Research regarding carbon potential and economic valuation of mangroves in Gerung District, West Lombok Regency has been conducted. This research was aimed to calculate and analyze carbon storage and absorption of mangroves in Gerung District and to determine potential plants that have the ability to store and absorb carbon. Carbon sampling was carried out on 14 observation stations. Carbon data is estimated from potential biomass on land, underground, understorey and soil organic carbon. The results of the analysis of the carbon content of the mangrove ecosystem in Gerung Subdistrict, obtained a biomass value of 401.15 tons/ha, a carbon stock of 186.05 tons/ha and carbon absorption of 682.81 tons/ha. The species that has the highest carbon storage and absorption potential is S. alba. The purposes of this research were to calculate and analyze economic value from mangrove ecosystem and to find out the largest economic value produced by mangroves. Data collection is done through interviews, observation and literature studies. Data were analyzed quantitatively to explain the economic value of mangroves and analyzed descriptively to describe socio-economic activities of the community. The economic value obtained from direct use of mangroves reaches IDR. 2,565,140,000/year, from indirect benefits with a value IDR. 33,710,361,020/year, option economic value reaching IDR. 78,120,000/year and from the existence benefits were IDR. 124,000,000/year. The total economic of mangroves in Gerung District in 2018 were IDR. 36,477,621,020/year (2,492,826 US$/year). The biggest economic value produced by mangrove ecosystems is derived from the indirect benefits of mangroves, especially carbon potential.