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"he study on the community structure of bamboo was done at sub district
Srumbung Magelang Central Java Province. This study has been held on October
2010. Fourty plots have been made at sub district Srumbung. The research was done
by using purposive sampling technique. From this study, it is shown that were 51
species of bamboo and non bamboo. There are 10 species of bamboo found in these
plots. The highest frequency of bamboo Gigantochloa apus (0,5). The highest
density is also Gigantochloa apus (2567,5 culm/ha) but Dendrocalamus asper (137,5
clump/ha). The highest density based on clump/ha is Gigantochloa apus (0,320
culm/ha) and Dendrocalamus asper (0,222 clump/ha). When the important value was
calculated for clump/ha. The highest dominance is Gigantochloa apus (0,019
culm/ha), and Dendrocalamus asper (0,016 clump/ha). When the dominancy was
calculated based on clump/ha. The diversity index showed a low diversity when
calculated for culm/ha. The dispersal of bamboo culm and clump is colony and
aggregate. The highest culm diameter is Dendrocalamus asper. The highest clump
diameter is Gigantochloa atter."
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"[Penelitian ini berfokus pada hubungan antara komunitas, kohesi sosial, kontrol
sosial, dan Community Crime Prevention untuk mencegah terorisme. Studi kasus
penelitian ini ada di Desa Cemani sebagai sebuah tempat yang dikenal memiliki
masalah dengan terorisme dengan melihat penerapan dari cetak biru pencegahan
terorisme BNPT yang dianalisis dengan teori pembangunan Community Crime
Prevention Whitzman. Berdasarkan penelitian ditemukan bahwa ketiga konsep
tersebut memiliki hubungan. Selain itu, di dalam penelitian ini juga ditemukan
anomali atas hubungan ideal dari yang seharusnya terjadi., This research focusing on the connection between community, social cohesion,
social control, and community crime prevention. This research focusing on the
Cemani Village terrorism case which is well known for its terrorism problem by
researching on the application of BNPT blueprint of terrorism prevention analyzed
by Whitzman theory on how to build community crime prevention. This research
found that the three concepts has connection to one each other. Beside that, this
research found some anomalic connection than the ideal connection betweet those
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library

Hak Reproduksi Perempuan pada Masyarakat Matrilinial Minangkabau di Perdesaan Provinsi Sumatra Barat (Studi Kasus Perempuan di Desa Bulakan Tinggi, Kecamatan Perwakilan Situjuh, Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota, Provinsi Sumatra Barat)

(Anita Rahrnan, M.Hum dan Dr. Rahayu Surtiati Hidayat)
Program Kajian Wanita, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran tentang posisi perempuan Minangkabau sebagai penerus keturunan dan kemandirian dalam penggunaan hak reproduksinya.

Kerangka pikir yang melandasi penelitian ini adalah perempuan dalam masyarakat Minang yang patriarkal, hak reproduksi perempuan menurut ICPD Kairo Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif berperspektif perempuan, studi kasus wanita Minang perdesaan.

Penelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Bulakan Tinggi, Kecamatan Perwakilan Situjuh, Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota, Provinsi Sumatra Barat. Subjek penelitian berjumlah sepuluh orang, perempuan penduduk asli Desa Bulakan Tinggi, suku Minang, berusia 15-48 tahun, menikah dengan laki-laki suku Minang.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perempuan dalam rumah tangga mempunyai peran besar dalam bidang ekonomi, namun tidak mampu mengambil keputusan yang berkaitan dengan hak reproduksinya. Dengan kata lain, perempuan dalam masyarakat Minangkabau tetap tersubordinasi dalam posisinya sebagai istri karena kuatnya budaya patriarki. Temuan ini membuktikan kebenaran analisis yang ditawarkan oleh feminis sosialis yang menyatakan bahwa perempuan tetap tersubordinasi sekalipun mempunyai peran besar pada sumber ekonomi sepanjang budaya patriarki masih dominan.

