"The Definitive Resource on Alternative Medicine for Christians Herbal remedies, supplements, and alternative therapies - Their specific uses
- Which ones really work (and which ones don't)
- What to watch out for Christian versus non-Christian approaches to holistic health Clinically proven treatments versus unproven or quack treatments Truths and fallacies about supernatural healing Ancient medical lore: the historical, cultural, and scientific facts And much, much more. In today's health-conscious culture, options for the care and healing of the body are proliferating like never before. But which ones can you trust? Some are effective, some are useless, some are harmful. Some involve forms of spirituality that the Bible expressly forbids. Others that are truly helpful have been avoided by some Christians who draw inaccurate conclusions about them. "Alternative Medicine" is the first comprehensive guidebook to non-traditional medicine written from a distinctively Christian perspective. Here at last is the detailed and balanced coverage of alternative medicine that you've been looking for. Professor and researcher Donal O'Mathúna, Ph.D., and national medical authority Walt Larimore, M.D., draw on their extensive knowledge of the Bible and their medical and pharmaceutical expertise to answer the questions about alternative medicine that you most want answered--and others you wouldn't have thought to ask. This massively informative resource includes: Two alphabetical reference sections: Alternative therapies -- Herbal remedies. Entries include an analysis of claims, results of actual studies, cautions, recommendations, and further resources. A handy cross-reference that links specific health problems with various alternative therapies and herbal remedies reviewed in this book. Five categories of alternative medicine defined and then applied to every therapy and remedy evaluated in this book."