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Trisya Wulandari
"Sistem adalah kumpulan elemen yang bekerja sama untuk satu tujuan, contohnya sistem pada AC. Masalah timbul saat sistem mengalami kegagalan dalam bekerja. Salah satu cara mengatasinya adalah dengan menindaklanjuti penyebab dari kegagalan tersebut. Mencari penyebab kegagalan suatu sistem bisa menggunakan fault tree (FT). Dalam skripsi ini akan dibahas mengenai membangun FT dari sistem dan analisa kegagalan sistem dengan FT yang diaplikasikan pada sistem penggerak motor sederhana pada AC. Untuk membangun FT perlu diperhatikan cara kerja sistem dan batasannya. Dalam FT ada tiga simbol yang dipakai yaitu simbol gerbang, simbol transfer dan simbol kejadian. Hasil analisa kegagalan sistem dengan FT akan menghasilkan minimal cut set yaitu penyebab-penyebab kegagalan sistem terjadi, dan probabilitas terjadinya kegagalan.

System is a collection of elements that work together for one purpose, for example in air conditioning systems. Problems arise when the system failure in the work. One way around that is to follow up the cause of failure. Finding the cause of the failure of a system can use the fault tree (FT). In this skripsi will be discussed on building the FT of the system and failure analysis with the FT system is applied to a simple motor drive system on the AC. To build the FT need to know how the system works and its limitations. In the FT, there are gate symbol, an event symbol and transfer symbol. The results of analysis by the FT from system failure is a minimal cut sets, that are the causes of system failure occurred, and the probability of failure."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arief Fachruddin
"Penelitian ini mengkaji kegagalan pemeliharaan pada AC Sentral. Ada 3 sub sistem dari AC sentral yaitu Cooling Water Supply, Air Handler, dan Chiller Water Supply. Dengan metode fault tree analysis, sub sistem tersebut di kontruksi menjadi fault tree. Fault tree ini yang di gunakan untuk mencari kombinasi kegagalan yang terjadi pada AC sentral. Fault tree ini juga di analisis menggunakan software openFTA untuk melihat probabilitas kegagalan pada AC sentral. Hasil penelitian menyarankan agar kegagalan komponen yang terjadi di sediakan sparepartnya agar perbaikan dapat dilakukan dengan cepat.

This study examines the failure of maintenance on Central AC. There are 3 subsystems of central air conditioning; those are Cooling Water Supply, Air Handler, and Chiller Water Supply. By using the method of fault tree analysis, sub-system is constructed to be a fault tree. Fault tree is used to find the combinations of failures that occurred in central air conditioning. Fault tree is analyzed by using openFTA software to view the probability of failure on central air conditioning. The results suggest that the company should provide some spareparts to fix the failure component quickly."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anggraini Ratih Kumaraningrum
"Reaktor Serba Guna GA. Siwabessy RSG-GAS menyimpan potensi bahaya radiasi, walaupun telah didesain dan dibangun dengan mempertimbangkan berbagai faktor keselamatan. Sistem keselamatan pada pendingin primer merupakan komponen yang penting dan berfungsi sebagai penghalang ganda reaktor nuklir. Apabila sistem pendingin primer gagal beroperasi, maka sistem keselamatan pada sistem pendingin primer akan bekerja untuk mencegah pelepasan zat radioaktif, melalui sistem 'scram', sehingga reaktor dapat terhindar dari kecelakaan yang parah. Oleh karena itu, evaluasi sistem keselamatan dari sistem pendingin primer, dengan menggunakan suatu metode analisis keselamatan yang tepat, perlu dilakukan untuk mengukur tingkat kinerja dari sistem keselamatan tersebut.
Fault tree analysis sering digunakan secara deduktif untuk mengevaluasi kinerja keselamatan secara probabilistik probabilistic safety assessment, PSA . Dalam melakukan PSA ini digunakan data generik karena data kegagalan komponen yang dimiliki oleh suatu objek analisis biasanya tidak tersedia secara detail. Data generik tidak menggambarkan kondisi kebolehjadian kegagalan komponen yang sebenarnya. Selain itu, data generik tidak cocok untuk diterapkan pada komponen ndash; komponen yang sudah mengalami proses ageing karena adanya penurunan keandalan komponen yang diakibatkan pada proses ageing. Penggunaan data generik akan menambah ketidakpastian pada hasil PSA.
Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut diusulkan penggunaan metode fuzzy fault tree analysis FFTA. Nilai probabilitas basic events yang dihasilkan dari FFTA kemudian digunakan untuk menghitung probabilitas kejadian menggunakan metode Event Tree Analysis ETA dan diperoleh hasil probabilitas kejadian dengan nilai terbesar 4,304 x 10-8/tahun. Seluruh skenario berdasarkan CDF dan CDS, berada dalam kategori medium risk dan low risk, sehingga dapat dinyatakan bahwa RSG ndash; GAS aman untuk dioperasikan.

G.A. Siwabessy Multipurpose Reactor RSG GAS has significant potency of radiation hazard, although it has been designed and constructed by considering comprehensive safety factors. The safety system of primary cooling system is one of the most important components of the reactor and serve as multiple barriers in a nuclear reactor. If there is a failure on the primary cooling system operation, the safety system in the primary cooling system will work to prevent the release of radioactive material through the ldquo scram rdquo system, a severe accident of the reactor can be avoided. Therefore, an evaluation toward the safety system of the primary cooling system by occupying the proper safety analysis method, is required to be carried out. So that, the performance level of the safety system can be figured out.
Fault tree analysis is frequently applied to deductively carry out the safety system evaluation by occupying the probabilistic assessment method PSA . To perform this PSA, the generic data is used because the data of components failure owned by an object of analysis, is not available in detail. The generic data used in the safety analysis does not describe the real probability of component failures. In addition, generic data is not applicable for old components because the old components reliability is really affected by the ageing process. But, when generic data is occupied on PSA then, it will increase the uncertainty value of the PSA result.
To solve this problem, another safety analysis method, called as Fuzzy Fault Tree Analysis FFTA Method, is proposed in this research. The basic event probability values generated from FFTA are then applied for calculating the probability of event using Event Tree Analysis ETA Method in order to obtain the probability of each event, with the result that, the obtained greatest value is 4.304 x 10 8 year. All scenario based on CDF and CDS are in the medium risk and low risk category, so it can be concluded that RSG GAS is safe to be operated.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Gas Chlorine adalah gas yang berbahaya dan bersifat toksik. PT Thames Pam Jaya menggunakan chlorine sebagai aesinfektan dalam proses pengolahan airnya. Beberapa insiden kebocoran gas chlorine telah terjadi di sistem Chlorine pada tahun 2006 tanpa diketahui faktor-faktor penyebabnya secara pasti. Jika hal ini terus berlanjut, maka yang ditakutkan adalah adanya pengembangan sistem chlorine yang tidak sesuai dengan kebutuhan.
Penelitian ini mengambil studi kasus salah satu insiden kebocoran gas chlorine yang terjadi pada tanggal 26 Juli 2006 di vacuum regulator. Penelitian bersifat analisa deskriptif investigasi, yang bertujuan untuk mencari faktor-faktor penyebab tetjadinya insiden.
Dari hasil penelitian terlihat bahwa penyebab terjadinya tidak aman yang akhimya menyebabkan kebocoran gas Chlorine berasal dari pihak manejemen PT. Thames PAM JAYA. Kontrol dari pihak manejemen yang lemah menyebabkan sistem chlorine yang ada berjalan tidak aman, dan akhirnya timbulnya kecelakaan.

Chlorine gas is dangerous and oxic as. T. Thames PAM JAYA using chlorine as a disinfectant its water treatment. Some chlorine release incidents has happened in 2006 without indefinitely causes. If these happens continually, something which makes afraid is here will be a chlorine s stem develG pmen that no suitable with the need.
This research takes a study case one of chlorine release incident which happened on 261h July 2006 in vacuum regulator. This research design is an analytical descriptive investigation which purposes to find the incident causes factors.
