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Universitas Indonesia, 1984
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tesis ini mengkaji fenomena Partai Rakyat Demokratik pada masa Orde Baru yaitu antara tahun 1996-1998. Partai yang dimotori oleh para aktivis muda yang berani ini menjadi kekuatan yang cukup di waspadai (kalau tidak mau dikatakan ditakuti) oleh pemerintah Orde Baru yang pada masa itu berkuasa.
Diakui atau tidak, PRD adalah sebuah kekuatan yang cukup solid dalam mengkritisi pemerintah, hingga tak heran bila kekuatan Orde Baru pada saat itu cenderung bersikap represif dalam menghadapi setiap aksi PRO.
Penulis melihat daya kritis yang dilakukan oleh PRD sebagai sebuah aktualisasi dari gerakan demokratisasi yang semarak didengungkan oleh Indonesia yang sedang gandrung dengan reformasi. Sebagai sebuah gerakan pro demokrasi yang cukup survive ditengah himpitan dan tekanan Orde Baru, tidak berlebihan bila PRD dikategorikan sebagai sebuah kekuatan oposisi, dan institusi seperti itu mutlak diperlukan dalam sebuah negara yang sedang dalam proses transisi menuju demokrasi.
Penelitian ini mencoba melihat lebih seksama, faktor-faktor apa sajakah yang memberikan stimulus dan kekuatan bagi gerakan oposisi yang dilakukan oleh PRD? Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini penulis melihat beberapa faktor yang dapat menjawab pertanyaan tersebut, yaitu; sistem politik Orde Baru, adanya tuntutan reformasi total, ideology dan azas organisasi, dan program kerja organisasi. Faktor-faktor tersebut merupakan variable-variabel independen yang kemudian dilihat pengaruhnya terhadap variable dependen yaitu gerakan oposisi PRO.
Besarnya pengaruh dari faktor-faktor tersebut penulis mencoba menjelaskannya dengan menggunakan beberapa kerangka pemikiran, diantaranya; tentang demokrasi dan transisi menuju demokrasi, konsep oposisi dan karakteristiknya, konsep sosialisme, dan sosialisme demokratis.
Bagi penulis, PRD adalah salah satu catatan penting dalam sejarah politik Indonesia. tanpa keberadaan PRD geliat politik Orde Baru menjelang keruntuhannya tidak akan terlalu menarik, karena diakui atau tidak, kasus 27 Juli 1996 yang didesain Orde Baru dengan sangat bagus sekali untuk membrangus PRD, menjadi awal langkah yang sangat bagus bagi bangkitnya gerakan pro demokrasi di Indonesia yang sebelumnya hanya bergerak mengikuti irama yang sangat lamban.

This thesis focused on Partai Rakyat Demokrat as a phenomenon during the New Order era between 1996 - 1998. The party was supported by brave young activists became a much to be cautious (if not be feared) by the ruling New Order's government. PRD was a solid power in giving critics to the government and hence it is not a surprise when the New Order at that time tended to be repressive in dealing with PRD's every action.
The writer saw the PRD's critical ability as an actualization of democratizing movement in Indonesian society. As a pro-democracy movement which survived from the New Order's oppression, PRD can be categorized as an opposition power, and this kind of institution is absolutely needed in a transitional country which moved towards democrat.
This research tried to examine closely what factors giving stimulus and power to opposition movement done by PRD? To answer this question, the writer saw factors which can answer the question above: the New Order's political system, the existence of demands for total reform, ideology, base and working program of organization. These factors are independent variables which influences the dependent variable; the PRD opposition movement.
The writer tried to explain the size of the influence from these factors by using several theoretical frameworks, such as: on democracy and transition to democracy, concepts of opposition and its characteristics, concepts of socialism and democratic socialism. PRD was one of important milestones in Indonesian political history. Without the existence of PRD, the New Order's political dynamic towards its downfall would not be very captivating. The July 27, 1996 incident designed by the New Order regime succeeded in maiming PRD, became a big step for the rising of pro-democratic movement in Indonesia which was moving slowly before.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Roosiah Yuniarsih
"Memasuki era informasi, elektronik demokrasi sudah diterapkan di Indonesia antara lain pemasangan peralatan elektronik seperti decision making support sejak Orde Baru di, ruang-ruang sidang MPR/DPR di Senayan, Jakarta Pemanfaatan internet untuk demokrasi mulai diterapkan pada tahun 1997. Media internet untuk demokrasi terus saja berlangsung. Sejalan dengan itu ada dua masalah mendasar yang diangkat menjadi tests ini yaitu, "apakah yang telah terjadi pada berbagai fasititas dan aplikasi e-demokrasi (media e-demokrasi) yang telah pernah dibangun itu?", dan "bagaimana sebenarnya karakteristik media edemokrasi yang pernah dibangun itu?"
