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Bestie Fania Rakhmita NA
"Tesis ini diharapkan mampu menjelaskan mengenai konsep diri remaja dalam komunikasi antarpribadi dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar di lembaga pendidikan marjinal. Menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, penelitian fenomenologi ini menggunakan teori self Mead-Cooley, komunikasi antarpribadi Miller & Steinberg serta persepsi dalam hubungan pengajaran Snygg & Combs.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, dengan melibatkan diri dalam kegiatan pengajaran, remaja dapat memahami nilai baru. Hal ini disebabkan, remaja yang umumnya hanya melihat dan merefleksiakan perilaku significant others dan lingkungan sekitarnya, belajar menjadi contoh atau refleksi dari perilaku anak didiknya.
Sikap remaja dalam kegiatan sosial mengajar ini dapat digambarkan dalam sistem kepercayaan, nilai, dan sikap yang ditunjukkan dalam proses bagaimana konsep diri yang bertemu dengan nilai menghasilkan sikap yang akhirnya diambil seorang remaja. Agar tercipta pengajaran efektif, remaja perlu memiliki konsep diri positif. Konsep diri pengajar, yang mencakup persepsi di dalamnya, menjadi dasar bagi pengajar untuk melakukan kegiatan mengajar; suatu kegiatan yang melibatkan komunikasi antarpribadi yang intensif demi tercapainya tujuan pengajaran efektif.

This thesis is expected to provide explanation about interpersonal communication in learning activities on marginal school. Using a qualitative approach, this phenomenological research uses self theory of Mead-Cooley, Miller & Steinberg's interpersonal communication, and Snygg & Combs' perception in teaching relationship.
Research found that, by involving in learning activities, teenager can have another new value. Teenagers that used to see and reflect significant others' behavior their surrounding environment, learn to be an example and reflection of students' behavior.
Teenager's behavior in this learnng acivity can be explained in belief, value, and attitude system showed in how self concept meet value resulting their attitude. In order to make the learning process effective, teeangers need to have positive self concept. Teacher's self concept, which included perscption in it, became the teenager's basic in learning activity; an activity involving intensive interpersonal communication so the effective learning purpose is able to be achieved.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Heny Marthiani
Persaingan bisnis antar industri dewasa ini sangatlah ketat, termasuk dalam
industri otomotif khususnya kendaraan bermotor roda empat. Oleh karena itu
perusahaan penyedia barang dan jasa berlomba untuk meraih simpati konsumen
dengan memberikan pelayanan yang dapat mempermudah konsumen dalam
mendapatkan keinginan dan kebutuhannya. Salah satu komunikasi pemasaran
yang digunakan perusahaan adalah personal selling, dimana kemampuan
komunikasi antar pribadi wiraniaga dengan konsumennya agar memiliki
kedekatan secara personal. Komunikasi antar pribadi akan terjalin secara efektif
apabila terdapat kualitas di dalamnya yang terdiri dari keterbukaan (openness),
empati (empathy), sikap mendukung (supportiveness), sikap positif (positiveness),
serta kesetaraan (equality).
Dengan pendekatan kualitatif, dan metode wawancara secara mendalam dengan
para narasumber, dimaksudkan agar dapat diketahui secara mendalam keterkaitan
antara lima kualitas pada efektivitas komunikasi antar pribadi antara wiraniaga
dengan konsumennya, pada tahapan keputusan pembelian kendaraan bermotor
roda empat.

