"The adoption of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) in
the Millennium Summit in 2000 by all 189 member of the UN
General Assembly was a defining moment for global
cooperation in the 2l" century. The MDG is global framework
to face the challenges regarding human resources development
in the world .In the Indonesian contest, the question is "do
targets and indicators contained in MDG have accorded with
domestic values?. The question is relevant because the MDG
will never be achieved if the MDG does not accommodate local
values. Localization of the MDG is very important to
synchronize the MDG and country development; hence the
localization of the MDG must be first step to take in achieving
MDG for each country. Refer to the recent condition in
Indonesia, there are several problems in achieving MDG
targets such as H) quality of [human resources, (iU
infrastructure, (HU implementation of the decentralization, (iv)
slow economy recovery, (U) low enforcement, and (VU existence
of several conflict regions. Based on those conditions,
achieving the targets and indicators of MDG in indonesia is not
easy. Collective e_U'art involving international community like
donors and national community like civil society
business/private sector and Universities is a must.
Jurnal Hukum Internasional: Indonesian Journal of International Law, Vol. 1 No. 1 Oktober 2003 : 60-77, 2003