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Ditemukan 11 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"It is a universal dream to have synchronized clock system in everyday life. Late excuses can be significantly reduced; early waiting can be greatly avoided. This concept has come into mind for synchronizing all the clocks within QUT complex while providing reliable and accurate time. Utilizing the GPS technology, precise timing is achieved as an excellent time reference for synchronization matter. Thus, the remote clocks connected in a Radio Frequency network within the QUT complex are able to achieve synchronization with a highly accurate and reliable time."
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Saunders, D.S.
Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1982
595.7 SAU i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Christopher Mohan Chugani
"The aim of this project is to remotely using RF to synchronize the time of the Message Display System with the UTC time received by the GPS receiver and ensuring that the message which is generated by the computer is displayed in the message board. Since this is not a new project but a continuity of a past project, this task will be accomplished using the components used before- The components are the PIC16F28 microcontroller which has the UART function, MAX3110 for additional UARTS and the NRF401 Module to transmit and receive data. Expected Coverage of the RF system is the whole of QUT. Completion of this project will be beneficial to QUT as the message boards can be placed anywhere in QUT displaying up-to-date time and information. On the other hand, it benefits the students as they will have more experience in RF Technology. According to the plan, the GPS receiver and the computer wit) be established in the roof of S block. However, the Message Display System can be located anywhere in QUT. Therefore, our requirement is to design a wireless system using RF that can cover the whole of QUT so that clock synchronization and message transmission is possible anywhere within QUT radius."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aveni, Anthony
London: Tauris Parke Paperbacks, 2000
529 AVE e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Briggs, William
"Mathematics educators agree that problem solving is one of the essential skills their students should possess, yet few mathematics courses or textbooks are devoted entirely to developing this skill. Supported by narrative, examples, and exercises, Ants, Bikes, and Clocks: Problem Solving for Undergraduates is a readable and enjoyable text designed to strengthen the problem-solving skills of undergraduate students. The book, which provides hundreds of mathematical problems, gives special emphasis to problems in context, often called story problems or modeling problems, that require mathematical formulation as a preliminary step. Both analytical and computational approaches, as well as the interplay between them, are included.
With its lively and engaging writing style and interesting and entertaining problems, Ants, Bikes, and Clocks will strengthen students� mathematical skills, introduce them to new mathematical ideas, demonstrate for them the connectedness of mathematics, and improve both their analytical and computational problem solving. One of the remarkable and unusual features of this text is that it encourages students to use the computer for experimentation. In fact, Briggs uses a variety of tricks that encourage students to use any tool at hand to test their ideas."
Philadelphia : Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2005
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Needham, Joseph
Cambridge, UK: University Press , 1960
529.095 1 NEE h
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sulthon Abdul Aziz
"Sistem pernapasan (respirasi) merupakan proses pertukaran gas oksigen (O2) yang dibutuhkan oleh tubuh untuk metabolisme sel dengan karbon dioksida (CO2) sebagai bentuk keluaran dari metabolisme. Gagal napas adalah ketidakmampuan sistem pernapasan dalam mempertahankan pemberian oksigen dalam darah dengan atau tanpa penumpukan karbon dioksida. Ventilator merupakan alat yang membantu dan menunjang pernapasan seseorang yang mengalami gagal napas. Ritme pernapasan yang diatur oleh mesin sering kali dirasakan tidak nyaman oleh pengguna dalam keadaan sadar sehingga diperlukan sinkronisasi antara ritme pengguna dengan mesin. Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk merancang ventilator mode Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation (SIMV) yang tersinkronisasi dengan usaha napas pasien dengan berbagai nilai parameter tekanan pemicu. Mode SIMV ini dirancang dengan mikrokontroler STM32F411CEU6 sebagai pengontrol kerja komponen, sensor tekanan untuk mendeteksi usaha napas pasien, sensor aliran udara untuk mendeteksi aliran udara yang keluar. Masukan kepada alat ini adalah gas oksigen yang akan diolah dalam alat kemudian dikeluarkan sesuai dengan pemicu dari pasien dan volume yang diatur serta dalam pengujiannya digunakan ventilator analyzer dan paru-paru buatan. Hasil dari penelitian ini telah berhasil dilakukan rancang bangun ventilator mode SIMV dengan pembacaan Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) dan Peak Inspiratory Pressure (PIP), pembangkitan udara dengan usaha pasien sebanyak 20% dari nilai PEEP serta pembangkitan udara 300 ml, 400 ml, 500 ml, dan 600 ml dengan kesalahan pembacaan PEEP 0-16% dan PIP 0-9%, kesalahan perbandingan tekanan saat pembangkitan terhadap PEEP sebesar 0-9%, serta kesalahan luaran volume 0%-8%.

