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Eka Nurlaila Utami
"Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelimpahan, keanekaragaman, kemerataan, dan kesamaan jenis antar empat tipe habitat di Kampus UI, Depok. Penelitian menggunakan metode transek pada 11 lokasi pengamatan. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan indeks keanekaragaman Shanon-Wienner, indeks kemerataan, dan indeks kesamaan jenis antar tipe habitat. Kupu-kupu yang berhasil terkoleksi dan teramati sejumlah 856 individu yang termasuk ke dalam 46 spesies. Leptosia nina adalah jenis yang ditemukan di semua lokasi pengamatan dan Ypthima philomella adalah jenis yang paling melimpah (158 individu). Indeks keanekaragaman jenis tertinggi terdapat pada lokasi penelitian Hutan Kota titik 7 (H? = 2,81) dan terendah di Tanah Lapang Boulevard (H? = 1,21). Indeks kemerataan jenis tertinggi pada lokasi penelitian Hutan Kota titik 6 (E = 0.92), sedangkan yang terendah pada lokasi penelitian Tanah Lapang Boulevard (E = 0,49). Nilai indeks kesamaan jenis kupu-kupu antar lokasi penelitian tertinggi pada Hutan Kota 4 dan Hutan Kota 7 (IS = 0,71), sedangkan yang terendah pada Hutan Kota titik 6 dan Tanah Lapang Boulevard (IS = 0,15).

A study of butterflies community was conducted in University of Indonesia Campus, Depok. The purpose of this study was to assess abundance, species diversity, evenness, and community similarities at four type of habitat located in University of Indonesia Campus, Depok. Observation were carried out in a standard transect method at 11 sites of habitats. Number of individuals of each species butterfly found in the transects were recorded. Data were analyzed using Shannon-Wienner diversity index, evenness index, and Sorensen index of similarities. This study observed 856 individuals of butterflies which consist of 47 species. Leptosia nina was found in all transects. Ypthima philomella was the most abundant species (158 individuals). The highest species diversity index was found in the urban forest at location 7 (H '= 2.81), and the lowest was in the open space area at Boulevard (H' = 1.21). The highest evenness index (E) was observed in the urban forest at location 6 (E = 0.92), and the lowest was the open space area at Boulevard (E = 0.49). This study found that the urban forest at location 4 and 7 had the highest similarity index (IS = 0.71), and the lowest was found between the urban forest at location 6 and the open space area at Boulevard (IS = 0.15)."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Napitupulu, Rosalina
"Kawasan konservasi suatu Taman Nasional merupakan zona konservasi yang harus dikelola berdasarkan sistem zoning menurut Undang-Undang No.5 Tahun 1990 dan ketentuan Internasional yang telah dideklarasikan pada The IVth World Congress on National Park and Protected Area di Caracas, Venezuela 1992.
Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon telah ditetapkan sebagai Warisan Alam Dunia oleh Badan Intemasional UNESCO (1992) dan terdaftar pada Buku Merah International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources 1 IUCN (1994) karena merupakan kawasan konservasi bagi habitat terakhir Badak Jawa (Rhinoceros sondaicus) di dunia yang dikategorikan langka.
Analisis Kesenjangan merupakan suatu pendekatan spasial yang digunakan untuk mengetahui secara dimensi keruangan tingkat keakuratan dari keberadaan suatu spesies dengan komunitas alamnya dalam suatu kawasan yang dikonservasi dengan menggunakan metode penggabungan antara teknik remote sensing, teknik sistem informasi geografis dan metode skala pengharkatan.
Penelitian dengan judul " Analisis Kesenjangan Zonasi Pengelolaan Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon Berdasarkan Sebaran Badak Jawa (Rhinoceros sondaicus) " ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kesenjangan yang terjadi terhadap zonasi pengelolaan kawasan konservasi Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon berdasarkan pendekatan biogeografi dan pertimbangan biogeofisik.
