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Nadia Primasanti
"Dengan semakin berkembangnya teknologi informasi, peran media sebagai sarana berkomunikasi menjadi sangat vital dalam tiap aspek kehidupan. Termasuk dunia arsitektur yang erat kaitannya dengan dunia seni dan kebudayaan. Dalam beberapa tahun belakangan ini, semakin marak media massa baik cetak maupun elektronik yang menjadikan dunia arsitektur sebagai bahasan utamanya. Tentu saja hal ini mempengaruhi dunia arsitektur khususnya arsitektur Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan media massa sebagai wadah berkomunikasi yang menjangkau audience yang besar, memungkinkan para arsitek untuk memperkenalkan dunia arsitek yang belum diketahui oleh sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia. Hal ini dapat menjadi proses pembelajaran bagi masyarakat awam untuk dapat lebih mengerti tentang arsitektur.

Because the expand of information technology, media as a tool for communication has a vital value in everyday life. It is included architecture which is has a close relationship with arts and culture. In this last decade, the architecture has been publish by the mass media so rapidly. That is phenomenon also happen in Indonesia. By using mass media as a tool for communication, it will reach big audience where architect can promote their work and promote architecture to Indonesian society that many of them still not familiar with it. This method will give lecture to Indonesian society how architecture is."
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Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vivian, John
Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media, 2008
302.23 VIV t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Junaidi
"Since the downfall of President Soeharto in May 1998, printed Media has been growing. Many printed media which exploit women's sexuality are still survived. Meanwhile, some parts of the society protest the phenomenon of pornography. They are currently proposing anti-pornography bill. The protests are believed triggered by the controversial performance of dangdut singer Inul Daratista. Using framing analysis, the research explains the position of printed media on pornography, freedom of expression and sexual exploitation. As a feminist research, it relates feminist theories, especially on pornography, with mass media. At least three schools in feminist theory discuss the topic: radical libertarian feminism, radical cultural feminism and post feminism. The research used articles in six media; Kompas, Tempo, Gatra, Republika, Sabili and Basis as data. Almost all of the media have no clear definition on pornography although some "religious media" related the performance of Inul Daratista with pornography. The thesis recommended that such a law on anti-pornography should be thought further before it reached clear definition on pornography."
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Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rivers, William L.
Jakarta: Prenadamedia Group, 2015
302.23 RIV m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rafi Alif Muhammad Akbar
"Media massa telah menjadi salah satu aktor domestik yang pengaruhnya diperhitungkan dalam pengambilan keputusan kebijakan luar negeri suatu negara. Dalam perkembangannya, terdapat beberapa pendekatan yang digunakan untuk melihat sejauh mana media massa berperan dalam memengaruhi kebijakan luar negeri. Selain itu, media massa dalam kebijakan luar negeri juga dilihat dalam kaitannya dengan opini publik. Namun, kajian mengenai media massa dalam kebijakan luar negeri dianggap stagnan dan Amerika-sentris. Dengan demikian, tulisan ini berusaha memetakan literatur-literatur yang membahas media massa dalam kebijakan luar negeri dari awal kemunculan kajian di tahun 1963 hingga 2022. Tinjauan ini menggunakan metode taksonomi dalam meneliti 41 literatur akademik yang terbagi atas tiga tema utama: (1) konseptualisasi, (2) ragam perspektif, dan (3) isu-isu bahasan dalam literatur media massa dalam kebijakan luar negeri. Berdasarkan tinjauan tersebut, perdebatan masih berlangsung mengenai sejauh mana media massa dapat berpengaruh dalam mengubah arah kebijakan luar negeri suatu negara. Selain itu, ditemukan juga beberapa kondisi-kondisi tertentu yang memungkinkan media massa menjadi salah satu aktor aktif yang membentuk kebijakan. Opini publik juga dilihat sebagai aspek penting dalam menghubungkan media massa dan kebijakan luar negeri, meskipun hubungan yang lebih langsung juga tidak mustahil.

