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Republic of Iraq: External Information Dept., Ministry of Culture and Information, 1983
956.7 IRA s (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Baghdad: [publisher not identified], 1975
327.16 SEL (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ainul Qalbi
"Perang selama ini dalam pemikiran masyarakat awam dikenal sebagai suatu peristiwa yang memilukan, tidak adil, dan sebagai sebuah tragedi kemanusiaan. Namun, perang sebenarnya dapat menjadi suatu peristiwa yang adil. Dalam upaya mencapai keadilan tersebut, Agustinus mencetuskan sebuah teori yang mengatur apa saja yang boleh maupun yang tidak boleh dilakukan oleh pihak-pihak yang berperang, yang dikenal sebagai Just War Theory. Ada pun teori ini dikembangkan lebih lanjut oleh Michael Walzer pada abad 20. Just War Theory yang dikembangkan oleh Walzer ini menjadi alat analisis yang akan penulis pergunakan untuk membuktikan pelaksanaan Perang Dunia II di Eropa sebagai sebuah perang yang adil.

War is commonly known as an event that only brings misery, injustice, and a tragedy of humanity. But, war actually can become an event which is just. In order to make war as a just war, Augustine arranged some theories that can make a war become a just war, which is known as “Just War Theory”. In the 20th century, Michael Walzer has successfully developed the just war theory into a whole new level. In my opinion, this theory can become an instrument to prove that there are justice that contained in World War II in European Region, and this war is a just war that happened in the 20th century."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Keneally, Thomas, 1935-
London: Collins, 1975
823 KEN g
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Metha Ramadita
"Sejak awal kemunculan space era, masyarakat internasional telah mendorong secara keras penggunaan ruang angkasa untuk tujuan damai (peaceful purposes). Namun, pengertian peaceful belum ada yang pasti hingga kini. Apakah kegiatan militer diperbolehkan atau tidak. Pada faktanya, sejak peluncuran Sputnik I, satelit tersebut sudah digunakan untuk tujuan militer. Sehingga, penjelasan mengenai kegiatan militer apa saja yang diperbolehkan di ruang angkasa menjadi sangatlah penting. Selain itu, mengingat semakin bergantungnya negara dengan teknologi ruang angkasa, dimulaui pengembangan teknologi anti-satellite untuk melindungi aset-aset nasional di ruang angkasa. Sejak tahun 1950an, sudah dilaksanakan uji coba anti-satellite weapons oleh Amerika Serikat dan Uni Soviet yang mana banyak menimbulkan pertanyaan apakah kegiatan tersebut sesuai dengan prinsip peaceful purposes atau tidak. Oleh karena itu, juga perlu diketahui bentuk dari threat atau use of force dan pengecualiannya di ruang angkasa.

Since the dawn of space era, international community has voiced the use of outer space for peaceful purposes. However, there is no authoritative definition regard of peaceful until today. In fact, since the launced of Sputnik I, its objective was military purposes. Thus, it is important to know which one of military activity in outer space is permissible. Moreover, the increasing of national's dependency on space-based asset, make the states develope the anti-satellite to protect their national space asset. The employment of anti-satellite began since the late of 1950s by United States and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The test raised questions on its compliance with peaceful purposes principle. Therefore, it is also important to know the form of threat and use of force and its execptions in space."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
R.H.A. Saleh
"Kerajaan Jepang yang sejak akhir abad ke-19 telah berkembang menjadi negara modern, sudah memperlihatkan sifat-sifat imperialismenya.
Negara itu telah mulai dengan ekspansinya untuk menguasai negara-negara tetangganya di daratan Asia, dimulai berturut-turut dari Manchuria, Korea dan China. Rupanya Jepang telah menganggap dirinya sebagai pemimpin Asia dan menghendaki agar seluruh bangsa Asia berhimpun dibawah pimpinan Jepang untuk bersama-sama menentang hegemoni bangsa Barat atas bangsa Asia.