Given a stiff competition in automotive industry nowadays, automobile
distributors have provided their best effort to gain the sympathy of consumers by
providing services that can facilitate consumers’ needs. One of the marketing
communication strategies that has been used widely by the distributors is personal
selling approach, in which interpersonal communication skills have played an
important role in sales person-consumer relationship. Five general quality to
improve the effectiveness of communication which is the key factor for a proper
establishment in interpersonal communication includes: openness, empathy,
supportiveness, positiveness, as well as equality.
Based on a qualitative approach, and in-depth and one-on-one interviews with
both parties, this study is intended to have a clearer perspective on necessity of the
five general quality to the effectiveness of interpersonal communication between
sales person and its customers at the stage of purchase decision process;Given a stiff competition in automotive industry nowadays, automobile
distributors have provided their best effort to gain the sympathy of consumers by
providing services that can facilitate consumers’ needs. One of the marketing
communication strategies that has been used widely by the distributors is personal
selling approach, in which interpersonal communication skills have played an
important role in sales person-consumer relationship. Five general quality to
improve the effectiveness of communication which is the key factor for a proper
establishment in interpersonal communication includes: openness, empathy,
supportiveness, positiveness, as well as equality.
Based on a qualitative approach, and in-depth and one-on-one interviews with
both parties, this study is intended to have a clearer perspective on necessity of the
five general quality to the effectiveness of interpersonal communication between
sales person and its customers at the stage of purchase decision process, Given a stiff competition in automotive industry nowadays, automobile
distributors have provided their best effort to gain the sympathy of consumers by
providing services that can facilitate consumers’ needs. One of the marketing
communication strategies that has been used widely by the distributors is personal
selling approach, in which interpersonal communication skills have played an
important role in sales person-consumer relationship. Five general quality to
improve the effectiveness of communication which is the key factor for a proper
establishment in interpersonal communication includes: openness, empathy,
supportiveness, positiveness, as well as equality.
Based on a qualitative approach, and in-depth and one-on-one interviews with
both parties, this study is intended to have a clearer perspective on necessity of the
five general quality to the effectiveness of interpersonal communication between
sales person and its customers at the stage of purchase decision process]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pratiwi Putri Puspanegara
Perubahan psikososial pada ibu primigravida selama kehamilan salah satu oleh pasangan. Ibu primigravida memerlukan adanya penyesuaian pasangan selama kehamilan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi hubungan antara penyesuaian pasangan dengan kelekatan ibu primigravida dan janin. Penelitian cross sectional ini menggunakan teknik multistage cluster random sampling dan melibatkan 110 ibu primigravida. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan signifikan antara penyesuaian pasangan dengan kelekatan ibu dan janin p value < 0,1 . Peneliti menyarankan tenaga kesehatan, khususnya perawat maternitas agar mampu mempertahankan dan meningkatkan edukasi kehamilan terkait aspek psikososial kepada ibu primigravida dan pasangan.

One of the reasons of psychosocial changes to primigravida during pregnancy is caused by their partners. The mother needs to make adjustments with her partners during pregnancy. The aim of this study was to identify relationship between the partner rsquo s adjustments and prenatal attachment in primigravida. This cross sectional study applied the multistage cluster random sampling technique involved 110 primigravidas. The results showed that significant relationship between the partner rsquo s adjustment and prenatal attachment in primigravida p value 0,1 . The researcher suggests that health workers, especially maternity nurses, to be able to maintain and increase pregnancy educations related to psychosocial aspects to primigravida mothers and their partner rsquo s."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wiisti Fenty Fevrieranty
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti pengaruh kepuasan komunikasi terhadap produktivitas kerja unit Call Center pada Kantor Layanan Informasi dan Pengaduan Kring Pajak. Konsep-konsep yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah konsep Kepuasan Komunikasi (Downs dan Hazen, 1977) dan Produktivitas (Timpe, 2002). Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode survei melalui kuesioner. Adapun populasi pada penelitian ini adalah 189 pegawai seksi operasional yang bekerja sebagai agen call center. Pemilihan sampel menggunakan total population sampling yang melibatkan seluruh populasi.
Hasil dari analisis faktor mengidentifikasi tujuh faktor baru dari kepuasan komunikasi, yaitu sebagai berikut: Organizational Information, Communication Climate, Personal Feedback, Communication with Supervisor, Horizontal Communication, Media Quality, dan Informal Communication. Hasil analisis regresi menunjukkan bahwa kepuasan komunikasi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap produktivitas. Hasilnya juga menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor kepuasan komunikasi mempengaruhi produktivitas secara berbeda. Dua faktor yang berpengaruh positif terhadap produktivitas, yaitu Organizational Information dan Media Quality. Sedangkan, Horizontal Communication terlihat memiliki pengaruh negatif terhadap produktivitas. Dan hasil analisis pada faktor-faktor lainnya menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada pengaruh terhadap produktivitas.