Result of the research that the underLying condition frern management of T. Thames PAM JAYA which makes a lack of control, and i causes existing chlorine system run unsafe, finally incident I accident fia12pened. It would then b? recommended to increase the management control, specially for improvement and maintenance, and there will be a program on intervening internal.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nathasya Gabriella
"Anaerobic digestion merupakan proses biologis secara anaerobik (tanpa oksigen) yang mengubah material organik menjadi biogas yang dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan sampah organik sekaligus menjadi alternatif sumber energi terbarukan dan berpotensi menjawab permasalahan energi di Indonesia. Kendala yang ditemukan pada pengaplikasian teknologi AD ditemukan pada bagian komponen, pemahaman pengguna dan campuran substrat. Oleh karena ini, tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui evaluasi reaktor biogas berdasarkan nilai probabilitas dari faktor-faktor yang menjadi penyebab kegagalan reaktor biogas dan memberikan rekomendasi perbaikan sebagai upaya peningkatan kualitas unit reaktor biogas dengan metode fault tree analysis. Penelitian dilakukan dengan instrumen penelitian berupa kuesioner oleh para pengguna, wawancara dengan pengrajin reaktor dan pengambilan sampel biogas untuk diuji persentase komposisi kandungannya dari setiap sampel menggunakan metode GC-TCD (Gas Chromatography - Thermal Conductivity Detector) dengan total delapan responden. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan memberikan nilai antara 1 atau 0 untuk setiap parameter yang kemudian menjadi dasar perhitungan probabilitas kegagalan. Hasilnya, didapatkan probabilitas toren biogas untuk parameter kegagalan proses sebesar 0,724, kegagalan komponen sebesar 0,521 dan human error sebesar 0,641. Parameter yang paling sering menyebabkan kegagalan pada reaktor yaitu kandungan biogas, jumlah operator, dan kebocoran pada badan reaktor. Ditemukan juga kegagalan pada pemanfaatan slurry, slurry, sumber substrat, pemipaan, frekuensi perawatan reaktor, pemanfaatan biogas, start-up, dukungan lingkungan, frekuensi pekerjaan, dan kondisi pengguna. Selain itu, tidak ditemukan nilai kegagalan pada parameter kelengkapan reaktor, kondisi kompor, pre-treatment, dukungan TORBI, kesulitan pekerjaan dan motivasi pemasangan. Pemilihan bahan dasar pembuatan toren biogas dan jumlah teknisi yang ada perlu menjadi bahan evaluasi dan dikaji lebih lanjut untuk keberhasilan produk toren biogas.

Anaerobic digestion is an anaerobic biological process (without oxygen) that converts organic matter into biogas which can solve the problem of organic waste as well as become an alternative source of renewable energy and may be the answer for energy problems in Indonesia. Constraints found in the application of AD technology were found in the component part, user comprehension and substrate mixture. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine the biogas reactor factor based on the probability value of the factors that cause the failure of the biogas reactor and provide recommendations as an effort to improve the quality of the biogas reactor unit with the fault tree analysis method. The research was conducted with research instruments in the form of questionnaires by users, interviews with reactor producer and taking biogas samples to test the content of each sample with GC-TCD (Gas Chromatography – Thermal Conductivity Detector) method with a total of eight respondents. Data processing is done by assigning a value between 1 or 0 for each parameter which then becomes the basis for estimating the probability of failure. As a result, the probability of biogas reactor for process failure parameters is 0.724, component failure is 0.521 and human error is 0.641. The parameters that most often cause failure in the reactor are biogas content, number of operators, and leak in the reactor chamber. There were also failures in slurry utilization, slurry, substrate source, piping, reactor maintenance frequency, biogas utilization, start-up, environmental support, frequency of work, and user conditions. In addition, no failure was found in the parameters of reactor failure, stove condition, pre-treatment, TORBI support, work difficulty and installation motivation. The selection of basic materials for biogas production and the number of technicians that need to be evaluated and studied further for the success of biogas products."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yoga Trihono
"Tesis ini dilatarbelakangi oleh tiadanya prediksi tingkat reliabilitas sistem perpipaan transmisi gas bumi Sumatera ? Jawa Phase 1. Prediksi tingkat reliabilitas perlu untuk diketahui sebagai dasar manajemen operasi dan pemeliharaan dalam mengembangkan sistemnya agar dapat mengantisipasi kegagalan dan menjaga reliabilitas di masa depan. Untuk menghitung tingkat reliabilitas tersebut menggunakan metode Fault Tree Analysis yang mendasarkan perhitungannya pada laju kegagalan komponen penyusun sistem perpipaan. Laju kegagalan komponen mengacu pada data operasi dan pemeliharaan yang tersedia dan OREDA (Offshore Reliability Data Handbook). Kualitas hasil perhitungan reliabilitas dengan metode FTA ditentukan oleh seberapa baik pemodelan sistem, keakuratan pohon kegagalan (fault tree) berikut rangkaian gerbang logikanya (logic gate) serta ketepatan penerapan modus kegagalan komponen berikut laju kegagalannya. Dengan metode FTA ini diperoleh besaran reliabilitas total sistem perpipaan sekaligus sub-sistemnya sehingga dapat digunakan untuk melihat subsistem mana yang paling besar pengaruhnya terhadap reliabilitas total sistem. Dari perhitungan reliabilitas didapatkan hasil tingkat reliabilitas total sistem sebesar 99,5%. Data reliabilitas dan analisanya digunakan untuk mengevaluasi program operasi dan pemeliharaan saat ini dan melihat efektifitasnya untuk menjaga reliabilitas sistem yang tinggi. Rekomendasi diberikan untuk mengembangkan program operasi dan pemeliharaan untuk fokus pada reliabilitas.

