"Rumah Sakit sebagai suatu bangunan memiliki sifat unik dan kompleksitas yang berbeda dari jenis bangunan lainnya. Alat rumah sakit sebagai salah satu jenis komponen sistem yang akan ditempatkan dan diinstalasi pada bangunan rumah sakit perlu diperhatikan dalam proses pengadaannya. Bagaimana proses pengadaan alat rumah sakit di Rumah Sakit Universitas Indonesia dari awal perencanaan sampai pelaksanaan di lapangan, Hal-hal apa yang menjadi permasalahan dalam pengadaan alat rumah sakit di Rumah Sakit Universitas Indonesia sehingga dapat dijadikan pembelajaran lesson learned dalam proses pengadaan alat rumah sakit.
Hasil penelitian ini berupa flowchart dan network diagram dari pengadaan alat rumah sakit di pembangunan Rumah Sakit Universitas Indonesia. Pada flowchart dijelaskan bahwa tahapan pengadaan alat rumah sakit di Rumah Sakit Universitas Indonesia terdiri atas proses perencanaan yang dilakukan oleh PIU,dan konsultan serta berkoordinasi dengan user untuk menghasilkan dokumen-dokumen perencanaan yang dibutuhkan. Selanjutnya pada tahap pelelangan terdiri atas tahap prakualifikasi dan evaluasi dimana pada tahap prakualifikasi terkait dengan formalitas penawaran dan kemampuan finansial calon kontraktor serta pada tahap evaluasi dilakukan penilaian terhadap aspek teknis dan finansial. Selanjutnya pada tahap instalasi, kontraktor alat banyak berkoordinasi dengan kontraktor gedung untuk melakukan pekerjaan instalasi kemudian hasil pekerjaan akan diinspeksi oleh PIU bersama dengan konsultan dan user sampai serah terima.
Pada network diagram diperlihatkan poin-poin penting dan permasalahan pada pelaksanaan proyek dari para stakeholder terlibat seperti PIU, kontraktor alat, kontraktor gedung, konsultan perencana, konsultan pengawas dan MK, JICA sehingga dapat dilihat hubungan dari tiap poin-poin penting serta permasalahan antara satu stakeholder dengan stakeholder lainnya. Poin-poin penting serta permasalahan dari pihak kontraktor gedung yaitu terkait koordinasi serta pembagian tanggung jawab antara kontraktor alat dan kontraktor gedung, perubahan layout terkait kaidah rumah sakit, user demand yang menyebabkan perubahan layout serta sinkronisasi dari gambar layout. Poin-poin penting serta pemasalahan dari pihak PIU yaitu terkait timeframe concurrence JICA, perencanaan pengadaan, proses pelelangan, perizinan alat yang diimpor, kerusakan alat, penyesuaian harga, denda dan bonus, pekerjaan renovasi, kesesuaian pelaksanaan pekerjaan, dispute. Poin-poin penting serta permasalahan dari pihak kontraktor alat yaitu terkait barang diskontinu, gambar layout, perizinan standar minimum alat, koordinasi kontraktor alat dan kontraktor gedung, pengiriman alat, instalasi alat, serta koordinasi jalur masuk alat. Poin-poin penting serta pemasalahan dari konsultan pengawas yaitu terkait koordinasi lapangan, perubahan model alat, koordinasi gambar. Poin-poin penting serta permasalahan dari pihak konsultan perencanan yaitu terkait perencanaan pengadaan alat, pengalaman, jarak waktu antara lelang alat dan bangunan, perencanaan, perubahan layout. Poin-poin penting menurut JICA yaitu concurrence JICA, serta penggunaan dana. Hasil ini berguna untuk mendapatkan gambaran umum dan pembelajaran dari pengadaan alat di proyek pembangunan Rumah Sakit Universitas Indonesia.
Hospital as a building has unique properties and different complexities from other types of building. Hospital equipment as one of system components installed in the hospital building should be considered in its procurement. Futhermore, installation process of equipment has specific or particular requirement ,such as protection from radiation and magnetic, handling of equipment waste, handling of electrical equipment, that should be considered in the hospital construction. This research direction are to documenting the illustration and things that should be considered about equipment procurement in Hospital University of Indonesia construction project. The result is describe in flowchart and network diagram from equipment procurement in Hospital University of Indonesia. On the flowchart explained that the stages of procurement tools hospital at the Hospital of the University of Indonesia comprises the planning process conducted by the PIU, and consultants as well as coordinating with the user to produce planning documents It needs. Next up on the auction stage consists of prequalification and evaluation stage in which the prequalification stage associated with the formality of supply and financial capabilities of the prospective contractors as well as at the stage of evaluation carried out assessment of the aspects technically and financially. Next on the stage of the installation, the contractor 39 s tool a lot of coordinating with the building contractor to do the work of installation then the results of the work will be inspected by the PIU along with consultants and users until the handover. The network diagram is shown on the key points and problems in the implementation of the project of the stakeholders involved such as the PIU, contractors tools, building contractors, planners, consultants consultant supervisors and construction manegement, JICA and so the relationship can be viewed from each of the key points and problems between one stakeholder with other stakeholders. Key points and problems of Contracting Party building, namely coordination and related Division of responsibility between the contractors and the contractors building the tool, change the layout of the associated hospital rules, user demand is causing the changes the layout as well as the synchronization of image layout. Key points as well as the problems of the PIU i.e related timeframe concurrence JICA, procurement planning, the process of auctions, the imported tools licensing, damage to the tool, price adjustment, fines and bonuses, renovation work, fitness execution of the work, the dispute. Key points and problems of Contracting Party i.e. discontinuous items related tools, image layout, the minimum standard licensing tool, coordination of contractor tools and building contractors, delivery tools, installation tools, as well as koordinai driveways tool. Key points as well as pemasalahan from the consultant supervisors IE related field coordination, coordination tool, model changes the picture. Key points as well as the issue of the consultant perencanan IE related procurement planning tools, the experience, the distance between the building and equipment auctions, planning, layout changes. Key points according to JICA i.e. concurrence JICA, as well as the use of funds. "