Mass media has become one of the subnational actors whose influence is taken into account in the foreign policy decision-making. In its development, there are several approaches used to see the extent to which the mass media plays a role in influencing foreign policy. Apart from that, the mass media in foreign policy is also seen in terms of public opinion. However, the study of the mass media in foreign policy is considered stagnant and United States-centric. Thus, this paper attempts to compare the literature discussing mass media in foreign policy from the dawn of the study in 1963 to 2022. This review uses a taxonomic method in examining 41 academic literature which is divided into three main themes: (1) concepualization, (2) various perspectives, and (3) issues discussed in the literature of mass media in foreign policy. Based on this review, the debate is still ongoing regarding the extent to which the mass media can be influential in changing the direction of foreign policy. In addition, there are also certain conditions that allow the mass media to become one of the active actors that shape policy. Public opinion is also seen as an important aspect of linking the mass media and foreign policy, although a more direct link is also likely."
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Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jones, Marsha
New York: Palgrave, 1999
302.23 JON m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kode Etik Filantropi Media Massa adalah produk baru yang dihasilkan atas
insiatif pengelola filantropi media massa di Indonesia pada 11 Januari 2013.
Tujuannya untuk menjaga transparansi dan akuntabilitas pengelolaan dana publik
dan juga sebagai dinding api fungsi jurnalistik dan fungsi filantropi di media
massa. Tesis ini meneliti bagaimana pelaksanaan Kode Etik Filantropi Media
Massa di dua media televisi yang melakukan kegiatan filantropi sebagai bagian
dari tanggungjawab sosial media massa. Teori Social Responsiblities Media
Massa dan Corporate Philantrophy menjadi teori yang peneliti gunakan dalam
menelaah mengenai Kode Etik Filantropi Media Massa ini. Hasil penelitiannya,
menunjukkan pelaksanaan prinsip-prinsip kode etik filantropi media massa belum
efektif, karena belum adanya konsepsi yang sama mengenai tanggungjawab sosial
dan filantropi media massa.

Mass Media Philantrophy Code of Ethics published as the initiative of Indonesia
mass media philantrophy manager on January 11, 2013. The code of ethics had
goal to maintain mass media transparency and accountability as well as firewall
between philanthropy functions and journalism functions. This thesis examines
the implementations of Mass Media Philantrophy Code of Ethics in two private
television that doing mass media philanthropy as a part of their social
responsibilities. Mass Media Social Responsibilities Theory and Corporate
Philanthropy is two of theories that used to review of implementations Mass
Media Philantrophy Code of Ethics. The result showing to us, implementation of
the principles of mass media philantrophy code of ethics has not been effective,
because there?s a lack of conception in mass media philantrophy managers about
mass media social responsibilities and mass media philantrophy.;Mass Media Philantrophy Code of Ethics published as the initiative of Indonesia
mass media philantrophy manager on January 11, 2013. The code of ethics had
goal to maintain mass media transparency and accountability as well as firewall
between philanthropy functions and journalism functions. This thesis examines
the implementations of Mass Media Philantrophy Code of Ethics in two private
television that doing mass media philanthropy as a part of their social
responsibilities. Mass Media Social Responsibilities Theory and Corporate
Philanthropy is two of theories that used to review of implementations Mass
Media Philantrophy Code of Ethics. The result showing to us, implementation of
the principles of mass media philantrophy code of ethics has not been effective,
because there’s a lack of conception in mass media philantrophy managers about
mass media social responsibilities and mass media philantrophy., Mass Media Philantrophy Code of Ethics published as the initiative of Indonesia
mass media philantrophy manager on January 11, 2013. The code of ethics had
goal to maintain mass media transparency and accountability as well as firewall
between philanthropy functions and journalism functions. This thesis examines
the implementations of Mass Media Philantrophy Code of Ethics in two private
television that doing mass media philanthropy as a part of their social
responsibilities. Mass Media Social Responsibilities Theory and Corporate
Philanthropy is two of theories that used to review of implementations Mass
Media Philantrophy Code of Ethics. The result showing to us, implementation of
the principles of mass media philantrophy code of ethics has not been effective,
because there’s a lack of conception in mass media philantrophy managers about
mass media social responsibilities and mass media philantrophy.]"
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Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Rahmat Yananda
"Semenjak Kevin Lynch menerbitkan The Image of The City (1960) tentang studi citra kota telah banyak perubahan terhadap tesis Lynch tersebut bahwa citra kota yang tadinya terbentuk dari interaksi warga kota dengan lingkungannya ternyata juga saat ini dipengaruhi oleh media massa. Kemajuan teknologi komunikasi dan infotmasi menyebabkan interaksi seseorang dengan suatu tempat bisa bersifat tidak langsung dan menembus betas - batas spasial Penemuan mesin cetak yang mampu mernproduksi materi publikasi secara massal, serta penemuan telegram dan telepon sebagai cikal bakal pengiriman pesan jarak jauh menjedi sempurna katika televisi diciptakan. Teknologi komunikasi dan infonnasi ini salah satunya berwujud da1am bentuk industri media massa, yaitu cetak dan elektronik. Industri ini telah berkembang menjadi insitusi sosial yang mampu mempengaruhi dan membangun publik opini, tennasuk citra suatu kota.
Dalam pemarasan kota tujuan utamanya adalah membangun citrn kota.Citra kota yang balk dan menarik akan mengundang pihak - pihak lain untuk berinvestasl dan berkunjung. Dorongan menjadikan kota sebagai komoditi menyebabkan citra kota yang tampak secara fisik cenderung seragam karena mengedepankan kepentingan ekonomi scmata sebagaimana kota - kota global lainnya. Kota- kota telah menjadi produk mengabaikan identitas kota yang dibutuhkan sebagai identifikasi oleh warga kota untuk membangun sense of place. Kota tidak Jagi memiliki place identity. Karenanya pemerintah kota perlu melakukan city branding sebagai bagian dari pembangunan place brand berbasis komunikasi primer dan sekunder.
Jakarta, Surabaya dan Bandung adalah tiga kota utama di Indonesia berdasarkan jumlah penduduk dan produktivitas ekonomi menonjol di banding kota- kota 1ainnya di Indonesia. Citra ketiga kota dianalisa berdasarkan pemberitaan media cetak Kompas edisi Agustus 2009- 2010.
Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa citra kota-kota tersebut di media cetak negatif, karena mereka tidak memiliki pesan yang kuat karena mengabaikan identitas kota dan dimensi kinerja kota yang baik, dan manager kota gagal memanfaatkan komunikasi primer dan sekunder. Kegagalan diperkuat oleh kecenderungan media memproduksi berita bertone negatif sebagai bagian dari fungsi sosial media.