Sasaran yang ingin dicapai melalui pendekatan analisis kesenjangan ini adalah mengetahui distribusi spasial zona sensitifitas, distribusi wilayah kesesuaian habitat Badak Jawa (Rhinoceros sondaicus), dan mengetahui besaran kesenjangan yang terjadi antara wilayah kesesuaian habitat Badak Jawa (Rhinoceros sondaicus) dan zona sangat sensitif terhadap zona pengelolaan kawasan konservasi Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon PHPA.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa diperoleh zona sensilifitas untuk kelas sangat sensitif seluas 8.608 ha, wilayah kesesuaian habitat Badak Jawa (Rhinoceros sondaicus) seluas 3.734 ha. Kesenjangan terjadi sebesar 33,22% atas zona konservasi sangat sensitif dan wilayah kesesuaian Badak Jawa (Rhinoceros sondaicus) terhadap zona pengelolaan kawasan konservasi Taman Nasional Ujungkulon I PHPA.

National Parks as nature conservations are defined as areas having natural ecosystems which are managed through zoning systems. These systems are based on the 1990 Act 5 and international regulation and was declared by the IVth World Congress on National Parks and Protected Areas which was held in Caracas, Venezuela, 1992.
Ujung Kulon National Park was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO (1992) and registered by The International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources 1 IUCN Red List Categories (1994) as the last habitat for the "Endangered" Javan Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus).
Gap Analysis is a spatial approach of identifying the accuracy of spatial dimension of community species in natural conservation areas. As a spatial approach, Gap Analysis presents a combined methodology provided by Remote Sensing, Geographic Information Systems and Leopold Interaction Matrix Methodology.
The purpose for the study of " Gap Analysis in The Zoning Management System of Ujung Kulon National Park Indicated by Java Rhinoceros(Rhinoceros sondaicus) " was to seek the gap occurring between the zoning management system of Ujung Kulon National Park and a system based on the biogeographically approach and biophysical geography consideration.
The aim of the Gap Analysis approach was to find the ecosystem spatial distribution of Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon by (1) providing the spatial distribution of the sensitive zoning conservation area in Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon, (2) providing the habitat suitability for the Java Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus) and (3) to seek the gap width between the sensitive extremely area plus the area of habitat suitability for the Java Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus) and the areas defined by the zoning management system of PHPA.
The results of the study indicated the sensitive extremely zoning conservation area is 8.608 ha, the habitat suitability for the Java Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus) is 3.734 ha thus a 33,22 % gap occurred between the sensitive extremely area plus the areas of habitat suitability for Java Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus) and the area to those defined by the zoning management system of PHPA
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Catur Prasetyo
"Kawasan Taman Nasional Kepulauan Seribu terletak 45 km sebelah utara Kota Jakarta. Jumlah keseluruhan pulau sebanyak 76 pulau yang terbagi dalam empat zona yaitu zona inti, zona perlindungan, zona pemanfaatan (intensif dan tradisional) dan zona penyangga. Zonasi diberlakukan dengan pertimbangan perairan disekitar pulau memiliki kekayaan sumberdaya alam seperti terumbu karang dan biota laut lainnya. Zona pemanfaatan dapat dimanfaatkan untuk kepentingan wisata dan permukinian dengan mempertimbangkan konservasi lingkungan.
Dalam realitanya, terjadi penyimpangan pemanfaatan pulau, bangunan-bangunan yang berada di zona pemanfaatan dan aktivitas wisata yang dijalankan di Pulau Putri dan Pulau Matahari tidak sesuai dengan strategi konservasi sesuai amanat UU No 5 Tahun 1990 dan PP No 18 Tahun 1994. Hal ini terjadi karena pemanfaatan pulau jauh lebih berkembang dibandingkan peraturan yang muncul belakangan. Tumpang tindihnya kewenangan dalam hal pengembangan pulau antara Pemda DKI dan Departemen Kehutanan, membuat rendahnya penegakan peraturan (law enforment). Pihak swasta selama ini hanya mengacu kepada peraturan yang dikeluarkan oleh DKI Jakarta yaitu SK Gubenur 1814 Tahun 1989 dan Perda No 11 Tahun 1992.
