"[Mekanisme sistem hidrolik Controllable Pitch Propeller berperan penting dalam
mengatur dan mempertahankan sudut pitch, sehingga sistem hidrolik pada CPP
penting untuk dipelajari. Namun, masih jarang ditemui literatur atau penelitian
yang membahas masalah ini. Penelitian ini akan merancang mekanisme sistem
hidrolik CPP serta mensimulasikannya dengan menggunakan MATLAB.
Mekanisme sistem hidrolik terdiri dari komponen utama berupa pompa,
directional control valve, sistem perpipaan, aktuator dan komponen pendukung
berupa pressure reliefe valve dan load sensing. Aktuator pada sistem ini
mentransmisikan gerak translasi menjadi rotasi. Hasil simulasi didapatkan
karakteristik tekanan diferensial dan pompa, volume, buka-tutup katup dan debit
aliran serta gerak aktuator. Sistem hidrolik ini mampu mengubah sudut α
maksimum 33o dalam waktu 12 detik., Mechanism of hydraulic system of Controllable Pitch Propeller had an important
role to settle and defend the pitch angle, therefore the hydraulic system on CPP is
an important to learn. However, it is still rare literature or research that addresses
this issue. This research will design a hydraulic system mechanism CPP and
simulating it by using MATLAB. Mechanism hydraulic system consists of the
main components in the form of pump, directional control valve, piping systems
and actuator, and supporting components form pressure reliefe valve and load
sensing. The actuator in this system transmitted the translational motion into
rotational motion. The simulation results obtained characteristics of differential
pressure and pump, volume, open-close valve, flow and motion actuators. The
hydraulic system is capable of changing the angle α 33o maximum within 12