The respiratory system (respiration) is the process of exchanging oxygen gas (O2) needed by the body for cell metabolism with carbon dioxide (CO2) as a form of metabolism output. Respiratory failure is the inability of the respiratory system to maintain oxygen delivery in the blood with or without a buildup of carbon dioxide. Ventilator is a device that helps and supports the breathing of a person who has respiratory failure. The breathing rhythm regulated by the machine is often felt uncomfortable by the user in a conscious state so that synchronization between the user's rhythm and the machine is needed. This thesis aims to design a Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation (SIMV) ventilator which is synchronized with the patient's respiratory effort with various trigger pressure parameter values. This SIMV mode is designed with STM32F411CEU6 microcontroller as a controller, pressure sensor to detect the patient's breath effort, an air flow sensor to detect the outgoing air flow. The input to this device is oxygen gas which will be processed in the device and then taken out according to the trigger from the patient and the volume is regulated, a ventilator analyzer and artificial lungs are used for testing the device. The results of this study have successfully carried out the design of the SIMV mode ventilator with Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) and Peak Inspiratory Pressure (PIP) readings, air generating with patient effort as much as 20% of the PEEP value and air generation of 300 ml, 400 ml, 500 ml, and 600 ml with PEEP reading errors of 0-16% and PIP 0-9%, the pressure ratio error when generating to PEEP is 0-9%, and the volume output error is 0%-8%."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tri Hantoro
"Powerpoint merupakan pilihan utama dalam melakukan presentasi dan e-learning. Namun aplikasi ini masih kurang efektif dan efisien, pelajar (dalam hal ini mahasiswa) hanya mengetahui garis besar materi kuliah dan Powerpoint. Agar keseluruhan materi dapat disampaikan, dibutuhkan media lain yang dapat mendukung presentasi dosen. Salah satu media yang dapat digunakan untuk membantunya adalah video. Melalui video, dosen merekam presentasinya, kemudian menjalankan video tersebut bersama Powerpoint dalam satu presentasi. Teknologi yang memungkinkan hal ini adalah Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL). SMIL merupakan bahasa markup yang dijadikan standar untuk sivkromsasi file-file multimedia. Skripsi ini akan membahas tentang SMIL.
Selain itu skrispsi ini juga akan membahas perancangan, uji coba, dan evaluasi Content Management System (CMS) berbasis web untuk pembuatan file SMIL. CMS ini dibangun menggunakan bahasa pemrograman web yaitu PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) dan perancangannya dilakukan dengan UML (Unified Modelling Language) yang direpresentasikan dalam diagram-diagram antara lain use case dan activity. Hasil yang diperoleh skripsi ini antara lain mekanisme pembuatan file SMIL dengan uji coba fungsional, kinerja manajemen content dengan uji coba kinerja dan evaluasi aplikasi dengan angket jajak pendapat. Diharapkan aplikasi ini dapat membantu perkuliahan di Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Randy Rafaldy
"Penggunaan inverter untuk mengubah tegangan masukan searah (DC) menjadi tegangan keluaran arus bolak-balik (AC) saat ini sangat banyak digunakan terutama di industri, kantor, maupun di perumahan. Bahkan dengan munculnya energi alternatif seperti solar sel, turbin angin, fuel cell, tidak lepas dari penggunaan inverter. Inverter yang dibuat dengan menggunakan metode algoritma Phase Locked Loop (PLL) digital satu fasa ini diaplikasikan untuk menghasilkan sinyal keluaran yang sudut fasa dan frekuensinya sama dengan suatu sinyal referensi tertentu. Namun, hasil sinyal keluaran dari inverter masih memiliki distorsi harmonik yang tinggi. Oleh karena itu perlu digunakan filter untuk menghilangkan distorsi harmoniknya agar lebih baik bentuk sinyal keluarannya. Untuk melakukan simulasi dan real time monitoring terhadap sinyal keluaran PLL digunakan sebuah Simulink library browser pada Matlab yaitu xPC Target. Algoritma program PLL yang dibuat menggunakan S-function C-MEX terletak pada komputer host dan hasil simulasi dari real time monitoring ditampilkan pada komputer target secara real time.

The use of an inverter to convert the input voltage direct current (DC) into output voltage alternating current (AC) is now very widely used, especially in the industrial, office, and residential. Even with the advent of alternative energy such as solar cells, wind turbines, fuel cells, can not be separated from the use of an inverter. Inverters are made by using the algorithm Phase Locked Loop (PLL) digital single phase was applied to produce an output signal frequency and phase angle equal to a given reference signal. However, the output signal of the inverter still has high harmonics. Therefore it is necessary to use filters to eliminate harmonics distortion in order to better shape the output signal. To perform the simulation and real time monitoring of the output signal PLL used a Simulink library browser on Matlab is xPC Target. PLL program algorithms created using S-function C-MEX is located on the host computer and the results of real time monitoring simulation displayed on the target computer in real time."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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