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Libert, Barry
As featured on ABC News Now and Marketwatch Radio Network. Also featured in The New York Post, Investors Business Daily, CNN.com, The Boston Globe, Globe & Mail, CIO Insight, The Fort Worth Star-Telegram, and many others"
New Jersey: FT Press, 2009
658.4 LIB b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Remnick, David
New York: Vintage Books, 2011
973.932 092 REM b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Trixie Bianca Jasmine
"Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana peran budaya populer sebagai medium komunikasi politik dalam kampanye Barack Obama pada pemilihan umum Presiden Amerika Serikat tahun 2008. Dua penggerak utama dari keberhasilan kampanye tersebut adalah kemunculannya di acara televisi talk show dan dukungan politik selebriti yang diberikan oleh Oprah Winfrey. Dalam pencalonan dirinya, terdapat berbagai isu pribadi yang melekat pada Obama, namun kedua hal ini malah digunakan untuk menonjolkan sisi pribadinya yang lain. Budaya populer yang melekat kepada kehidupan pribadi masyarakat Amerika Serikat mampu menciptakan ikatan pribadi terhadap Obama sehingga mereka mau memberikan suaranya meski dengan adanya isu-isu yang dimilikinya.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan tipe penelitian eksplanatif. Obama menggunakan talk show sebagai medium komunikasi politiknya dalam menyampaikan pesan kampanyenya karena format talk show fleksibel dan mampu membangun citra pribadinya. Sementara dukungan politik selebriti yang dilakukan Winfrey berhasil karena ia merupakan agen yang memiliki modal capital di bidang field yang tepat.

This thesis aims to apprehend how popular culture essentially played its role as a political communication platform within Barack Obama rsquo s presidency campaign in 2008. There are two prime movers of the campaign which are his appearances on television talk shows and celebrity political endorsement given by Oprah Winfrey. In Obama rsquo s candidacy, there are several amounts of personal issues that stuck to him, but those two prime movers were used in order to divert his other personal sides instead that could potentially inflict a disadvantageous. Popular culture that is close to American society rsquo s personal life was able to create personal bond with Obama so they would vote for him regarding his personal issues during the candidacy.
This research used qualitative method with explanative purpose. Obama used talk show as his political communication medium to deliver his campaign message because the format is flexible and able to build his personal image. While Winfrey rsquo s celebrity political endorsement succeeded because she was an agent who had the prompt capital in the prompt field.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurika Pastika
"Proses kebijakan merupakan suatu proses interaksi sosial yang didorong dan dipengaruhi oleh karakteristik para aktor yang terlibat, antara lain: motivasi, informasi, dan kekuaatan. Karakteristik dari para aktor yang terlibat tersebut secara langsung maupun tidak langsung mempengaruhi satu sama lain, sehingga memunculkan suatu bentuk interaksi konteksual. Interaksi kontekstual tersebut yang pada akhirnya menentukan keberhasilan dari suatu kebijakan. Penelitian ini berusaha menjelaskan mengenai interaksi kontekstual yang dihasilkan oleh hubungan dari karakteristik-karektiristik utama para aktor yang terlibat dalam implementasi suatu kebijakan. Pemaparan terhadap hal tersebut dilakukan melalui kasus implementasi kebijakan sanitasi melalui kampanye No Toilet No Bride yang diterapkan di Haryana, India sejak tahun 2005 hingga tahun 2012. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian berupa metode kualitatif serta alat analisis berupa teori Contextual Interaction, penilitian ini berusaha memaparkan bahwa hubungan antara karakteristik-karakteristik utama antara pemerintah dengan penduduk perempuan serta penduduk laki-laki di Haryana telah memunculkan dua bentuk interaksi kontekstual, yakni; kerja sama aktif dan kerja sama paksa. Kedua jenis interaksi kontekstual tersebut rupanya telah mendorong terwujudnya keberhasilan dari implementasi kampanye No Toilet No Bride yang dapat dilihat dari meningkatnya jumlah toilet pribadi yang telah dibangun oleh masyarakat Haryana sejak tahun 2005 hingga 2012.