Dengan kondisi tersebut, pengembangan pulau wisata di zona pemanfaatan intensif, berdasarkan SWOT analisis harus dilakukan reorentasi pengembangan. Pola pengembangan yang dijalankan selama ini cenderung memberikan ancaman terutama dalam kerusakan alam. Namun, pulau-pulau wisata memiliki kekuatan (strength) untuk bisa dikembangkan, terutama dalam hal potensi yang dimiliki. Langkah yang bisa dilakukana adalah melakukan diversifikasi jenis pariwisata yang telah dijalankan selama ini. Jika diversifikasi dijalankan, maka arah pemanfaatan pulau akan lebih memberikan manfaat bagi pulau itu sendiri maupun stakeholder lain yaitu masyarakat dan pemerintah baik untuk masa sekarang maupun masa mendatang.
Diversifikasi yang bisa dilakukan terhadap pemanfaatan pulau adalah reorientasi jenis pariwisata yaitu, diantaranya adalah ekowisata, suatu perjalanan wisata ke area alami yang dilakukan dengan tujuan mengkonservasi Iingkungan dan melestarikan kehidupan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat setempat. Konsep ekowisata sepenuhnya bisa dijalankan sepenuhnya, bagi pulau-pulau yang belum (operasional) berjalan. Sementara untuk pulau-pulau yang sudah dimanfaatkan, secara bertahap di alihkan konsepnya sebagai ekowisata. Dengan konsep ekowisata, maka ancaman berupa kerusakan lingkungan yang diakibatkan oleh aktifitas pengembangan dan wisata dapat diminimalisir. Karena pada hakekatnya ekowisata merupakan bentuk wisata yang dikelola dengan pendekatan konservasi. Ekowisata lebih mempergunakan pendekatan pelestarian dibandingkan pemanfaatan.

Thousand Islands National Park region is situated 45 km Northern Jakarta. The number of Islands consist of 76 islands which are divided into 4 zones. They are core zone, protection zone utilization zone (intensive and traditional) and support zone. Zonation is implemented considering the oceans along the islands contain natural resources; such as coral and other creature of sea. The utilization zone can be called upon the tourism interests and dwelling with consideration of environment conservation.
In reality, there are deviations of the Island utilization; buildings placed in the utilization zone and tourism activities carried out in Putri Island and Matahari Island are compatible with the conservation strategy that is act no 5 ! 1990 and government law no 8 ! 1994. These happen because the making use of the islands develop faster than the regulations that come later. The over laping authority in developing the islands between Pemda DKI and Forestry Department causes the weakness of law enforcement. So far, private sectors have just referred to the regulations issued by Jakarta Local District, Governor's decree 1814 1989 and Perda no 11/1992.
Under such circumstances and based on SWOT analysis, the development of tourism islands in the intensive utilisation zone extremely needs a development reorientation. The pattern of the development which has been carried on so far prone to give threats specifically in the nature destruction . But tourism islands own strength to be exploited especially in their potentials. Diversifying types of tourism which have been performed so far can be a good step to be implemented. if it works, the make use of the islands will give more benefit to either the islands themselves or other stakeholders, they are the community and the government for either today or future.