Mencari jawaban permasalahan itu landasan teoritik yang digunakan di dalam penelitian ini diwarnai perspektif lomunikasi politik dalam konteks ideologi demokrasi: bahwa keberadaan teknologi yang melahirkan salah satunya adalah media e-demokrasi sesungguhnya bersinggungan secara kompleks dengan aspek teknologi itu sendiri, budaya dan organisasi. Di dalamnya secara detail ia bersinggungan dengan produksi budaya media, fungsi media, tipe media, institusi dan serangkaian teori pendukungnya.
Sedangkan landasan metodologis berupa pengungkapan realitas tentang media e-demokrasi secara deskriptif-kualitatif dengan single case multi level analysis. Ada tiga unit analisa yang dideskripsikan yakni: aplikasi sister komunikasi berbasis internet (situs); aktor (key factors) dan kebijakan (proses). Analisa dilakukan dengan `cross sectional research' yang meneliti kejadian (kasus) ( pada rentang waktu kegiatan Amandemen keempat, yakni mulai akhir tahun 2001 hingga tahun 2003 di legislatif nasional MPR/DPR. berbasiskan maksimalisasi keberadaaan data sekunder dan data primer. Data primer diperoleh dengan wawancara mendalam yang tidak berstruktur dan juga pengamatan.
Selanjutnya, penelitian ini mengantarkan pada beberapa temuan. Websites bermuatan informatif dan menyediakan fasilitas partisipatif. Website dan mailinglist menjadi media yang bertendensi menyeragamkan kesatuan pandangan terhadap pentingnya proses Amandemen; agar publik yang berpotensi konflik, secara kolektif tidak searah di dalam menerima proses Amandemen, secara fungsional dapat berinteraksi dan berinterelasi yang secara normatif diharapkan mampu membentuk konformitas dan konsensus sehingga semua unsur masyarakat yang menjadi target sasaran mempunyai pan dangan yang relatif searah di dalam menerima Amandemen.
Dibandingkan dengan mailinglist, website tidak seberapa berhasil menjangkau khalayak pada umumnya. Mailinglist relatif berhasil menjadi alat sosialisasi tentang kinerja wakil rakyat dan pecan Amandemen.
Secara keseluruhan website dan mailinglist sebagai media, medianya benar, segmennya benar, konsepnya benar, tetapi pada saat menerjemahkan konsep pengembangan ke dalam strategi dan aplikasi, tidak cukup waktu, otonomi dan sinkronisasi. Digital divide adalah kendala yang dihadapi tatkala media e-demokrasi dibangun dan Amandemen berlangsung, sehingga media edemokrasi berjalan sebatas media untuk melakukan sosialisasi belaka. Di dalam konteks e-demokrasi, pada saat Amandemen berbagai aplikasi internet yang dibangun sebatas berorientasi partisipasi, e-partisipatif bukan sebagai e-voting, pemungutan suara online.
Secara internal, media e-demokrasi berhadapan dengan tiga aspek teknologi yang dikemukakan Pacey; aspek organisasi dan teknik sesungguhnya belum siap mengaplikasikan e-demokrasi, meskipun secara budaya khalayak berpolensi asosiatif terhadap inovasi yang dilakukan. Itu salah satu sebabriya media edemokrasi yang dibangun memang sebaiknya tidak diteruskan.
Namun pada masa akan datang, mengingat perkembangan pengguna internet yang terus meningkat dua kali lipat dalam setiap tahunnya; kemudian, garis kebijakan Pernerintah secara nasional juga memberikan dasar ke arah tumbuh kembangnya realisasi e-demokrasi di tingkat legislatif lokal maupun nasional; penelitian ini merekomendasikan media e-demokrasi patut diteruskan.

During the information age, electronic democracy had been applied in Indonesia, such as electronic equipment of supporting decision making support installed since New Order era at the MPRIDPR meeting rooms of legislative, Senayan Jakarta. At the beginning of 1997, internet had used around the legislatives activities. Up to now internet support the democracy keeps going on, According to that there're two basically thesis questions: what had happened to all the facilities and e-democracy appliances that used to be build ?, and how is that media e-democracies characteristic ?
