ABSTRAKKomunikasi sangat berperan dalam proses produksi, terutama di industri manufaktur. Industri ini merakit beberapa komponen menjadi barang jadi, sehingga komunikasi antarbagian yang menghasilkan komponen tersebut sangat menentukan kelancaran produksi.
Penelitian ini mencari sistem komunikasi di industri manufaktur dan pengaruhnya terhadap proses produksi. Data dikumpulkan dengan wawancara dan penyebaran angket, serta diolah dengan analisis kuantitatif. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan antara Oktober s.d. Desember 1995, di PT Toa, PT Sanyo, dan PT Panasonic, Cimanggis, Bogor.
Selain forum komunikasi formal yang langsung berhubungan dengan kepentingan proses produksi, di industri manufaktur elektronika terdapat juga forum komunikasi semi formal dan nonformal.
Terdapat delapan jabatan pada bagian produksi dengan rata-rata pendidikan SFTA. Sebelum berkomunikasi mereka menyiapkan bahan, penyampaian kepada atasan secara formal, kepada bawahan dan setingkat secara nonformal. Paling mudah berkomunikasi dengan atasan, paling sulit dengan pihak luar.
Arus komunikasi mengalir dari atas ke bawah; bentuk yang sering dipakai ialah laporan untuk atasan, surat untuk bawahan, pertemuan untuk setingkat; Bentuk yang dianggap paling efektif ialah surat dengan sarana bahasa Indonesia. Komunikasi sangat berpengaruh pada proses produksi, hambatan yang sering dijumpai ialah data kurang lengkap, namun dapat dipahami dengan jelas dan' mudah.
Konsultasi masalah lebih banyak kepada jabatan struktural; ditanggapi dengan cepat untuk kerusakan mesin, lambat untuk bahan baku; sedangkan hasil produksi, kecelakaan kerja, dan tenaga kerja cenderung tidak dianggapi.
ABSTRACTCommunication is playing a very important role in production process, particularly in manufacturing industry. This industry assembles some components into a certain finished product, therefore, communication among divisions producing the components will be very deciding in the smoothness of production.
This research was aimed to find out communication systems in manufacturing industry and their effects on production process. Data were obtained by interview and questionnaire circulation, and were analyzed quantitatively. This study was carried out from October to December 1995 at PT Tea, PT Sanyo, and PT Panasonic, Cimanggis, Bogor.
Instead of having formal communication forum directly relating to the needs for production process, electronics manufacturing industry also has semi formal and non-formal communication forums.
There are eight occupation at every production division whose employees mostly have Senior High School educational background. Before having communication, they prepare materials to be formally submitted to their superiors and be informally handed in them to both their subordinates and those of the same level. To communicates with superiors is relatively easy, however, it is difficult to do this with outsiders.
Communication flows mostly from upper to lower levels, form of communication mostly adopted is report to superiors, correspondences to subordinates, 'and meetings for those of the same level; the most effective one is letters of the Indonesian language. Communication strongly influences production process; incomplete data are a frequently found constraint, however it is easily understandable.
Consultation on any problems is mostly done, with structural functionaries; problem on broken down machine are immediately responded, those on raw materials are slowly responded; whereas those on production, occupational risks, and laborers tend not to be responded."