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Irma Hermawaty
To define reservoir potential or to have a better understanding of reservoir
characterization become the most important part to get many subsurface information.
It will be very useful to analyze and prospect new candidates. Reservoir
characterization combined with the formation evaluation data between vertical and
horizontal dimensions will produce a geologic model, which is used as an input for
reservoir simulation.
The objectives of this research is to develop a reservoir model within the producing
interval of interest defined as horizons ?E? where it plays as a main oil target. It is a
part of the Salemba Field, Kutai Basin, East Kalimantan.
A geostatistical method used for the study was stochastic since the data set
availability is good. But to have better self confidence, a glance of deterministic
method was applied to see how the differences. There are three kind of stochastic
method will try for facies modeling, there are: Object-base Modeling, Facies
Transition and Sequential Indicator Simulation. Each method was varied using
exponential types of variogram, which is considered as the best match use in Mutiara
By using the existing software, it resulted more than 10 good scenarios and
realizations of geological model generated for this study. Also the criterion of the
main ranking will use the OOIP and OGIP. The result also was calibrated with
current condition, cumulative production and recovery factor to see the remaining
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Margaretha E. M. Purwaningsih
The study establishes the thickness and distribution of the ?X? sandstone
reservoir in the ASA Field that is located at the southern margin of West Natuna
Basin, southwestern South China Sea. The field is located on top of the ?D?
horst, which is bordered by the east-northeast (ENE) -west-southwest (WSW)
trending basement ridge on the south. By application of discrete Fourier
transform (DFT) on high-resolution 3D seismic data over a short window
covering the geologic zone of interest, the amplitude spectra of an ?X?
sandstone prone channel can help delineate temporal bed thickness variability
and sandstone distribution.
Spectral decomposition is just valid for analysis covered one wavelet
seismic that will decrease the noise, so that all of frequency range until Nyquist
frequency can be used for analysis. Noise appearance can be used to
determine geological boundaries such as channels and sand bars, but it cannot
be used for the thickness estimation. The maximum value of the first peak
frequency will determine the thinnest layer observable within analysis window.
The average tuning thickness ranges is from 30 to 40 feet. The thinnest
detectable layer is about 12 feet that are found at the finite area, this is equal
with 1/12λ, where λ is seismic wavelet wavelength. The tuning thickness of the
sandstone reservoir detected by spectral decomposition analysis is thinner than
conventional tuning calculation which is about 35 feet on ¼λ.
The paleo-stream flow is interpreted to be from northwest to southeast
across the study area based on spectral decomposition analysis. Faulting was
not active during ?X? sandstone deposition as evidenced by lack of downthrown
thickening and continuity of interpreted sand bars across faulted area.
Based on this study, more advance study is recommended to be done to
understand the optimum window length for spectral decomposition analysis
especially using more than one seismic wavelet to determine sand distribution
and its thickness. More advanced method of spectral decomposition analysis is
necessary to detect, within one seismic wavelet, variation in bulk rock properties
from which inferences regarding depositional environment and lithology can be
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jauhar Fuadi
"Wilayah Kerja West Kampar terletak di cekungan Sumatera Tengah, yang sudah terbukti sebagai proven basin. Struktur Pendalian terletak di dalam area West Kampar dan status saat ini adalah produksi dengan kapasitas produksi kurang lebih 900BOPD. Kandungan minyak yang diproduksi diperoleh dari formasi Sihapas.
Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan inversi simultan untuk menghasilkan Ip, Is dan vp/vs untuk melihat persebaran litologi dan fluida pada reservoar Sihapas. Pemodelan awal dengan input frekuensi difilter pada high pass 10 Hz dan high cut 15 Hz, dan parameter inversi untuk memperoleh tren garis regresi linear diperoleh harga k:2,67; kc: -17,59; m: 0,27 dan mc: -1,77
Dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada penampang seismik lintasan 59 (antara CDP 1421-1454) pada klosure tinggian disekitar sumur Pendalian-3 diperoleh nilai Ip = 12000 (ft/s)*(gr/cc) yang ditunjukkan dengan warna kuning dan Is =1208 (ft/s)*(gr/cc) yang ditunjukkan dengan warna kuning cenderung orange. Dengan membandingkan kecepatan vp/vs yang memiliki nilai antara 2-3 dapat diprediksi sebagai batuan reservoar yang berasosiasi minyak.

West Kampar working area is located in the Central Sumatra basin, which has been proven as a proven basin. Pendalian structure is located in the West Kampar area and the current status is a production and the production capacity approximately 900BOPD. The content of the produced oil derived from Sihapas Formation.