Policy implementation is a process of social interactions among the actors involved: motivation: information; and power. The characteristics of the actors are interdependent and result in contextual interactions, which in the end decide whether or not a policy is successful. This research aims to explain the contextual interactions resulted from the characteristics of the actors involved in policy implementation. In doing so, it examines the implementation of the sanitation policy that was campaigned through the No Toilet No Bride government campaign in Haryana, India from 2005 to 2012. Combined with a qualitative method, this research uses the Contextual Interaction theory as a way to explain how the relation between the characteristics among the government, the female population, and male population in Haryana has resulted in two forms of contextual interactions: active cooperation and forced cooperation. The findings of this research indicate that both forms of contextual interactions have, in fact, played a part in the success of the No Toilet No Bride government campaign that can be seen in the increasing number of private toilets built in Haryana from 2005 to 2012.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tan Sri Zulfikar
"Kemerdekaan Republik lndonesia yang teiah diraih semenjak 1945 masJh menempuh jalan panjang unhlk membawa masyarakat Indonesia mencapai kesejahteraan sosial sebagai cita-cita nasionalnya sebagaimana termaktub dalam UUD 1945, Perkembangan dan kemajuan ekonomi, politik dan budaya belum benar-benar rnendekati kata baik, dan bahkan dalam hal-hal tertentu, menunjukkan kemunduran dari era-era pemerintahan sebelwnnya. Sebagai partai bam GERINDRA telah memperoleh 4,6% perwakiian dan lolos batas minimal parliamentary threshold. Ini merupakan kebanggaan bagi GERINDRA sebagai keberhasilan melaksanakan strategi komunikasi politik kontemporer (meskipun sebagian pimpinan puncak Partai GERINDRA menganggap 4,6% terlatu rendah).
GERINDRA dalam melakukan pemasaran politik di dukung dengan 3 institusi yaitu: (l) Bumas GERINDRA; (2) GERINDRA Media Centre (GMC); dan (3) Konsultan Komunikasi. Ketiganya berkolaborasi sinergis demi terciptanya strategi komunikasi politik yang tepat dan efekrif gWia meraih voters sebanyak-banyaknya.
Secara ilmiah peneJitlan ini bertolak berdasar paradigma subjektivisme. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif, bersifat deskriptif yang ditulis dalam bentuk sebuah narasi pada bagian analisis informan. Penelitian ini menggaii data empirik melalui indepth interview dengan mekanisme probing. Teknik pemilihan informan adalah purposive judgement artinya peneliti memilih sendiri informannya yang dir.asa memiliki pengetahuan yang menarik dan memiliki pengetahuan yang terkait dengan penelitian.
Penelitian ini akan pula mengungkap di antaranya fungsi kehumasan Partai GERINDRA, fungsi konsultan politik GERINDRA. Strategi kampanye Partai GERINDRA, pencitraan Prabowo Soebianto. pengcmasan pesan-peSan politik GERlNDRA. Peran Gerindra Media Centre (GMC) dalam berkampanye politik melasanakan media relations dan community relations, disertai upaya pengemasan isu-isu politik Partai GERINDRA.
Penelitian ini menjadi jawaban dari pertanyaan bagaimana upaya marketing politik yang dilakukan GERINDRA mampu memenangkan kursi di DPR Rl 4,6%. Dalam penelitian ini ditelaah lebih jauh lagi upaya-upaya teknik pemasaran politik, political advertising dan political public relations.
Secara implisit tesis ini mengandung hipotesa: makin efektif melaksanakan political marketing makln banyak meraih suara Hipotesa ini tidak terbukti, karena asumsi citer/s paribus (terutama profesionalisme KPU) tidak teJPenuhi dan muneulnya fenomena "black swan" ini tidak terbayangkan.

The Independence of the Republic of Indonesia that was proclaimed in 1945, still had a long way to go for bringing the Indonesian people to the goal of realizing social justice, as contained in the 1945 Constitution. The achievements thus far attained in the economic, political, and cultural fields have not yet approached the stipulated. goal, and in certain aspects, had become worse that in the previous government. As anew party, GERJNDRA has gained 4.6 percent of the par1iamentary seats and had passed the parliamentary threshold requirement. This is indeed a grand achjevement for GERINDRA that has been made possible by conducting a contemporary political communications strategy (in spite of some of the top leaders of the GERINDRA Party thinking that 4,6 percent is too low).