Diversification that is possible to be applied is reorienting types of tourism among others; ecotourism; a tourism trip to natural areas intended to the environment conservation, life preservation and local community welfare. Ecotourism consept is fully accessible to be implemented to the operationally not in progress island. In the meantime, by steps, the concept of the in progress islands can be shit 0d to be ecotourism one. Throught this concept all kinds of threats such as environment destruction caused by the activities of developing and tours can be minimized. Basically, otourism is a form of tourism which is managed through the conservation approach. Ecotourism put to use more preservation than utilization."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2003
T 11070
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yustrida Maisa
"Telah dilakukan studi habitat konservasi ex-situ berupa penangkaran rusa timor di Universitas Indonesia (UI). Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk meneliti habitat rusa timor di UI berupa aspek fisik dan biologi rusa berdasarkan PP. No 7 Tahun 1999 dan PP No. 8 Tahun 1999. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode observasi, kuesioner dan membandingkannya dengan kawasan penangkaran Ranca Upas, Ciwidey. Hasil yang didapatkan adalah kondisi kawasan penangkaran rusa timor di UI belum memenuhi standar kawasan penangkaran. Jumlah populasi seharusnya 1 ha hanya untuk 10 ekor saat ini hidup 36 ekor. Rasio jantan : betina 1:4 di UI terdapat 11:16. Standar kesehatan kawasan belum memadai, tidak aman, tidak nyaman, serta tidak ada tenaga ahli dalam administrasi dan kesehatan. Universitas Indonesia harus memperbaiki fisik habitat dan sistem administrasi pengelolaan dan perlu menunjuk ahli pada bidang konservasi dan kesehatan. Pelaksanaan konservasi ex-situ berupa penangkaran harus memperhatikan ekosistem berupa daya dukung lingkungan, kontrol populasi, asupan makanan, naungan dan tempat kawin.

Habitat study has been conducted at ex-situ conservation (captive breeding) of timor deer (Cervus timorensis) in Campus Universitas Indonesia (UI). The purpose of this study is to investigate whether timor deer habitat in UI based on physical and biological aspects of standardized deer habitat in captive breeding according to government rules PP. No 7 /1999 and PP No. 8 /1999. The methods used are habitat observation, and questionnaire, then the result is compared to the other timor deer captive breeding area, Ranca Upas, Ciwidey. Based on observations of deer habitat in UI, the physical conditions and maintenance are not qualified as a captive breeding area. The home range area for 1 ha is only for 10 heads, but at UI there are 36 heads; the sex ratio male:female 1:4 but in the UI field 11:16. The UI field is unsafe and uncomfortable, and the animal health standard is low and it has no expert hired for administrative and medical care. Universitas Indonesia should improve the habitat, need experts for administrative work such as labeling, certification, and listing on the book of pedigree (studbook) and tagging, and for genetic diversity preservation. The implementation of the ex-situ conservation must consider the ecosystem, carrying capacity, population control, food supply, shelter, and breeding."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ulva Soraya
"Sulawesi is the biggest and the most important island in Wallacea. This island has many endemic species including macaques. Seven species of macaques are recognized endemic in Sulawesi. There are Macaca maura, M. tonkeana, M. ochreata, M. brunnescens, M. hecki, M. nigrescens and M. nigra.
Compared to the other species of macaques in Sulawesi, M. tonkeana is more secure because its population decline its not as high as the others. But, the increase of human population around macaques habitat and the changing of forest structure and composition are the biggest threat for their lives.
Forest destruction and habitat loss also occured in Lore Lindu National Park, Central Sulawesi. Forest clearance for cocoa and coffee plantations are the cases which found more in that area. Besides that, exploitation of timber, especially rattan is the most common human activity. Those cases will jeopardize the population of wildlife including M. tonkeana.
Although the extinction risk of M. tonkeana is not readily evident at the moment, the increasing human activities in Lore Lindu National Park may present a serious threat to these endemic species. The main objectives in this study were to estimate the population density of M. tonkeana in two different habitats, and to know the characteristics of the habitat in that study area.
The study was conducted in Lindu Land, Lore Lindu National Park, Central Sulawesi. The two study sites including (1) forest which does not have any land clearance for agriculture but reveices human disturbance such as timber exploitation especially rattan (two transect of 2,5 km and 3 km) and (2) forest which is disturbed by agricultural clearance (two transect of 2,3 km and 3 km).