This research be carrying out simultaneous inversion specifically analyzes the velocity ratio vp / vs to see the lithology and fluid distribution in the Sihapas reservoir. Initial modeling with the input frequency high pass filtered at 10 Hz and 15 Hz high cut, and parameter inversion to obtain the linear regression trend line obtained k price: 2,67; kc: -17.59; m: 0.27 and mc: - 1.77
Of the study showed that the seismic track 59 (the CDP 1421-1454) on closure heights around the well Pendalian-3 obtained value Ip = 12000 (ft/s) * (gr/cc) are shown in yellow and Is = 1208 (ft/s) * (gr/cc), which is indicated by the yellow color tends to orange. By comparing the speed of vp/vs which has a value between 2-3 can be predicted as the associated oil reservoir rocks.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Panguriseng, Muharram Jaya
"Middle Baong Sand (MBS) merupakan reservoar penghasil utama minyak dan gas bumi disamping lapisan batupasir anggota Formasi Keutapang di Cekungan Sumatra Utara. Middle Baong Sand adalah kipas turbidit yang diendapkan pada lingkungan laut dalam yang diamati sebagai perulangan berkali-kali lapisan tipis batupasir dan serpih pada singkapan (outcrop). Batupasir kipas turbidit sangat susah ditebak ukuran, geometri, arah dan pola penyebarannya dari metoda interpretasi conventional. Studi ini bertujuan untuk membelajari variasi lithofasies, geometri dan distribusi spasial kipas turbidit Middle Baong Sand pada prospek ?Corundum? dengan analisis electro-fasies dan analisis multiatribut seismik dengan menggunakan pendekatan artificial neural network. Pendekatan artificial neural network untuk karakterisasi lithofasies dan dimensi reservoir Middle Baong Sand diterapkan pada 2 (dua) level data, yaitu (1) data open hole log sumur dan (2) multi-atribut seismik pada prospek ?Corundum?, Cekungan Sumatra Utara. Sumur eksplorasi Besitang-1 yang memiliki data lengkap dipilih sebagai training well sehingga hasilnya dapat dikalibrasi dengan data cutting, core, dan biostratigraphic, model Besitang-1 digunakan untuk memprediksi fasies batupasir pada sumur Ruby-1 dalam area study. Selanjutnya setiap fasies batupasir yang diperoleh pada Ruby-1 dipetakan melalui análisis multiatribut data seismik Corundum3D untuk mengidentifikasi distribusi lateral dan geometri batupasir anggota Middle Baong Sand. Dari studi ini diperoleh 4 (empat) fasies batupasir turbidit dalam area Corundum3D berturut-turut dari tua ke muda; (1) fasies batupasir-4 berbutir sedang ? kasar dengan kenampakan coarsening upward pada elektrofasies sebagai produk cannel fill, (2) fasies batupasir-3 berbutir sedang - kasar, (3) fasies batupasir-2 perselingan pasir halus - sedang dan lanau, dan terakhir (4) facies batupasir-1 diperoleh sebagai batupasir berbutir halus - lanauan pada sumur Ruby-1 namun ditemukan sebagai lobe turbidit di baratdaya sumur Ruby-1. Arah sedimentasi adalah dari Tinggian Malaka, fasies batupasir-4 yang paling tua provenannya dari arah baratlaut, berangsur-angsur bergeser searah jarum jam hingga provenan fasies batupasir-1 yang paling muda adalah dari arah utara. "
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rangga Rezki
"Formasi karbonat Abenaki berumur Jurrasic-Akhir pada Lapangan Penobscot, Pantai Timur Provinsi Nova Scotia, Canada, di interpretasikan sebagai platform karbonat laut dangkal yang didominasi oleh oolitic limestone yang menjalar sepanjang tepian paparan samudera. Tugas akhir ini bertujuan untuk membangun model geologi berdasarkan integrasi data geofisika dan petrofisika, yang digunakan untuk deskripsi geometri pada kerangka struktur dan distribusi fasies dan properti petrofisika seperti porositas, saturasi air, dan kandungan lempung. Perhitungan potensi hidrokarbon di dalam reservoar karbonat dilakukan berdasarkan model properti petrofisika yang didistribusikan berdasarkan korelasinya terhadap Atribut Impedansi Akustik, yang dapat diperoleh dari proses inversi seismik. Crossplot antara Impedansi Akustik dengan properti petrofisika menunjukkan hubungan dalam identifikasi litologi yang kemudian menjadi dasar pada distribusi fasies dan properti reservoar. Hasil perhitungan volumetrik yang dikontrol oleh properti akustik menjadi acuan yang penting dalam pengembangan dan rencana produksi Lapangan Penobscot.