Answering these theses the theory used in this research mostly political communication politic with democracy ideology context: technology related with e-democracy media truly so close in complexities with the technologies aspect it selves, cultures and organization-. Inside details it's close to media culture production, media function, media type, institution and other supported theories.
Methodology side, it's qualitative-descriptive research covering the realities of democracy media within the single case multi level analysis. There're three descriptive analysis units: communication system (using internet (sites), actors (as key factors) and policies (process). It's cross -sectional analyst's research: researching the cases when Amendment fourth, at the end of 2001-beginning of 2003 within 'national legislative activities. Primary data and secondary data were taken maximize. Primaries data were collected by observing and unstructures interview.
There are some findings in this research: most website were informative, available participative facilities. Websites and mailinglist, media tend into one perspectives uniform about the essential of Amendment process; in order public with potential conflict able to walking hand in hand collectively accepting Amendment process functionally, normatively able to interaction and interrelation building conformities and concencuss within on the one direction to the target segments.
Mailinglist succeed reach the target segmented than websites. Mailinglist succeed relatively to be the socialization tools of people representatives performances and Amendment messages.
Overall website and mailinglist as a media, it's the right media, right in determining the segment, right in conceptual but there's some perfect things when it's translated into development to be applied strategically, unenough aoutonomous time, spaces sincronized. There's also digital divide to face when the media e-democracy was build so the media limited as socialization tools. Mostly the media e-democracy here were e-participated note-voting yet.
In other side, internally, three aspect of technology showed that media democracy applied face unready organization and technically aspects. Though public associated the innovation idea, technically and organizational side were so weak. That's why the media e-democracy were build uncontinously.
But for the future according to the double growth of the Indonesian interne users while nationally Government policies directs the growth of the e-democracy realization local and national pace; this research recommended that e-democracy media should be continuous.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Media Da'wah, 2000
342.02 AMA
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wikrama Iryans Abidin
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Perumusan masalah dalam skripsi ini adalah faktor-faktor apa saja yang menyebabkan terjadinya polarisasi solidaritas perjuangan bangsa Arab dalam mencita-citakan persatuan Arab."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anang Puji Utama
"In the Elucidation of the 1945 Constitution, it is stated that The State of the Republic of Indonesia is based on Law, which means that Indonesia is a State based on people's sovereignty, wherein the principles of law are applied in the construction of a Pancasila society to achieve a society of social justice, unity, fairness and prosperity. The government of the New Order could not prove such aim, for at that time, Indonesia, as a State of Law from the perspective of civics, was actually devoid of this system, shown by the large number of Independent Presidential Decrees made, each causing its own natural trouble. This thesis is made with the intention of revealing to what extent Independent Presidential Decrees are made in accordance with the prevailing legislations. The survey made for this thesis uses qualitative method as its procedure of research, as it may come up with observable written data of authorities and attitudes. The research was carried out in Jakarta and based on four sources that are pertinent to the process of the making of Independent Presidential-Decree, namely: Secretary to the Cabinet, Centre for the Study of Law and Policies (PSHK) in Indonesia, Indonesian Corruption Watch (ICW), and Indonesian Transparency Community (MTI).
Results of the research reveal that during the reign of the New Order, there were indeed a number of Independent Presidential Decrees issued, which obviously posed problems. This proved that the embodiment of the presidential tasks, with regard to all aspects of state organization, covered an unlimited extent. Thereby, any making of Independent Presidential Decree constitutes a quasi legislative product, which was so flexible that it was out of the hands of the Board of the People's Representative's control. As examples, several Independent Presidential Decrees are presented in this thesis, showing how they are not conforming to the prevailing legislation, from the aspect of procedure?s well as content.
As measures of prevention against such recurrence, as have indeed been regulated in the 1945 Constitution, Article 4 paragraph one (1), it is urgent that a control system and inter-institutional balance within the state be established, and opportunities be provided for the people in general to present their assessment on every draft of law, including that of Independent Presidential Decree to be enforced upon the society.
Results of the research also reveal that law enforcement in the making of Independent Presidential Decree may contribute to the National Resilience System. This may constitute an extremely strategic measure in overcoming chaos in law, for, principally, any making of legislation is aimed at the benefit of the people, and therefore it should be able to create a well-being to the people. When this matter could be implemented in a consistent manner, abiding by the prevailing legislation, a confidence and trust in law could be established."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sayidiman Suryohadiprojo
Jakarta: Pustaka Intermasa , 2007
320.959 8 SAY r
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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