Data collection was carried out from November 2002 to February 2003. To estimate population density of M. tonkeana, replication of forest line transect were walked. These involved slow, quiet walkings, with stop every 100 meter to visually scan the forest and listen for sound. All individuals and groups sigthed were recorded, and measurements of the average visual distance on either side of transect line to provide an estimate of area covered were taken.
Vegetation study plots were established to study the composition and structure habitat of M. tonkeana. Twenty seven plots of 20 x 20 m were located in the forest and twenty six in agricultural forest. In each plot, all trees  10 cm diameter-at-breast height (DBH) were identified to species and precisely measured. Sample species were collected and identified at the Herbarium Bogoriense, Bogor. From those data, species and family important value, species diversity and similarity index were calculated.
The result indicated that supply of food for M. tonkeana in their habitat had effect on their density. Population density of M. tonkeana in the agricultural forest habitat was higher than in the forest habitat. In forest habitat, the density were 0.97 ± 0.52 groups/km2 and 8.70 ± 7.49 individuals/km2 while agricultural forest had higher estimated population of 1.36 ± 0.31 groups/km2 and 14.09 ± 5.37 individuals/km2.
Seven species of figs as keystone source for vertebrates frugivorous were found in agricultural forest with total individuals were twelve. In the forest, five figs were found in total nine individuals. The diversity index for food trees in the agriculture forest habitat (2,4130) was higher than forest habitat (2,0591). Macaques can find more varieties of food in agricultural forest, because there were many agricultural products.
The results shows that supply of food and human activities in the habitat of macaques had an influence to the density of macaques. Forest clearance for agricultural made macaques loss their habitat and diversity of foods. Exploitation of timber especially rattan also disturbed the macaques."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
I.D.P. Darma
"Dicksonia blumei (Paku Kidang) is one of the Indonesian priority species of conservation. A natural habitat study was carried out by purposive sampling method in Tapak hill, Bedugul, Bali. Three plots of 20 x 20 m were laid for trees and 2 x 2 m for understorey plants. Results showed that Dicksonia blumei (Paku Kidang) in Tapak Hill grows on environments with physical condition as follow: altitude 1,754±1,794 m asl, land slope 7±10%, soil pH 6.4±7, soil moisture 50±75%, air temperature 20.5±22.3 °C, relative humidity 83.2±87.5% and light intensity 618±10,003 Lux. Characters of Biotic environment is explained based on Important Value Index (IVI). Five trees with highest IVI were Cyathea latebrosa (IVI 98.7), Saurauia bracteosa (IVI 51.9), Astronia spectabilis (IVI 42.7), Dicksonia blumei (IVI 39.6), and Homalanthus giganteus (IVI 35.3). The same figure for understorey were Pilea sp. (IVI 61.9), Selaginella sp. (IVI 40,6), Athyrium asperum (IVI 27.5), Pteris tripartita (IVI 18.3) and Rubus sp. IVI (15.0). In Tapak hill, the occurrence of D. blumei along with Cyathea latebrosa seems to be associated with cyathea[ê öåµvl ê a substrate for the spores of D. blumei to germinate as well as the next growth stages. At the phase gametophyte and young sporophyte, D. blumei ö ê v â]âZ«ö }v«öZ[ê öåµvl ö Z]PZö }( ÏUÒ± ÌUÒ u (å}u öZ På}µvX]lê}v][ê å}}ö åaches the soil, it will grow terrestrially (hemi±epiphyte). �����������"