Pada waktu pecah Perang Dunia Kedua yang dimulai di Eropa, pada tanggal 8 Desember 1941 Jepang menyerang,pangkalan angkatan laut Amerika di Pearl Harbor, untuk selanjutnya bergerak secara cepat ke selatan untuk mencaplok sejumlah negara di kawasan Asia, diantaranya nusantara Indonesia yang waktu itu bernama Hindia Belanda. Dalam peperangan yang menentukan di pulau Jawa, sejak kapitulasi Belanda pada tanggal 9 Maret 1942, Jepang berhasil menduduki dan menguasai seluruh wilayah Hindia Belanda.
Seluruh Tentara Hindia Belanda yang disebut KNIL di pulau Jawa menjadi takiukan Jepang, dan anggota-anggotanya, terutama yang berwarga Belanda, dijadikan tawanan perang. Mereka dikurung dalam sejumlah kamp khusus, tidak saja di pulau Jawa, bahkan sampai dibawa ke luar wilayah Indonesia, dimana mereka banyak dipekerjakan sebagai buruh kasar di berbagai proyek pertahanan di tempat-tempat yang mempunyai nilai strategis militer. Tidak hanya anggota militer, Jepang juga menginternir seluruh penduduk warga Belanda dan mengasingkan mereka dalam kamp-kamp tertutup yang dijaga keras oleh tentara Jepang.
Sejak dimasukkan dalam kamp-kamp tahanan itulah para penghuni kamp mulai merasakan penderitaan-penderitaan tak terhingga akibat perlakuan Jepang yang diluar perikemanusiaan selama masa pendudukan Jepang hingga akhir perang. Jepang secara terang-terangan telah menunjukkan sikapnya yang anti Barat dan ambisinya untuk menjadi Pemimpin Asia, yang dimanifestasikannya pada perlakuannya terhadap orang-orang Barat yang dapat ditaklukkannya. Pihak Sekutu menamakan para tawanan-perang dan interniran itu APWI.
Kapitulasi Jepang pada tanggal 15 Agustus 1945 ternyata belum berarti pembebasan dari penderitaan bagi para tawanan-perang dan interniran yang selama ini hidup dalam kamp-kamp tertutup, karena para penghuni kamp kini terpaksa menghadapi situasi baru yang sama sekali tidak terperkirakan sebelumnya.
Bangkitnya bangsa Indonesia untuk merdeka sejak 17 Agustus 1945, telah menggerakkan suatu revolusi yang dahsyat untuk mengusir Jepang dari tanah airnya dan menentang penjajahan kembali oleh Belanda.
Sikap anti Belanda dan anti Jepang pada para pemuda pejuang Indonesia telah membawa mereka ke ekses-ekses revolusi, sehingga banyak orang Belanda dan Jepang menjadi sasaran keganasan revolusi. Tentara Sekutu yang datang di Jawa dengan tugas untuk melucuti tentara Jepang dan memulangkan para tawanan-perang dan interniran Sekutu, telah memicu pecahnya bentrokan-bentrokan fisik berdarah antara para pejuang Indonesia dengan tentara Sekutu yang secara kentara melindungi kembalinya kolonialis Belanda di Indonesia.
Pada tahun 1946 persengketaan antara Indonesia dengan Sekutu akhirnya dapat diredakan melalui kerjasama Indonesia dan Sekutu dalam penyelesaian bersama atas pemulangan APWI dari pulau Jawa. Dengan menggunakan aparat POPDA dan dengan segala keterbatasan sarana, pada pertengahan tahun 1946 pemerintah Indonesia berhasil dalam menangani suatu tugas kemanusiaan untuk memulangkan sebanyak 36.280 APWI, yang kebanyakan terdiri dari wanita dan anak-anak.