Reproductive Rights of Matrilineal Society of Minangkabau (Case study of the village of Situjuh, Lima Puluh Kota District, West Sumatra Province). (Anita Rahman, M.Hum and Dr. Rahayu Surtiati Hidayat)

Women Studies Program, Post Graduate, University of Indonesia.

This research aims to describe of Minangkabau women's position as the agent of reproductive having autonomous in using their reproductive rights.

The pattern of thoughts as the based on the research are Minangkabau women's in male-dominated society, their reproductive rights according to ICPD, Kairo. This research use qualitative method in women's perspective approach and implemented in case study.

This research conducted in Rural of West Sumatra Province (Case Study of Woman at Bulakan Tinggi Village, Sub District of Situjuh, Lima Puluh Kota District, West Sumatra Province) in total research subject is 10 persons, the natives of Bulakan Tinggi village, Minang Ethnic, between among 15---48 years old, having gotten married with man from Minang.

The result of the research indicates that women for households play a big role in economic sphere, but, they are not able to make decision on reproductive right. In other words, the woman in Minangkabau society is still being subordinated in their position as wifes because patriach culture is really strong. This fact finding prove the real analysis offered by socialism feminist stating that woman is remain subordinated although having big role in economic resource, when the patriarchal culture still prevail.

UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Apri Utami Parta Santi
"Research of freshwater Mollusca in Wonogiri was conducted in November 2010 in six rivers which estuary in Gajah Mungkur Dam. The Mollusca specimens was collected from Keduang river, Tirtomoyo river, Temon river, Solo Hulu river, Ngunggahan river and Wuryantoro river. A kuadrat transect method was used from area which have 1 kilometer in distance from estuary. The kuadrat transect was systematically located every 1 kilometer in 3 sampling sites. The specimens categorized in 13 spesies and there are one spesies have dominated in each river. The distribution of Mollusca in Solo Hulu and Ngunggahan river were random, whereas in Keduang, Tirtomoyo, Temon and Wuryantoro river were clumped. Mollusca commonly found in river which have mud substrate. The highest diversity index found in Ngunggahan river and the lowest was found in Wuryantoro river."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ajeng Anisa Wulandari
"Bahaya kimia dari berbagai sumber dan jenis zat kimia sebagian besar memiliki efek akumulasi di dalam tubuh manusia terutama pada masyarakat yang mengonsumsi air mengandung logam berat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat risiko pajanan logam berat yang akan menimbulkan gangguan kesehatan terhadap masyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakan Metode ARKL jenis kajian lapangan dilakukan pemeriksaan di Laboratorium Fisika Kimia Air BBTKLPP Yogyakarta dengan jumlah sampel manusia 110 responden usia dewasa 18-55 tahun dan sampel lingkungan 20 titik mata air. Pengumpulan data terhadap responden melalui wawancara langsung menggunakan kuisioner dan pengukuran antropometri, pada sumber mata air dilakukan pemeriksaan terhadap kandungan Cd dan Pb di Desa Krinjing dan Sewukan bulan Mei-Juni 2019. Konsentrasi Cd dan Pb di Desa Krinjing lebih rendah dibandingkan di Desa Sewukan.
Hasil semua kadar logam berat masih di bawah nilai baku mutu sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 492/Menkes/Per/IV/2010 tentang Persyaratan Kualitas Air Minum. Apabila kadar logam berat melebihi dari nilai baku mutu efek yang ditimbulkan mulai dari timbulnya gejala ringan seperti gatal-gatal, batuk, iritasi ringan hingga kanker, mutasi gen bahkan kematian. Dari konsentrasi Cd dan Pb didapatkan intake dan nilai RQ. Risiko ada dan perlu dikendalikan jika RQ>1 dan tidak perlu dikendalikan apabila RQ≤1. Variabel yang terdapat perbedaan proporsi besarnya tingkat risiko terhadap gangguan kesehatan responden adalah variabel berat badan responden dan variabel durasi pajanan pada konsentrasi Cd.
Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan 13 responden dengan RQ>1 pada Cd dan 8 responden pada Pb. RQ>1 didapatkan di Desa Sewukan artinya penduduk Desa Sewukan memiliki risiko mengalami gangguan kesehatan akibat pajanan Cd dan Pb pada air minum dibandingkan pada penduduk Desa Krinjing sehingga perlu dilakukan pengelolaan risiko dengan menentukan batas aman konsumsi, melakukan inovasi pengelolaan risiko dengan pendekatan teknologi pengolahan/penyaringan air seperti Teknologi Tepat Guna (TTG) untuk menurunkan kadar logam berat pada sumber air yang mengandung logam berat.