Bogor: Pusat Konservasi Tumbuhan Kebun Raya, LIPI, 2015
580 BKR 18:1 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Penelitian ini mengkaji aspek bioekologi dan potensi pemanfaatan berkelanjutan kupu-kupu G. androcles di Kawasan Taman Nasional Bantimurung- Bulusaraung TN Babul dan Taman Wisata Alam Nanggala III TWA Nanggala III , Sulawesi Selatan. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan April 2014 ndash; Maret 2015. Untuk mengetahui ciri habitat pakan digunakan metode analisis vegetasi. Aspek biologi G. androcles dipelajari dengan penangkaran semi alami. Data potensi pemanfaatan G. androcles secara berkelanjutan diperoleh dengan metode kuesioner dan dianalisis secara deskriptif - kualitatif dalam metode analisis SWOT. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelimpahan G. androcles tertinggi di area wisata Pattunuang 45 ekor , dan terendah di area wisata Bantimurung 16 ekor . Habitat pakan G. androcles didominasi oleh pohon Canangium odoratum INP 50,88 di Pattunuang, Cinnamomum sp. INP 33,8 di Bantimurung, Ficus racemosa INP 54,4 di Salu Tandung, dan Ardisia purpurea INP 50,4 di Puncak. Kupu-kupu G. androcles dijumpai pada bulan Juni - Nopember 2014 dengan curah hujan bulanan rendah 0 ndash; 160 mm , suhu udara 29 - 300C, kelembapan 54 - 65 , dan intensitas cahaya 33 ndash; 1180 lux. Kelimpahan G. androcles berkaitan dengan kondisi habitat dan ketersediaan tumbuhan pakannya. Graphium androcles meletakkan telur pada pucuk daun Uvaria rufa. Tumbuhan penghasil nektar adalah Hibiscus rosasinensis, Ixora sp., Lantana camara, Dendrobium phalaenopsis, Clorodendrum thomsonae, Cromolaena odorata, dan Eupatorium inufolia. Siklus hidup G. androcles dalam upaya penangkaran hingga mencapai tahap dewasa berkisar 46 ndash; 65 hari. Kegagalan tahap telur diakibatkan oleh serangan Camponotus sp. di alam, dan jamur saat di penangkaran. Serangan parasitoid Aloeides indiscritus dijumpai pada larva instar ketiga. Kegagalan pupa disebabkan oleh pembentukan yang tidak sempurna, dan serangan patogen sehingga pupa menghitam. Tingkat keberhasilan G. androcles dalam upaya penangkaran belum bisa termati hingga tahap kopulasi. Alur perdagangan G. androcles di kawasan TN Babul terdiri dari penangkap, pengrajin, pedagang, pengumpul, dan pembeli. Di kawasan TWA Nanggala III tidak ditemukan pengrajin. Kehadiran G. androcles berpotensi sebagai ajang promosi di area wisata Bantimurung. Hasil analisis SWOT menunjukkan bahwa potensi pemanfaatan G. androcles di TN Babul berbeda dengan di TWA Nanggala III. Di kawasan TN Babul, faktor kekuatan-peluang lebih tinggi 4,78 dibandingkan dengan kelemahan-ancaman 2,15 , sehingga pengelolaannya dapat terlaksana. Di kawasan TWA Nanggala III, faktor kelemahan - ancaman mempunyai bobot yang lebih besar 3,48 dibandingkan dengan kekuatan - peluang 1,59 , sehingga dibutuhkan strategi khusus dalam pengelolaan secara berkelanjutan.Kata kunci: Bioekologi, habitat, kupu-kupu, tumbuhan inang, penangkaran, Graphium androcles.

