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Ditemukan 57746 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Shapiro, Ian
Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia, 2006
116 SHA e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ruse, Michael
"This book provides a unique discussion of human evolution from a philosophical viewpoint, looking at the facts and interpretations since Charles Darwin?s The Descent of Man. Michael Ruse explores such topics as the nature of scientific theories, the relationships between culture and biology, the problem of progress and the extent to which evolutionary issues pose problems for religious beliefs. He identifies these issues, highlighting the problems for morality in a world governed by natural selection. By taking a philosophical viewpoint, the full ethical and moral dimensions of human evolution are examined. This book engages the reader in a thorough discussion of the issues, appealing to students in philosophy, biology and anthropology."
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2012
599.93 RUS p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Portmann, Adolf
New York: Columbia University Press, 1990
573.2 POR z
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Orgad, Liav
Addressing one of the greatest challenges facing liberalism today, this book asks if is it legally and morally defensible for a liberal state to restrict immigration in order to preserve the cultural rights of majority groups. Orgad proposes a liberal approach to this dilemma and explores its dimensions, justifications, and limitations."
Oxford, United Kingdom ; New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2015
304.8 ORG c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kymlicka, Will
New York: OxfordClarendon Press, 1995
305.8 KYM m
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kymlicka, Will
Jakarta: LP3ES, 2003
323.6 KYM k
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eka Afriyansyah
"Pada dasarnya negara selalu bertujuan untuk mensejahterakan warganya. Cara dan bentuk untuk mencapai tujuannya berbagai macam. Demokrasi yang ditopang oleh liberalisme adalah salah satunya. Gagasan tersebut dianggap oleh Francis Fukuyama sebagai sebuah akhir dari sejarah atau Finalitas dari bentuk politik. Kesejahteraan dalam demokrasi liberal didapat melalui kehadiran kapitalisme. Tetapi kapitalisme masih dicurigai memiliki potensi yang justru menghancurkan sistem demokrasi liberal. Untuk itulah diperlukan pemahaman yang lebih lanjut akan keberadaan kapitalisme dalam sistem politik liberal. Libertarian menawarkan penjelasan yang mendalam akan kehadiran kapitalisme. Robert Nozick melalui minimal state memaparkan bagaimana negara yang hadir dengan sistem kapital yang tak menciderai hak-hak individu sekaligus menjaga batas wewenang yang dimiliki negara terhadap warganya.

Basically, the state has always aimed for the welfare of its citizens. various kinds of way and form to achieve that goal. Democracy supported by liberalism is one of them. The idea was considered by Francis Fukuyama as an end of history or the finality of the political form. Welfare in a liberal democracy obtained through the presence of capitalism. But capitalism suspected that it still has the potential to destroy the liberal democratic system. For that needed further understanding of the existence of capitalism in a liberal political system. Libertarian offers in-depth explanation of the presence of capitalism. Robert Nozick through minimal state described how present state with the capital system which does not damage the rights of individuals while keeping limits the authority of the state to its citizens.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Sebagai suatu agama, Islam adalah 'rahmatan lil'alamin', di mana syariat yang ada bukan saja mengatur hubungan Manusia dengan Sang Pencipta, melainkan juga antar sesama nianusia, termasuk peroblematika hak asasi manusia. Marcel A Boisard pemah menyampaikan pendapatnya tentang konsepsi tanggung jawab sosial untuk mengakui, memelihara, dan menetapkan kehormatan did sebagai prinsip kehormatan manusia Lebih lanjut is mengatakan, tak ada agama atau ideologi yang menekankan seam-a kuat hak asasi manusia sebelum Islam. Disamping Marcel A Boisard yang mempunyai tanggapan positif terhadap Islam dan ajaran-arannya, seorang humans terkemuka Eropa zaman renaisance, Geovanni Pico Della Mirandolla, mengemukakan pendapat yang sama walaupun dengan susunan redaksi kata yang berbeda, sebagaimana termaktub dalam sebuah orasi yang disampaikan di depan pars pimpinan gereja kala itu " I have read in the record of Arabians; reverend Fathers, that Abdala ('Abd-Allah) the Saracen, when questioned as to what on this stage of the world as it were, could be seen most worthy of wonder, replied: There is nothing to be seen more wonderful than man. In agreement with this opinion is the saying of hermestrismegistus: 'A great miracle, Aslepius, is man.'
Dar/ berbagai isu yang ada tentang hak asasi manusia, kebebasan beragama merupakan hal sangat fundamendal untuk kehidupan seseorang, dalam The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Pasal delapan betas disebutkan bahwa kebebasan beragama adalah hak asasi seseorang termasuk kebebasan untuk berpindah agama Begitupula dalam Islam, kebebasan - beragama telah dijamin oleh Sang Khaliq di berbagai kalam-Nya yang termaktub dalam al-Quran,
Piagam Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa tentang kebebasan beragama bila dilihat sejalan dengan aturan Islam, namun kelika dicermali lebih lanjut ada permasalahan yang menurut sebagian umat Islam sangat bertentangan dengan hukum-hukum Islam yang melarang konversi agama dengan sebutan murtad . 1ni adalah perdebatan panjang dalam kalangan Islam memaknai talcs, konteks, dan realitas umat. Keberagaman corak penafsiran terhadap teks suci al-Quran dan al-Sunnah yang ada menjadikan Islam begitu beragam untuk dilihat dan dicermati. Teks keagamaan yang dahulu lelah ditafsirkan dan dikodifikasi dalam bentuk hukum-hukum Islam kini sedikit banyak mengalami perdebatan dikalangan intektual muslim.
