share (CMS) analysis. This method will be able to show the fluctuating competitiveness of Indonesia’s jewellery in the eleventh countries by seeing (1) export growth performance product; (2) distribution aspect problem; and (3) competitiveness of Indonesia’s jewellery (4) composition problem.
The result of competitiveness for HS 71 (whole category) and for selected products in every period has chances to penetrate in different countries of the eleventh countries. Selected products can be competitive and have demand to distributed well in the eleventh countries are in first period (1994 - 1998), that is HS 7101, HS 7113,HS 7114, HS 7117. Next; in second period: (1998 - 2001), that is, HS 7101, HS 7113, HS 7114, HS 7117, Furthermore, in third period: (2001 - 2005), that is, HS 7113, HS 7114, HS 7117, and the last in Period (2005 - 2008), that is, HS 7113, HS 7117. Commodity Composition effects for the whole of Indonesia’s jewellery category had also fluctuated for all period. Commodity Composition of HS 7113 and HS 7114 had positive in the last period and HS 7117 in the third period. Nevertheless, HS 7101 value went down until the last period was negative."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eye, Alexander von
New Jersey: Lawrence erlbaum assossiate, 2005
519.5 EYE a (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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