Most of hazards from various sources and types of chemicals have the accumulation effects in human body, especially in people who consume water containing heavy metals. This study aims at determining the risk level of heavy metal exposure which will cause health problems to the community. This study uses the ARKL Method type of field study which carried out an examination at the Water Chemistry Physics Laboratory of BBTKLPP Yogyakarta. It brings samples of 110 respondents aged 18-55 years and environmental samples of 20 springs. Respondents data is collected through direct interviews using questionnaires and anthropometric measurements. The researcher has an examination onthe content of Cd and Pb at the source of the spring in Krinjing and SewukanVillage in May-June 2019. The concentration of Cd and Pb in Krinjing Village is lower than in Sewukan Village.
The results of all levels of heavy metals are still below the value of quality standards in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Health Number 492/Menkes/Per/IV/2010 about Drinking Water Quality Requirements. If the levels of heavy metals exceed the value of the quality standard, it will have very effects from the onset of mild symptoms such as itching, coughing, mild irritation to cancer, gene mutations and even death. From the concentration of Cd and Pb, the intake and RQ values were obtained. Risk exists and needs to be controlled if RQ>1 and does not need to be controlled if RQ≤1. There are variables that have differences in the proportion of to respondents risk level of health problems: the variable weight of the respondent and the variable duration of exposure to the concentration of Cd.
From the results of the study, it is found that 13 respondents with RQ>1 in Cd and 8 respondents in Pb. While, RQ>1 was found in Sewukan Village, which means that the residents of Sewukan Village have a higher risk of health problems due to exposure to Cd and Pb in drinking water compared to Krinjing Village residents. So, the risk management is needed by determining safe consumption limits, innovating risk management with an approacg of water processing/filtering technology such as Appropriate Technology (TTG) to reduce levels of heavy metals in water sources containing heavy metals.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Hamdi
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Unversitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alfred Ayub Moses Padwa
"Pewarisan Nilai Snap Mor pada Anak-anak dalam upaya Pelestarian Lingkungan di Kampung Madori Pulau Numfor. Pendekatan kualitatif dan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa proses pewarisan nilai Snap Mor pada anak-anak di kampung Mandori berjalan dalam konteks tradisi masyarakat Mandori pada lembaga-lembaga yang ikut mendukung pewarisan nilai dinataranya Adat, Agama (Gereja), Keluarga dan Pemerintah kampung. Anakanak ikut melestarikan tradisi suku dan sekaligus turut melestarikan lingkungan alam laut dalam bentuk aturan atau larangan serta pantangan yang diberlakukan pada tradisi Snap Mor di laut, sehingga tradisi budaya terjaga maka ikut menjaga tatanan ekosistem lainnya. Namun bertambahnya jumlah penduduk serta arus pembangunan yang makin berkembang menjadi tantangan yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaan tradisi suku ditengah komunitas yang pada akhirnya tersisih dan meninggalkan tradisi tersebut.