The Upper Jurassic carbonate Abenaki formation in Penobscot Field, East Coast of Nova Scotia Province, Canada, is interpreted as a submarine carbonate platform dominated by oolitic limestone lies along the ancient shelf edge. This undergraduate thesis is to build the geological model based on integration of geophysical and petrophysical data, which used to describe geometry of structural framework and distribution of facies and petrophysical properties such as porosity, water saturation, and clay content. Calculation of hydrocarbon potential within the carbonate reservoir is performed based on the property model, which distributed with its correlation with Acoustic Impedance Attribute that can be obtained from seismic inversion process. The crossplot between Acoustic Impedance with the petrophysical properties showing relationship in lithology identification which then became the basis of the facies and reservoir properties distribution. The results of volumetric calculation that controlled by acoustic property will be a noteworthy reference on the development and production plan of Penobscot Field."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Roy Rahadi
Seismic sequence stratigraphy analysis was performed to identify a
chronostratigraphic evolution of submarine fan reservoir in Pari field,
Makassar Strait, offshore East Kalimantan. A complete sequence
stratigraphy in Pari field was divided into three systems tract: lowstand
systems tract (LST), transgressive systems tract (TST) and highstand
systems tract (HST). The ?X? reservoir unit was deposited during the
lowstand systems tract (LST). Based on core data and well log, the
reservoir is dominated by few massive thick sandstone, thin interbedded
sandstone and shale. Well data and 3D seismic multiattribute analysis
indicated a submarine fan depositional system feature. However, the
available 3D seismic data could not image the submarine fan elements
feature like channels and splay lobes due to low seismic resolution. A
shallow Pleistocene submarine fan located in the northern part of the
study area is clearly imaged using 3D seismic data. That Pleistocene
submarine fan provides analog dimensions for sub-seismic reservoir
elements in the ?X? reservoir unit, Pari field. The dimensions of channels
and splay lobes within Pleistocene submarine fan were used to define
stochastically reservoir elements in Pari field. The Pleistocene submarine
fan are approximately the same size as the seismically mapped the ?X?
reservoir unit. Three facies model were generated to provide multiple
realizations of facies model. Those are 70% channel and 30% splay lobe
(more channels dominated), 50% channel and 50% splay lobe
(proportional between channel and splay lobe), and 30% channel and 70%
splay lobe (more splay lobe dominated)."
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yoese Mariam
"Data Rock Physics adalah alat untuk identifikasi fluida, perhitungan dalam reservoar, dan bagian penting dalam studi substitusi fluida untuk memodelkan berbagai macam fluida. Thesis ini merupakan hasil dari penelitian dua sumur untuk melihat pengaruh dari batuan dan properti fluida terhadap respon seismik. Kedua sumur tersebut adalah (YM-232 dan YM-247) merupakan oil well yang menunjukkan pengaruh dari substitusi hidrokarbon dengan air. Akibat dari substitusi fluida terhadap batuan dan properti fluida menunjukkan respon tertentu pada refleksi amplitude, variasi amplitude tersebut dapat digunakan sebagai guide untuk memperkirakan penyebaran jenis fluida pada lapangan YM. Pertama dengan melakukan sintetik pada keadaan insitu. Diikuti dengan sintetik pada kondisi tersaturasi (FRM), dengan manganggap bahwa fluida adalah air/minyak dan mineral adalah batu pasir bersih. Amplitude ini akan diekstrak untuk dikorelasikan dengan data seismic yang sebenarnya. Koefisian korelasi yang memiliki nilai tinggi (~1) dijadikan sebagai model untuk memprediksi tipe fluida pada area prospek yang didasarkan pada informasi amplitude dari data seismik. Dengan kata lain, kita dapat memahami efek dari saturasi hidrokarbon terhadap synthetic offset gathers. Analisis ini digunakan sebagai salahsatu parameter untuk mengembangkan interpretasi data seismic 3D & untuk menekan/mengurangi resiko pengeboran.