In conducting of political marketing, the GERINDRA Party is supported by 3 institutions, namely (1} the Public Relations of GERINDRA; (2) the media Centre of GERINDRA; and (3) the Communication Consultant. AU three institutions have in synergy collaborated for attaining the right and effective poUtical communication sttategy that is directed at attracting the largest number of voters.
Scientifically, this study is based on the subjectivism paradigm. The approach of this study is qualitative and descriptive, that is written in the fonn of a narration in the infonnant analysis section. This study collects empirical data from ln depth interviews with a probing mechanism. The infunnant selection technique is purpose judgment,in the sense that the researcher himself selects his informant, who is believed to have an attractive information and has the knowledge that is related to the study.
This study will also reveal the pubtic relations function, and the political consultant function of the GERINDRA Party, The campaign strategy of the GERINDRA Party covers the imaging of Prabowo Subianto and packaging of political messages of GERINDRA. In the political campaign, the role of the Gerindra Media Centre (GMC) is to conduct media relations and community relations, and to package political issues brought to the surface by the GERlNDRA Party.
This study provides the answer to the question on how the polltical marketing ofGERJNDRA has been able to win 4.6 percent of the DPR~RI seats. This study first looks at the technical means in political marketing, political advertising, and in conducting political public relations.
This thesis implicitly contains the hypothesis that: the more effective the political marketing efforts, the greater number of votes is obtained. This hypothesis has not been proven because the assumption on the ceteris paribus {mainly professionalism of the KPU/General Election Commission) is not met and the appearance of the "'black swan" was not taken into account.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Naibaho, Stevanus Cristofer Mordahai
"Keterlibatan selebritis dalam perpolitikan menjadi sebuah tren baru dalam perpolitikan Indonesia. Arzeti Bilbina yang sebelumnya seorang model dan selebriti mencalonkan diri sebagai Anggota Legislatif dari PKB pada Pemilu 2019, dan berhasil memenangkan satu kursi dari Daerah Pemilihan Jawa Timur I (Surabaya dan Sidoarjo). Keberhasilan Arzeti Bilbina tersebut berkaitan dengan kampanye poliik yang dilakukan dan pemanfaatan modal sosial untuk meraih suara masyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Kampanye Politik dan konsep modal sosial. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif. Dengan metode kualitatif yang dilakukan secara induktif, maka penelitian bergerak dari data yang ada di lapangan terlebih dahulu kemudian memakai sejumlah studi literatur untuk memperkaya hasil temuan. Temuan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa teknik emotional appeal memiliki signifikansi dibandingkan teknik lain dalam Pemilihan Legislatif 2019. Tidak hanya itu, Pemanfaatan modal sosial seperti jaringan, norma sosial dan kepercayaan (trust) yang dimiliki Arzeti Bilbina membantu dalam meraih suara yang dibutuhkan.

The involvement of celebrities in politics has become a new trend in Indonesian politics. Arzeti Bilbina, who was previously a model and celebrity, nominated herself as a Legislative Member from PKB in the 2019 elections, and managed to win one seat from the Electoral District of East Java I (Surabaya and Sidoarjo). The success of Arzeti Bilbina is related to the political campaigns being carried out and the use of social capital to gain people's votes. This study uses the theory of political campaigns and the concept of social capital. The research method used is qualitative. With a qualitative method that is carried out inductively, the research moves from existing data in the field first and then uses a number of literature studies to enrich the findings. The findings from this study show that the emotional appeal technique has significance compared to other techniques in the 2019 Legislative Elections. Not only that, the use of social capital such as networks, social norms and trust owned by Arzeti Bilbina helps in getting the votes needed
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lovely Christina Manafe
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai peran NGO dalam penanggulangan Isu Perubahan Iklim dengan menggunakan studi kasus atas peran Friends of the Earth dalam mendorong dikeluarkannya Climate Change Act 2008 di Inggris melalui kampanye The Big Ask. Di dalam upaya penanggulangan isu perubahan iklim, Inggris sebagai bagian dari UNFCCC dan Protokol Kyoto, telah memiliki target pereduksian emisi tersendiri. Akan tetapi, target tersebut dinilai belum cukup. Oleh karenanya, Friends of the Earth meluncurkan kampanye The Big Ask di Inggris pada tahun 2005 untuk meminta adanya sebuah kerangka legal nasional yang berisi target pereduksian emisi yang mengikat. Kampanye tersebut pun berhasil mendorong dikeluarkannya Climate Change Act, undang- undang perubahan iklim pertama di dunia. Undang- undang tersebut mengatur mengenai target pereduksian emisi gas rumah kaca dan anggaran karbon yang perlu dipenuhi oleh Inggris.