The background of this thesis is the absence of prediction on reliability of Phase 1 Gas Transmission Sumatera ? Jawa pipeline system. The predictive reliability is needed by operation and maintenance management to develop their system in order to anticipate potential failure in future and to maintain required level of reliability of their system. Reliability is calculated by using Fault Tree Analysis based on the failure of components in the system. Failure rate of components are determined from historical operation & maintenance data and OREDA (Offshore Reliability Data Handbook). The quality of reliability calculation by using FTA are depending on the validity of system modeling, the accuracy of fault-tree developed with proper logic-gate and the choice of relevant component-failuremode and its failure rate. Reliability calculation using FTA gives the total reliability of system and sub-system, therefore it is able to see the sub-system which has big contribution to the total reliability of system. The calculation gives the total reliability of system of 99,5%. The reliability data and the analysis is used to evaluate the effectiveness of the existing operation & maintenance program in maintaining the reliability. Recommendation is given to improve the operation & maintenance program in order to focus on reliability.;The background of this thesis is the absence of prediction on reliability of Phase 1 Gas Transmission Sumatera ? Jawa pipeline system. The predictive reliability is needed by operation and maintenance management to develop their system in order to anticipate potential failure in future and to maintain required level of reliability of their system. Reliability is calculated by using Fault Tree Analysis based on the failure of components in the system. Failure rate of components are determined from historical operation & maintenance data and OREDA (Offshore Reliability Data Handbook). The quality of reliability calculation by using FTA are depending on the validity of system modeling, the accuracy of fault-tree developed with proper logic-gate and the choice of relevant component-failuremode and its failure rate. Reliability calculation using FTA gives the total reliability of system and sub-system, therefore it is able to see the sub-system which has big contribution to the total reliability of system. The calculation gives the total reliability of system of 99,5%. The reliability data and the analysis is used to evaluate the effectiveness of the existing operation & maintenance program in maintaining the reliability. Recommendation is given to improve the operation & maintenance program in order to focus on reliability."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Astuti
"Employees as human resources play an important role in pacify and expand a production process. They carry out a necessary working activity that in some cases are exposed by the risk of dangerous situation. Occupation accident in an industry, especially in a manufacturing company constitute as undesired evidence. Labor protection principle in occupational accident not only evaluate a potential risk of danger but also find out the cause of emergence. This thesis emphasizes on the cause factors of accident that might suddenly happen in preceding to the working activity. This study would be explored in the production unit of Bridgestone Tire Indonesia. It uses the Fault Tree Analysis Method with a qualitative research. The result of this research shows that the occupation accident occurring in that company has various types following Heinrich theories that the cause of accident are due to fail of carefulness during working activities and unsafe working conditions. To pay attention on the statistics of accident, based on the yearly report, the evidence has increased about 72,7% from 1999 to 2001, at the time patrol safety clothes, the figure fluctuate. That research only focus on flow think or flow chart for unsafe acts and unsafe conditions with secundair data result in fact with field in Fault tree analysis. From the data field result unsafe condition caused of operation machine, materiil conditions and environment condition. Accupation accident from operation machine caused of operation didn't follow on procedures, abnorm condition and didn't connect. Abnorm conditions may be caused of requirement function unprotect, trouble machine or lable in machine can't understand becaused Kanji letters. On trouble may be caused of didn't function of emergency stop, rope emergency can't caught, trouble operator to find manual stop or less of requirement gived. Environment conditions may be floor not smooth, unbalance cleaning service, not keep on Healhty or narrow office in work, in unsafe acts caused of operator working unfollowed with standard and machine abnorm condition. Operator working unfollowed with standard caused of neglected on working, work without safety clothes, work in machine oparation, work withough requirement protect, and hurry working, work unsafe body position, work trouble, unsafe requirement. Work without safety clothe s caused of safety clothes broken, unwilling safety clothes, safety clothes unrelative give, working with safety clothes unpleasant or safety clothes not enough stock. In hurry working caused of in hurry finish or in hurry order target. Trouble working caused of don't know risk or low educated. Hopefully this thesis could contribute to decrease the figure of accident in the manufacturing companies.Bibliography : 35 ( 1980-2000)"
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Roy Candra Primarsa
Suatu Badan Pengawas Pemanfaatan Tenaga Nuklir di Indonesia menilai tingkat keselamatan nuklir fasilitas radiasi melalui Indeks Keselamatan dan Keamanan Nuklir (IKKN). Ragam temuan inspeksi merupakan faktor penyebab penurunan performa keselamatan fasilitas dan probabilitas kegagalan IKKN dijadikan sebagai Top Event penelitian ini. Renstra Badan Pengawas 2015-2019, menyebutkan target keberhasilan nilai IKKN 2017-2019 pada rentang nilai 75-82 (skala 100). Dari data mentah hasil inspeksi pada sistem online inspeksi Balis Infara, dilakukan pengolahan data dengan menghitung nilai probabilitas masing-masing dari kriteria inspeksi, kategori temuan, dan butir temuan. Nilai probabilitas ini kemudian di analisis melalui Metode Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) tujuan untuk mendapatkan nilai top event probabilitas kegagalan IKKN hasil inspeksi 2017-2019. Hasil Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) yang didapatkan adalah probilitas kegagalan IKKN adalah 0,128 (12.8 dari 100) dengan kata lain berarti nilai keberhasilan IKKN tersebut adalah 0,872 (87.2 dari 100). Hasil ini masih sesuai dengan nilai IKKN dalam Renstra 2017-2019, Optimasi keselamatan nuklir dapat diimplementasikan dengan peningkatan sistem Inspeksi.