Allied Prisoners-Of-War And Internees (A.P.W.I.) In Java and Their Repatriation after The End Of The War
The Japanese Empire that had grown to be a modern country since the end of the 19`h century, had shown its imperialistic character. They began their expansive behavior to conquer neighboring countries in the mainland of Asia, beginning consecutively from Manchuria, Korea, and China. It seemed that Japan had viewed itself as the leader of Asia and wanted to unite the entire nations of Asia under its leadership to challenge the hegemony of the Western Nations over the Asian Nations.
At the time the World War II was raging in Europe, on the 8`h of December 1941 the Japanese attacked the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, in order to be able to move swiftly southward to annex a number of countries in the Asian region, among which was the Indonesian archipelago that was then called the Netherlands-Indies. After a decisive battle in the island of Java, the Dutch colonial army surrendered on the 9`h of March 1942. Since then Japan managed to conquer and control the entire territory of the Netherlands-Indies.
The entire Dutch armed forces in the island of Java named KNIL, was captured by the Japanese. Members of the KNIL, especially the Dutch nationals, were made as prisoners of war. They were not only confined in several camps located in Java but also moved to other territories outside of Indonesia, where they were employed as forced labor in many defense projects which has a military strategic value. Not only military members, Japan also interned the entire Dutch citizens and exile them into closed camps, heavily guarded by Japanese soldiers.
Since the moment being placed in the prisoner's camps, the Dutch camp occupants experienced immense sufferings as the result of the Japanese inhuman conduct during the time of the Japanese occupation until the end of the war. Japan had blatantly demonstrated its anti-western attitude and ambition to become the leader of Asia, which was manifested on their conduct upon the conquered westerners. The Allies named the prisoners of war and internees as APWI.
The surrender of Japan on the 15th of August 1945 was not automatically meant freedom from persecutions for the prisoners of war and internees lived in closed camps, because these camp occupants had still to face other new unpredictable situations outside their camps. The rising spirit of independence among Indonesian people since the 17'h of August 1945, had created a massive revolution to expel Japan from their homeland and to denounce the return of Dutch colonialism.
The anti Dutch and anti-Japan attitude on the young Indonesian freedom fighters had lead them to the excess of revolution, so much that a great many Dutch people and Japanese became the target of the savage of revolution. The Allied Forces which had landed in Java with the official task of disarming the Japanese Forces and releasing the prisoners of war and internees, triggered the outbreak of bloody physical clashes with the Indonesian freedom fighters who believed that the Allied Forces were clearly protecting the return of Dutch colonialism.
On 1946 the dispute between Indonesia and the Allies was finally subdued through cooperation between Indonesia and the Allies in a joint solution on the repatriation of the APWI from Java. By utilizing the POPDA apparatus within the limitation of the means available, in the middle of 1946 the Indonesian government succeeded in achieving the task for humanity to evacuate as many as 36,280 APWI, who mostly were women and children, to their assembly points in Allied controlled areas."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ooi Keat Gin
"Malaya attained independence on August 31, 1957 from
Britain. However this new nation faced a communist insurgency
known today as the ?Malayan Emergency? (1948-1960). Then
in 1961, Tunku announced a wider federation of ?Malaysia?,
viz. Malaya, British Crown Colonies of Singapore, Sarawak
and North Borneo, and the protectorate of Brunei. Countering
communism was a principal motive for ?Malaysia?.
Sarawak?s leftist elements were rejected with an armed
opposition. Malaysia was formed excluding Brunei. Amidst
its birth pangs, Malaysia faced hostile neighbors Indonesia
and the Philippines; the former objected by way of
Konfrontasi (1963-1967) while the latter laid claim to Sabah
(formerly North Borneo). Malaya/ Malaysia was borne in the
midst of the Cold War (1947?1991), a bipolar world between
the US and the USSR. Malaya/Malaysia is utilized as a case
of analysis and evaluation in the context of the twin trends
of continuities and transformations in tracing the historical
developments from the 1950?s to the 1990?s. The risks,
motives, and challenges that prompted the shift in foreign
relations reveal as much of the personality of the political leadership, the prevailing situations, and conditions from
within and circumstances from without.
327 SUV 8:2 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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