The purpose of this thesis is to explain the role of NGO in tacking climate change issue using the study case of the role of Friends of the Earth in pushing the 2008 Climate Change Act through the Big Ask Campaign. In the effort to tackle climate change, United Kingdom as part of UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol, has its own emission reduction target. Unfortunately, the target is seen as not enough. Thus, Friends of the Earth launched The Big Ask Campaign in United Kingdom on 2005 to call for a national legal framework which has a binding emission reduction target. This campaign is successful in pushing Climate Change Act, the world first climate law. Climate Change Act will set an emission reduction target and carbon budget that needs to be fulfilled by United Kingdom."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta : Kementrian Koordinator Bidang Politik dan Keamanan, 2003
320 PEM
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vicky Faliana Sewaka
"Skripsi ini membahas tentang faktor-faktor yang mendorong dikeluarkannya kebijakan imigrasi Amerika Serikat Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals di bawah Presiden Barack Obama di tahun 2012. Kebijakan ini memiliki tujuan untuk menyelamatkan pemuda, yang masuk dan menetap di AS secara ilegal, dari deportasi selama dua tahun setelah lolos kebijakan ini. Kebijakan DACA diperkenalkan oleh pemerintahan Presiden Obama pada akhir pemerintahan periode pertamanya dan menuju pemilihan presiden AS tahun 2012. Kebijakan ini memiliki serangkaian kualifikasi yang secara umum menaruh fokus kepada batas usia, durasi menetapnya di AS, rekam jejak pendidikan, dan catatan kriminal yang baik dari para pemohon yang mengajukan untuk kebijakan DACA. Kebijakan imigrasi ini mengundang banyak kontroversi karena dianggap tidak pernah disetujui oleh Kongres AS dan bertentangan dengan hukum imigrasi AS. Menggunakan konsep National Interest dan teori Rational Choice, penulis membuktikan bahwa kebijakan imigrasi ini didorong oleh dua faktor yaitu faktor ekonomi dan faktor kalkulasi politik Presiden Obama menuju pemilihan presiden AS tahun 2012.

This Bachelor rsquo s thesis discusses about factors that supported the issuance of United States immigration policy Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals under President Obama in 2012. The policy was aimed to save youngsters, who were brought by their parents and have stayed in the U.S. illegally, from deportation for two years upon receiving the benefit from the policy. DACA was introduced nearing the end of President Obama rsquo s first term and towards U.S. presidential election in 2012. The policy came with a set of qualifications for applicants that mostly focused on age restrictions, duration of stay in the U.S., history of commitment towards education, and good criminal records. The policy itself spurred a lot of controversy, since it had never been approved by the Congress and is against the U.S. immigration law. Using the National Interest concept and the Rational Choice theory, the writer found that the immigration policy was driven by two factors which were the economic factor and the political calculation factor by President Obama towards U.S. presidential election in 2012."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Johansen, Helene P.M.
"This book offers a critical re-thinking of the way in which traditional market logic - derived from mainstream economics and managerial marketing - has for decades commonly been applied in the theoretical understanding of democratic politics within influential quarters of political science and in later years also the relatively new but rapidly expanding field of political marketing. Such approaches are founded on the assumption that all markets are driven exclusively by exchange dynamics and this has in turn rendered the most basic workings of co-production and participation-oriented party-centred political systems theoretically invisible. The author starts by providing a thorough and wide-ranging critical assessment of the theoretical underpinnings of the contemporary political marketing literature and its market-based political science antecedents. Using a relationship marketing perspective the author goes on to offer a re-conceptualisation of these political spheres in terms of 'markets' which addresses the theoretical inadequacies of prior research. She closes by examining some of the most important practical implications that this alternative approach to party-centred politics may have for the marketing efforts of contemporary membership parties. This book is essential reading to all those interested in party-centred politics and political marketing, as well as democratic theorists and students of political theory in general."
London: Routledge, 2016
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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