Since Kevin Lyacb pnblished 1'he Image of the City (1960) the study have been in many changes from Lynch thesis that the image of the city came from the interaction of citizens with the current environment that was also influenced by mass media. Advances in communications technology and information causes a person's interaction with a place can be indirect and through the boundaries - spatial boundaries. Communications and information technology is one of them intangible in the form of mass media industry, which is printed and electronic. The industry has evolved into a social institution that is able to influence and build public opinion, including the image of a city.
In the city marketing, the main goal is to build the image of the city. The good and interesting image will invite parties to invest and visit the city. Encouragement made the city as a commodity causes the image of the city that looked physically inclined uniform because the interests of economy only as the city other global cities. If a city is becoming a product ignoring its identity and failing people to identity with it then it no longer has a place identity. Therefore the city government needs to do city branding as part of the development of place based brand as a primary and secondary communication.
Jakarta, Surabaya and Bandung are the three major cities in Indonesia based on population and economic productivity in the appeal of prominent cities in Indonesia. The image of the cities are analyzed based on print media coverage in Kompas issued from August 2009 to August 2010. Using qualitative case study method, the stories of these cities are classified into categories and subcategories based on frequency and valance.
The Research found that the image of the three cities in a printed mass media are negative because they do not have a strong message due to neglecting the city identity and performance dimensions of a good town not to mention that city managers failed to take advantage primary and secondary communication to build the image of the city. Failure is reinforced by the tendency of news media to produce negative tone news as part of the social function of media."
Lengkap +
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Colomina, Beatriz
Cambridge, UK: MIT Press, 1994
720.105 COL p (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chelsea Phandinata
"Penelitian ini menganalisis pola tindakan intervensi oleh layanan federal pemerintah Rusia yaitu Rozkomnodzor, terhadap arus publikasi konten pada media sosial populer TikTok. Penelitian ini menggunakan data yang diambil dari konten-konten video TikTok yang mengandung muatan kritik, sindiran, dan ejekkan terhadap pemerintahan Federasi Rusia dan Presiden Vladimir Putin yang dipublikasikan sejumlah akun TikTok yang terafiliasi dengan tagar #russiangovernment, #vladimirputin, #presidentputin, #политикароссия, #тупаяроссия, dan #протестнаяроссия, serta sejumlah video tanpa tagar yang turut viral dan masuk ke dalam rekomendasi untuk ditonton atau dikenal dengan istilah For Your Page (FYP) Dengan menggunakan metode analisis konten visual didukung dengan teori proses politik oleh Doug McAdam, penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa pemerintah Federasi Rusia dapat melakukan berbagai tindakan intervensif tersebut dengan menghapus konten dan memblokir akun TikTok yang memuat publikasi konten video bernuansa negatif terhadap pemerintah Rusia hingga memberikan sanksi teguran hingga denda terhadap otoritas TikTok.

This article analyzes the pattern of intervention acts by the Russian government federal service Rozkomnodzor, on the flow of contents publication on the popular social media TikTok. This article uses data taken from TikTok video content containing criticism, satire, and ridicule of the government of the Russian Federation and President Vladimir Putin published by TikTok accounts that affiliated with the hashtags #russiangovernment, #vladimirputin, #presidentputin, #политикароссия, #тупаяроссия, and #протестнаяроссия, as well as a number of videos without hashtags that went viral and included in the recommendations to watch or known as For Your Page (FYP). The government of the Russian Federation can carry out these various intervening actions by removing content and blocking TikTok accounts containing the publication of video content with negative nuances against the Russian government to giving sanctions from reprimands and fines against TikTok authorities."
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Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
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