This study examines the bioecological aspects and potential of sustainable ultilization of G. androcles in Bantimurung Bulusaraung National Park area Babul NP and Nanggala III Nature Park Nanggala III NP in South Sulawesi. The study was conducted on April 2014 March 2015. Vegetation analysis were performed to determine the characteristics habitat and food plants of G. androcles. Biological aspects of G. androcles were obtained through captive breeding. Data of the utilization potential of G. androcles were obtained by questionnaire method and analyzed in descriptive qualitative using SWOT analysis method. The results showed that the highest of G. androcles abundance was found at Pattunuang recreation area 45 individuals , and the lowest was at Bantimurung recreation area 16 individuals . The habitat and food plants of G. androcles was dominated by Canangium odoratum trees INP 50.88 in Pattunuang, Cinnamomum sp. INP 33.8 in Bantimurung, Ficus racemosa INP 54.4 in Salu Tandung and Ardisia purpurea INP 50.4 in Puncak area. Graphium androcles was found during at the dry season June November 2014 with low monthly rainfall 0 160 mm , air temperature 29 300C, humidity 54 65 , and light intensity 33 1180 lux. Graphium androcles lays its eggs on the leaves of Uvaria rufa Annonaceae . The nectar plants are Hibiscus rosasinensis, Ixora sp., Lantana camara, Dendrobium phalaenopsis, Clorodendrum thomsonae, Cromolaena odorata, and Eupatorium inufolia. The Life cycle of G. androcles in rearing experiment to reach adult stage ranges from 46 to 65 days. The failures of egg stages were caused by attacked by Camponotus sp. at nature and was fungi in captive breeding. The parasitoid attack of Aloeides indiscritus is found in third instar larvae. The failure of pupa is caused by imperfect formation, and pathogen attack so black pupa. The success rate of G. androcles at rearing experiment is still low and can not be reached until it copulates. The trading flow of G. androcles at Babul NP consists of catchers, craftsmen, merchants, and buyers. In the area of Nanggala III NP, no craftsmen were found. The presence of G. androcles has potential as a promotional and iconic event in Bantimurung recreation area. The results of SWOT analysis for the sustainable use of G. androcles at Babul NP differ with at Nanggala III NP. At the Babul NP area represents a higher probability strength factor 4,78 compared with threat weakness 2,15 , so that management can be accomplished. In the Nanggala III NP area, the weakness threat factor were greater weight 3,48 than the opportunity strength 1,59 , so different strategy will be needed for sustainable management. Keywords Bioecology, habitats, butterflies, hostplant, breeding experiment, Graphium androcles. "
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Estalita Rahayu
Species diversity and distribution of butterflies (Lepidoptera; Rhopalocera)
of the urban forest of Muhammad Sabki, Jambi were studied from January to
February 2012. The urban forest was divided into four different habitat types: the
Park, the Stream side, the Rubber forest, and the Mixed forest. Two transect
routes were established for each habitat type. Observations were made on the
number of individuals of each species of butterflies found within the transects.
Data were analyzed by Shannon-Wiener, Evenness, and Sorenson indices. A total
of 43 species with 3241 individuals of six families (Hesperiidae, Papilionidae,
Nymphalidae, Lycaenidae, and Riodinidae) of butterflies were recorded.
Nymphalidae was the most dominating family with the highest species richness at
the urban forest. The highest number of butterfly species was recorded at the
Rubber forest and the Stream side (37 species each), followed by the Park (33
species) and the Mixed forest (27 species). The most abundant butterflies were
found at the Rubber Forest, and the least were in the Stream side. Two species
(Eurema hecabe and Mycalesis janardana) were observed consistently at all
habitat types, and the former was the most abundant species. The highest species
diversity and evenness indices were found in the Rubber Forest, while the lowest
were in the Stream Side. Species diversity and evennes indices of butterflies of
the urban forest can be categorized as low and low to moderate respectively.
Based on their similarity indices of species (IS), the community of butterfly of the
urban forest consisted of three communities: the Park, the Stream Side-Rubber
Forest, and the Mixed Forest. The highest IS was found in the Stream Side-
Rubber Forest. Nevertheless, high similarity indices (>0.7) of the butterflies
between communities indicating that the communities of the butterfly had almost
similar species composition, and most species were widely distributed across all
habitat types of the urban forest."
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hook, Patrick
New York: Gramercy Books, 1999
R 595.789 HOO w
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eid, Alain
New Jersey: Chartwell Book, 1997
R 595.789 EID b
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
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