JII, Jaringan Islam Liberal adalah satu dari begitu banyak faksi dalam Islam yang memberikan penafsiran-penafsiran kontekstual atas doktrin, sejarah, dan ajaran agama Islam Liberal dalam pengertian "babas" dan "merdeka" dari otoritas rnasa silam dan babas untuk menaf irkan dan be:sikap kritis terhadap otoritas tersebut. Satu gerakan "reformasi" yang berusaha memperbaiki kehidupan umat Islam , baik menyangkut pemahaman keberagaan maupun persoalan-persoalan lain seperti ekonomi, politik, budaya dan sebagainya.
Penelitian ini berusaha memberikan gambaran apa dan siapa sebenamya Jaringan Islam Liberal tersebut dengan Tatar Making kemunculannya dalam pentas muslim di Indonesia. Bagaimana metode yang digunakan dalam menafsirkan Hash-hash al-Quran dan as Sunnah hingga menjadi wacana dan fatwa Bagaimana pandangan pandangan Jaringan Islam Liberal terhadap permasalahan hak asasi manusia dalam Islam berkaitan dengan kebebasan beragama. Sebab , kebebasan beragama dalam konteks hak asasi manusia perspektif internasional adalah termasuk kebebasan untuk berpindah agama. Berbeda dengan konstitusi hak asasi manusia pandangan Islam yang melarang berpindah-pindah agama dengan hukum-murtad. Dengan metode tafsiran kontekstual yang mereka gunakan, kita akan dapat mengetahui pandangan Jaringan Islam Liberal tentang hak 'asasi manusia Islam terhadap kebebasan beragama.

As a religion, Islam is 'rahmatan lil 'alamin' (as mercy to the universe), where its syariah not only arranges the relationship between the human and The Creator, but also between man and man, included Human Rights Problem. Marcel A. Boisard has ever given his thought about the concept of Social Responsibility to confess, to maintain, and to establish self-respect as a principal of human respect. Moreover he said, that no religion and ideology which strongly emphasizes human rights before Islam. Besides Marcel A. Boisard who has positive response about Islam and its teachings, a famous Europe humanist in Renaissance era, Geovanni Pico Della Mirandolla , has also given the same thought with different sentence. As it was written in an oration he said in front of the leaders of church at that time, "I have read in the records of Arabians, reverend Fathers, that Abdala (Abd-Allah) the Saracen, when questioned as to what on this stage of the word as it were, could be seen most worthy of wonder, replied: `There is nothing to be seen more wonderful than man_ In agreement with this opinion is the saying of hermestrismegistus: '.4 great miracle; A.vlepius, .is man. '
From all issues about human rights, freedom of religion is a very fundamental thing for man's life. In The universal Declaration of Human Rights, Chapter XVIII, it was mentioned that freedom of religion is a man's rights, included freedom to remove into another religion And also in Islam, freedom of religion has-been guaranteed by The Creator in his several words, as it was written in the holy Qur'an:
If we look at The United Nations' Charter about freedom of religion, it is equal with Islamic rules. But, when it is noticed further, according to the authority of Moslems, there are many problems that are very contradictive with Islamic teachings, which forbid religion conversion by calling it with "murtad'? This is a very long debate among Moslems in the way how to interpret the holy Qur'an, textual, contextual, and equally with the reality of "wnmah". The plural interpretation of the holy Qur'an and al-Sunnah makes Islam so plural to be seen and to be noticed. Religion texts that had been interpreted and collected in the Islamic laws in the past, they are debated again among Moslem intellectuals right now.
J1L, Liberal Islam Network, is one of Islamic factions which give contextual interpretations for doctrines, histories, and Islamic teachings. Liberal with the meaning "Free" and "Freedom" from the past authority, and "Free" to interpret and criticize that authority. A "reJormatian" movement that tries to improve Moslems' life, either their plural thoughts, or other problems such as economy, politic, culture, etc.
This research tries to give descriptions about what is and who Liberal Islam Network is actually, with the background about its appearance in Moslems' stage in Indonesia. What is the method which is used to interpret the texts of al-Qur'an and al-Sunnah, until they can be discourses and religious advices. This research also studies about how is JIL's perspective about human rights problems in Islam; it is related to the freedom of religion. Because of freedom of religion in human rights context in international perspective is also freedom to remove into another religion. Different from human rights constitution in Islamic perspective, that forbids removing into another religion, and the doer will be called as "murtad". With contextual interpretation method they use, we will know IlL's perspective about human rights in Islam in freedom of religion.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Snedden, Billy Mackie
Melbourne: Macmillan, 1990
923.294 SNE u
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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