The Nuclear Energy Regulatory Body in  Indonesia assesses the nuclear safety level of radiation facilities through the Nuclear Safety and Security Index (IKKN). The various findings of inspection the factors causing decreased of safety performance of facility and the probability failure of the IKKN as the Top Event of this study. Regulatory  Body Strategic Plan 2015-2019, stated IKKN value 2017-2019 in the range of 75-82 (scale 100). From the raw data of the inspection results in the Balis Infara online inspection system, data processing is performed by calculating the probability value of each of the inspection criteria, category of findings, and items found. This probability value is then analyzed through the Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) method in order to get the top even is the probability failure of IKKN results from inspection 2017-2019. The result of the Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) that the probability failure of the IKKN is 0.128 (12.8 out of 100) in other words means the success value of the IKKN is 0.872 (87.2 out of 100). These results are still appropriate with the IKKN values in the 2017-2019 Regulatory Body Strategic Plan, The optimization of nuclear safety can be implemented with improvement of the Inspection system."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rinto Hariwijaya
Setiap perusahaan telekomunikasi wajib untuk memberikan kualitas layanan yang baik kepada pelanggan. Standar kualitas layanan ini direpresentasikan oleh Service Level Agreement (SLA). Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan SLA adalah dengan meminimalkan waktu downtime layanan. Waktu downtime ini disebut dengan Time to Repair (TTR) yang merupakan indikator kinerja dari Fault Management System (FMS). Semakin rendah nilai TTR, maka kinerja FMS pada PT. XYZ semakin baik. Pada penelitian ini akan dibahas mengenai peningkatan kinerja FMS dengan melakukan evaluasi proses bisnis FMS, mengukur nilai probabilitas kegagalan sistem dengan perubahan komposisi komponen, serta mendapatkan proses bisnis yang dapat meningkatkan kinerja FMS. Proses bisnis FMS direpresentasikan ke dalam Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) penanganan gangguan pada jaringan fiber optik. Metode Markov Chain (MC) digunakan untuk mengetahui tingkat kinerja proses bisnis FMS dari open ticket hingga closed ticket. Metode Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) digunakan untuk mengetahui probabilitas kegagalan sistem dari komposisi komponen-komponen dalam FMS. Tujuan metode FTA ini adalah untuk mendapatkan sistem yang memiliki probabilitas kegagalan yang minimum. Sistem yang baru tersebut kemudian diuji kembali kinerjanya dengan menggunakan metode MC. Dengan kedua metode tersebut didapatkan model proses bisnis yang dapat meningkatkan kinerja FMS di PT. XYZ hingga 92,64%.

Every telecom company is obliged to provide good quality services to customers. Service quality standards is represented by SLA (Service Level Agreement). One way to improve the SLA is to minimize service downtime. This downtime is called with TTR (Time to Repair) which is an FMS (Fault Management System) performance indicator. The lower TTR values, the better the FMS performance. This research will discuss the performance improvement by evaluating FMS business process, determine the components that lead to system failure, measure the value of a system failure probability with changes in the composition of its components, and obtain business process that can improve FMS performance. FMS business process is represented in SOP of fiber optic fault handling process. MC (Markov Chain) method is used to determine the level of FMS business process performance for each process from open ticket to closed ticket. FTA (Fault Tree Analysis) method is used to determine the probability of system failure for various components composition in the FMS. The purpose of this method is to get a system that has a minimum system failure probability. The new system is then re-tested for its performance using MC method. With both methods we can obtain business process models that can improve the performance of FMS PT. XYZ up to 92.64%."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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