Inheritance Value Snap Mor on Children in Environmental Conservation efforts in Madori village numfor. Qualitative approach and descriptive study. The study concluded that the process of inheritance Mor Snap value to the children in the village Mandori runs in the context of community traditions Mandori on the institutions supporting the inheritance value Indigenous, Religion (Church), family and village government. Children help preserve tribal traditions and also helped preserve the marine environment in the form of rules or restrictions as well as restrictions imposed on the tradition Snap Mor in the sea, so that the cultural tradition maintained then care for other ecosystems order. However, the increase of population and development growing flows into the challenges faced in the implementation of community amid tribal traditions that ultimately eliminated and leave the tradition."
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anggayasti Hayu Anindita
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan pengukuran risiko sistemik dengan menggunakan metode network analysis untuk mendapatkan peringkat SIFI bank-bank di Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan data penempatan antar bank periode tahun 2011 sampai dengan tahun 2015, secara empiris ditemukan bahwa interkoneksi pasar uang antar bank semakin meningkat. Namun demikian kondisi yang signifikan berbeda terjadi pada tahun 2013, di mana pola interkoneksi jaringan antar bank mengalami penurunan dibandingkan dengan tahun sebelumnya. Dilihat dari nilai degree centrality, bank-bank yang dimiliki oleh pemerintah dan swasta nasional cenderung bersifat in-degree. Kondisi yang berbeda ditunjukkan oleh bank swasta asing, di mana sebagian besar cenderung bersifat out-degree. Selain itu, bank yang memiliki nilai betweenness centrality yang tinggi cenderung akan memiliki nilai closeness centrality yang tinggi pula.

This study aimed at measuring systemic risks using network analysis method to obtain the SIFI rating of banks in Indonesia. Using the 2011 2015 interbank placement data, it is empirically found thon interbank money market interconnection increased. However, a significantly different condition was found in 2013 in which the interbank network interconnection pattern went downwards compared to the previous year. From the degree centrality score, government owned and national private banks tend to be in degree while foreign private banks tend to be out degree. In addition, bank with higher betweenness centrality score will have higher closeness centrality score as well."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Valentinus Nanang Wibisono
"Pada proyek pembangunan Hotel di Bogor proses tahapan Value Engineering dimulai dilakukan pada tahap Pelelangan dan Kontruksi (Preconstruction Construction Stage). Perencana untuk Value Engineering diperlukan tidak hanya memiliki pengetahuan teknik, pengalaman dan kerja keras, namun juga perlu flexible dan terbuka untuk bernegosiasi untuk mengatasi politik yang terjadi dalam kegiatan sebuah proyek. Keberhasilan atau kegagalan dalam melakukan Value Engineering di sebuah proyek dilihat dari pandangan dan tindakan-tindakan dari berbagai pihak yang terlibat di dalam proyek. Pengaturan yang baik akan menguntungkan kedua belah pihak yaitu Pemilik Proyek dan Kontraktor yang dibantu oleh Konsultan Value Engineering atau Pemilik Proyek dibantu oleh Konsultan Perencana Value Engineering untuk mencapai keberhasilan dari Value Engineering. Aturan mengenai hasil perencanaan dari Konsultan Perencana Value Engineering adalah tidak melanggar kode etik dan merupakan praktik yang dapat diterima. Batasan-batasannya terkait jika ingin melakukan Value Engineering adalah Konsultan Perencananya terdahulu perlu diberitahu atau diikut sertakan didalam pembahasan desain terbaru terkait Value Engineering.