Rock physics data is a tool for fluid identification and quantification in reservoir, and also plays an important part in any fluid substitution study that may provide a valuable tool for modeling various fluid scenarios. This thesis presents the results of the two well cases where the effect of rock and fluid properties on seismic response are illustrated. Both of wells (YM-232 and YM-247) show the effect of replacing hydrocarbons with brine. This effectt illustrates how rock and fluid properties along with reflection amplitudes can be used to estimate fluid type in YM field. First synthetic using the original case. And the other synthetic by using FRM case, with an assumption that the fluid was brine/oil and the mineralogy was clean sand. These amplitude was extracted to be correlated with the real seismic data. Finally, a good correlation was obtain from a model to estimate the fluid type in prospect based on amplitude information in seismic data. In other word, we can understand the effect of hydrocarbon saturation on synthetic offset gathers. This analysis can be use as one of parameter to improve seismic 3D interpretation and to reduce drilling risk."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yerri Yuliandri
"Lapangan BOS, berlokasi di daerah onshore blok Malacca Strait, cekungan Sumatera Tengah, telah dilakukan pengeboran 3 sumur di tahun 2006 - 2007, yaitu sumur BOS-01, BOS-02, dan BOS-03. Pada lapangan ini memiliki kasus yang unik karena pada dua sumur, BOS-01 (yang berada di crestal structure) dan BOS-03 (berada di flange structure, sebelah selatan dari BOS-01), mendapatkan hidrokarbon berupa gas pada formasi Lower Pematang yang menampakkan feature brighspot. Sedangkan sumur BOS-02 (berada di flange structure, sebelah utara sumur BOS-01), yang juga memiliki target pada feature brighspot pada formasi Lower Pematang, ternyata mendapatkan litologi shale.
Untuk menganalisis lebih lanjut, dilakukan analisis dan interpretasi Geofisika, yaitu karakterisasi reservoir dengan menggunakan Impedansi Akustik untuk membedakan zona reservoar dan non-reservoar, dan analisis AVO untuk memprediksi kandungan fluida pada Formasi Lower Pematang tersebut. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa litologi shale yang berada di sumur BOS-02, kemungkinan terbentuk/tersedimentasi karena secara posisi struktur sumur BOS- 02 lebih rendah daripada sumur BOS-01, dimana suplai sedimentasi berasal dari arah North-East ke South-West.

BOS field, located in the onshore of block Malacca Strait, Central Sumatra basin, have 3 wells, were drilled in 2006-2007, there are BOS-01, BOS-02, and BOS-03. This field has unique case, because in two wells, BOS-01 (located at crestal structure) and BOS-03 (located at the flange, south of BOS-01), got hydrocarbon gas at Lower Pematang formation with brighspot feature. But at BOS-02 well (located at the flange, north of BOS-01), with same target at brighspot feature, got shale and categorized as wet.
For further analysis, this study use analysis and geophysical interpretation, used to characterize reservoir at Lower Pematang Formation, there are Acoustic Impedance to differentiate reservoir zone and non-reservoir, and the AVO Analysis to predict fluid content on the Lower Pematang Formation. Result of this study shown that lithology shale on BOS-02 well, sedimented because BOS-02 well located on the lower position (flange) than BOS-01, while sedimentation supply have direction North-East to South-West.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tiur Aldha
Batumerah area is located in the Aru Basin, offshore South Papua. One well has
already been drilled in this area and gave inconclusive gas discovery. The well
indicates that there may have good potential reservoir zone, but no definite
information was gathered from the well to confirm the statement. A
comprehensive evaluation like reservoir characterization study by integrating well
data, seismic data and geological interpretation is required to resolve this
uncertainty and predict the hydrocarbon potential of the Batumerah area. Due to
limited well data, the most applicable reservoir characterization study in
Batumerah Area is Seismic Simultaneous Inversion. Simultaneous inversion is a
relatively new and extremely powerful form of inversion. The detailed technique
essentially takes several seismic angle stacks and inverts them simultaneously.
The result is two primary volumes of absolute rock properties tightly calibrated to
the well log data: P-Impedance and S-Impedance. Additional outputs include:
Vp/Vs, porosity and Lambda Rho volumes. Having these extra datasets take the
explorationist into a new world of possibilities. The application of a simultaneous
inversion algorithm to the seismic angle stacks in Batumerah area has
demonstrated the ability to minimize uncertainty and addressing some issues
regarding the lithology and reservoir properties due to data limitation.
Even though most of well log data are derived from model and only one well
exists on the inversion area, nevertheless, the simultaneous inversion results that
are interpretative results provide best estimation and prediction for reservoir
characterization on the Batumerah area."
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ari Bambang Sulistiono
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1992
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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