"One of many definitions offered to explain human existence is that human being is a paradoxal being. By paradoxical being one intends that the very existance of human being is perceived in its seemingly contradictory expression without being contradiction. Human being is material-spiritual, Individual-social, etc. This paradoxial nature constitutes human existance. It affects essentially his/her personality, religion, act, culture, etc. Social status of Women in Toba Batak culture is placed in such paradoxial situation too. In one hadn, they are invoked as "Boru ni Raja" (the honored daughter), but on the other hand, they are treated as "hatoban" (slaves). This article seeks to show critically the place of Toba Batak Women in Toba Batak women inherited culturally from ancestors. By critically we mean that we seek to present fairly the social status of women in both its negative side and positive one. "
Medan: Fakultas Filsafat Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas, 2002
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin Universitas Indonesia Library