In the Hotel development project in Bogor, the Value Engineering stage process begins at the Tender stage and Construction stage (Preconstruction Construction Stage). Planners for Value Engineering are required not only to have technical knowledge, experience and hard work, but also need to be flexible and open to negotiate to overcome the politics that occur in the activities of a project. Success or failure in conducting Value Engineering in a project can be seen from the views and actions of various parties involved in the project. A good arrangement will benefit both parties, namely the Project Owner and Contractor who are assisted by a Value Engineering Consultant or the Project Owner assisted by a Value Engineering Planning Consultant to achieve the success of Value Engineering. The rules regarding planning results from the Value Engineering Planning Consultant are not violating the code of ethics and are acceptable practices. The limitations related to if you want to do Value Engineering are that the previous Planning Consultant needs to be notified or included in the discussion of the latest designs related to Value Engineering."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diah Nurayu Kusumawardani
Susianto, Sjabadhyni, Mahardika, Narhetali, dan Nisa (2012) menjelaskan dalam studi tiga bahwa estimasi harga dalam Rupiah baru hasil redenominasi (Rb) memunculkan potensi anchoring effect yang lebih besar, dimana mean estimasi partisipan yang mendapatkan acuan tinggi lebih tinggi daripada acuan rendah, dibandingkan estimasi dalam Rp. Tidak berbeda jauh dengan penelitian tersebut, skripsi ini membahas potensi anchoring effect yang terjadi pada partisipan yang mengestimasi harga dalam Rb dengan menambahkan variabel familiarity. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain eksperimen dengan desain 2 (nilai nominal Rupiah) x 2 (nilai acuan) x 2 (familiarity). Sebanyak 240 partisipan diminta untuk mengestimasi 14 barang sering dan jarang dibeli dalam Rb atau Rp dengan dihadirkannya nilai acuan tinggi atau rendah. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah potensi anchoring effect terjadi pada estimasi setiap barang dimana mean estimasi partisipan yang mendapatkan acuan tinggi lebih tinggi pada dibandingkan dengan mean estimasi partisipan yang mendapatkan acuan rendah dalam Rb maupun Rp. Akan tetapi, potensi anchoring effect yang lebih besar terjadi saat partisipan mengestimasi harga barang jarang dibeli dalam Rp. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, partisipan sudah dapat beradaptasi dengan nilai nominal Rupiah baru jika redenominasi diterapkan.
;Susianto, Sjabadhyni, Mahardika, Narhetali, dan Nisa (2012) explained in their third study that the price estimation in Rupiah baru leads greater anchoring effect potential to that estimation in Rupiah lama. The purpose of this study is to follow-up their third study by adding familiarity variable. This research is an experimental research with 2 (Rupiah nominal values) x 2 (anchor values) x 2 (familiarity) design. Two hundred and fourty participants were presented by high or low anchor value and then estimated 14 goods (familiar and unfamiliar products) using Rb or Rp. The result shows that the anchor value influences the price estimation, which participants who got high anchor value have higher mean compare to that participants who got low anchor. The bigger anchoring effect potential happens in participants who estimated in Rp with unfamiliar product. Based on the result, paricipants have already adapted using Rb as a nominal value.
;Susianto, Sjabadhyni, Mahardika, Narhetali, dan Nisa (2012) explained in their third study that the price estimation in Rupiah baru leads greater anchoring effect potential to that estimation in Rupiah lama. The purpose of this study is to follow-up their third study by adding familiarity variable. This research is an experimental research with 2 (Rupiah nominal values) x 2 (anchor values) x 2 (familiarity) design. Two hundred and fourty participants were presented by high or low anchor value and then estimated 14 goods (familiar and unfamiliar products) using Rb or Rp. The result shows that the anchor value influences the price estimation, which participants who got high anchor value have higher mean compare to that participants who got low anchor. The bigger anchoring effect potential happens in participants who estimated in Rp with unfamiliar product. Based on the result, paricipants have already adapted using Rb as a nominal value.
, Susianto, Sjabadhyni, Mahardika, Narhetali, dan Nisa (2012) explained in their third study that the price estimation in Rupiah baru leads greater anchoring effect potential to that estimation in Rupiah lama. The purpose of this study is to follow-up their third study by adding familiarity variable. This research is an experimental research with 2 (Rupiah nominal values) x 2 (anchor values) x 2 (familiarity) design. Two hundred and fourty participants were presented by high or low anchor value and then estimated 14 goods (familiar and unfamiliar products) using Rb or Rp. The result shows that the anchor value influences the price estimation, which participants who got high anchor value have higher mean compare to that participants who got low anchor. The bigger anchoring effect potential happens in participants who estimated in Rp with unfamiliar product. Based on the result, paricipants have already adapted using Rb as a nominal value.
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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