Purpose of this research is to verify the impact of communication satisfaction on productivity of Call Center unit at KLIP Kring Pajak. The used concepts are Communication Satisfaction (Downs and Hazen, 1977) and Productivity (Timpe, 2002). Data collection was done by using survey method through a questionnaire. The population in this research were 189 employees in operational section who work as call center agents. Sample selection using total population sampling that involves examining the entire population.
Factor analysis led to identification of seven new factors of communication satisfaction, all of which are: Organizational Information, Communication Climate, Personal Feedback, Communication with Supervisor, Horizontal Communication, Media Quality, and Informal Communication. The result of regression analysis shown that communication satisfaction had a significant impact on productivity. The results also indicate that factors of communication satisfaction differentially impacted productivity. Two factors had a positive impact on productivity are Organizational Information and Media Quality. While Horizontal Communication seem to have a negative impact on productivity. And the analysis result for the other factors shown that there is no impact on productivity."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andi Qamariel Nur Fajrina
Supervisor dan manajer adalah orang yang paling berpengaruh terhadap diri karyawan. Work Engagement merupakan aspek penting yang harus ada di diri setiap karyawan agar karyawan dapat menjalankan pekerjaannya dengan maksimal. Skripsi ini menganalisis pengaruh Perceived Supervisor Support terhadap Work Engagement karyawan kantor pusat PT Jasa Marga Persero Tbk. Pengaruh Perceived Supervisor Support terhadap Work Engagement dimediasi oleh Perceived Organizational Support, dan pengaruh Perceived Supervisor Support terhadap Perceived Organizational Support dimoderasi oleh Learning Opportunity. Penelitian ini dilakukan di kantor pusat PT Jasa Marga Persero Tbk dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 250 orang dengan menggunakan kuesioner berskala Likert 1-5. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi sederhana, dan analisis mediasi dan moderasi Baron dan Kenny dengan bantuan SPSS versi 16.0. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa Perceived Supervisor Support berpengaruh positif terhadap Work Engagement. Perceived Supervisor Support berpengaruh positif terhadap Perceived Organizational Support. Perceived Organizational Support terhadap Work Engagement. Perceived Organizational Support memediasi pengaruh Perceived Supervisor Support terhadap Work Engagement secara parsial. Learning Opportunity memoderasi dan memperkuat pengaruh Perceived Supervisor Support terhadap Perceived Organizational Support.

Supervisors and managers are the most influential people to the employees. Work Engagement is an important aspect that must be in every employee so that employees can run their work maximally. This thesis analyzes the influence of Perceived Supervisor Support to Work Engagement of PT Jasa Marga Persero Tbk head office employees. The influence of Perceived Supervisor Support on Work Engagement is mediated by Perceived Organizational Support, and Perceived Supervisor Support 39 s influence on Perceived Organizational Support is moderated by Learning Opportunity. This research was conducted at head office of PT Jasa Marga Persero Tbk with the number of respondents as many as 250 people using a Likert scale questionnaire 1 5. This study uses simple regression analysis, and Baron and Kenny mediation and moderation analysis with the help of SPSS version 16.0. The results show that Perceived Supervisor Support has a positive effect on Work Engagement. Perceived Supervisor Support positively affects Perceived Organizational Support. Perceived Organizational Support to Work Engagement. Perceived Organizational Support mediates the effect of Perceived Supervisor Support on Work Engagement partially. Learning Opportunity moderate and strengthen the influence of Perceived Supervisor Support on Perceived Organizational Support. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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