"Rumah Sakit Islam AI-lhsan sebagai sebuah rumah sakit Swasta dituntut untuk mampu memenuhi tuntutan masyarakat akan sebuah peiayanan kesehatan yang bermutu, sehingga mampu meningkatkan daya saing dengan rumah sakil swasta lain baik rumah sakit swasta nasional maupun rumah sakit swasta Asing. Rumah Sakit Islam Ai ihsan Hingga buian Seplernber Tahun 2005 kapasitas tempat tidur meniadi 139, untuk melihat trend cakupar: pelayanan rawat Rumah Sakit.
Tujuan penelitian ini adaiah untuk mengetahui anaiisis keterkaitan faktor- faklor karakteristik pasien di intnslaasi rawai inap Rumah Sakil islam Ai ihsan padan tahun 2003 dengan kepuasannya melaui pengukuran harapan dan persepsi pasien tersebut. Data primer melalui pengisian kueeioner oieh pasien yang seda ng dan reiah dirawat di instaiasi Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit islam Al Ihsan Bandung pada buian Oktober tahun 2005.jumiah sample scbanyak 100 responfien. ‘fariabei independent yang dianaiisis adaiah karatcteristik pasien yaitui Umur pasien, jenis keiamin, tingkat pendidikan, status keiompoic pasien dan pendapatan sedangkan variabel dependennya adalah kepuasan pasien melalui pengukuran persepsi dan harapan pasien berdasarkan 5 (lima) di mensi service qur1/ily. Data yang clikumpuikan dioiah secara kuantitatii Analisa statistic yang digunakan aciaiah anaiisis univariat, bivariat, serta anailisis Rat-tesius.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa proporsi pasien yang puas yaitu 37% seciangkan yang tidak puas scbcsar 63%, karakteristik pasien yang iebih banyak afiaiah umur 3 36 tanun ( 53% }, iaki-iaizi 53%, 5 SMA (66%), keiompok pasien umum (63%), dan pendapatan 2 Rp i.OUO.UOU,- (59%), Uji bivariai dengan Chi Square secara garis besar didapat karaktcristik pasien yang berhubungan dcngan harapan adalah pendapatan pasien seciangkan karakteristik pasien yang berhubungan dengan pcrsepsi adalah: umur, pendiciikan dan status keiompok pasien sedangkan pada karakteristiit pasicn yang bcrhubungan cicngan kepuasan adalah semua kelompok pasten yang ciihagi menurut umur, jems kelamin, pendidikan,status keiompok pasien dan pendapalan memiiiki tingkai itepuasan yang sama untuk sumua dimcnsi pelayanan.
Hasil amalisis kartesius didapatkan factor ruang perawatan yang nyaman, bersih, keiengkapan pcraiatan kesehatan dan prosedur pasien puiang merupakan komponen yang harus menjadi prioritas mama, factor pemeriksaan rutin pasien, cepat tanggap dolder dan perawat, kemampuan dokter mendiagnosa penyakit, sopannsantun doktcr da perawat scrta peiayanan yang tidak memandang status socialmerupakan prestasi yang harus dipertahankan, factor ruangan yang sejuk, ketepatan waktu visits, cepat tanggap petugas kebersihan, keamanan lingkungan, pemberian keterangan pcnyakil lanpa diminta, komunikasi dan pemberian kesempatan bertanya dan perhatian perawat dan petugas kepada pasien merupakan prioritas rendah ( Hi ) dan factor ruang perawatan yang Iuas, kecepat langgapan petugas adrnnnintrasi, keterampilan perawat, komunikasi dan pe-mberian kesempatan bertanya dart perawat merupakan kinerja yang bcriebihan ( IV ). Berdasarkan hasii peneiitian, disarankan kepatia scmua pihak yang terkait untuk memperhatikan pasien yang mempunyai harapan tinggi tetapi berpersepsi rendah, dimana hal tersebtu mcnggambarkan tingginya tingkat kctidakpuasan dari paslen.
Al Ihsan Islamic Hospital as a private hospital has already trusted for fultill the society demand which concerning to high quality health care, that makes Al Ihsan able to increasing its competitiveness compare with other national private hospital, even other foreign-private hospital. Until September 2005, the bed capacity of Al Ihsan Islamic Hospital has reached 139 number of beds. The aim of this research is to analyze the connection among the patient characteristic factors in the hospitalization installation of Al Ihsan Islamic Hospital on 2005 and sc the patient satisfaction by measuring the patient expectations and perceptions. This research is using a cross sectional design. The primary data is from the questionnaire which has been answered by the patient on the hospitalization by October 2005 as much as 100 respondent. The independent variables are the patient characteristic, that is, patient age, gender, education level, patient grouping status, and patient income. While the dependent variables are the patient satisfaction by measuring their expectations and perceptions based on S (five) dimensions of service quality. The data has been processed quantitatively and the statistic analysis that is used are univariat analysis, bivariat analysis, and cartesius analysis. This research result indicating that 37% are satisfied patient and 63% are unsatistied~ patient. Large number of patients are having demcgraphy characteristic as follow, by this as many as 53% patients are equal or more than 36 years old, 58% are men, 66% has a senior high school background, 63% are grouping patients, and 59% are the patient who has producing income Rp. l.OO0.00O,- / month. Bivariat test with chi square, by and large, had obtained that patient characteristic which related to an expectation is patients income, where as characteristic that related to perceptions are age, education level, patient grouping status, while characteristics that related to satisfactions are all ofthe patient group which divided according by age, gender, education level, patient grouping status, and income has equal satisfaction level with all of service dimensions. Based on cartesius analysis, we know that a comfortable and neat treatment room, a comprehensiveness of medical equipment and after-hospitalize procedure are the first priority component (I). The patient routine examination, doctor and nurse responsiveness, doctor capability in diagnosing disease, the behavior of a doctor and nurse, and not discriminate a social status is an achievement that we should appreciate (II). A chilly room, exactness of visiting time, responsiveness of cleaning service officer, area safety, giving disease information initiatively, communicative, giving a chance to ask, and a nurse attention are a lowers priority (III). A vast treatment room, responsiveness of administration officer, a nurse skill, communicative, and giving a chance to ask fiom a nurse are an excessive performance (IV). Based on this research, I suggesting to all interrelated party to pay attention to the patient which has a higher expectations but has a lower perceptions which is depict the highness of an unsatisfied patient."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2006