ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas tentang peran serta orang tua dan dampak hospitalisasi anak
prasekolah yang dirawat di RSU RA. Kartini Jepara. Hospitalisasi dapat
menimbulkan krisis pada kehidupan anak. Peran orang tua sangat dibutuhkan
untuk meminimalkan dampak hospitalisasi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian
studi korelasi dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Uji hipotesis jenis kelamin,
pengalaman dirawat, orang tua, pendidikan orang tua, pekerjaan orang tua,
pengalaman merawat anak dan peran serta orang tua dengan dampak hospitalisasi
menggunakan chi-square. Pada pengujian hipotesis usia orang tua dan dampak
hospitalisasi menggunakan uji Mann-Whitney. Hasil penelitian menyarankan
bahwa perawat perlu melibatkan orang tua dalam proses asuhan keperawatan.
Asuhan keperawatan yang diberikan kepada anak sebaiknya berdasarkan prinsip
atraumatic care dan Family Centered Care.
ABSTRACTThis thesis discusses the parent participation and the impact of preschooler?s
hospitalization who were treated in RSUD RA Kartini Jepara. Hospitalization can
cause a crisis in the lives of children. Parent participation is needed to minimize
the hospitalization impact. This research is a correlation study with cross sectional
approach. The hypothesis testing of sex, the experience of being treated, the
parents, parental education, parental employment, children care experience and
the parent?s role with the impact of hospitalization using the chi-square. At the
hypothesis testing parents age and the hospitalization impact using the Mann-
Whitney test. The results suggest that nurses need to involve parents in the
process of nursing care. Nursing care provided to children should be based on the
principle of a traumatic care and Family Centered Care."